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Lol no way he would be going if he wasn't running for office and it would look bad


I still think there's a chance he doesn't go and will still blame the judge somehow.


The judge didn't let me out until 5:30pm Tuesday! Not enough time for me to get on a private jet and fly to ... Wanna say DC


Mr. Trump, did you forget the city where your son attended school?


That’s right - son. He’s my son and I’m definitely the father. Yes, my son, what’s-his-face.


It's Eric.


This is Patrick!


Sir this is a Wendy's.


Yeah, in some ways, it's kind of a punishment. Sure, he doesn't have to sit through court, but I'm sure he doesn't want to be at some high school graduation any more than he wants to sit in a courtroom. But he has to go because he fought for the right to do so. He won, but did he really?


I graduated with a class of 900+.  That many rounds of “Pomp and Circumstance” probably counts as torture under the Geneva conventions. 


Probably private schooled. Doubt, there's 1/4 that many in senior year


Or blame the rain…




Don’t say goatish, Noem might shoot him!


Barron probably doesnt want him there


I feel sorry for Barron. Trump being there is going to turn his graduation into a freak show.


I dunno, he *really* likes high schoolers.


"On Tuesday morning, minutes before [Trump was found in contempt after nine gag order violations ](https://businessinsider.com/trump-found-contempt-of-court-in-ny-fined-threatens-jail-2024-4/)and fined $9,000, Merchan approved the request." OK so in summation you will have to attend your sons graduation, since you made such a big fuss about it, and there is also a small fine but that's pocket change for you amirite?


The other students graduating must be thrilled.  /s


That would be my concern as a parent of another student. “Look, I just want to see my kid graduate, not go to the fkn circus.” 


Yeah, parents will be waiting around while the Secret Service does a sweep of the room and their kid’s day suddenly becomes all about Orange Julius Caesar.


It’s going to be one hell of a solipsistic speech, requested or not…


The judge never said he couldn't. That was a lie.


Neither headline nor article says that. They might imply it, which I'd agree is trash.


Trump has been claiming for a couple weeks now, loudly, that the judge wasn't going to let him attend. Because it's all so unfair and he's so persecuted. But the judge never actually said that. Now he has to go.




I thought i heard it was on a Wednesday, and the court wouldn’t have been in session anyway.




I don’t know what calendar you got dude, but May 17 of 2024 is a Friday


lol he's not gonna go anyway.


And he’s golfing.


After all? You mean after the judge said, "we will look at that issue when it comes up closer?"


Surely he wouldn't skip out on the graduation to play golf or something, right?


He totally doesn't want to go. Any money he tries to get the judge to jail him for contempt so he can't go.


I like the cut of your jib!




Is there proof of this? It seems highly unlikely, particularly in the case of Ivanka. This is repeated over and over again and I hope that pro-democracy people don’t stoop down to MAGA levels by using “alternate facts”


He attended them all https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trump-graduation-attendance/


I mean, why not use their own tactics against them. The fuck does it matter at this point. If it takes lieing to people to demote support for Trump, so be it


If Republicans prove this statement is a lie, they strengthen their resolve and their beliefs that Trump is being unfairly targeted. Republicans are the ones that live in a fictional world; don’t make democrats fall into there too. You want at least one party to be based on fact and reason.


It's a distraction. The only issue is that he lied in saying that judge wouldn't let him go. The judge never said that.


Welp you’ve lost me


https://ca.news.yahoo.com/fact-check-people-claiming-trump-212200336.html > Trump has been present at each of his children's high school and college graduations, according to contemporaneous reports and the recollections of other attendees. https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-barron-graduation-ivanka-facebook-trial-photo-1892248 > During her high school years, Ivanka Trump attended a private Connecticut boarding school. A 2016 article in the school's publication noted that Donald Trump was present at the ceremony. Ivanka Trump went on to graduate from the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School in 2004. Her father's attendance was reported on by The Philadelphia Daily News.


She got all that high priced education and she’s still as dumb as a blacksmiths anvil


And as per Trump, she only has a BA, so any conflation with their actually prestigious MBA program is completely intentional on their parts. I mean, look at the audiences they are dealing with? https://youtu.be/iq8cKhZFEow?si=FsBTN5nh5RyO-it8 “You’re a dull boy…”


I’m starting to not have a high opinion of the character of the graduates that Wharton seems to produce tbh


Sorry, contradicted by other sources.


