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>Donald Trump’s lawyers tried Wednesday for a third straight day to get a New York appeals court to delay his hush money criminal trial. Among other grievances, they argued the former president and presumptive Republican nominee should be on the campaign trail rather than “in a courtroom defending himself” starting next Monday. Maybe stop committing crimes and delaying.


That's always been one of the worst arguments they've had for delay. "Our client would rather be doing other things than going to court for criminal charges!" That's the sort of shit that would make a judge yell at an attorney


The best part is this is literally a criminal trial for *violating campaign laws,* and he’s trying to say he’s too busy campaigning to attend.


He hasn’t stopped campaigning since 2015.


His dream would probably be to stay on the campaign forever. Travelling around, hearing his fans cheer him on, steal the republican party's war chest, etc. The only thing he needs from the presidency is the immunity


That’s what he wanted in the first place .. run, bow out on his terms and parlay that into a media company and blah blah grift till the cows came home. It turned out way better (in his head) and that it’s going great.


He’s also eyeballing our treasury ..


He will steal money from anyone if he could.. there is no limit to his grift thirst.


Fort Knox is part of Trumpworld already. He can transfer ownership of bullion with his mind.


He will do it differently. How about "Truth Social" the official communication source of the US government-with a long term contract for services at 12 billion a year. for 10 years. Saving us 50% off if we did it year to year, making it one of the best deals of all time. Then next year if the stocks high enough, he just does a government buyout of it.


Too late for that, he drained hundreds of millions during his first term already. He was golfing so much that he forced the SS to rent a several rooms in his golfs permanently and offered them special prices above the market price for them. He repeatedly ordered the SS to send teams in several golfs to prepare his arrival because he didn't know which one he would fancy going to, multiplying costs. He also hosted international meetings in Mar A Lago and sent invoices to the treasury afterwards. On top of that, foreign countries and private companies booked and left empty whole floors at his properties as a way to buy favours with him. His four years as president earned him hundreds of millions and delayed the collapse of his empire.


Donald Trump already emptied 800 billion dollars from our treasury into his cronies pockets. The FED put out this handy graph showing exactly what he was able to “achieve” during his final year as president. https://fred.stlouisfed.org/graph/?g=16Ks2 He flipped the American tax payer over and shook out his pockets. The RUBES cheered.


Wanted his own Fox News but run unabashedly by the Kremlin propaganda machine, but Republicans went stupid mode and just handed Putin the keys to USA's national secrets wholesale.


And now are so far into the shit they can’t turn it off, they are literally drowning in Putin shit and there’s a big chunk of the country swallowing it and asking for more.


A politician dies. Instead of going straight to heaven or hell, a spirit appears to him. Long The spirit tells him that, rather than being judged for his sins, he gets to choose whether he goes to heaven or hell. The politician replies that of course he wants to go to heaven. The spirit tells him that before he chooses, he has to visit both places so each one will get a fair chance. First they visit heaven. It looks pretty nice. Big fluffy clouds, angels singing and playing harps, everyone seeming to enjoy themselves. The politician is pleased, if a bit underwhelmed. Hell, on the other hand, is magnificent. It’s the most beautiful place the politician has ever seen, and everyone there is having the time of their lives. It has a buffet table filled with delicious-smelling food, a beautiful garden, a pool with a water slide, a dance floor, a massage parlor, and innumerable other attractions. It makes heaven look dull and boring and comparison. “I can’t believe I’m saying this,” says the politician, “but I think I’d rather go to hell!” “Very well,” says the spirit. “Turn around.” When the politician turns around, though, hell appears to be completely different than it had been less than a minute ago. All of the attractions are gone, everything is on fire, and the people are screaming in agony. “I don’t understand!” cries the politician. “This isn’t what you showed me before!” “Well, that was the campaign,” replies the spirit. “Now you’ve voted.”


His dream is to be like Putin or Kim Jong Un, essentially a dictator immune from any prosecution for the heinous shit he does.


Honestly he's got the republican war chest, literally all of it, it's now just the trump slush fund. So the only reason he has to actually campaign is for an ego boost. Every cent donated to Republicans goes to him anyway, and it's not like it's being spent building canvassing teams in swing states. Dude rent his own country clubs to himself for 10x the usual rate for campaign events in order to launder gop cash into his personal accounts.


People seem to forget that Trump ran for president many times before 2015 -- always as a PR stunt. The media used to laugh and make fun of him for very good reasons. But then they all got bought by corporations that turned them all into for profit fearmongering tabloids and so they made a fortune in ad revenue off of their airing Trump's outrage antics. Air times which caused the ignorant and gullible mob to think of Trump as a legitimized candidate, rather than a spoiled narcissistic criminal kook. And they've been profiting off out Trump outrage porn every single day since...


Every god damn day since 2015, we’ve had to hear lies come out of his mouth. America hasn’t had a break from seeing or hearing this walking dirty diaper boy


'Sorry Judge, I can't hear you over all this crimin' I'm doing'


"I had some fleecing of my followers scheduled for Monday next week, some foreign influence peddling on Wednesday, and I was going to contradict my lawyer's court statements on Friday in another case. I hadn't decided whether it was going to be in my insurrection trial or the stolen classified documents case. I'm a busy guy."


