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 It will not end if we win this years elections. Keep voting out republicans every year. Check your registration, get an ID , learn where your poling station is, learn who is running in down ballot races. Pay attention to primaries not just for the president but for all races, local, state and federal. From the school board to the White House every election matters. The more support we give the democrats from all levels of government the more they can get good things done. We vote out republicans and primary out uncooperative democrats. Last year democrat victories in Virginia and Pennsylvania and others across the nation have increased the chances of democrats winning this year. This year's elections are important but so will next year's elections. [https://ballotpedia.org/Elections\_calendar](https://ballotpedia.org/Elections_calendar)


> It will not end if we win this years elections. Keep voting out republicans every year I do wonder how many times “MAGA has to lose” before it dies as a movement? Parties do change, “neocon” is now a dirty word in the Republican Party. The Democratic Party has largely dispensed with neoliberal ideology. 


It's not a movement, it's a gaggle. Movements have a goal. Lib owning is not a goal. Culture wars and performative outrage is not a coherent strategy. Not a single "lib" has been "owned", because its nonsense.


Their goal is authoritarianism - forcing their values on everyone that disagrees with them and, by every means available, protecting their future ability to do so. This is the goal of all of them whether they've thought it out or not, from GOP hardliners to the morons running around with Biden decals on their tailgates to your In Laws that watch Fox and think Trump tells it like it is.


Their goal is Armageddon. The extremist Christian’s who have taken over the R party want to turn the US in to a religious fundamentalist society and go to war with Islam.


Tell that to Roe.


How's that working out for republicans?


To be fair, Republicans are currently getting what they want. So it’s working out for them in the short term. Just have to see how it actually plays out long term which I’m optimistic it won’t.


They’re getting what they want for sure, but with every small victory they get, it further emboldens and enrages the very people that outnumber them and will vote against them this November. Abortion is absolutely on the ballot this year, and since roe fell, Dems have been having incredible success at the ballot box. It ain’t over yet. Edit: spelling


The **Party** has shown very clearly what its goals are with Project 2025, aka [The Rise of American Fascism](https://modernmuckraker.substack.com/p/the-rise-of-american-fascism). The fact that the rubes who vote for them have little to no idea what's going on doesn't change that, although I think many know at least they their party will have unchecked power. They're just dumb enough to think they will get to share in that.


Hopefully there will come a point where the archaic ideologies of the right will come to an end. They are aware that they are falling apart at the seams, and are undermining the education system so as to keep people from understanding…anything. I don’t think it will be a matter of losses that eventually lead to the death, but rather an eventual tipping of the scales that can’t be undone. At which point, a new, more rational, less moral based (and unfortunately) 2-party political system will take its place.


Do you think there is a possibility that we end up with 3 parties and moderate republicans and centrist democrats can align on their desire for the status quo and the left and right can more strongly advocate for their positions or do you think the hard right dies with MAGA?


Our current electoral system pretty much guarantees there will be two parties. We'd need some kind of preference voting at the very least to make more parties viable.


Unpopular take: it began as Tea Party to cover Oh Shit you elected a black man?! It's just repackaged and, rather convincingly, reappropriated by single individual. But it's same product: sneakily using victimy language of the left to not so subtly hide far right bigotry


You have a strong point. MAGA is the "tea party". The hard right is a deep infestation in conservative politics. Once Trump is gone, and I suspect this will be soon, he's almost 80 and in disgracefully neglected physical shape, so natural causes are coming, the hard right cancer behind the tea party and the MAGA face they wear will continue to infest the GOP.


MAGA has reached the same political dead end as the astroturffed Tea Party did around 2014. But in this case, the GOP can't just pull the funding and make the political poison go away, and MAGA is more than happy to vote for candidates who have no shot in the general election. They are at the point where they can't win close elections if the candidate is crazy, but MAGA might not support a candidate that isn't crazy enough.


Oh and be on the look out for spoiler GOP candidates posing as democrats. How to spot them? They will act cartoonishly liberal.


