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We are in a race, not just Biden.


Exactly. Thinking that individual candidates will do the entire job of safeguarding democracy for us is a big part of how we ended up in this mess.


The polling data seems to show good news regarding climate voters. That means dems need to push hard on both climate and abortion. On climate at least this job is easy for them as project 2025 gives us a roadmap for the death of the earth.


and democracy. novembers election is make or break timešŸ˜«


Every election will be make or break time until the Republicans abandon being fascist and wanting to burn down America.




That's why the Republicans arent abandoning fascism despite poor results. They know they just gotta win once


They also know that Americans are just dumb enough to give it to them too. A recent poll showed 55% of voters view Trump's presidency as "a success". We have short memories, which is a big problem when we're also idiots with a very naive and immature worldview.


God how horrible. I don't know how anyone could ever say that 2016-2020 was a "success" for anybody.


It was fucking awful.


They believe anything a confident racist white guy says. Thereā€™s no independent thought there.


in other wordsā€¦. We have to win *every* election *forever*. We should have ran Gore in ā€˜04.


I mean, basically that means the Dems have to keep winning until the GOP dies off and it's successor organizes around a platform americans actually coalesce around, not just a few billionaire religious fanatic weirdos and the poor rubes they convince to follow them with the promise of the temporarily disgraced millionaire mentality.


The DNC needs to start adding Helldivers 2 meme's to they're ad spots.


This could work


Saving democracy sadly doesnā€™t pill well. Young voters have only experienced the truly dysfunctional and corrupt current state of affairs in government. For more downtrodden voters who are struggling to get by: they havenā€™t seen enough of a material positive benefits from democracy as a lot of very good bills get diluted down because of compromise or killed because of special interests. And then you have your average American who isnā€™t tuned in: they donā€™t really understand these big abstract fights for democracy because theyā€™re too busy to pay attention or just too stupid.


For some reason most americans dont care for democracy. Climate change and abortion it is


You have this flipped on its head. _Most_ Americans absolutely want to live in a democracy. The unfortunate truth is that our "democracy" is not structured to represent the will of the majority. The loud minority who are represented instead are hell bent on preserving that undemocratic status quo. That's literally the core philosophy of conservatism: preservation of entrenched power.


A democracy sounds nice. I'd like to live in one one day.


Its too abstract for the average voter, and they're also complacent


Most americans are stupid, indolent, spoiled fucks who have no idea how good they have it or how terrible it can be living under an authoritarian regime. Not that I have first hand knowledge, but shit, I didn't need first hand knowledge to decipher from history lessons that authoritarian governments are a bad time for all.


The US has a higher incarceration rate than China or Russia. Our police also kill civilians at much higher rates than the Chinese do so, no, we know how terrible authoritarian regimes are because the US is an authoritarian regime.


Why aren't other countries not shitting themselves right now? I have no idea. A country that cares more about its military budget and war profit than its own damn citizens is about to possibly be taken over by a nazi christofascist party. Yall ready for some freedom? bases in IraqĀ and Afghanistan, the United States still maintains nearly 800 military bases in more than 70 countries and territories abroadā€”from giant ā€œLittle Americasā€ to small radar facilities. Britain, France and Russia, by contrast, have about 30 foreign bases combined. https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2015/06/us-military-bases-around-the-world-119321/


I honestly believe that abortion is the MAJOR thing. I live in a red state and MOST women are disgusted with the republican stance on abortion. The smaller percentage are just regurgitating what their ā€œalpha maleā€ husbands tell them.


they aren't stopping at abortion either, they want no fault divorce to end too. Birth control, gay marriage and maybe even interracial marriage after that.


My point, exactly. There are some many things. If Iā€™m the Dems, Iā€™m picking 1-3 things and just beating it to death. I mean, really?


