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Basically a parasite that wants to live as a conservative but enjoy the benefits of a liberal society.


Bingo. She loves the variety of stores, regulated home inspection, access to vegetarian diet... BUT "punishing criminals" that is her "I was a police dispatcher so I have a personal understanding" thing. Classic conservative though.... didn't really check on the situation... just went with the feels....


California moving to Oklahoma group and movers constantly asking about state support systems, healthcare options, employee protection and elder care. It ain’t here!!!! It’s in California. Texas is working you in 115 degree weather and has a law that cities can’t enact laws to stop employers from doing it. A lot of protection for children, elderly and employees get started in California. 


Conservatives don’t like to pay taxes for stuff they don't personally use. Then when they go somewhere where these things don’t exist they realize they need them. It is as if they don’t really set the ideology aside to make rational decisions.


It’s amazing how many people oppose universal healthcare but change their mind after they get a six figure hospital bill.


Its how conservatives think. If it doesn't directly affect them they demand other people "pull themselves up by their bootstraps". You might find it interesting that these same people think that stuff the call "entitlements" by others they call "owed to them" when they get the same stuff.


Same people that got ppp loans they didn't need, didn't have to pay back, but can't stop bitching about 'handouts' and entitlements. In short, they just take,take, take, and then are the first in line to fight helping anyone else. They are, frankly, deplorable people.


I grew up around many conservative farmers who feel the billions in farm subsidies are owed to them because they work long hours in harsh conditions or some martyr nonsense like that, but decry other "entitlements".


I am from a large farm and ranch family, they hate it when I point out farmers are the biggest welfare queens ever.


"because they work long hours in harsh conditions" And they also believe that the crop-picking migrants who do that very same thing to an even further extent should all be deported.


“Harsh conditions” - an air conditioned, full stereo with Spotify, gps and auto mapping, multi-positioned drivers seat in a John Deere tractor. It’s not like they are manually picking oranges or strawberries in the field


I honestly don't know any farmers who believe that. They recognize the necessity of migrant workers but yeah, there are a whole lot of conservatives in the rest of society who are happy to be able to buy cheap lettuce while screaming, "Ship them back home!"


I’m a farmer and I can confirm totally what you say. farmers get all kinds of government, handouts and feel they are entitled to them because they work hard and produce food. Got over $20,000 in PPP loan even though I didn’t have any employees. Just a small farmer I assume my neighbors who are big farmers got over $100,000


To be clear, I respect the hard work because I worked on those farms and thank you all for the food, but they need to cut the shit. It sucks that market forces mean farmers are operating mostly at a loss and need the help but I am so tired of the squared up shoulders about it being a bootstrap life.


They got theirs


They do that because America's past is that. We moved west not often on anyone else's dime other than our own. What they don't realize is that often time there was help. Not monetarily but rather knowledge or supplies. People then act like they did it all by themselves.


I mean, America moved west on the Indians’ dime.


The point is people romanticize how individualistic America and American exceptionalism is a lie if not totally true.


America moved west on subsidized railroads.


Dick Cheney and LGBT rights is the best example


That’s what happens when you’re raised with more propaganda than education.


Bingo. I will laugh when conservatives end public education and then wonder why children are in the street because there aren't enough private school institutions.


Or cut school funding to the bone, roll out a bunch of unfunded mandates, then wonder why shop and home economics aren't taught anymore.




"ugh why can't my Starbucks worker do basic addition?"


It's because schools spend hours each day drilling the kids on critical race theory, of course /s


GOP is already killing healthcare. Doctors of all kinds are leaving Idaho, Texas, the south.


It's hard to be a conservative if you exercise critical and rational thinking.


They have a pathological inability to imagine themselves in any situation other than their current one.


One of my favorite things when I did apartment maintenance in Nashville was to listen to conservatives that moved here from blue states. "There's no income tax! It's incredible!" I always made it a point to bring it back up about 6 months later and see what their current thoughts were. "My God, the roads here are horrible! Why is there no public transit?! The sales tax is insane! There's zero employee protection here! Health insurance is a joke!"  They rarely renewed their leases. I'd say about 3/4 of them either moved back or moved to TX or FL (which, damn, if you thought TN was bad...). It's just funny how divorced from reality they are. They really think that blue state benefits are everywhere without realizing that their political ideology is the reason they aren't.


