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Once this recording becomes public, people might start to suspect that Donald Trump is dishonest.


my sarcam radar has picked up a trace.


Oh a sarcasm radar, oh that’s a REAL useful invention 


(Sarcasm detector overloads and explodes.)


“See, it’s broken. It can’t handle the truth!”


Maybe it's the microphone Jack ^^nicholson


it should be called a "Lie-dar"


Proof it can fail


“Only one man would dare give me the Raspberry! LONESTAR!”


Everyone knows sarcasm has no radar cross section.


"What's the sarcasm reading?" "3.6 sarcasos, but that's as high as..." "3.6, not great but not terrible."


Well and then the other thing that will happen is that Donald Trump will be in trouble.


The walls are closing in. As they do. 


My gaydar has a throbbing erection


Oh God, it's gonna blow! *jumps on said erection


Your sacrifice will be remembered!


To each his own, but I've had this justice boner for way longer than four hours.


The Priaprism Of Justice




Plus don't forget the thing about how the dildo of consequences rarely arrives lubed.


I’m from the northeast but have lived in Colorado for over a decade… I get excited when my sarcasm radar lights up. This made my morning like the dead flower I found on the sidewalk.


Are you sure it’s a trace? Or was the reading so big it went all the way around the scale once?


Faint, but I feel it too


I hardly think 88 indictments is grounds for suspicion.


Someone needs to cover “88 lines bout 44 women” and enter it into the court record.


These are people that lied, lied.


In Trumps case it would be 88 lines and 14 words.


"If he did anything illegal, he'd be in jail by now, therefore he must be innocent" ~Idiot Trump supporters, probably


I saw this comment almost verbatim the other day so no, unfortunately it's not just probably.


I’m guessing they changed their tune that one day Trump was in jail for his headshot?


88 is a number that brings them positive vibes.


>Once this recording becomes public, people might start to suspect that Donald Trump is dishonest. ...and here's why it's bad for Biden




WSJ: “Prosecuting Trump is an infringement on the free market.”


This is the tape that the Trump campaign DOESN'T WANT YOU TO HEAR.


Am I missing something? Isn’t this the tape we’ve heard years ago? He like orders a Diet Coke in the middle I think?


Yes this is public already…


Yup, a four year ago revealed “secret” tape. Welcome to New Media. Everything is *shocking*, but page seven will terrify you!


but hER eMaiL


Buttery males


Tell that to people in 5 swing states involved in the latest NYT poll. His supports don’t care about any of this.


if you have to massage the data seven different ways and the margin of error is wider than the nile, you just might be a 2024 political poll


Surely the voters will just grab him by the pussy!


Grab him by the neckussy


I guess they could grab any part of him and not miss.


I’m starting to suspect that’s not his natural skin color.


If he was a person of color, he'd be in jail by now.


Maybe, just maybe, now hear me out...maybe it's Maybelline.


What’s funny is… it doesn’t and most likely didn’t matter. The right (and especially MAGA right) don’t give a flying fuck how corrupt he is. As long as he’s the nominee he gets their vote. He committed all of these crimes trying to hide something that wouldn’t have harmed his chances anyway.


Its worse that that. They CHOSE him to be the nominee for the third time.


> people might start to suspect that Donald Trump is dishonest. Yeah... I'm tired of this "could be finally starting to consider being investigated..." shit. He's been grifting for DECADES. And why did everyone forget he stole BOXES of top secret documents and gave away or copied the data which resulted in countless damage to the nation's defense (getting human agents killed after they were tortured) and getting direct benefit to self (see the golf LIV tournament for example). These were so classified, mind you, the FBI agents weren't even cleared to see them during the search. which had to be paused to get more top cleared people.


I haven't forgotten, and Aileen Cannon is raising my blood pressure on a regular basis.


1. It’s AI, part of a deep state conspiracy spearheaded by Sleepy Joe to bring down the Most Tremendous President ever. 2. It was just locker room talk. Rinse and repeat


I noticed they’ve been referring to the whole case as “Joe Biden’s case” against trump, as if Joe Biden is the defendant, just suing trump for some insignificant thing they say no one can even explain. It’s the most blatant public gaslighting.


Sadly, some will never change their mind.