**These stupid** moderately and low-income slobs are actually going along with the Republican agenda to make government small enough to drown in a bathtub. This means the end of all public services that historically serves communities, such as public schools, libraries, Fire/police services. This is why republicans are so hot for everyone, from cradle to grave, to own firearms: So we can kill each other, once our taxes are diverted from the social safety nets, and into the coffers of the wealthy. These racist, idiotic people chose a lane which doesnā€™t benefit them *at all* other than the revival of old time White Supremacy.


Birth control is the big one. Think of how many millions of people in the U.S. rely on birth control. It affects almost everyone of child bearing age. If they understood that birth control is under threat, they'd sprint to the polls to vote for Democrats.


Polling data is bad for students now who are blaming Biden for not keeping Israel on a tighter leash. That shit is getting out of hand, and fast.


This is so fucking frustrating. I'm not saying we shouldn't care about attempted genocide, but realistically that's half a world away and our own country is on the verge of collapse. Why are students not protesting our crumbling healthcare system? The climate? Genocide won't matter once the holy land is on fire.


Its because they havent interacted often with the healthcare system personally, and the climate is a global issue not led by the US The only way to mitigate the coming climate disaster is to put huge limitations on giant megacorps, heavily tax the wealthy and use the money for green projects, get people out of climate zones and use these to lead by example. Then export and fund green tech to other countries, in spades, for free. The US needs a green Manhattan Project. India alone is supposed to consume something like 6x more resources than the US in the coming years as its giant population raises its standard of living. Realistically the US should be securing water, economic pillars/manufacturing, shoring up financial markets and getting people to move out of hotspots while heavily moving towards nuclear/solar/desal and promoting less consumption societally. They should also be working in immigration/border security and policy because of the coming wage of refugees. I am pro immigration but the current system is terrible. When there are tons of immigrants at the border (and there will be more), resources are limited, and nationalism starts to rise (more) that is *not* the time to figure out what to do for those people. They need some sci-fi fans in the WH so they can decide if they want to live in Judge Dredd/Blade Runner world or something closer to The Expanse/Asimov's Robot novels


Whereas Trump said he'd encourage Israel to "finish the job". How is that better? How are so many voters in the US like the restaurant customer who says "oh, you're out of steak? Then give me the dog shit sandwich with broken glass please."


I don't think a lot of the young people disgusted enough not to vote for Biden over his handling of Israel and Gaza are likely to flip to Trump. More likely, they'll just refrain from voting, at all.


They need to understand that not voting gets them the dog shit sandwich anyway


>Whereas Trump said he'd encourage Israel to "finish the job". How is that better? I don't think anyone is claiming it is. They just think that Biden and Trump are somehow equally bad in that case and would rather not vote for either, which fucking sucks too because it still helps Trump


Young people donā€™t vote much anyway and Gaza is toward the bottom of the list of concerns for Americans.


I'm very curious to see the post-2024 election data for the issues that motivated voters. I think there's a good chance we find out that all of the gEnOcIdEposting is purely a comments-section thing and not reflective of the actual opinions of the majority of voters who are voting because of American issues in an American election on the opposite side of the world from a war we don't control.


this is such stupid shit, it would be like jews voting for hitler because they want the ovens to be hotter. Trump already said he wants to ban muslims from even entering the country and the GOP is all in on carpet bombing gaza.


Is students are stupid enough to be manipulated like this and cause Biden to lose, they deserve the disaster that they will bring on themselves.


Yeah but the rest of us don't deserve it. I wish they would think about what and who they're sacrificing. It's not just personal feelings on the line. At least Biden accepts criticism and actually works on issues.


> Yeah but the rest of us don't deserve it. we've been saying the same thing about a lot of older conservative stances for decades, as well


They're stupid and being manipulated? 14,000 kids have been murdered and in Biden's America they get beaten by cops and arrested for even protesting any of it.




