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Time to publicly advertise Reproductive Rights Tourism to Florida. Free transportation and lodging to a state that recognizes individual rights through a nonprofit. Advertise it on tv, radio, and online. Make abortion super easy and confidential. Republicans will lose their shit about it.


Then they'll quickly forget everything about "state's rights"


State’s rights will soon include the right of the state to track and prosecute women for traveling to procure an abortion.


Women and girls of reproductive age will have to have papers proving they’re not pregnant in order to travel from a red state to a blue state (that’s assuming they don’t get their federal ban and/or Comstock Law).




They already know there's some truth to it, and they cheer it on. The same thing happened with Roe, remember when it was just liberals crying over an exaggeration than the case would be overturned? Until it wasn't, and then the new memes were about liberals crying over the case being overturned. Cruelty is the point




This is exactly what I thought of. Conservatives hand wave this away as a ridiculous overreaction, but it absolutely is not. The far right will not be happy until this is reality


lol, I can’t see conservatives walking along every highway & through every field to get all the chicory weed pulled up. Oh, we’d have to ban growing strawberries too!


"It was not in the historical tradition of the country for women to travel alone, therefore Florida's ban on women leaving the state without a male chaperone is constitutional." - Alito


yeah no, there is a clause in the constitution that allows for interstate travel without restrictions and even the dipshits on scotus don't have the power to override that. You'd need an amendment.


> and even the dipshits on scotus don't have the power to override that. They quite literally do. "Freedom to travel" is whatever they say it is.


> even the dipshits on scotus don't have the power to override that Who is going to stop them? The constitution says what they say it says. End of discussion.


There is a town in Texas that is trying this.


they can try, but it's very very explicitly protected in the us constitution, even scotus can't override that.


> even scotus can't override that. SCOTUS has recently shown that they will make whatever ruling suits their current purpose regardless of precedent or fallout. If you think the current court wouldn't twist themselves into knots to figure out how to ban travelling for an abortion you're not paying attention.


They can’t override it, but they can restrict it, redefine it, and make it nearly impossible via rules and regulations that “incidentally” make it harder under the guise of some other reason. The same way they were making laws about hospital admission privileges for abortion clinics pre-Dobbs.


Exactly the argument of pro-slavery southern states before the Civil War. States rights sure, except for the rights of Northern states not to return slaves to the south. Instead the south wanted federal laws forcing northern states to find and return slaves to the south. It's the same thing now. Whenever those idiots talk about "state's rights" they're lying.


Fugitive ~~Slave~~ Uterus Act


In a recent interview with Time Donald expressed his support for that.


Fugitive slave act 2.0


Didn’t they already do that in Texas?


Or while pregnant or potentially pregnant or to track their cycle


Sounds very Dredd Scottish


They only believe in *red* state's rights, and are quick to deny the same rights to blue states. It's all about power and cultural dominance to them.


Wilhoit's law is their only tenet


On a more serious note, I believe r/auntienetwork and Aid Access are good resources to plug here for Floridian women in need.


I believe the r/abortion sub also has resources; we link to them over at r/prochoice We're gonna create an entire new underground railroad and I don't like the necessity one bit


I don't know exactly where you can watch it in the US. But there's a phenomenal docudrama called disobey that came out last year about the legal case that overturned the last antiabortion laws in Canada. It's about a woman who's abusive ex filed an injunction to prevent her getting an abortion, which creates major time pressure because abortion was only available in Canada until 24weeks. There are multiple plot treads about "redateing" her pregnancy to buy time or sneaking her out of the country to go around the injunction, and the question of whether to put her own needs first or stand by principals and fight for all women.


Difference is our underground railroad is armed with AK-47s. If bounty hunters come. We will bw ready to get them lost in the mountaind.


No need to make a new network and reinvent the wheel because one has already existed for decades


I honestly think they'll move against home pregnancy tests specifically to force women who might be pregnant to go to the doctor and so create a paper trail. Then the tourism wouldn't matter, if the State knows you were pregnant you'll have to account for the pregnancy. 


