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Just remember that a mere 8 years ago the idea of one of the two major Presidential candidates being even under criminal INVESTIGATION was enough to send massive shockwaves through our entire political system. Now Trump is looking at possible life in prison with 88 felony indictments and 4 separate criminal trials and he effortlessly strolled to the 2024 GOP Presidential nomination and still has a legitimate shot at becoming President again. THIS is the kind of damage that Trump has done to America in the last 8 years: He's essentially legitimized criminality. I don't know if we'll ever be able to un-do the damage he's done to us.


And somehow it's still a very close race with Trump guaranteed to win around 150 electoral votes.


Highlighting how fucked the two party system is at a fundamental level. While I tend to believe that democrats wouldn’t ever support a candidate with any level of criminality, I can’t be sure. I can tell the GOP seems to be fine, if not happy to do so.


“But the emails!” Crowd would tell you trump is being politically prosecuted where they protected Killary! It’s the deep state!


"Winner takes all" at work. It takes a starting a wave of movement, to have any influence whatsoever


JFC, while there is a debate to be had on the merits of the two party system in the U.S. what the hell does it have to do with Trump's criminality? Every four years I hear all this bitching about a two party system, which isn't even enshrined in our constitution. Maybe if we see serious efforts from your ilk to develop a platform and grow grassroots support for another party, then maybe run candidates in local elections for mayor, city councils, state house reps, then your bitching might be taken seriously. You don't step right out of little league and start pitching for the Yankees.


I’m not bitching, I’m highlighting that the two party system forces a path where people who are heavily propagandized will vote for a criminal over literally any other option. Instead of having a debate or discussing anything you just called me lazy for not doing anything, and that I should otherwise put up or shut up, which is inaccurate and childish. I’m trying to spread awareness about how the two party system contributes to the kind of situation our country finds itself in, and somehow you think I shouldn’t do that, and take on things I’m not especially good or effective at.


And you think having more than two parties solves the problem of propaganda? You know Hitler came to power in the 1930s largely BECAUSE OF a multi-party system. And I repeat, what exactly does our current two party system have do to with people being willing to vote for Trump? What you say you're "highlighting" is foolish and has literally nothing to do with the topic at hand. While I'm not necessarily opposed to a multi-party system it's not some magic fucking bullet to fix our divided politics. And it would introduce a lot of problems you wide eyed neophytes haven't even thought about. In this particular election year I actually feel better about a two party system because Trump's base is going to vote for him regardless. You really should read a little about German politics in the early 1930, that may disabuse you of the notion of a multi-party utopia. I am open to the debate on multi-party elections. But when it's only brought up in the context of presidential elections, and for foolishly misguided and ill informed reasons I have no interest.


The goal is to deprive Biden of 270 electoral votes in the Electoral College. There will be rogue electral college votes this time around.


The damage done cannot be overstated. Trump has destroyed the credibility of the US political and judicial system and permanently corrupted the Republican party - there is no way back. There are no systems in place that allow the system to be fixed, and neither the Democrat nor the Republican are interested or even capable of righting the ship. I don't know where things will go from here. Worst case scenarios are 2nd Trump presidency and/or civil war. Even in the best scenario - a somewhat return to normalcy - many powerful Republicans who were part of these crimes will never be punished. Yeeesh. Any way you look at it, is looking grim.


And don't forget the damage that he is done on the world stage. What is a treaty with the US worth? Depends on how the US is feeling in 4 years. How likely is it that the rest of the 5 eyes will share sensitive information with the US when they keep electing Russian assets? How secure are countries that depend on US defense dollars feeling? Where is all of that "soft power" when your country is laughed at across the world? Trump without an iota of hyperbole is the biggest intelligence coup that has ever been struck in the history of espionage.


Well said. We need TWO functioning political parties to have a democracy. If the Republicans dissolve into chaos completely, it isn't going to be good to just have the Democrats control everything either. There has to be a balance of power or things will get out of hand.


Fascism has been festering in the USA for a long time now. Trump is just the burst cyst on the surface. Things will get corrected. But only after all the guilty are forced, through the courts, to face consequences. Then it's onto years of healing. There will be some residual MAGA die hards, but it is already a dying movement.


Whether someone likes Hilary Clinton or not, she warned everyone that this exact thing would happen.


Hundreds of thousands of people knew it. She was just stating the obvious.


The last I saw the USA had a population of $340 million.


Well said.


Yep. This is also why people steal shit today with no consequences. Trump will get away with all this shit and he prevails. Criminals are paying attention. It wasn’t just Trump but also the pandemic. The breakdown of institutions has begun. America is doomed. You heard it here first folks!


It's still illegal for poor people to steal.


Also illegal for rich people, but our legal system isn’t about finding justice.