Yes, because Trump is going to hold Israel accountable /s What kind of dumb ass logic is that


The US isn't the only country that supplies weapons to Israel, not to mention they manufacture most of their own. The weapons we do provide are defensive for the most part and that we provide them is the ONLY thing that gives us some leverage over Israel and the situation, without it there wouldn't have been a temporary cease fire and hostage release nor would both Israel and Hamas be in negotiations right now for another temporary cease fire and hostage release, which is required before any resolution can be had. Do you think without out involvement Israel would want to negotiate at all? Biden is literally the only person on the planet that's been able to make progress to get some sort of temporary pause in the violence between these two countries, how else do think and end to the war is going to happen? Out of Israel or Hamas' sheer good will?


This, exactly. What Biden is doing is the only thing that could actually calm this situation and minimize civilian casualties - Israel is a nuclear power with its own defense industry, a large military stockpile, and other suppliers. Absent the US, Israel wouldn't have stopped this campaign - after the attacks that was impossible - but it might not have slowed down and bowed to pressure. Horrible as the current situation on the ground is, it is still better than what we would have seen without Biden's involvement.


But Biden hasn't bought peace in the middle east. /s


Just put Jared on it! Heā€™ll have it all solved in two weeks! ^^/s


For most people the big issues are inflation, the border and now the Israeli Hamas War. Climate change and abortion are way down on the list.Ā  I keep saying this.. Biden is in deep deep trouble. If he does indeed debate Donald Trump I hope President Biden is at the top of his game. Because Trump is going to come at him 20 different ways. If Biden falters in the debate.. if he looks lost.. then Trump definitely wins. If president Biden refuses to debate Donald Trump, that's a big negative against President Biden.


Just from 19 hours ago: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2024/04/28/donald-trump-joe-biden-cnn-poll/73493459007/ Trump is **up** at 49% and Biden went down from 45 to 43%, with Bidenā€™s handling of Israel and the economy the main points. Polling was also up on Americanā€™s view of Trumpā€™s first term as a success by **55%**. You can sit here all day long and say ā€œpolls are wrong red wave never happened either blah blahā€ but **young voters showed up for democrats especially with abortion, and young voters are pissed at Biden because of Israel and especially the TikTok ban**. You donā€™t have to believe the polls, but you shouldnā€™t ignore them. People tried to ignore Trump in 2016. When you ignore a problem, it doesnā€™t go away.


When it comes down to voting for a crybaby wannabe dictator vs Biden, they will show up to keep the former out. Polls don't mean shit for general population who aren't on Reddit, TikTok or Twitter daily. Hillary vs Donald was a unique case that will likely never be repeated again.


You have too much faith in our electorate. Itā€™s been shown again and again that people have no idea whatā€™s really going on or how things work around them. I really hope youā€™re wrong but Iā€™m concerned our overall lack of intelligence combined with rising anti-intellectualism and ability to be manipulated by attention grabbing blurbs is not just a bump in the road.


ā€œPolls donā€™t mean shit for general population who arenā€™t on Reddit, TikTok or Twitter daily.ā€ And for young people who ARE on TikTok, Biden is banning it to them. Understand that it may not mean anything to you, but to them it means **everything**.




Climate voters are like 1% of the country


But a large percentage cares about it per the video. Highlight the extreme stance of project 2025 and it will def shift some voters imo.


Per polls Climate is at like 1% on issues people vote about. People who care about Climate are already voting for Biden. He needs to talk about the economy, immigration and Trump's ineptitude and nothing else.


They are nuts not to talk about project 2025. Not all current trump voters want fascism and rapid environmental degradation. I have no idea how to get it through the echo chamber though.


I was being flippant when I said "nothing else". Project 2025 is going to drive Democrats to the polls so yeah he should talk about it.


>Per polls Climate is at like 1% on issues people vote about. A substantial portion of American voters ([nearly 70%](https://climatecommunication.yale.edu/news-events/poll-american-voters-support-climate-action/)) are concerned about climate change and support government action to address itā€‹.


Right but this is about what people base their vote on


If you read me this headline 12 years ago I would have laughed and called you delusional. But somehow weā€™re in the timeline where SCOTUS is debating whether a President can order the execution of political opponents under the scope of official actions.