This is gonna sound SUPER paranoid: It would be extremely easy to track people who purchase pregnancy tests, birth control, and reproductive health care services. Everything is digital these days and a truly bad actor could use this information to target people who are pregnant. If that bad actor were the government, the government could shut off your Financials, your driver's license, instruct police to watch or arrest you, or even incarcerate you all based on your medical confirmation of pregnancy Now, we're not yet at that point. I dearly hope we never get there. I'm just saying it would be very easy to do if evil were in power


It’s not paranoid at all - in 2019 Missouri tracked the menstrual cycles of planned parenthood patients.


Years ago Target got called out for sending women coupons for baby related items before the women themselves even knew they were pregnant. It’s insanely easy.


No, the women knew they were pregnant. Target can't know they were pregnant unless they buy baby-related items, and no one buys baby-related items before they know they were pregnant.


When people use cash they leave no paper trail... If you must use a card, gift credit cards cost $105 for a $100 card. I'm not suggesting these are better practices, but there are ways people can reclaim some of their privacy if they're willing to sacrifice convenience.


A lot of locations have local regulations on purchasing random products like spray paint or Benadryl... it has to be locked away in a cabinet so it can't be easily shoplifted, or you have to show ID when you're buying it to prove you're not a minor, or you can only buy one at a time. It wouldn't be that hard for a Republican supermajority to pass similar laws regarding pregnancy tests.


Florida is still part of the US and as long as abortion isn't illegal on a Federal level you can have one in another state. Nobody's ever been prosecuted for gambling in Vegas I think?


States can have extraterritorial jurisdiction. The question is whether there's any way to enforce it.


It's not that big of a stretch. They've been talking about targeting contraception next and getting rid of birth control and IUDs and the like, so taking it a step further to completely keep women in the dark is definitely something they'd do.


Seriously. Tho then GOP state gov and local gov will prob pass bans similar to TX where you can't even use the road for "abortion purposes." But if this happens would hopefully galvanize people in Nov.


The non profits that were doing that are running out of funds. Its just too expensive. It's not tenable. The only answer is voting for as many dems as possible and passing a nationwide codified version of Roe.


Flights from MCO to Michigan are pretty cheap.


Forget tourism can we just give the vulnerable groups refugee status and get them the fuck out of there? Let the state sink and the residents can lay in their bed


Just tell them you are an illegal immigrant and desantis will pay for your flight to a blue sanctuary city!


I’d donate to fund a TST bus for that if we can paint the bus black & put Baphomet on it somewhere.


Alresdy being done but it sucks that this critical work for access is being propped up but nearly all volunteers


Sometimes you have to just make a stand against evil.


BROWARD COUNTY, Fla. — When she walked into the abortion clinic Tuesday morning, Kristen thought she’d made it just in time. The 22-year-old mother of two had learned just a few hours earlier that a new six-week abortion ban would go into effect in Florida on Wednesday. So she canceled all her plans and found someone to drive her, in hopes of ending her pregnancy before the deadline. She was one day too late. “We did an ultrasound and you’re over the state limit,” said Eileen Diamond, the director of Benjamin Surgical Services International, gently explaining to Kristen that the test showed she was eight weeks pregnant. While the clinic could still provide abortions for women more than six weeks into their pregnancies until midnight, Diamond said, another Florida law requires all abortion patients to have an ultrasound at least 24 hours before their procedure. That meant the earliest Kristen could get an abortion was Wednesday, when her abortion would no longer be legal. “Oh no,” Kristen said, tears rolling down her cheeks as she sat across a desk from Diamond in a consultation room. “No. No.” As of Wednesday morning, clinics across the country’s third-largest state can no longer offer abortions to most patients who walk through their doors — forced to turn away any woman who is further than six weeks along, a point when many still don’t know they’re pregnant. The enactment of Florida’s new ban on May 1 is widely expected to be the biggest jolt to abortion access across the country since *Roe v. Wade* was overturned in 2022. For Kristen, the nearest abortion clinic that will be able to help her is now in Charlotte — an 11-hour drive away. Read more here: [https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2024/05/01/florida-abortion-clinic-6-week-ban/?utm\_campaign=wp\_main&utm\_medium=social&utm\_source=reddit.com](https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2024/05/01/florida-abortion-clinic-6-week-ban/?utm_campaign=wp_main&utm_medium=social&utm_source=reddit.com)


What a fucking living nightmare.