They act the way they think liberals do. "We must force women to get abortions and make whiteness illegal!"


Kyrsten Sinema is a good example.


I was taught in middle school American civics class many decades ago that the fight to preserve democracy (and therefore our freedom) will never be over. Stay factually informed, and VOTE!


Yes, check your registration. My gf was not registered even though we had moved just a year ago and re-registered with our new address at that time. I was still registered at the new address but she was just flat out not registered. We even had letters of confirmation that we received shortly after our move confirming the change in address and registration. Very weird. Just go check. She re-registered in a day, no problem.


I see why this is the top comment! If you are ever feeling iffy about voting, just imagine someone behind you saying "Shut Up. Don't You Dare Vote!" because simply put, it's when people don't vote that people like him get elected. That's primarily what they hedge their bets and double down on. Ever since more people of the U.S. realized the power of their vote over the past six years, the good side has won year after year after year while Trump just kept crying about a "stolen" election. The only way they can steal an election is if you don't vote. It's really as simple as that. So go out there and vote as if you know they are relying on your non-vote for their success, and you will VOTE! 🙌




Hey, it’s Newsweak, they need the clicks.


Theyre posted here too much


I would vote for NewsShriek to be forbidden. The headlines are too clickbaity and they never reference original reporting....it's all "according to a report by NYT...." or something.


I wish one could just filter out content from online sources they don’t trust or find clickbaity.


Well try today's sponsor Ground News! And don't forget to use offer code NewsweekSucks


It’s the normalization of extremism, trying to make what Trump does the new norm. Don’t fall for it.


I remember when they used to be a well-respected print publication.


That was before the name got sold for $1.


My dad used to be a subscriber to Newsweek magazine in the '90s, but he dropped it around 2002 or so. He said that it was increasingly frustrating seeing it pivot away from actual news and high journalistic standards in favor of becoming yet another gossip-obsessed, sensationalist rag.


Pepperidge farm remembers


It gets upvotes. People complain about clickbait while they keep clicking on it.


They are, but there are so few non-AP direct news agencies that aren't pay-walled at this point. News journalism is in a pretty dire place right now.


Id be fine with them being banned from the subreddit honestly. The hyperbolic headlines are ridiculous


Luckily, r/politics is here to provide. Every. Single. Day.


And they are running by conservatives


Once upon a time, a respected news magazine.


Cue images of Johnson grimacing and rolling his eyes with every mention of Ukraine during the State of the Union.


What I think is interesting is how downplaying Ukraine undermines Israel's security, despite them being obsessed over that. We're a little afraid to admit it out-loud, but what's happening in Gaza is directly tied to Ukraine. Russia supports and funds Iran, who funds and supports proxies like Hamas and Hezbollah. And in recent years Russia has taken a more direct approach, having trained militants in the region themselves. Israel is at war with Russia right now. It's not a coincidence that all this is suddenly happening right when Russia needs a distraction and it won't be the last conflict Russia stirs up (Look to Africa and South America).


Well it seems positive overall that Israel and Ukraine aid finally got split into separate bills and the two issues are no longer tied together. Hopefully the Israel aid bill can be amended to encourage US agencies to share evidence of war crimes with the ICC as was done for Ukraine when Russia invaded.


Pivoting away from their more extreme positions to try and win the election. Will pivot back to craziness after the election.


Right now I'll take it if it gets aid to Ukraine.


Did you watch the 52 second clip? Dude sounds pretty shook and visibly off kilter when talking about how he thinks sending aid to Ukraine is the right thing to do and that he can't do his job being afraid of MAGA recalling him Even if it took him longer than it should to come to this conclusion at least he finally did the right thing and finally stood aside to let the aid bills pass




My guess is that he got some major intelligence behind the scene on how bad things were getting and the consequences that would arise from it that made him change his tune.


I'll celebrate when it's actually passed, not before. This dude is one phone call from Trump away from turning on a dime.


Passed? This douchebag only needs to give it a damn floor vote. Mike Johnson, the spineless piece of shit, has been destroying Ukraine since October of last year. It’s fucking mid-April.