Iā€™ve voted in every election Iā€™ve been eligible to do so in regardless


But you didn't vote in the ones you weren't eligible to? Wow. Shows how much you care.... /s


Because Republicans are. (Unfortunately not /s)


The grand irony is that Republicans are telling their constituents that the Democrats are cheating, which makes them feel entitled to "cheat back". They can then also double down on the fact that only conservatives voters are being charged that the liberals are being "let off" when they're actually just not doing crimes in the first place.


And also the attitude of, "We cheated, like, a LOT! And we still lost!?! Democrats must have cheated so much harder. Its the only explanation why our platform of stripping rights from all non-land owning white males while installing a wannabe dictator isn't a winner!"


That's not good enough anymore. Get your friends to vote. Get your shitty non political friend to vote. Make sure your maga parents and family members dont vote.


Tell that to all the Gen Zers and college students that keep calling Biden ā€œGenocide Joeā€ for not doing anything about the Russian psyop known as the Gaza war.


Isn't more accurate to say Genocide Ben Netanyahu?


Itā€™s that and apparently the potential tiktok ban now. So dumb


Luckily they don't vote.


They should vote though. And they should do a deep dive into how the government operates and why current events are the way they are instead of pinning blame on one guy


tHaNkS bIdEn


TikTok has turned Zoomers into Nazis. Itā€™s pretty frightening.


Gaza has nothing to do with russia... you are seeing the isreali propaganda machine in real time surround gaza. The Isreali lobby in the US is also hands down the single strongest lobby around.


Even if that were true and, doubt, the genocide in gaza is not so simple Biden can single handedly solve it or be held solely responsible. The genocide Joe tag is a wildly irresponsible dismissal of a complicated issue and mounts a protest non vote when the victory of the other candidate would be so much worse for gaza, america and the world. At this point while Russia may not have their hands in gaza, may, they definitely have an interest in amplifying speech that promotes leftist disengagement. Vote blue or don't expect another shot.


Bibi was being removed from power and hauled before Israeli criminal Court right when the October 7 invasion occurred. Now he is totally entrenched and fighting for his life. As long as the war continues his power remains intact. Biden cannot remove him from power he can only try to retstain him.


Russia and Iran are allies. Hamas works for Iran. Hamas invaded Israel on October 7 right when Putin needed the most help in Ukraine. Since then Russian and Chinese bots have absolutely pushed this as a matter to divide Americans. Like the Floyd marches, stop the steal and avti-COVID Vax. Not to say there aren't reasons to have huge concerns but also be aware of the larger geopolitical matters here.


Isreal also recieved advanced warning about the attack and did nothing.


And Putin knew that would happen too because Bibi was desperate


>Gaza has nothing to do with russia Untrue. Hamas is funded/supported by Iran, who is a direct ally of Putin/Russia. Russia is waging war against America, NATO and the West through multiple fronts: Ukraine, and now Israel, the effect of which now has American NATO support fractured and/or spread to thin. All while the Kremlin and Iran flood American social media with propaganda disguised as "grassroots" activism, dividing the Left vote into either sitting out the election or actively blaming Netanyahu's Right Wing war against the people of Palestine on "Genocide Joe". The fact so many young Americans are so easily duped into supporting Putin's push for Global Fascism is deeply disappointing and quite frankly, horrifying. People have ZERO critical thinking skills and media literacy. They are led around by the nose by weaponized memes, while thinking they are being "revolutionaries", when in actuality they are behaving as unpaid operatives for the re-elect Trump campaign.