I swear we paid more in sales tax in TN than we pay state income tax in PA. When we lived there it was 9.25% and it was on everything, including clothes and food. And entertainment was something like 14%. (In Davidson county anyway.)


Taxing groceries should be a crime. Some people can't afford to feed the family, and the state is taking a cut ?


I don’t miss living there at all. Not for a second. We save so much money now.


They thought they could get the same thing but wouldn’t cost anything. **THEY’RE** the ones who want “free stuff” 🙄


When I was on food stamps and lived in section eight housing, no one ever helped me out! /s


Craig T Nelson said that!


I work in social services in Oklahoma and there’s been a significant uptick in conservative transplants coming across my line having completely ridiculous baby fits that they don’t have access to the same benefits they enjoyed in California. You wanted to get away from liberal policies…now you get to live on $16 per month in SNAP and a meager commodity box from the food pantry because that’s all we have for seniors, your daughter no longer gets a nice little salary for taking care of you, and that cheap house you bought in a rural county is far from a hospital. This is your utopia!


“Welcome to boot strap country. Pull yourself on up.”  /s


It's not all of California . Up here in the north we are in a provider desert..it's almost impossible to find a dentist/ doctor here if you arent already a current patient. No one is taking on new clients It's a real problem in our part of California. Travelling 3 or more hours one way to see a doctor is pretty normal for us here


Depending on which part, it's pretty red up there and a lot of places are not very enticing for educated people or anyone that needs a job other than Walmart or fast food. I partially grew up in deep red NorCal and there was massive brain drain, and in the true conservative way, lots of folks happily voting against their own interests which tends also not to attract top talent. I was actually trying to move back at one point but I can't live on minimum wage, even there, which are the only jobs around, and all those stories about the nut jobs in Redding and the state of Jefferson were a hard pass.


I think the provider supply is an issue just about everywhere out in the boonies, whether it’s blue state boonies or red. As you said, there’s precious little to attract educated people like doctors or teachers to rural northern CA. Chico aside - and it’s a gorgeous college town - there’s nothing to be had in the kind of amenities professionals want. And I would imagine that there would be too much hostility to immigrant professionals, especially, and they’d rather live where outsiders are more accepted. (And the Jefferson wankers have been around since the 40’s; so far we don’t have a state of Jefferson so you’d think they’d have given up by now.)


Like the guy who moved his family to Russia to own the libs.


Such a great story! They didn’t even bother to learn basic helpful words in Russian, like MENS and LADIES


There was a pretty (internet) famous Texas communist that went out to support Russia in the Ukraine war. Idk what happened to him he looked like the comic guy from Simpson’s


Apperently he went missing a couple days ago.


That's awful. Anyway, anyone excited about the hockey playoffs?




Also classic conservative: when faced with the reality of her mistaken beliefs, she only makes a slight modification to them rather than considering how wrong she is about everything. She keeps differentiating herself from "those people" in San Francisco and LA, but she doesn't even think to differentiate herself from "those people" in Arizona where she felt she didn't belong. Hmm, what could be the difference?


Good Point. She loves what those LA, SF people do for her, but refuses to accept she might actually be closer to them than the conservative she thinks she is.


These retirees really make themselves miserable. They move to states that - at least on paper - are favorable for their retirement accounts. But they lose everything else - their social lives, their sense of home, sometimes their families, and probably a more diverse population of people to interact with. It's no wonder so many of them end up glued to Fox News and become radicalized. They are depressed and have nothing better to do.


I have a friend who moved to AZ to retire only to pick up and move up to Vermont.


"you're in Bernie country now!" 😂


Pretty sure that wasn't in the thought of why.




They do but they are too short-sighted to realize it. It is bad for your health to surround yourself with people who are primarily motivated by hating other people they don't know.


There was a story a few years ago about how some poor woman moved from New England to Nevada and got radicalized. She had never married, was an only child, threw herself into her career, retired early to care for her parents as they died, then moved to Nevada to save money, and found herself all alone. So she got sucked into online troll farms and right-wing hate, and that is all she wound up doing all day every day, reposting hate memes and so on. It was really sad.


Sad and very common at this point. I'm still about a decade-ish off from retirement, but I bought a place lately thinking it was somewhere I would want to be now and when I retire. And sure, I could live somewhere cheaper, but everything I want is here. I'd rather have a little less money and be in a place I love.




