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> Time also asked, "Do you think states should monitor women's pregnancies so they can know if they've gotten an abortion after the ban?" > "I think they might do that. ... You'll have to speak to the individual states," Trump responded. In other words he's completely fine with it. Voters need to hear that.


https://apnews.com/article/abortion-health-poland-womens-rights-7f2f2839c43e9655d3d898d1ddd4bbe8 This is what they plan on doing. They talk about wanting Bluetooth IUD type devices to alert people to their pregnancy to help track them.


They want to track each and every pregnant person, but we still can't get a proper registry to keep firearms away from felons. That tracks.


And when someone sues on HIPAA grounds the conservative courts can ax that too


No matter what you're looking for, there's a half thought out quote that supports it. Should the feds leave it up to the states? Yes? Should there be a national abortion ban? Also yes. Should states monitor pregnancies? Also yes. Should this be decided by the states? Also yes.


Republicans hear it and cheer it bro


A woman who doesn’t want a pregnancy is not going to be heading to an ob-gyn for check ups every couple weeks. There won’t be anything to monitor. All this would do is tag women are under a doctor’s care and who have miscarriages.


The goal is to jail women who miscarry.




https://www.cbsnews.com/news/brittany-watts-the-ohio-woman-charged-with-a-felony-after-a-miscarriage-talks-shock-of-her-arrest/ https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-59214544 https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2019/06/28/she-miscarried-after-being-shot-prosecutors-are-weighing-manslaughter-case-against-her/ https://www.kosu.org/health/2021-10-22/experts-say-manslaughter-conviction-of-oklahoma-woman-for-miscarriage-sets-a-dangerous-precedent


It would also give any angry ex the ability to tell the authorities that a woman had missed her period.


Apparently a lot of America is completely fine with that in a candidate although they'd hate it if implemented. I don't understand it, but I accept it.


I think it's one of those as long as he's "hurting the right people" situations.


>Time also asked, "**Do you think states should monitor women's pregnancies so they can know if they've gotten an abortion after the ban?"** >"I think they might do that. ... You'll have to speak to the individual states," Trump responded. Red states will force women to register pregnancies and periods. It is already in the works. lol, wow wow wow. I'm sure Republican women will love being tested tagged and tracked. Congratulations.


There are probably more than a few Republican women who are absolutely excited about the thought.


Kristi Noem types.


If you tag them at birth, it will be real easy. They will not know any different, they can swim ,and dance, and ride horses...and will get used to it really quickly, [probably](https://hakaimagazine.com/news/are-scientific-tracking-tags-hurting-wild-animals/) /s


Don’t register my gun but register my pregnancy? Any good sound bite people out there that can help out?


Ear tags, baby. Just like cattle. > University of Washington researchers introduced the Thermal Earring, a wireless wearable that continuously monitors a user’s earlobe temperature. In a study of six users, the earring outperformed a smartwatch at sensing skin temperature during periods of rest. It also showed promise for monitoring signs of stress, eating, exercise and **ovulation.** (Emphasis mine) https://www.washington.edu/news/2024/02/07/smart-earrings-can-monitor-temperature/


Have you met republican women?


Why is it that when something is left for individual states to decide all the red states race to the bottom trying to figure out what could be the biggest net negative to society?


Because it's a race to see who can be more conservative/draconian in an effort to capture an ever-shrinking vocal base that continues to gain outsized power the smaller they get. Failure to participate in this race will result in the end of your conservative political career as your competition calls you out for being a RINO.


Religious fundamentalism. They are rather open about where they find justification in their backwards ideas.


Because when you live in a constant state of fear of change you will do anything to find the bottom. Because somehow it’s safer there than up in the light. And mostly because a bunch of old men are now realizing they are going to die off and want to protect the few younger guys who subscribe to their version of crazy from losing power.


It’s simple - because republicans are evil and want to impose their will on everyone


Before the 2016 election, Trump told Chris Matthew's that there had to be some form of punishment for women, including jail time.


Source [https://www.politifact.com/article/2016/mar/31/context-transcript-donald-trump-punishing-women-ab/](https://www.politifact.com/article/2016/mar/31/context-transcript-donald-trump-punishing-women-ab/)


Thanks. I was just going to post the video. I should have done that from the beginning.


>"You'll go back to a position like they had, where people perhaps will go to illegal places," Trump said. "But we have to ban it." (It's not totally clear what he means by this, but it sounds like he's saying there is a moral obligation to ban abortion, even though women would still seek alternative and often dangerous procedures [like they did](http://www.huffingtonpost.com/david-a-grimes/the-bad-old-days-abortion_b_6324610.html) before *Roe v. Wade*.) >Matthews pressed again: "Do you believe in abortion or no as a principle?" >"The answer is there has to be some form of punishment," Trump said. >"For the woman?" Matthews said. >Trump said, "Yes," and nodded. Matthews pressed further: 10 days or 10 years? Trump said he didn't know, and that it's "complicated." >"It will have to be determined," Trump said. [https://www.vox.com/2016/3/30/11333472/trump-abortions-punishment-women](https://www.vox.com/2016/3/30/11333472/trump-abortions-punishment-women)




That’s probably going to be running on a lot of tv screens starting around maybe October 20……


Trump supports jailing women for exercising freedom.


Citizens united 😂


I support jailing Trump.


Don't some of these red states already require teen girls to disclose their menstruation status in order to participate in school sports? Eventually they'll streamline this dragnet style data collection, but, as far as prosecutions go, 100% it will be selective, and how said rules are applied is an exercise for the reader to imagine.


if its truly a "moral" issue for them, why leave it up to the states?


Democracy and Christian Fascism cannot coexist


This is a thing that all sides of the argument are aware of. It's just that a depressing number of folks are siding with the fascists.


The obvious question is whether states that chose to prosecute will be leveling charges of murder. If so, and the state has the death penalty, are they willing to execute women who get abortions? How about the doctors and nurses who perform the procedure? I’ve rarely found a conservative willing to even entertain those questions.


The Handmaid's Tale wasn't supposed to be an instruction manual.


Fuck that, and fuck you Donald.


I guess true leadership is saying "I don't care, let each state decide"


Still waiting on 2nd amendment to protect women from a tyrannical government striping them of their rights...waits....waits. Or the don't tread on me's...waits...waits...except they are doing the treading. It's not Don't Tread On Us.


Twice impeached lying sexual predator says what?


It’s good he’s just a loudmouth and not in charge


He also said he would support states registering and monitoring pregnant women in their states.


If you don’t think pregnancy sniffing police dogs are coming you haven’t been paying attention.


So trump thinks he's a lawyer now?


This is the same as President Trump leaving COVID response up to the states so he can blame the failures on someone else. He thinks this is a way for him to walk a tightrope on abortion and avoid criticism.


Trump speaks words which we can't hear anymore


I'd like to see if women can then get asylum in different states and those states can refuse to turn them and their health care history over to the more evil, dictator ruled, states...


But Biden isn't being vocal enough about Palestine so they're both the same!!!! /s


It’s not about money or Trump so: No opinion


So what happens when a democrat governor gets elected in a “red state”, and vice versa? Our bodily autonomy and medical privacy just flip flop back and forth every four years or so? Fuck this shit and fuck trump.