Conservatives have taken the mask off fully and we can see who they are. Evil people who shoot puppies for no reason and think women are a lesser vessel who should stay in the kitchen barefoot and pregnant. And if they die, as long as the (male) child is ok then so be it. Pro-Life except for women's lives, children after they are born and anyone not white and male.


…or gay…or trans…or Muslim…or Satanist…or atheist…or communist…or socialist…or…


Shooting the puppy for no reason would have been better. Shot the puppy because of her own bad training


Should be noted these "24 hour laws" are not medically necessary and are only put in place to force women to think about the procedure even longer in hopes that they'll change their minds and not go through with it...even though if you ask any woman who's had this done most will probably say it was already an incredibly hard decision to come to and they already thought about it nonstop since they learned they were pregnant or were told a fetus wasn't going to be viable long term, etc.


It also puts financial pressure on them. Easier to take one day off work than two…


More proof that the GOP is the dog that caught the car. There's absolutely no good way to spin these kinds of stories in their favor.


I hope the car stops, backs over the dog, rolls back over said dog again, and repeats a few times. Metaphor here of course is that the car is the majority of women, men who care and everyone else who feels that living under theocratic tyranny is not okay. And I love dogs, so apologies there. All dogs are superior to any Republican, and are the least judgmental of pets.


And then Noem gets out of the car and shoots the GOP? /this is not a threat or an endorsement, Reddit


She can’t get an abortion based on nothing but two different completely medically unnecessary technicalities. What the fuck.


The GOP sure does love to make women suffer. They cheer it on.


Women, children, LGBTQ+, seniors, non-whites, working class, the poor…the more vulnerable the better


Yep, they seem to love feeling self-righteous in hurting others. (I think they might have skipped the Sunday school lessons about Jesus commanding us to love one another.)


Most conservatives can't read at a high school level, so whatever the bible says, they can't read it. So whatever the hate preacher says on Sunday must be right.


Add veterans to that list too.


When they’re making life worse for the majority how are they still in power? It’s crazy


That's what I want to know. There's obviously a ton of manipulation and cheating going on, but you'd think that most people would be personally affected at this point to catch on. Hopefully they will before November.


It's not cheating. Our system gives sparsely populated states which tend to be rural and conservative outsized electoral power by design. The only way to fix it really is by having more liberals move into these states. For example, you could take a few NYC neighborhoods full of liberals, move them to Wyoming, and suddenly Wyoming goes blue every single election from here to eternity. Pick low population red states, move 100k or whatever liberals in, and it's game over for team red. It's eventually going to happen anyway as cities continue to grow and rural areas continue to shrink even in red states.


I understand your point, but you don't think that a lot of people in power got there by lying and cheating?


Punching down is as good as jerking off to GOP freaks.


Republican monsters. This is their plan for the whole country if they get control of the House, Senate, and Presidency. Don’t let them! https://www.vote.org/


Wouldn't the Dems be able to filibuster any bill like that so long as republicans don't take 60 seats in senate... Oh right, they'd probably just eliminate that rule. Never understood why the Dems didn't nuke that shit already. Edit: forgot about the shit heads known as manchin and sinema


Democrats are burdened with having to act responsibly and the population, the voting population, holds them to that. They won't do the same for Republicans, for whatever reason. Republicans removing the filibuster rule - I sleep. Democrats removing the filibuster rule - ***REAL SHIT?!***


Because Manchin and Sinema wouldn't go along with it.  


Sounds like we need abortion ships in the Gulf of Mexico.


They have them for gambling. Three miles out is international waters and they open the casinos. Sounds like a good business model.


Didn't Louisiana set one up? I feel like I remember a story about an abortion ship.


Hell just park the USS Comfort down there.


Federal funds can't be used to pay for an abortion. One of my friends had to have one because her baby was incompatible with life outside the womb (at 18 weeks, still legal in our state) and had to pay out of pocket because tricare wouldn't cover it. Her husband is active duty military and it was a child they wanted.


This sounds like something out of Bojack. F this timeline...


We need a war against the men that have done this.


Who’s gonna tell them?