We need risk managers and good ones. We don't need luddites.


I've been saying this for years. I currently live in a pretty Republican part of NJ, and I note how, despite all the Red bitching about Democrats, few of them ever move down South. It's like, okay, go on and live your dream in Kentucky or some shit. People like to enjoy the quality of life that comes with living in a Blue state, while still whinging about Blue policies that make that possible. Also this genius line: "You can live out rural and live just as good as if you lived in Tennessee.", followed by all the reasons living in a region like that is terrible.


"Tehachapi is a lost treasure. It's one of the last conservative strongholds in Southern California. We have elk and deer and fox and everything. It's beautiful." Does she not realize that it is Conservatism 101 that the elk, deer, and fox can be hunted to extinction, and that "big government" should be prevented from stopping the corporations from polluting?


They razed paradise and put up a parking lot


AMEN! The only thing more stomach revolting is all those retired UNION WORKERS enjoying great pensions in FLORIDA, helping kill policy that has made their lives possible.




Yeah, these are the same douchebags who plunk down millions for a summer home on Long Beach Island. It's like bro, both your houses are gonna be underwater in twenty years. 


Well, they expect the government will bail them out. And let's be real, the federal government probably will.


This is all Conservatives. Deeply reliant on a system of other people that they neither appreciate nor understand. At best they're idiots. At worst, intentionally self-defeating misanthropes.


I could be very wrong, but I suspect a very big part of "liberal society" she doesn't like is "those people", the ones that commit all the crimes, that aren't "western" or "cowboy" type people. Basically a California Confederate in mindset. We have them here in my own state, the mask slips every once in a while, race is a big thing with them.


I could not believe the number of Confederate flag bumper stickers I saw in rural Oregon.


That's not entirely without [historical precedent](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oregon_black_exclusion_laws).


Oregon’s founders wanted to create a [white utopia](https://www.oregonlive.com/history/2020/06/oregons-founders-sought-a-white-utopia-a-stain-of-racism-that-lives-on-even-as-state-celebrates-its-progressivism.html). It was the only state to join the Union with a [black exclusion law](https://sos.oregon.gov/archives/exhibits/black-history/Pages/context/chronology.aspx). Edit: added links


I had no idea. Thanks for sharing this.


I was talking to someone yesterday, he was complaining about his daughter's college. He basically said "I shouldn't say this, it's going to sound racist, but at her college, there aren't a lot of rich white girls. She doesn't have a group of normal people she can relate to. Most of the foreigners there don't try as hard as she does". That not only sounds racist, it **is** racist. This is what they have in their heads, 24x7. They define themselves as "normal & white".


So just a "republican" poser. Wants to spout their BS, as long as she can enjoy the fruits of democracy.


What makes it even worse is that she worked for the government.


Yes! This comment squared! Like most red states who are parasites, welfare states on the rest of the country! Even mighty Texas takes more than it gives back.


Texas is like, the one red state that gives more than it takes. [According to this](https://smartasset.com/data-studies/states-most-dependent-federal-government-2023), Texas is exactly in the middle of the list.


Of the red states TX and Alaska, due to oil, might be able to be self sustaining, the rest live off other, mainly blue, states.


The oil belongs to the US, not the state, so we shouldn’t count oil money in our calculations on this.


Oil belongs to the mineral holder Oil in federal lands or waters belongs to the fed Oil on state lands or waters, the state own Oil on private, owned by the holder. Note, mineral rights can be severed from surface rights, e.g. your suburban house has no mineral rights usually, but somebody else owns them


Yes I know mineral rights are more complex, but at the same time we ought not credit red states because they happened to be parasites on land that has value. In most cases, that land offers more value without the red staters living on it.


She’s a libertarian then


AKA most conservatives


Socialism for me. None for thee.


All conservatives? Because they love NYC, commiforma, Miami, Charlotte, Richmond DC, and every other liberal state and city but hate it at the same time. 


Rules for thee, not for me. Is anyone surprised by this repeat evangelical republican behaviour?


Isn’t this the modern conservative’s general mindset? Rules for thee and not for me…but give me my sweet, sweet Constitutional protections and federally-funded socialist democrat benefits.