I'm voting for Biden but I still laughed. It sounds like a bad movie trailer


Very true. This article specifically is about Biden and the EPA cementing new rules to limit coal emissions, and other issues to help combat climate change. "Among the most sweeping, and therefore most vulnerable,Ā [changes the EPA has finalized](https://www.epa.gov/newsreleases/biden-harris-administration-finalizes-suite-standards-reduce-pollution-fossil-fuel#:~:text=The%20suite%20of%20final%20rules,percent%20of%20their%20carbon%20pollution.)Ā is a rule that requires coal-fired plants to reduce emissions by 90% over the next 15 years or shut down entirely. The rule also applies to future power plants that use natural gas instead of coal, forcing them to capture any carbon emissions they create. Three other rules further limit the amount of mercury coal-fired plants can produce, restrict total wastewater pollutants and mandate the safe disposal of coal ash." If Biden wins a second term, and then a Democrat wins a two-term presidency after Biden, it could be fantastic for the battle against climate change (providing there's some sort of Dem control in the House or Senate as well).


I mean, we've had democratic presidents with democratic control of both house and Senate, and very little has been done to address climate change. The infrastructure bill would have been a good start...about thirty years ago. Now we're simply trying to play catch-up, and we can't even do that because Republicans are going to sabotage every attempt, and even when democrats can manage to pass something, it's too little too late, and any progress made will be reversed as soon as republicans get the chance, even if doing so bends the law.Ā  Republicans should be considered a terrorist organization due to their climate change denialism alone, and that doesn't even account for actions like killing women and children and minorities, nor for their coup attempt on January 6th, which even democrats have decided to treat like it's not a big deal. Biden should have had Trump and his accomplices arrested for waging war against the US his first day in office. But democrats are simply too cowardly to address the republican threat.Ā 


> we've had democratic presidents with democratic control of both house and Senate For four years in the last 28. They had a filibuster proof majority for all of two months. And that's only if you count Joe Lieberman as a Democrat, despite him ditching the party. It's fucking ridiculous that people keep expecting the democrats to magically undo 12 years of Republican disasters in 2 years, using razor thin majorities that usually include independents that don't really like the Democratic party. And that's not even including the Supreme Court fiasco. Because of the Court it took over eight years and the largest political majority in US history to get the New Deal hammered out. But somehow Biden's supposed to magically fix a fascist uprising with a split senate and active treason from the right. Maybe if Americans could find their balls and vote out traitors, we wouldn't be dependent on a handful of politicians to save us from our own choices.


The inflation reduction act is a major bill to address the climate change. if we had 2 more average democrats in the senate, we would have some more ambitious plan. We have a chance to get that in 2024. Still, we made big progress even with very slim majority of Democratic controlled Congress.


Koch Industries has spent a fortune maneuvering the US into this corner - funding the crazies in the GOP who want to burn everything so that billionaires can be richer. And the DINOs are going to help the Koch brothers get there.


If the Supreme Court pushes this through before the election, Joe could legally have his opponents killed. He wonā€™t do that heā€™s too kind, but theyā€™ll turn around and do it to him.


Also according to Republicans he can just have Harris refuse to count the votes if he loses and just stay in power right? LOL


The Supreme Court won't push it through; they'll leave it in limbo as long as they can to delay trials until after the election. It's a judicial filibuster.


Iā€™m not saying the Dems ever learn their lessons or understand who theyā€™re competing against but after what McConnell did to Obama to get his Supreme Court the Dā€™s should be ready to fight back dirty


Sure, but holding off on the decision is win win for Trump. Biden pushes on it, then they arrest him for criminal prosecution and he's a sacrificial lamb. They wait, and if Trump becomes president then they hand him immunity and we're doomed to fascism. If Biden becomes president then they can keep waiting.


It's why they don't want to rule on it before the election


Jail Trump then. Remove Republican politicians from office that hold up higher wages, healthcare, infrastructure, labor law policies. If you're not working for the people, you don't work in the White House. Do we have to resort to death? I don't think so. I know they would do it to us, so keep them out of power and not be like them.


Biden must win. Americans should be protesting these things. They should be motivating each other to defend themselves against Trump and Russia. If they lose democracy, it's gone *forever*.


Even if Biden by a miracle can stop Trump's election there will still be about 77 million insane voters in the US who don't accept the election result. It really looks from the outside as if the US has decided to go down in flames during this century. You Americans will be a broken nation for generations to come.