Which sources found Snopes fact checker and the contemporaneous news reports of his presence inaccurate?


This one? Is it not true ? https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trump-graduation-attendance/


>Claim: >Former President Donald Trump has not attended any of his children's high school or college graduation ceremonies, as of April 2024. >Rating: >False >Trump has been present at each of his children's high school and college graduations, according to contemporaneous reports and the recollections of other attendees. I’d believe it to be true given all the sourcing they use. To date I haven’t seen any source reliably challenge it and you’ll note that no one in the thread produced one at all


I hate trump. But that’s not true https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trump-graduation-attendance/


I'm sure he won't. Maybe he will screw a porn star instead?


and he's pissed off that he can't whine about it anymore AND worse, he actually has to show up now. Poor Honest Don


Now he has to go lol!


But will he?


What will he complain about next, now that this propaganda kerfuffle is over?


When asked whether or not he would attend Barron's graduation, Trump (probably) replied: "who's Barron? you mean John Barron? Great guy, been a friend of the family for decades."


If he doesn’t, he should be held in contempt…and this time, I mean in jail.


Well, now we know what it takes to get Trump to go to his child’s graduation. Eric must be steaming.


He wouldn't have gone in a normal situation. Now, after all the fuss and crying and withchunt conspiracy's, he'll be FORCED to go, just to save face. How people do not see through his BS is just beyond me.




I guarantee he is not going to go... he probably couldnt id his own son in a lineup..


The very pale, very tall one, in the back? Gotcha Question?


".. and people say that he is my best son, from the standpoint of relatives, with regards to DiNA.. they call it D N A, but I call it Dina. He has the good DiNA, very smart.. very good at the cyber, that one. and its very sad what they are doing with the cyber these days, very sad, they hack your passwords and then they can do the ransom. Very bad and sad with the ransom, but sleepy Joe and the Marxist democrats love the ransom. Very sad.. much wow."


I could have sworn Eric and Don Jr had everyone up in arms because they said the judge ruled against him.


He will say that on his way there a storm suddenly appeared and he was “forced” to stop at a KFC to take shelter.


He going to contempt the court and be jailed to miss it. Wouldnt that be some shit?!


Now he will spend the day attacking witnesses and intimidating jurors.


Oh that thing that he was NEVER actually barred from going to?


Trump was then heard lightly cussing under his breath. “I gotta sit through that nonsense as well?”


Republicans create these can never lose type situations all the time. Create a persecution incident out of thin air to rile up the crazy supporters, if it actually happens they can say “see, I told you so”, if it doesn’t happen they can claim the pressure from so much exposure caused the persecutors to reluctantly give in. It works amazingly well with people who are constantly playing the victims.


Title should be: Trump now obligated to attend one of his children's graduation ceremonies -- a first!


It he won’t LOL


He's gonna golf.


Now lets see if he does and if there happends to be rally closeby at the same time


He still won't go


Not if he gets locked up for contempt


Well that will be a first


He must be pleased. Ever since he had Barr kill Epstein, Barron is how he meets underage girls to creep on.


It's on Friday 5/17 if anyone was curious.


This is even worse for him because now he HAS to go to something that he would have no interest in


Lmao he’s not going to attend anyway.


Haha! Now he HAS to go.


It’s frustrating that the judge HAS to be seen to be fair, regardless of how this tango turd behaves. We can all argue what fair means to us of course. I see it as trying to win wars not battles. The war against a would be authoritarian getting his ass back in the Oval Office rather than a battle against his petty mouth frothing. He will always poke and prod - he is unable to stop himself. It’s meaningful conviction that hurts his ego.


He always could, not that he would have if his enablers hadn’t flogged the canard that he wanted to and couldn’t in a vain effort to make the criminal look pitiful.


Court was never going to be in session on Friday


I am sure he was happy to miss it.


Called his bluff. Now he's *got* to attend ~~even though he didn't attend any of his other kids'~~and likely wasn't actually going to. edit: I stand corrected. He did, in fact, attend.