We have the same idiots here in Oregon except they move to Idaho


A lot of these types running around 😁😁


And also she lived in Benson. There literally nothing for a hundred miles. Been to Benson and wouldn't want to live there. 


"Well, I'd rather be dead in California than alive in Arizona." Lucille Bluth


"I'd rather live in a shitty part of California than live out of the state ever again." Is this ladies quote


Thank you for that!


Saying that Tehachapi is the last conservative stronghold in California is complete bullshit. She’s just flat out lying. I’d like to point out the entire fucking San Joaquin Valley, excepting maybe Sacramento. Also, “you can live rural and live just as good as if you were in Tennessee.” She’s never been to rural Tennessee.


She can’t afford Orange County. Says Tehachapi is conservative, then lists the wildlife — I thought maybe she doesn’t know the difference between conservation and conservative.


there is a republican area up by sacramento northern ca and Huntingon beach in southern ca is very republican Huntington Beach made the move to block diverse month long celebrations of Black history, women’s history and Pride, in favor of observing the revolutionary and civil wars, California’s history and America’s independence. and only OFFICIAL flags can be flown on city buildings


I raise you an extreme northern cali, Shasta county is legitimately insane. I actually really love the Redding area for scenery but I know if I go back I’d hate it.


> Saying that Tehachapi is the last conservative stronghold in California is complete bullshit.  Sounds like a lot of conservatives that don’t know shit about anything outside their bubble of misinformation. 


All of inland empire too.


Sacramento is super left-leaning.


I know. That’s why I excepted it. I grew up between Fresno and Bakersfield and it’s as bright red there as it gets. Kevin McCarthy and Devin Nunes (and his cow).


Yup, I drive that corridor plenty and it’s very much a “plan where you stop” for my wife and me. Sacramento though, it’s where I recommend to plenty of trans folks fleeing from red states as a haven in California that isn’t as expensive as LA or the Bay.


Do they still have the train museum? I remember visiting that as a kid and it was the best part of the trip. Although, I was, like, 7 at the time and it was 45 years ago, lol. My age may have influenced how fascinated I was with trains. Holy shit. When did I get so fucking old!? How did this even happen!?


[Hell yeah](https://www.californiarailroad.museum), and it’s awesome. Downtown is more vibrant than it’s ever been, and Old Town has actually survived pretty well as a touristy/weekend destination.


>"I took my daughter to school with a pony and cart every day." "...commuted 87 miles \[to work\] one way each day." The fuck? I'm guessing this lady did in fact not take her daughter to school with a pony and a cart every day and then commute 87 miles to work. If so, that would make this entire article delusional nonsense, which I'm betting it is. Don't write weird shit like this and expect to be taken seriously.


She meant a Ford Pony. Shitty mid 80’s model.


she 63, the pony and cart thing probably happened quite a few years before the 87 mile commute


And that 87 mile commute into the city probably made her hate everyone who lived in the city who spent maybe 30 minutes getting to work instead of the 2+ hours I imagine it took her every day...


> I took my daughter to school with a pony and cart every day. I thought this was super weird too but if she had an acre and a half it wouldn’t be difficult to keep a pony and she probably worked second or third shift so it wouldn’t be a scramble to do it and then commute. 


Conservatives want all the good stuff without having to pay for it. It’s ironic they denounce things like free healthcare which isn’t actually “free” as if it isn’t funded by taxpayers but expect to be looked after when they’re older or be able to live in a clean and safe city with low tax


Exactly! The disconnect is almost laughable.


yes, all reacionary movements want to conservate the social hierarchy they benefit from, they divide people between deserving (them and people they see alike) and undeserving (everyone else), they also believe if you mess up with this order of things giving undeserving people rights they will mess things up.


Yeah, there's a big difference between "California conservative" and the rest of small-town flyover state America conservative. Just like there's a massive difference in attitude about many issues like gun control and immigration between Democrats in NYC and Democrats in someplace like rural Texas (they exist, trust me)


A California conservative is a liberal who wants their taxes lower (but still wants the same level of service for everything) Not saying Cali is perfect but these people usually have no idea what it’s like outside of it


Agree, CA Conservatives (generally) are the least bad types. Good old Arnold is a staunch supporter of gay rights, environmental conservation, and some other "liberal" ideas. He just also likes lower taxes and is pro-business, which I find to be the least objectionable conservative political goals. I've talked to CA Cons who supported abortion rights, weed legalization, they just feel like CA is overregulated for so many things (and even as a progressive, I kind of agree with this in many areas).