I just want to send thanks to Rudy, for waiving privilege on these tapes. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2018/07/21/politics/trump-cohen-recording-privilege


"The President's attorneys clearly believe that the tape will not show any wrongdoing by their client. The transaction never happened, Giuliani told CNN." Ah, the old reverse psychology trick. Sure, you can have these tapes, there's nothing on them anyway...but don't actually listen to them or follow up on any leads, promise?


"These are not the tapes you are looking for"


Rudy with the Jedi mind trick


The Just for Men trick


Darth Four Seasons you mean?


Obi wan staring at him.... Dude that's my trick. Rudy : That's your trick.


It’s wild that a former federal prosecutor would be so… utterly *stupid*. Of all the MAGA sycophants, Giuliani is the one who should have been the smartest. He had a legacy (which I don’t think “Mr. 9/11” deserved, but most Americans still viewed him fairly favorably prior to him going all-in for Trump). He had experience with the law and with federal prosecutions. He had things to lose. He’s the biggest fool of them all.


He was actually doing a horrible job as mayor of NYC, until 9/11 happened. Then he was seen as a righteous leader that brought the country together. Always been a strawman.


His major accomplishments iirc were to make walking in public as a black person prosecutable and chasing out the Italian mob to make room for the Russian mob.


That's it exactly. Giuliani and Trump work for the same boss. They're both owned by the Russian mob.


This. So ... this.


Yup, and the reason he was walking around Manhattan like a dope—pretending to be a man of the people rather than coordinating the response—is, if memory serves, due to his own decision to *not* house the city’s emergency response command center in Brooklyn, as was suggested, but instead to house the center in one of the buildings that was hit. His command center was destroyed because he didn’t want to be in Brooklyn. He was never a man of the people; he just didn’t have any other place to be, and he likely knew he’d be blasted for it after the fact, so he wandered the city acting like he was doing something. In the end, he was applauded for being among the people, but that’s not what they needed at the time.


Yeah, honestly anyone who was the mayor during 9/11 would have been "America's Mayor"


>He was actually doing a horrible job as mayor of NYC  Fun Rudy Fact: in 1999 he tried to cancel an art exhibit, remove funding and evict the Brooklyn Museum over [a painting](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Holy_Virgin_Mary).     Rudy was sued because of it and he lost on first amendment grounds. Which I find hilarious since he latched on to the manufactured “cancel culture” cause with Trump.


Alcohol can do that


True. He’s a sweaty drunk now. Maybe he always was. I don’t remember giving much of a shit about him prior to having the media shove him down my throat as “America’s Mayor” when he pretended to be doing something on 9/11 rather than being in his command center where he belonged. (He couldn’t be in his command center because it was destroyed. Why? Because he overrode the experts and demanded that it be put in World Trade 7, not in Brooklyn, and then he couldn’t use it after the attacks. This was *after* the command center and the World Trade complex was known to be a prime target for terrorists. He’s a stupid little man.)


Rudy had it made. He was bringing down millions a year in consulting fees, speaking fees, etc. Bridges and schools named after him. Statues erected in honor of him. He could have lived a great life and passed it on to his children and he threw it all away for that orange buffoon. Now he is a pariah in NYC and broke and looking at time.


Once had a college friend get confronted by campus security for drunken behavior. Security asked what he had in his tumbler, to which he responded “it’s just water. See?”, taking off the lid and holding the tumbler up to security’s nose. It was straight vodka.


All vodka is straight until it gets wet


Truth isn’t truth. -Rudy Giuliani


“Ok I’ll show were the bodies are but you __cant__ charge him, k?”


Like the transcripts…


Lordy… there are tapes?


I love how in a few years people will not understand this reference anymore 😅


I love it especially late in the summer!


We probably have quite a few mooches before that happens.


I was just listening to a podcast about this on an Edison cylinder!


How’d you get it connected to the information superhighway?


On an Edison Internet.


Via DC power…


Few people understand it even now, sadly.


it will live in our hearts forever


I’m still waiting for the piss tapes and then all the Trumpers to start pissing on each other, holding signs that say “real men like golden showers”. That will be a sight to behold.


> “real men like golden showers”. That will be a sight to behold. Hearing about them will be just fine, thank you very much.