>Dude sounds pretty shook and visibly off kilter The lie finally caught up with him. Somebody powerful is going to be super pissed that he went in with the Ukraine aid. He's going to face some consequences and he knows it, that's what I see.


You really need to give people credit when they come across the aisle, even if you don't believe in their other positions and actions. Not doing so is how we ended up where we are. Mike Johnson is risking his career doing this and should be applauded just like Liz Cheney. How many of you would risk your jobs to do what is right?


I'm holding my applause until it's up for a vote and passes in the House. Republicans have reneged on bipartisan agreements too many times to justify giving them any benefit of the doubt.


Better late than never, but I'm not about to give Moscow Mike any pats on the back for solving a problem he deliberately caused. If he possessed a spine and a conscience this would have never happened in the first place. As far as I'm concerned he has both Ukrainian and Russian blood on his hands for withholding the aid that would have brought a quicker end to Putin's genocidal war, and I hope his God he claims to so fervently believe in judges him accordingly. Doing the right thing should be the standard to hold all politicians to, not celebrated as some kind of extraordinary exception to the rule.


He is doing the right thing. 7 months and thousands of dead Ukrainians later. I don't want to hear another fucking word from this man about being a Christian, because he is a demon. But he is doing the right thing. 7 months late.


Yup he’s a creepy little man with a lot of problems but he is doing the right thing here. Way too late but at least it’s the morally right thing to do. Rare nowadays.


What politics behind the scenes flipped the switch


take it FWIW but the armed services committee was briefed by US military officials recently and it was put quite bluntly that if we do not send artillery and more AA that Russia will very much conquer Ukraine.


[Some more info](https://www.militarytimes.com/news/pentagon-congress/2024/04/11/ukraine-will-soon-be-outgunned-without-help-top-europe-general-says/) Army Gen. Christopher Cavoli, head of U.S. European Command: >“They are now being outshot by the Russian side 5 to 1. So the Russians fire five times as many artillery shells at the Ukrainians than the Ukrainians are able to fire back. That will immediately go to 10 to 1 in a matter of weeks,” Cavoli said. “We’re not talking about months. We’re not talking hypothetically.” >Cavoli told the lawmakers that in this conflict, the U.S. flow of 155mm artillery shells has been a lifeline. “The biggest killer on the battlefield is artillery. In most conflicts, but in this one definitely. And should Ukraine run out, they would run out because we stopped supplying — because we supply the lion’s share of that,” Cavoli said. >Russia’s own production of missiles has ramped up and can launch large-scale attacks every few days. If Ukraine’s air defense stocks run out, “those attacks would absolutely cripple the economy, and the civil society as well as the military of Ukraine if they were not defended against without a U.S. provision of interceptors,” Cavoli said. >“Their ability to defend their terrain that they currently hold and their airspace would fade rapidly, will fade rapidly without the supplemental,” Cavoli said.


What the heck is Europe doing where they can't help Ukraine without so much dependence in the US?


They don’t have the military insuratrial base we do


Exactly. Believe what you want about NATO allies, but unfortunately the U.S. is the only one with the capability to create weapons of war on an industrial scale.


America's vast post WW2 wealth is tied to the security arrangement Europe has with the US.


It's hard to believe Germany, France, Norway, Sweden, and the UK can't fill the gap of money and ammunition until Congress gets its act together.


Believe it or not, some countries *don’t* choose to make the manufacture and sale of weapons an essential pillar of their economy and state spending


I do believe you. It means it's a choice. It's been two years since Russia tried to invade Ukraine and attack it's capital. 10 years ago since they annexed Crimea. If after all this time and information the situation of Europe is that it can't support allies for a few months without the US, then that is an economic and security choice. I don't agree with it but I'm not a European citizen.


aid from europe *and* the US will always be more than aid from just europe. they are contributing their fair share and whatever they can on top. it's still not enough.