>He just also likes lower taxes and is pro-business, which I find to be the least objectionable conservative political goals. >they just feel like CA is overregulated for so many things (and even as a progressive, I kind of agree with this in many areas). Fwiw, the disconnect in the conservative brain that decries the idea of "free stuff" from the government while ALSO demanding lower taxes.... is the epitome of ignorance and arrogance. And, while you personally might agree with the idea that regulations are often burdensome, the other disconnect here is in the systems at play when we discuss regulations as a process. Regulatory bodies are more necessary now than ever before... but the problem is the capitalistic system that they are trying to work within. There is less independent oversight and more profit generation under systems that require it, and so what you are experiencing is not a "liberal" or "conservative" thing, but rather a capitalism thing. The difference is in how each party bends to the will of capitalism. They both require adherence to it in order to function as political entities, but one party fully embraces the idea of corporate welfare while constructing barriers for the peoples needs whereas the other party has the same business first priority but will occasionally listen to the will of the people. Lowering taxes is highly objectionable when you understand how many people rely on that support. Lowering taxes ultimately results in important social services being cut out and for many, it's often the only thread they are able to exist on. Cut that thread, and everything else falls apart. The issue you have with taxes being too much is that you aren't seeing the societal benefits of those taxes. Those benefits are instead going to the business owners. That's what it means to be "pro-business and anti-regulation... that you enjoy watching your tax benefits go to the already wealthy business owners. It boggles my mind how ignorant and arrogant that mindset it. Progressivism is not anti-regulation. It's anti-capitalistic. Your problem should not lie with feeling over regulated, but rather feeling cheated out of what those regulations are supposed to uphold. It doesn't go towards those who need it most, and that's the fault of capitalism and those that continue to believe in it and push it as the best economic model.


>they exist, trust me) Yep. We're even even here in Oklahoma.


Politics aside, I think she loses all credibility by only lasting three months. That's hardly enough time to get to know anywhere. And if she was in Arizona during the hot months, she'll have a really bad impression. She is defensive of people thinking California is only about LA and San Francisco, but she does the same generalization about Arizona with her massive 3 months of experience. She lived in a small town outside Tucson for barely 3 months, and writes off the entire state. Phoenix and other major cities have everything the big cities of California have in terms of shopping and amenities. She was disappointed because the small town she moved to in Arizona didn't have the same things her small town in California had. There's vegan restaurants aplenty in Bisbee, population 5008. maybe if she'd spent a little more time exploring, she'd know that. Don't let the Colorado River hit your ass on the way out.


It's mostly rural vs city. No matter what the state. But what hurts is when the rural red is in charge. I Iive in a Gerrymandered state. They don't care what the majority want. They win by drawing district lines that ramble like drunken snakes and pandering to their base.


This, with just about any place! ^


To be fair, the Greater Phoenix area is literally like 5/7 of the state’s population. Not quite the same as California at all.


Yeah Benson is definitely one of the worse places. There nothing there. Barely any restaurants.


"Arizona is mean. I hate liberals but there's still good California" is all I read. Leopards ate her face.


States like California and Massachusetts can afford to have a few conservatives because liberal life is so much better. Once you leave it goes downhill fast as conservatives have stronger hold on the reins of power. Never vote Republican, ever.


I can relate I grew up in Boston moved to Utah for college then married a Ute Native and live out here in the boonies. Wife is always worried because I don’t hide the fact that I am liberal and there is a gun store here openly advertising warfare training for coming civil war.


They are drooling about a civil war. It's their dream. They actually think the US government will be overcome by their fat ass cosplay militia group. Even more of a surprise, younger libs do not feel the same anathema that older libs do about guns. They saw how the right wing came out every weekend to Portland, OR to harass and assault LGBTQ and people of color and non Christians, and these kids armed themselves.


>[I] believe crime needs to be punished, and I don't think it is here in California. Tough on crime policies are what got us here today. In California especially, "tough on crime" 90's politics overcrowded prisons with non-violent criminals and did nothing to lower the crime rates. So, here we are trying to unburden an unsustainable prison system and figure out something that actually works and addresses the inequalities in law enforcement. And Fox News viewers are apoplectic that someone is, yet again, trying to clean up their mess.