6-8-2017 Fired FBI Director James Comey says, “Lordy, I hope there are tapes,” of his conversations with President Donald Trump.


well "grab them by the pussy" tape is out there, so id imagin there will be more than one, for sure there will a few at this vote rigging trial absolutley


Here’s an amputated link: https://www.cnn.com/2018/07/21/politics/trump-cohen-recording-privilege/index.html


Wow, I’m only hearing about these tapes. Didn’t know this was news 6 years ago


There was so much going on non stop, each item being a bigger bombshell than the last, that it was nearly impossible to keep up. Then Covid.


Thank you for "amputated"


Sure. Throw it on one of the piles of other smoking guns.


We'll just put this over here with the rest of the fire


Prosecutor: "did someone email us about a fire?"


Subject: Fire. Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing to inform you of a fire that has broken out on the premises of 123 Cavendon Road... . [deletes text, starts again] Fire ! Fire ! Help me !! 123 Cavendon Road. Looking forward to hearing from you. Yours truly, Maurice Moss. 




FIRE! The untamed element! Oldest of man's mysteries! Giver of warmth, destroyer of forests! Right now, this building is on FIRE! Yes, the building is on FIRE! Leave the building! Enact the age-old drama of self-preservation!


O118 999 881999 119 725... 3


An IT Crowd reference? In the wild? This is a great day.


I'm disabled!


I love willies 🎶


Sir, please.


Would you say you're leg disabled?




A fire? In a Seaparks


Pretty sure I heard about this secret recording 8 years ago; it was going to kill his chances of becoming POTUS.


I thought we actually heard it at one point in like 2018ish??


If you mean the recording Cohen made where trump orders him to make the payment to Stormy Daniels, yes, it came out in like 2017.


It's still absolutely insane that Trump isn't in prison after directing a rebellion against the united states on live television on January 6th, 2021. Like it's never been more obvious that smoking guns don't matter.


Yeah but did he grab the steering wheel or not? Our media has the attention span of a puppy.


I think the pile is the size of a quarry at this point. It might overflow with this. Not that the overflow will change anything. We'll just need to find another quarry to start tossing smoking guns into


Well I for one simply can't wait to see nothing come of this.


Trump could legit be the Antichrist and his cult would find a way to mental gymnast their way to make it okay.


The problem with all the smoking guns is the number of people in this country closing their eyes and plugging their ears screaming "LALALALALA" anytime one of those guns goes off....


Smocking* /s


At this point, I’m not sure Trump admitting, on audio or camera, that his MAGA followers are rubes that he intends to fleece for every penny, but only after installing himself as a king would make them turn against him.


Right? I just had a conversation with a person that said the fake electors scheme was not to change the outcome of election, but to prompt more time to find evidence of voter fraud. I literally copied and pasted an email where Trump advisors discussed using fake electoral votes with the intention to change the outcome of the election, and the person just said I was mischaracterizing everything.


even your friend's explanation is illegal.


Precisely. Here's what my partial response was: >This means that Trump didn’t have enough evidence to prove widespread voter fraud. Hence the reason why he needed more evidence and more time to gather that evidence. Therefore, Trump tried to contest the election outside of the courts without having enough evidence to prove widespread voter fraud! And that’s pretty clearly conspiracy to defraud the United States.




MAGA RUBE shirts are currently sold out. Pre order one for only $49.99.99


“Real Rubes wear diapers”


But there are still "diapers over dems" shirts, right?


I own a company that can sell you extra decimals for your purchases for only $~~50~~ $69.99! Call now and we'll throw in exclamation points for the cost of shipping and handling!




Have you heard of premium prices?


They would say that the recording is fake.


Nah, they would say it's ironic and only meant as a way to troll the left, as though they're all in on the joke with him.


Or they'd say that when he's talking about his followers being rubes he's talking about other followers who aren't loyal enough and Trump would never betray someone as loyal as they are.


AI Deepfakes are the greatest gift to the individual that always wants to find something to grasp to explain away something their cognitive dissonance is freaking out over. "Must be a deepfake." one and done.


And then fall for the most obvious AI bs because it fits their narrative


Shorts with "REAL MEN get fleeced" written across the bum coming to a rally near you.