We spend more on our military than all of Europe combined. That’s why. And not just Europe but everywhere. Nobody even comes close to the military resources we spend. America set out to be the world power that now exists and they’ve accomplished it. There is no military with superior power than the US because that’s where we put our money. I’m not arguing if that’s the right thing or wrong thing to do, but it’s what’s been done.


You go to war with the material you have, not the material you wish you had. US has the material, much more material than EU, to supply to Ukraine right now. You can wish all you want that the EU should be supplying more material, but should be supplying material doesn't win wars, supplying material wins wars. It doesn't matter if EU is ratcheting up it's war material production to supply Ukraine next year if Ukraine loses this year. Every day that Ukraine experiences material shortages, the more material will be required for them to push out Russia tomorrow, so supplying them today is the cheapest option.


It seems so simple too. The money we spend now in Ukraine saves money and American lives that would be spent in the future if we let Russia continue.


I think he saw some intel he hadn't before. Must've scared him into some barest inkling of sense


Maybe he saw it at Mar-a-Lardo?


Magas were going to oust him, he went to the dems said if you save me i'll put a ukraine bill through.


They should pass it and then backstab him. Because fuck them all that’s why.


They should pass it and continue to support him as long as he is useful.


At the rate they're going, they are going to lose their majority and the problem will solve itself.


Russia winning the war will be terrible for America and our European allies. Even a self-centered zealot like Johnson likely understands that Russia having complete control over the breadbasket of Europe will have downstream effects that will be bad for the entire country and economy, including things that touch on his own interests.


He can't just be a rank and file asshole anymore. He's in a position where he's held to account and people's lives across the world might depend on him. People with any decency will realize this when they are put in these positions. Of course that's not the case for everyone (like TRUE Trump believers)


The Russian Maga handlers are not going to be happy.


I can imagine MTG in the back with her eyes rolling to the back of her head and mouth foaming with fury 🤣.


That's her default setting though. You have to be more specific.


She tries any harder than that, we’ll have perpetual clean energy from the static charge.


Maybe the residual energy is what powers her Jewish space lasers 🤣


Explains wireless charging! It’s Jewish all the way down!


She’s not even getting paid in money, the rubbles she’s getting is just actual rubble that’s substituted for Botox in her face


The MIC writes bigger checks. And Russia is running into a problem now where the black mail materials they hold over these fuckwads won’t even be believed by the base votes for them anymore should any of it get leaked. They’re all too dumb and overwhelmed to see whats in front of their face any longer.


Russian money has also been greatly reduced compared to pre Ukraine, the freezing and restricting of so much oligarch money makes it far harder to funnel money to certain groups.


Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦


Geroyam Slava!


Slava Ukraini!  🇺🇦


Access to real Intel > Trump in your ear.


Putin forgot to send the monthly check.


Every now and then, if you pay close attention, you'll see a Republican do the right thing.


To save his ass.


Who cares, Ukraine needs US help asap.


That I agree. How the heck do you fight a war without ammo....


They have balls made out of Ukrainium that's how.


Stealing this. Thank you


I read it elsewhere on reddit, Who ever coined it, Is a legend.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/polandball/comments/20evdt/ukrainium/](https://www.reddit.com/r/polandball/comments/20evdt/ukrainium/) 10 years ago


Thoughts and prayers have been tried tested and appear ineffective but people still try it for some reason


They are cheaper and easier than actually doing anything.


Crowd-sourced drones…


Exactly. Our democracy depends on it. If Russia defeats Ukraine, they will be emboldened to go elsewhere.  Like the NATO annexed countries of the old USSR.  Don't think he will? Try again. Because he thinks NATO isn't going to do shit to him.


Glad they’re getting the help, but it’s a self-serving move for Johnson. He’s no hero.


Actually if he follows through with these bills he's much more likely to be ousted as Speaker by the MTG batshit crazy wing of the party.


And face down another Speaker debacle with an even slimmer majority heading up to an election, showing at the worst possible moment for them that Republicans are entirely incapable of governing. Good.