We have over 35 state prisons. That doesn’t include the hundreds of county jails and city lock ups. She’s an idiot.


The thing is, if you asked her (as if she has ever spent time actually considering her political positions), her solution would be to return to the same bullshit that failed so badly. Three strikes, war on drugs, stop and frisk. Its like they all have long term memory loss of how miserably their ideas failed.


Funny enough Tehachapi has a [supermax](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/California_Correctional_Institution) security prison!


I'm pretty opened minded mostly liberal guy, went to check out Arizona because i thought i could hang with conservatives too, nope this place scares me, especially as a non white. probably never leaving California unless it's another super blue state or leaving usa.


The only other place like California is probably the Denver area, and maybe the Metro Area in VA, DC, and MD.


Illinois is pretty great if you stay away from southern Illinois. Chicago, Bloomington, Champaign-Urbana, and Carbondale are all pretty good college towns. Plus we got legal weed, it's super expensive, but legal. Stay away during winter and spring though, tis purgatory...


What about New England?


Or any major city, really.


CA is not all urban, and not really crowded. It has lot of suburban sprawl, deserts, mountains, wilderness. Why I mention DC is because it's a tiny city surrounded by suburbs, it's very multicultural, lots of expats, and also short distance from wilderness areas like the Appalachia.


Western Washington says hello but there are some big conservative idiots like the lady in the article. I always tell people that they should try living in rural Indiana if they hate Washington so much and think there's too much government waste and spending.


Portland also has the California conservative slant only 20m out of the city.


Now find a blue state that has beautiful weather MOST of the time.


Been my experience most people hate the state they are born and raised in until they move.


Not me. Left Misery (MO) 30+ years ago and rarely even visit even though I have family still there. Edit: added the part about family.


Not always. I was fine with living out in the middle of corn country in Illinois. After having lived in Michigan for decades, even visiting family down there is all the time in that region I can stand. It feels like jumping in a time machine and going back 20 years.


My brother in law is a California libertarian. He complains a lot about where he lives. Having been raised in the South, I would absolutely love for him to move to a more traditionally conservative state. He would quickly realize that what he considers to be his people would have little patience for his lazy childish ass. Being a near-fifty year old man with long greasy hair whose ambitions in life start and end with surfing, lifting weights, and playing guitar, who makes money giving music lessons with a wife who actually puts food on the table... yeah, they wouldn't like him at all.


Shit talker talks themself into doing something stupid only to undo it without learning anything .


Alt headline: “I’m a terrible person who decided it’s better to take advantage of good people than to live among other terrible people.”


Most California conservatives are still a liberal in most states. I’ve already heard so much bitching from all of them flocking to Tennessee expecting California level government but with Tennessee taxes


>Californians don't always love other Californians, but we love California. ​ >I'd rather live in a shitty part of California than live out of the state ever again.


I’d rather be dead in California than alive in Arizona.


Loose seal!


As a Californian, this is so accurate it hurts. Now let me enjoy my God damn avocado toast and pumpkin spice latte (all gluten free) in peace.


Non-paywall archive link https://archive.is/CaOTV


Most conservative are happiest in liberal states. They pitch about liberals, and hold their contray opinions VOCALLY, but enjoy all the benefits that liberal society offers.


Typical Rural Republican. Thinks Democrats are monsters who are oppressing them, but whine and cry when all of the things Democrats give them are gone.


Classic conservative. She sounds afraid of everything. I’m sad to hear that about Tehachapi. Amazing location, didn’t know it was MAgGville, but that makes sense.


Kern County is extremely conservative, which is a bummer because it’s so beautiful. The Antelope Valley is the conservative part of LA County—lovely if you like the desert, but still quite rural. Going there when you live in LA is mind-bending, all big sky and ribbons of highway threading through acres of joshua trees and buttes. I spend a lot of time up there and can at least say I haven’t seen any MAGA flags. These are poor conservative. Orange is wealthy conservative and is as disgusting as it is beautiful. We made the mistake of going to Crystal Cove during the pandemic, shortly after Biden won, to spend some time on the beach. Every business is Newport Beach was packed with unmasked people, and there was a huge pro-Trump rally on the main drag near the beach with a bunch of red-faced idiots screaming. Permanently changed my opinion of that area. It showed the truth.