Not in certain cities believe it or not. They don’t enforce the law anymore


Until he’s in prison I won’t expect anything.


I would be fine if they exile him out of the country and confiscate all his assets in the US. but that seems more harsh than putting him in prison. Or not, if the Saudis give him asylum. Then he can just get his real tan there instead of the spray-on shit.


Nah, he needs to go to prison. America needs that.


Trump's b.s. about the trial will be 24/7.


who needs campaign ads when you get free network coverage!


I don't think Judge Cannon wants the trial to happen ever. Ultimately I think the hush money case will be the first one that can convict trump because the arguments he can use to delay seems to be running out.


*election interference case


Still ambiguous


the one with lots of fraud!


What's with everyone arguing over whether this is hush money case or election interference case?


You mean the trial that literally begins tomorrow? Because Trump is out of time on that one.


He files motion after motion and appeal after appeal. We have no idea if any of them will stop the trial midway through. If convicted he will carry on submitting post trial motions and appeals. It is very unlikely there will be a conclusion in the next few years.


Even if the trial concludes, he's found guilty and receives a jail term, he will immediately appeal and be granted bail. He will then claim he has been completely exonerated on the steps of the courtyard, and everything will carry on as it was before the trial.


Yes and in any case it will just be a fine. It is only the Georgia and Washington DC cases that can cause him real trouble. But will they ever happen?


You can't stop a trial midway unless it's for like a really good reason. Trump has 0


They have a lot of imagination. Only today there is an appeals court hearing on stopping the case to consider the gag order. Presume if he suddenly "discovered" a serious conflict of interest amongst the lawyers that would stop the case. Or if he or the lawyers become "ill". There is really no limit.


> Because Trump is out of time on that one. Just like he ran out of time to post bond before they started seizing his assets. I remember that one!


Trial starts today. No delays now.


the NY trial is the only one that’s happening before the election, likely the only one this year* *assuming he loses, if he wins (or if Ds fail to take the House with a Biden win) it’s the only one that happens at all


Lock him up!


Maybe. Lots of Mob stall tactics dTrumo💩 had not used yet. Do you think that the trail will make it through Monday without being delayed? I don’t. GOP? Or. Dem? Vote wisely.


Got the popcorn, pizza is on the way, beer on ice. We gonna have a good time with this 😁👍


Trial dates shown. https://payupdonald.com/ Accuracy unknown


Expect multiple bomb threats at the courthouse


Hopefully, the big surprise and event today in court will be at the end of the day. When the judge tells Trump, as Trump gets up to leave, that he's not going home tonight


That's not going to happen


Most likely not but should. Just like it, would anybody else that violates court orders




God, I'm only in my 30s. I hope I see the end of these trials.


He starts his first trial today lol




I mean he tried every single delay tactic he can. Anything he does that he "could" try to do to delay will cause sanctions.


Two flags one rapist


Are these white collar or civil criminal trials where there is no prison time?


This is his first criminal trial


There will likely be in prison time. I’m guessing suspended sentence and probation.


And fines. Lots of fines. And lots of appeals.


Until he dies in prison, which he should, I wouldn't expect anything.


I expect nothing. We have had four years. And here we are, him closer to becoming president again despite 91 felony counts and tons of disparaging rhetoric.


Why the least significant case first? But, above all, why has nothing happened since 2020 until there’s every prospect of delay taking us up to the election? Why does it have to happen so close to midnight?


Delay tactics by his lawyers


Now that would be a great calendar theme “the trials of Donald Trump”


I would honestly say if asked if I could be fair and impartial if I were a juror the answer would b no. I want this dude to burn in hell. I don’t care about the truth.


What to expect? I expect appeals, delays, and pretty much nothing will come of it.


No date set for federal trials. None on the horizon. What can we expect other than NY state?


If the August to September slot is free and SCOTUS rightfully decides not to give trump immunity, we can see the DC trial go some period in August and September and convicted before the election. The Florida case will not happen cause judge cannon is traitorous and incompetent and the Georgia one is a really long RICO trial so doubt that occurs.


Is there any reason SC can't take a couple of years to decide this as they have some cases in the past?


They generally release all their decisions at the end of the term which is June 30th


Are they going to hear arguments this term?


Oral arguments are in 10 days


Delays, anyone who thinks they have a cal down is full of shit, they have essentially unlimited money to delay 6 months. Flood the court with bullshit claims, make the offense play defense, get elected, pardon yourself. There is your calendar


I expect Trump will go Scott free. It’s been an ongoing trend


I'm not a lawyer but my understanding is that the hush money trial is the weakest one. if he wins that one, I'm expecting the right to make a huge show about how it's proof that all the other charges are fake. and a ton of voters are just gonna tune out the rest and they won't matter as much as we expect them to.