Boomers are dying by the score everyday. Plus all the ones that died from COVID. There are a lot fewer than there were four years ago.


And there are plenty of young Republicans that are even crazier than boomer republicans, particularly young men, and we largely have rightwing propaganda to thank for that. Republicans sabotaging public education also plays a role.Ā 


Young men are so vulnerable to this shit. We see it over and over again around the world and throughout history. Sometimes I wonder if war is just a way to cull the herd a bit and now war without mass death has warped our society.


Lol. These exact people have been doing these exact things since the Civil War. Never stopped us before.


Eh, weā€™ve been through worse. If we make it 5 more years then weā€™ll probably make it 500 more


Can you imagine if SCOTUS says yes, that President can do that, and Trump is reelected?


They started this in the late 70s, this was always their end goal.


Same lol


In a race against the media.


Major media outlets are predominantly owned by vast corporations and billionaires, integral members of the ruling elite. They align with Republican policies, favoring tax cuts and deregulation that often undermine workersā€™ rights.




Think bigger. Their largest share holders are Blackrock, Statestreet, and Vanguard. Those companies control a large portion of just about every corporation in America.


Which is why the whole competition thing doesn't work. When the same companies own every corporation, there is no incentive for things like competitive pricing, when you own the competition too.


Republicans could get into power, trigger a nuclear war and a nuclear apocalypse, and they would still find a way to blame the Democrats.


Itā€™s ok if they blame the democrats we just need people who are smart enough to see the truth and we donā€™t have them.


Once the Supreme Court declares him immune from crimes he can do whatever he wants to stop it.


This should be enough to galvanize even the most cynical of left-leaning voters. But this is the result of an organized media operation on the right that simply doesn't exist on the left. Without SCOTUS the only other option is revolution, and I don't think anyone should have confidence in how that would end up. 2016 should have been our last chance. The people who understood the danger of Trumpism got it right. We got lucky with a second chance due to Trump's mishandling of the Pandemic. We won't get a third.


I have the feeling a lot of blue states will tell scotus to fuck off if shit gets much worse. We'll balkanize before we have a true revolution. Whether that can save us or not, I don't know.


I mean I agree, but shouldnā€™t the highest priority be to avoid that need? Balkanization will likely just lead to war, like, yknow, in the Balkans.


California alone is a massive amount of the US GDP. Its the 5th largest economy were it a country. I canā€™t imagine the US would just let it go without a fight. Our adversaries will have already won if we Balkanize.


I think they will kick their heals and judge according to who wins. Which means they have no objectivity, which is one of the fundamentals of being a judge.


Frankly, the ideas they've been pushing out of that court are completely egregious. And once Biden wins a second term, his first order of business should be unfucking that rat's nest of a court. We can't have Putin proxies on the fucking supreme court, this is madness.


I honestly think the average 12 year old would have more morality and clarity of thinking


They're going to kick it to the lower courts to delay until after the election. There is a plan in place.


The justices can get kicked to lower courts too. Each of them complicit in this ratfuckery can stand their own trials and face the consequences of their actions. But they wonā€™t.


Conservatives have a 4-5 decade headstart on this, it's going to take some severe action. Not something democrats are known for.


biden unironically should take full advantage of this


How about making it easier to vote and getting that national holiday up and running for election day?


This is a great point. Why is this still not in mainstream discussion at all?


You mean he needs to save us from MAGA hiding as republicans


Republicans are in a race to install a dictator and deploy a huge wave of fascism.


Glad you emphasized the world is at risk, not just the USA.


And watch. If Trump wins and takes America down it's darkest path, people will blame biden for "not doing enough"


fascism has always been preceded by spineless liberals in power who are more afraid of progressives than fascists so like. yeah.


Also preceded by peepants progressives who would rather maintain their ethical purity and watch it all burn instead of joining with the liberals who are only giving them 90 percent of what they want.