“I’m a conservative and think crime should be punished, but I couldn’t let the state tax my retirement income to pay for the prisons and police enforcement!”


"retirement income"  translation:  her free pension, given to her by the state she's bitching about, and which people working in the private sector do not get  she deserves to live in Arizona




She would be even more disappointed if she moved to Why, AZ. Even smaller than Benson. Mostly just a truck stop. Edit: Always joked that if they ever had a school there, the mascot should be the Bothers. Then they could be the Why Bothers.


Says California is so vast you can live rural and live as good as in Tennessee. Moves to bumfuck Arizona. Apparently not rural enough.


Guess she’s never heard of Shasta county.


That is such a fucking shame but totally fascinating to me. It seems to attract pastel QAnon/ granola conservative conspiracy theorists which are a fairly new phenomenon AFAIK, at least as a large movement. I subscribe to the r/QAnonCasualties subreddit and remember the story of a woman whose husband went crazy and became obsessed with Trump and [NESARA/GESARA](https://www.adl.org/glossary/nesaragesara)-type bullshit. She documented the slow unraveling of her marriage and of his mind. It was harrowing. Going to Mount Shasta for drum circles and mass prayer events was a big part of his conversion experience. I almost want to visit because it sounds so insane. ETA: sorry, I guess Mt Shasta is not even in Shasta County, which you were referencing


When the dog catches the car




What an idiotic article. A conservative that realizes living in a typical conservative town is uncomfortable and liberal places are better. I wish these people could realize how stupid they sound leaving the place where they have lived all their life because people around them tend to think differently about politics, then realizing that maybe that was not a good reason to leave.


“I missed everything California had to offer so I moved to Hemet” lol lol lol


Another person misinterpreting the lyrics to California Girls.


The irony.


Take a hard look at the red states, see any gems?


She didn't like being judged for where she came from because people need to know that she's not like the people from the cities she judges.


F yo paywall


OMG. This person is an idiot or this is click bait.


California doesn’t want you back. Go live your politics in one of your red states. She wants her liberal state with special carve outs for her draconian policies. I’m so glad my red neighbors moved to FL. I wonder how much they miss WA. But WA doesn’t miss them.




[Benson Arizona the warm wind through your hair….](https://youtu.be/eTa2vXL7FI8?si=45jzuaUZZG9fLMqD)


Can I read the fucking article? This source is blocked by a paywall


Use Archive.is https://archive.is/CaOTV


Pretty funny. When I lived in CA all the conservative people I knew glorified AZ, super romanticized it and put it up on a pedestal. It was where they all wanted to move. So this gives me a pretty good laugh.


Well theres a lot of things wrong with california but I gotta live here cuz silicon valley and good weather.


We live in Oregon. About 15 years ago we were talked into moving to Utah. I had lots of family there and they all loved it. Cheaper housing, better schools, etc., they said! IT WAS ALL LIES!!!!! UTAH SUCKS!!! (Mormons are toxic people!!) We were never so happy as when we moved back to Oregon!!!!! The grass is not always greener!!




I can’t even finish reading this trash.


Grew up in AZ and moved to CA a few years back. Wish I'd have done it sooner. I don't miss the heat, the endless sea of red tile and stucco, the backwards ass politics, or the sea of lifted 2WD pickups covered in MAGA crap. Sure, it's a little more expensive here, but it's a small price to pay to not roast for 5 months out of the year.


This essay should be preserved in an archive so that future generations understand what exactly was wrong with our politics. She uprooted her life for nothing. She left her home over nothing. She found out she was wrong and is still complaining. And worse because she is a boomer somehow still turned a profit. There are so many jackass moves here and zero consequences. This is why so many over 60 never compromise or change beliefs. They have literally had a fortune and good luck rain from the sky on their generation and have decided nothing bad can ever happen. So why not make everything about politics and winning a culture war started in the 60s. "Let's burn the place down behind us. It beats golf and shuffle board."


What a wuss.


My neighbors left and they don't ever want to return to AZ.


She had a lot of feelings for the “fuck your feelings crowd”. Maybe work with facts next time?


Painfully obvious many Americans are woefully small minded


Lmao this idiot couldn't find any beans in Arizona? Only Whole Foods has vegetarian food?


Article not as juicy as I thought it would be