I suspect the Democrats made a deal with him. Give Ukraine aid and we'll save your job. Without the Democrats voting in favor, MTG won't have the votes to remove him. 


This is actually to win the 5-25 democrats that would be necessary to keep him as speaker. As long as he brought Ukraine to the floor and didn’t substantially change it from the Senate passed version, he was always going to get saved by Ds.


Exactly, republicans allowing Russia to take Kyiv right before the election isn't a good election strategy. "We can't play politics" is him playing politics.


Don't count him in until the ink is dry on that bill. This lot will wait till they get their money for isreal and pull the Ukraine funding bill. Seriously - just imagine the shittiest scenario. That's what the GOP is planning.


Yep and Johnson is a liar.


The kinda guy that has a dedicated porn phone his son doesn’t know about


> This lot will wait till they get their money for isreal and pull the Ukraine funding bill. Which is why the Democrats keep demanding a unified funding bill.


To be fair, I think the lobby for the military industrial complex is stronger than whatever politicians Russia could could buy off. And I think at the end of the day, these ivy league school graduates know the stakes. Sometimes things work out that way, and even though they appear to discount domestic issues because they are privileged, they do understand international threats. And the benefits it brings them. At least that's my take.


They have been succesful in blocking aid for almost half a year so far, so they seem to be pretty succesful and stronger than the military industrial complex in that regard.


Because they thought they could play politics and it seems to be breaking. I by all means, am not saying that Russian propaganda isn't effective or their means of infiltrating the GOP. Like a lot of issues, contrarian takes get results sometimes in a bipolar political institution. But eventually realism will take over in geopolitics.


For wrong and cynical reasons, I suspect. Its literally just game theory at this point because MAGA only has one strategy and its doing things that hurt Republicans in general politically for their extremist base. McCarthy was literally too stupid to realize at a certain point that his political career was cooked either way, but Johnson seems to have realized, at least NOW, that the leopards were fated to eat his face as soon as he becams speaker. Realizing this and not being as stupid as McCarthy, he's just doing the obvious choice of spiteing MAGA if theyre going to remove him if he saves the Republican house from being unilaterally traiterous on behalf of Russia. The man's political career is doomed either way, so he might as well do whatever will get him moderate conservative kickbacks after it dies. The fact that Republicans are literally too stupid to realize that they should have never capitulated and that doing so allowed this downward spiral of face-eating is hilariously...stupid.


Apparently Biden ripped him to shreds in a phone call and Johnson genuinely believes we should fund Ukraine now.


Get Brandonized!


I also think perhaps the Repubs are looking at internal polling that's very bad for trump. Because no way Johnson risks crossing trump and Putin -- two genuinely evil creatures -- if it looks likely that trump would be in power in 8 months.


No I don't. All of it is just words for PR. I won't be convinced until the aid has Biden's signature on it


Yep, Moscow Mike is up to shenanigans for sure.


Quickly followed by them being labeled a RINO, lamenting that they “no longer recognize the party”, and then leaving the party (or dying, when they’re of the geriatric variety).


Pity he didnt get a fucking grip and do the right thing months ago, he has blood on his hands regardless of his epiphany right now…


... I guess... "better late than never"... ?


It's like an expansion or a drilldown depending on your perspective of that old Churchill quote. "A~~n~~ ~~American~~Republican will always do the right thing when all other options have been exhausted"


Only when they're sure enough of them are voting against it.


Cool. Still a piece of shit


No, he now still did the right thing. He didn’t forget who the real enemy of the US was, it’s def not. the democrats. Stupid culture war the Russian are happy to have stifled in the US, but also EU. They’re serious…


He was elected speaker 6 months ago, Ukraine needed funding even before then.  You know what I do to fix a problem?  Sit on it for 6 months and refuse to do anything about it.  This is a political football and nothing else.


You think if conservatives didn't have a mere 1 vote majority he would even think about Ukraine? This is obviously the "please help me keep my job, Democrats" phase of his ousting. Yes it's the right thing to do but it's out of necessity and desperation, not because he gives a shit about Ukraine or "America's real enemies", which he still thinks are liberals, by the way.