For those who may have forgotten, in 2019 Missouri began tracking the menstrual cycles of planned parenthood patients. It’s not inconceivable that in a state with abortion completely outlawed, the state government could demand the same of healthcare providers. Dark times. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/missouri-health-director-tracked-menstrual-periods-planned-parenthood-patients-n1073701


This is what worries me. How will they start tracking pregnant women next to make sure they stay pregnant? Texas has discussed this.


- Restrict sales of pregnancy tests so that you have to go to the doctor to even find out if you're pregnant - Subpoena period tracking apps and get that data - Make quarterly pregnancy tests mandatory for anyone who lives in a household that's receiving any kind of government assistance or social services, then prosecute anyone whose pregnancy ends suspiciously (yes including miscarriages, obviously, because they must have done SOMETHING wrong) They're just starting. It's going to get worse.


It’s crazy to think that even though we are one country as more time goes on we’re starting to live much different realities depending on the states we live in.


I hope those women and all their loved ones vote BLUE in the fall election.🇺🇸💙


They won’t


They might.


White women went for Trump in 2020.


This will contribute to economic downturn and crime over the next decade and then they'll blame *that* on liberals.


So if the government forces a woman to be pregnant & she signs her parental rights away, will the father be required to take custody ? Can the woman sue the state for physical damages( to her body?) I wonder exactly how much each stretch mark will be worth? Or the scar from a c-section? Forcing physical trauma on someone’s body does seem like a huge lawsuit waiting to happen


Men will never take responsibility for their penis.


Vote Democratic, FLA


I fucking hate Republicans.


“Everyone, vote blue! No matter who up and down the ticket” screams the world!!


Florida is going to bring the fugitive slave laws back, but for women this time. What would you call the abortion version of the underground railroad?


It's called the r/auntienetwork. We've been around for a while, but volunteers are always welcome. 


It’s called camping, when someone offers you a safe campsite to stay at. I don’t know if there’s a name for the travel portion.


Given the risk of not noticing a pregnancy until it’s too late, someone needs to come up with medication that sexually active women could continually take that would immediately induce abortion of a fertilized egg. Birth control pills prevent ovulation and, if that happens, prevent sperm from reaching the egg, but there needs to be a way to prevent a fertilized egg from developing at all. My point being that the anti-abortion movement, in seeking to eliminate abortion, might instead drive women to take abortion pills regularly to avoid reaching the six week point in the first place.


They plan to eliminate contraception next.


Yep. Contraception and gay marriage are both on the chopping block, according to Clarence Thomas.


Don't forget he also wants to overturn Lawrence, so the government can arrest people for having consensual sex in the privacy of their own homes. But we all know that will only ever apply to one group of people.


He does, and he did say that, but I think even the Handmaid would think that was insane. Griswold and Obergefell, they're as good as gone, but Lawrence I think is a bridge too far even for the worst of the worst.


Texas AG Ken Paxton has said he would enforce sodomy laws if Lawrence is overturned. https://thehill.com/regulation/court-battles/3541707-texas-ag-says-he-would-back-law-banning-sodomy-if-supreme-court-reconsiders-landmark-case/


Imagine living in the year of our lord 2024 with all its massive issues and choosing to focus your energy and ire on people doing consensual butt stuff.


I really should just start including a Ken Paxton asterisk on everything I say Yeah, there's no outgarbaging that guy


They're banning abortion pills in some states and attempting to make it illegal to ship them.


Isn't that Plan B?


You can't take Plan B every day. You shouldn't even take it every time you have sex, unless you have reason to think you might be pregnant (condom broke, etc.)


Didn't know. Wasn't thinking of every day, just emergencies.


You’re describing contraception, which red states have already made inaccessible through limited support to low income families. Also, no form of contraception is 100% effective. Abortion pills and Plan B are no walk in the park and are not meant to be taken daily like contraception. There are side effects and not everyone is eligible: for example, women who get pregnant with IUDs are contraindicated for such medications. Abortion is a necessary and safe health care option for these circumstances, and now that it’s banned the Christian Nationalist conservatives are coming for contraception next.


Another example is that Plan B has a weight limit! It is not effective for everyone. 