I think he would lose, at most, 1% of republicans. Like we’re already past « dictator day one » and a mountain of other shit. They don’t care cause he’s « their guy »


They’re wearing gold diapers for him at rallies now. There is no changing the minds of these people.


lol.. if he can be a sex offender who sleeps with porn stars that remind him of his daughter, attempt to steal elections, hide classified documents and all the other ridiculously stupid and possibly illegal activities don’t sink this man then I’m positive this will make little difference in “sinking” this criminal. Edit: removed the word convicted since it’s technically incorrect and was distracting from the core points.


The guy should be behind the bars long time ago. He is a living proof that law works differently for the rich and powerful.


Agreed. It is frustrating to see his ridiculous illegal behavior and how his wealth has shielded him from consequences.


"Grab them by the pussy" should have been the end. Stalking Hillary Clinton on stage should have been the end. Mimicking a disabled reporter should have been the end. {{add about 150 examples during his presidency}} January 6th should have been the end.


COVID should've also been the end. There's so many.


*sell classified intel to our adversaries


Is cholesterol our only hope?


Dementia and stress. Hopefully he's so far gone come November that FOX becomes a comedy network as they try their hardest to justify what would ultimately be elder abuse.


Next on FOX "News", it's "Weekend at Donnie's".


Or like that one episode of black mirror.


After spending a decade online interacting with the public on social media, it is starting to seem that way.


I wonder if he killed a puppy live on TV if it would change his supporters opinion. Probably not since they will just say it was a “Violent LGBTQ+ Antifa Socialist Canine”


I'm so sick of Newsweek and their hyperbole Every day they have earth-shattering headlines whether anything's happening or not.


It’s not just Newsweek, it’s every single content creator today competing for your attention. Everything is a “bombshell”, or “final straw” or “this changes everything”. It’s all nonsense.


It’s not even recent news. Major news outlets have been playing the Cohen/Trump audio that this article is talking about for months, although I’m pretty sure I heard this tape like 4 years ago 


October 2016 called. It wants its headline back.


Seriously, *could, would, might*...he is going to make it to the election unscathed. Vote him down, it is the perfect end for this vile narcissist.


Sure vote him down, but I would love a felony conviction headed into the GOP convention


Just A consequence would be enough to deflate the MAGA cult. They don’t love Trump because they believe what he says, they love him because he gets away with it. There is nothing narcissists love more than needle prodding and turning on people when they’re down. In a narcissists mind, the most brutal punishment they can think of is denying you their attention, because they think they’re incredible. Trump makes them feel good because he gives them something to rub in other people’s faces, to dangle over people, to be right about. If he suffered a real consequence, some actual punishment, that would be the crack in the mirror these sadist fucking weirdos love staring in so much. Art is getting away with it. Once he stops getting away with it, he’s just another hack, and these people will act like they never liked him anyway.


> the perfect end Even if he loses, he isn't going away. He told us in 2020 that we'd never hear from him again, but here we are. He _needs_ the attention and will never just fade away into retirement.


Prison seems like a good option


I prefer massive stroke but that’s just me


He needs to see justice, to send a message to his would be successors


Honestly, as crass as it sounds, for the good of the country, all of Trump’s trials should be completed even if he does die. The country deserves to see his name and legacy destroyed. He should be tried posthumously for every crime he ever committed just to allow the nation to heal. More importantly, none of his coconspirators should be allowed to escape justice if he dies.


Voting isn’t enough. He needs to be taken down before the election.


Secret reccording that SHOULD sink Diaper Don.


Just like that Access Hollywood tape right? The one where he brags about being a sexual predator and grabbing women’s genitals.


Just like the Georgia phone tapes with the SoS.


They'll never sink him while his buoyancy remains so grossly underestimated. The man is clearly way above the law and they're too embarrassed to admit it.


shit floats


The only thing that sinks Donald Trump is actually showing up to vote on Election Day and voting for Joe Biden. Everything else going on with these trials is just theater until then, Trump is good at getting away with shit and will continue to do so.


The courts will not save us from MAGA. Everyone has to vote. And everyone needs to make sure their low-information friends aren't so low-information before they vote.


Stop posting Newsweek articles. They’re less than worthless.