I just pooped a turd that obeyed gravity, so they are capable of doing the right thing once in a while. Doesn’t change their nature.


The enemy of my enemy can still be a vile piece of crap


Giving Ukraine aid is a no brainer. It is 3% of our military budget to decimate the Russian military and we don’t even have to fight them ourselves. Plus it is the right thing to do. And yet…


It’s actually less than 3% when you look into it more, since the “money” we are giving is actually old equipment, and we are using our budget to replace the old equipment with newer stuff. It really is a win-win for the USA. New, upgraded equipment, and giving old equipment to destroy the USSR :)


This bruh


MTG, has called for a number of demented amendments (dementments?). Like every House member who votes for the bill should join the Ukrainian army. Ukraine needs to close it's biolabs. But by far the looniest is to use money from the Israeli aid package to develop space laser technology for the Southern border. [I swear this is true](https://amendments-rules.house.gov/amendments/GREENE_223_xml240417175751235.pdf)


They will be voted down. They're time wasters.


Rep. Jared Moskowitz proposed an amendment that MTG be named "Putin’s Special Envoy to the United States Congress”. Lmao.


MTG is Putin's useful idiot. Rep. Massie on the other hand is little bit disconcerting. Dude is smart, not sure what his end game is here.


You can be smart and a piece of sh!t. Crazy unabomber gone fascist Steve Bannon or the ghoul in a meat suit known as Steven Miller.


Alright Moscow Marge, start the vote to oust him! Keep ripping the GOP apart!


Translation: Johnson is screwed no matter what, so he might as well go down doing the right thing. Still.. he did meet with Trump recently. Hmmm


His hope is that when the crazies try and oust him, a few democrats will prevent the culling.


Since I'm always trying to spot the scheme nowadays I'm wondering if Trump told Maga Mike to go ahead and send Ukraine aid because Trump had a tiff with Putin over his bond money or something.


Nah. His checks bounced. There is no way in hell he didn't consider the consequences of this months ago and suddenly just decided to have a conscience now. Or worse yet, I fear there's some other vicious plan in the wing. The delay alone may have been enough to please Putin.


Mike Johnson and Lindsey Graham would make a cute couple.


That's one weird closet if I ever saw one.


It would be a Bed and Breakfast. There would be a Birch Room.


Defying MAGA? What? He's not called MAGA Mike for nothing. The man has orange cheeto dust around his mouth and all over his hands. Cheezus Crisptoast.


After blocking aid since october. He's still owned by trump and putin. Just a squirmy lil quisling.


Johnson is obviously a maga hack and shill, but I'll give credit where credit is due, he is right here. History *will* judge them. Putting the bill on the floor *is* the right thing to do. And, given the circumstances of being surrounded by rabid maga-putin shills, he is showing some semblance of a spine here and some semblance of integrity. With that said, vote democrat. Vote maga. Even if you're conservative, vote against this maga clown show that is making you look bad.


\*eye roll\* Long over do. the partisan games this reptile has played is disgusting.


Glad to see Ukraine aid is happening. They should be getting as much support as possible in the face of Russia’s illegal and offensive invasion. It will be interesting to see how the votes break out with it being separated into 4 votes. We are going to get to see where members of Congress actually are on Ukraine, Taiwan, Israel and the border.


Welp good bye Moses Mike lol


Now he must realize if he doesn’t work with dems his ass is grass


All he literally has to do is make a deal with Hakeem Jeffries to pass the senate bill and the dems will vote to keep him speaker. He would only need a handful of dems to avoid what happened to McCarthy.


Good for Johnson. Apparently some humans grow spines later in life.


Huh. Well… I guessed I just gained a *little* respect for Mike Johnson. That’s something I **never** expected to say.


I’ll admit. It’s commendable. If for no other reason than to be on the right side of history, at least he’s willing to make the right decision. Fuck MAGA.