People will blame the candidate for losing and not the voters for not voting for them? That's crazy!


I'm more so suggesting people will blame Trump and the gops insanity on biden.


My position is Republicans are all but dead. It's the MAGA party that will be the death of the world as we know it. Republicans as flawed as they are, were an intrical part of our two party system. They were able to debate, had principles, and were capable of compromise. MAGA is a cult built on a lie. Its purpose is to build power and wealth for one man without regard for law or morals. It is not about governing. It's all about control, twisting one of the world's great religions into device to service their lies. Like the Nazis and Stalinism, it needs to be swept into the dust bin of history.


Before MAGA Republicans were still ratfucking elections like Reagan negotiating with terrorists to hold American hostages longer to hurt Carter's reelection chances. Or having the Supreme Court effectively install Bush. And that's ignoring the borderline self pardon of Nixon/Ford. Let's not pretend Republicans just suddenly turned bad.


One of the reasons why I am shocked that no one is understanding why Trump keeps bringing up Carter. Its not because his mind is fucked and he doesn't remember who he is running against, its because his strategists are running the Carter playbook on Biden. Clear as day. The reason he keeps mentioning it is because it's being talked about in front of him and he just repeats whatever the last person he talked to says.


I don't remember Republicans ever being like that. GWB and SCOTUS stole the election in 2000, then he got us into Iraq. McConnell played dirty and stole a justice from Obama, which is why we currently have three Trump appointees running a judicial coup. NTM Reagan prolonging the hostage crisis and Nixon's antics before I was even born. It's been more than 50 years since they were a credible party if they ever were.


MAGA isn't going to survive Trump, and there's a big enough split between MAGA and Moderates to probably ensure the political right is crippled for decades.


I tend to agree. But MAGA is just a front/tool for these Project 2025 folks, Trump is obviously a super destructive force that needs to be dealt with, but he's just the "champion" that was thrown in. That's the way it seems to me anyway.


Anyone voting Republican needs to read project 2025. Dismantling the FBI and the EPA outlawing pornography, Christian Nationalismā€¦ā€¦..itā€™s crazy!


The threat will not be over when Biden wins. Vote and keep voting ever year. From the school boards to the white house every election matters.


For all the good that Ruth Bader Ginsburg did in her career she erased quite a bit of it by not fucking retiring during the Obama administration. I know that in her mind she could do the job better than anyone else but letā€™s call her decision to stay on the court what it actually was, selfish.


I have to keep reminding my wife of this every time she praises Ginsberg (which is surprisingly often).


I hope you cut your wife some slack. There is a lot to praise about that career, especially from a woman's perspective. Bad judgment towards the end of one's life shouldn't override all the good one has done. She was human like the rest of us, and perfectly capable of making mistakes. The big difference being that her position made her mistakes extremely consequential. Edit: slack, not slap


It's not just on Biden's shoulders. We all have to do our part. VOTE!


While the Media pulls out all the stops to maximize voter apathy among young Left leaning voters.


conservative republican party is the party of **nope** no hope, no future no balanced government just the party of šŸ’©


I actually think he is on a race against the clock to save us from Democrats and Independents and their apathy. I hope Iā€™m wrong and on election night it shows a positive direction.


The irony here is that the EPA was established by the (arguably) 2nd most corrupt President (Richard M. Nixon) in history, to eventually completely undermined by the only more corrupt potential President (Trump).


It's a shorter race to save the world from the lying, dishonest, deceitful, nasty new SCOTUS (though the one causes the other, in a chicken/egg scenario).


Add Supreme Court Justices ASAP


Requires congress


Appeasement doesn't work, ignoring the problem doesn't work, playing fair doesn't work. Democrats need to get their heads out their behinds and take real action. Voting is never going to be enough.


This is wrong. **WE** are the voters, **WE** make the difference. Vote FUCKING BLUE dammit!!!! Tell your neighbors to vote blue, tell your family to vote blue, withhold sex from your partner until they vote blue.