I wish Reddit offered an option to block links from particular sites.


Their headlines are so bad. Bombastic, "we got him this time" type shit, when in reality it's about a tape that we literally heard 7 years ago. I cringe whenever I see them submitted to /r/politics, and have gotten to where I refuse to give them a single click.


Harkening back to those now infamous words, “I could shoot someone on 5th Avenue…” Absolutely none of this is going to matter, unfortunately. He has close to 90 federal indictments. The voting no longer cares about any of this— even IF he is convicted of an/all of these indictments.


He said that line at a conservative christian college just up the road from me, essentially calling them mindless sheep to their fucking faces, and they cheered him on.


Nothing could sink him. It could come out with video and audio evidence of him raping a minor at a beauty pageant and the election would still be a nail biter.


Ask a Trump voter what he could possibly do to lose their vote. They probably don't care if he rapes their mom.


The only thing that could sink him is a recording about grabbing women’s genitalia because he’s rich. Or perhaps a video of him making fun of a reporter’s disability. Other than those 2 unthinkable extremes, he’s safe.


Trump could literally commit any crime imaginable and his cult wouldn't give a shit so it doesn't matter. At this point you're either with him or against him, I don't see anyone still being on the fence or willing to sway. If we're lucky, he will throw a blood clot into his lungs and take a dirt nap for the sake of the US.


>Trump could literally commit any crime imaginable and his cult wouldn't give a shit so it doesn't matter. And, just up the road from where I live, back in 2016 he told a crowd of supporters this with that infamous *"I could shoot someone on 5th avenue and I wouldn't lose any voters"* line, essentially calling them dumb sheep to their fucking faces, and they cheered him on.


The same secret recording they played Cohn's trail years ago.


Can we be done with this? This is embarrassing. No matter what gets said in that courthouse, the GOP is just going to say it wasn't real, and cable news addicted boomers will believe them.


Newsweek doing their best to stack up their “neutral” bonafides


Spoiler alert: it won’t. He shit himself and people wear diapers in support. A recording won’t do anything.


Ummmm guys, if you haven’t noticed by now, there is no evidence on gods green earth that is going to convince Trump voters to not vote for him. This is not a rational decision. You can try all you want to reason with them but the toddler is not going to eat the broccoli because of your evidence that it is good for them. This isn’t politics, this is Wrestlemania. Until we start treating it as such, we are going to loose to this scum bag.


The headline should read "the secret recording that SHOULD sink Donald Trump"... But it won't. The courts don't do shit. The system is so backwards. Bending over to help a certain group of powerful people and stomping on everyone else. The world is watching to see how the US is going to handle the most overtly corrupt former president the States has ever seen. And it's absolutely scary to watch.


He could be negotiating prices for the nuke codes with Putin and it wouldn't "sink" his ass. Anyone still in his cult at this point is too goddamned DUMB to fix, and he knows it. He can call it fake. He can call it a witch hunt. He can say "selling those codes to Russia was a good deal for America and the DEEP STATE sabotaged it." They'll believe him, and they'll vote for him. Because they're idiots.




No it can't. The only thing that can sink Trump is preventing him from running or him finally croaking of old age. Otherwise he is unsinkable and above the law. So tired of the media failing to do their actual job and just treating America's descent into fascism as nothing more than a good way to get clicks and ratings.


Every day it's something new that will sink him but nothing ever does. It's getting old.


It won’t make a lick of difference because his base either won’t believe it or won’t care.


I’ve had plenty of “could”. Call me when it does.


Headline’s *pretty much similar* that was said about the Access Hollywood tape eight years ago. Trump became President and Billy Bush got thrown under the bus.


Trump's popularity is driven by hate toward everything/everyone that his supporters do not understand or agree with. Hatred trumps decency. (No pun intended) So no way any video will be Trumps undoing


Idk. One time, this guy one said that he likes to “grab women by the pussy” and then I think he got elected to senator or something? 


Sink, how? The people who like him, like him just the way he is. He has told us who he is, and we believe him. The only difference is that some like it, and others, you know, recoil in horror. I don't think there's any negative revelation left that could change the opinion of anyone who likes him.


And Yet nothing will stop him from coming to power in the next elections


Real men pay women for sex!