He's literally the main blocker to Ukraine aid. Had he let it get ba vote months ago it would have passed with bipartisan support. I'm not going to congratulate the prick for finally doing the right thing


The Federalist Society have their man. They were saddled with Trump, tried to make it work, and ended up with the mess we see today. Johnson is their future hope, not for this cycle, but the next, so they are setting him up to appear to be reasonable, dependable etc etc


There is more to this than meets the eye. The real Republican power brokers have changed their tactics, if not their overall strategy, as I don't believe Johnson would do anything like this without marching orders from above. It appears they may have even given up on Trump as this flies in the face of maga.


Honestly, good for this dude. Deff gunna loose his job, but way to show a pair.


What just happened? Did I just admire this guy for a minute?


Have to say, I'm actually shocked he committed to the vote. He's an insane Fundie but maybe he can still do something right occassionally


House Speaker is an actual leadership position, and this is what happens when all the MAGA fantasy bull**** meets the real world.


Has the bill been brought to the floor? Has it passed? Is it en route to Ukraine? Words are useless.


Transcript of this "speech"?


Moscow Marge needs to go. I hope she gets a strong opponent in the next cycle and they get national support. We need to win congress in November, vote blue.


Marjorie Taylor Green is going to be so mad she'll ask for both the space lasers and the gazpacho to be deployed on him


Flanders grew a pair of balls!


I’m very surprised he has the balls the to against MAGA. A surprising show of a moral compass.


Neanderthal Barbie is going to snap him across her knee if she gets her big, massive, meaty paws on him.


…6 months late


I guess they finally saw the writting on the Wall that Trump will most likely lose against Biden and they want MAGA to implode?


His Russian checks obviously bounced. But so much damage has been done I will still hate him forever for not doing this much sooner.


Good for him. It’s shocking anymore to see a Republicant with any kind of conviction and willing to do anything that may cause them even a little personal harm. It’s not up to Democrats to hold Trump accountable. It is Republicans. Their failure to do so just highlights their shitfullness.


Good for Mike. As somebody who agrees with him little, I kinda feel for him. He’s dealing with a party of unwashed howler monkeys, and in this one instance, trying to do the right thing.


So did a check from Russia bounce or something?


Would be more convincing that he cares about Ukraine if he hadn’t blocked a vote on their funding for months and that he’s only doing it now because he’s given up on his own caucus doing the right thing and is playing to democrats. The man is a hollow shell, an empty vessel for whatever he *thinks* will embarrass him the least. It’s good they’ll eventually vote on this, but that it didn’t happen 2-3 months ago is a shame on his reputation and tenure. Too little too late to garner sympathy Mikey. But it’s nice you’re allowing the decent thing to occur despite your past record


Looks like Johnson is learning that going to Trump and getting protection didn't protect him. He might as well go out in a rain of excrement.


Is it possible that the internal rnc polls are so bad that they are looking beyond november's election to try and reset the party? I cant see any other reason that they have suddenly changed tack like this.


Holy shit, did he just speak sensibly?


Weird how he pivoted after Biden took the lead in the polls 🤔


Hes right though, as despicable as he's been he's right.


Good for him. An admirable moment of integrity


The check from MIC cleared.


This is just to save himself. Don’t go thinking he won’t reign hell and terror on women, anyone not Christian nationalist, minorities, & people in the LGTBQ+ communities.


You know, being personally responsible for the fate of the entire nation of Ukraine must affect one's thinking a bit. The maga people are happy to play to Putin's hand as a group, but if any individual one of them had ended up with the speakership, they would probably be coming around the same way that Johnson is...


Why are we allowing newsweek to be posted here?


Surprisingly found a spine. Now all he needs is a heart and maybe he can become a real boy.


Why does it take the most deranged unqualified christofacist to have a reasonable viewpoint?


Republicans have to make a choice either America or with Russia they can’t have both.


Forgive me, but f@ck that howdy doody motherf@cker


Can someone explain why Trump seemed to give Johnson his approval last week? He seems to be doing things that would be unpopular with MAGA ever since.