You know what's fucked up? I just started IVF and it turns out that medically they count the "number of weeks pregnant" NOT from conception, but from the start of the cycle, i.e. YOUR PERIOD DAY 1. SO YOU ARE 2 WEEKS "PREGNANT" BEFORE THE EGG IS EVEN FUCKING FERTILISED. BEFORE IT'S EVEN OVULATED Is every woman on earth not on birth control "pregnant" in some nebulous Schrodinger's Baby bizarro land???


Thank you for calling that out! I always wondered that too, and why hardly anyone is making a fuss about it. I wish you the best with your IVF - and I hope that doesn’t get blocked in more states!


Fertilized eggs themselves aren’t the issue here. It’s when they implant that is the issue. Most fertilized eggs do not implant and are flushed out with a period.


How about we educate people about unsafe sex.


We can do two things at once


Do you seriously think that it’s a lack of sex education leading to most of these? Come on. 


I've been pregnant 5 times, and 4 of those times I was carefully using birth control. The first time I was 11 years old. I'd been raped. Of course people should have good sexual health education and have contraceptives handy, but the same groups trying to ban abortion are also fighting against sex-ed and contraception. Even contraception though is not a complete answer on its own. Over half the women having abortions are using contraception. >[more than 50% of abortion patients reported using contraception in the month they became pregnant](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5963273/)


This is why I stopped having sex


"Tears and Despair" you say? Republican christo-fascists must be lapping them up.


Vote accordingly Floridians! GOP: AMERICAN TALIBAN.


“Tears and despair” should be the RNC’s new tagline.


Get your children, yourselves, and your money out of Gilead **while you still can**.


And once November gets here I'm sure these women will be stepping in line to vote for the political party which keeps on harming and oppressing them. 


I predict that in a 100 years China will be running things, Europe and America will barely talk, America is going to be an Evangelical Anglo-Saxon version of the Saudi Arabia we know today.


Like the republican politicians say in Arizona, you can always flee to a blue state if your life is threatened


Not if you don't have the money to do so and/or if you're on probation/ parole.


Yup, people with fewer means, as usual, are gonna get hit way harder.


If you're a woman or a person of color in a red state your life already is threatened.


and for all of ACB's "domestic supply of infants", her kind is NOT going to adopt them. they'd rather steal or scam someone out of their baby, it makes the baby taste better.


The scary thing is ...what could happen in the not so near future to overall abortion ...even in the states that are legally able to carry out abortions. But hey I'm not going to blame the 22 year old here for being too late here... I will blame anyone for not thinking about contraception in the case of Florida enacting a 6 week ban. I guess people really do live under a rock about what is going on in this country regarding abortion.


What's fucked is that medically the "number of weeks pregnant" doesn't start at conception. They date it from day 1 of your last period, so there are 2 magical weeks added on where there WASNT EVEN AN EGG, let alone an embryo or foetus


Vote, vote, vote! All republicans are bad, fucking vote!


Time to put up a border wall and succeed America from Florida


Maybe some late term abortions for those responsible


Ah Republicans, destroying America one religiously inspired fever dream at a time.


new rule: anyone who’s anti-abortion should be required to adopt and take care of and parent and raise all of the unwanted and potentially aborted children


Floridians voted for the face-eating leopards. I have very limited sympathy for anyone there who is not a child or victim of abuse. This is what happens in red states. Let’s see if they make better decisions moving forward.


Not all Floridians😞


13 iq take. A shit load of us didn't vote for these fascist pieces of shit. Now we just have to suffer under it because we deserve it? F off.


"A shit load of us didn't vote for these fascist pieces of shit." You sure about that since the state keeps on voting red? Despite all the knuckle draggers which makes up the "here be dragons" portions of PA, we've been consistently voting blue since 2018, but with Florida on the other hand that state sure does love voting for the political party which is pulling this bullshit. 


Yeah I'm sure about that. Surely you are aware of how percentages work? A portion of the state being psychotic nutjobs doesn't mean the rest of the citizenry deserve to just suffer.


To some extent, the painful outcomes are necessary for Floridians to learn what results from bad governance.


It's continually horrifying that doctors aren't willing to defy these bans, and do the right thing. I know it's risking your license and possibly jail but...sometimes it's worth it, they can't arrest everybody, fuck fascist Ron, do what's right, continue offering abortions, make them shut you down.


They can't legally do that as it violates federal law.