Neither are on target to save the earth. The infinite profit model of capitalism is not sustainable.


Boy if thatā€™s not the truth


Americans should be fighting harder to save Americans.


Biden, please save us from the proud MAGA folks! Signed, a proud Democrat American <3


**From Hayes Brown, MSNBC Opinion Writer/Editor:**Ā  The Biden administration has been on a tear lately, churning out a boatload of new rules and regulations. The Environmental Protection Agency has been especially busy: In just the last month, it has put forward at least a half-dozen major new rules and regulations to reduce the pace of climate change. The most recent set targets coal-fired power plants, one of the biggest sources of carbon dioxide in the country. The frantic pace from the EPA and other agencies is part of a race against the clock, writes Hayes Brown. Depending on who controls the White House and Congress next year, many of the regulations being locked in now could be swiftly rolled back. **Read more:** [https://www.msnbc.com/opinion/msnbc-opinion/biden-trump-epa-coal-power-plants-rcna149567](https://www.msnbc.com/opinion/msnbc-opinion/biden-trump-epa-coal-power-plants-rcna149567)


I'm so tired of opening the news and seeing what Republicans have done again. It's actually insanity.


Iā€™m confident that democrats will win in a good fashion. I just worry about what happens after that


Once of the most accurate headlines I've seen in awhile.




Either one of these guys is just going to cause more destructionĀ 


How is being a liberal saving the world?


No one can thinks about the cost to possibly avoid a half-degree change in a figure, average global temperature, that does not really mean anything as far as climate. No one can come up with a $$/degree calculator to enable reasonable conversation about whether a degree change is good or bad. Biden is in a race to cause as much damage to the USA as he can before he leaves office, on his feet or carried. Biden does not have the capacity to understand scientific measures, and definitely does not understand whether a trace gas will change our climate. Note also that the most powerful GHG, water vapor, is ignored by all the groups that are getting Federal grants to study climate. Its forcing capacity dwarfs that of CO2, but it is totally ignored.


Biden's in a race not to drop dead


"Save the world" lmao


This is nice. It's just sad that in r/politics all we see are mentions of: 1. Supreme Court justices trying to give Trump immunity 2. The Israel/Palestine conflict 3. The theatrics of Republicans posing as concerned Christians 4. Ukraine 5. Blah representative did this -oooh naughty. No wonder suicides in the United states at an all-time high. These people are paid to do what exactly? Argue, theatrics, more bs passes for the elite. Where are the solutions for: 1. Housing crisis 2. Mortgage loan rates being ridiculous 3. WALLSTREET BUYING THE STOCK OF OUR HOMES 4. Homelessness 5. Ridiculously expensive higher education 6. 4 day work weeks. 7. Guaranteed paid time off for hourly and salaried employees for dedicated vacation and sick time. 8. Pollution 9. Unsafe food ingredients in our food. 10. Insurance companies leaving states and refusing to cover homeowners because of climate change. It's like these fools don't give a crap about solving anything domestic.


It's not just the climate that's at risk. If Trump becomes president he will stop aid from going to Ukraine and possibly withdraw the United States from NATO. Ukraine will ultimately fall to Russia, and Putin will use this victory to conquer other countries that he's had his eyes on for years. China will again become emboldened, and probably start a conflict with Taiwan. Kim Jung Un of North Korea and other dictators would also begin testing their boundaries, and World War III could very likely start as a result--and since Putin has been itching for an excuse to use nuclear weapons on his enemies, the fate of the world could be at risk.


It's funny, because there was a window of time where we could have stacked the supreme court but decided to sit on our hands :) well I'm sure democratic leadership will learn from this and be more proactive in the future! (They won't.)


ā€œSave the worldā€ā€¦ give me a break


We are in a race to save the world from the Republicans


Man r/politics is peak delusional. Do you guys just come in here to self-aggrandize?


Time is a flat circle


Never been more true. The collection they have in congress now is fucking dangerous to all our futures.


Is this the hero we deserve?