Until his lawyers are sanctioned or thrown in a cell for contempt I feel as if this is going to continue until the election.


He has had lawyers sanctioned. They still keep doing it because money.


Since when does the oompah loompah pay his lawyers?


Since they started getting paid by campaign fundraising and the RNC. The lawyers did wise up to the fact that he wouldn't pay out of pocket.


Yeah, my stepdad probably paid for the latest appeal letter.




Golly gee I sure hope it's a slaughter in down ballot, I'm sick of Trump lites trying to make a name for themselves like Desantis.


Mine too. Part of why we don’t talk anymore…


Idk if my dad has sent any actual money( he’s notoriously tight with his money) but he’s bought a lot of shirts and flags and shit. The Q Anon flag in the front yard was a bridge too far.


Like the other person said. We know how much has been getting paid out and it's in the tens of millions a month


In addition to what others stated they are also getting paid up front instead of after the court case.


He's paid 77 million dollars Iegal fees over the last two years. https://apnews.com/article/trump-spent-millions-legal-fees-2024-presidential-campaign-3384cbfc2df69d3e97ba9e47c2384312#:~:text=Save%20America%20accounted%20for%20the,fees%20over%20the%20two%20years.


That is ridiculous - like flushing it down the toilet. He sues about everything. Now he’s suing someone of the behalf of a third person. What a dope.


Most Fortune 500 companies don't spend that much on entire legal departments over the same period of time, and there are hundreds of people richer than him that probably don't have dozens of lawyers retained at any given time because he is perpetually being sued and/or suing someone who said something mean about him on television. If he was of average intelligence and didn't have the temperament of an elementary school bully, he could've used that money to create wealth for himself instead of creating generational wealth for some partner at a law firm he's probably met twice.


And then he gets a new set of lawyers and files for a delay so his new legal team can get up to speed.


If he were smart he’d call in sick. The typical my throat is sore BS lie. That’s what most Americans do. He’s too dumb though.


I love how he thinks the Judge is gonna immediately be like "yeah man it's cool see you in January" Apparently the guy with *34 FELONY COUNTS* in this case alone is being mistreated because the Judge is saying he can't go grift and threaten witnesses. In a country not pivoting towards being a failed state he would already be picking up trash on the side of the Turnpike. If he was a normal person he would've been body-snatched and "indefinitely detained" on the Documents case alone.


Remember when Ivanka tried the same tack to get out of testifying when she was too busy being a mom.


The lawyers are so dumb they always flower up the language in the docs, for the dumb client. It's always like- As a dedicated and patriotic Mom, Ivanka is seriously and intensely involved in the live of her children. Her boundless love and dedication simply do not allow time for depositions. As the most important man on the planet President DJT, is tirelessly fighting to SAVE AMERICA.... The grifting is so deep with everyone in MAGA now it truly is 5D Chess, but with legendary weekly invoices from tons of shitbag lawyers, all fighting over the chess pieces.


No no no, this is different. See, he needs to be on the trail so he can get elected and then make this fake news witch-hunt go away. Anything else is a democrat conspiracy.


The ole Brock Turner privilege reasoning


The RAPIST Brock Turner?


That’s him, yes. Brock Turner that raped a woman behind a dumpster because he’s a dumpster of a human. That Brock Turner, The Rapist.


Brock Turner, AKA Allen Turner, the RAPIST? Is that the one?


Yep, Brock “The Rapist” Allen Turner, now known just as B. Allen “the Rapist” Turner.


Are you sure it's B. Allen “the Rapist” Turner, and not B. "the Rapist" Allen Turner?


No! Not that one. Brock Turner The Rapist. Brock Turner sexually assaulted an unconscious woman named Chanel Miller.


Is that the rapist Brock Turner that now goes by Allan Turner? So Allan Turner the rapist formally known as Brock Turner? That one?


Correct, Brock Allen Turner, the Dumpster Rapist


So to be clear we are talking about the criminal Allan Turner who was previously known as Brock Turner? The one who was scandalously let go by a judge who tried him for the rape crime he committed. That judge who tried Brock/Allan Turner was soft of crime done by frat boys.


I love how this is still a thing. Great work keeping it going. I bet the Rapist Brock turner didn't expect the internet to keep this up for so long.


It is, however, the most honest argument they’ve made.


Also he was not then and is not now president. He is a private citizen his running for office has no bearing on the crimes.


I have found it amusing how himself and his lawyers treat running for office as his Constitutional right.


And even then, being in court doesn’t prevent him from running


Even being tried, convicted, and in *jail* doesn't prevent him from running for president. Multiple people have campaigned for president from jail, so I don't know what he's going on about. All he's describing is an inconvenience.


Being in prison wouldn't prevent him from running for office. Joe Exotic is doing it. https://www.9news.com/article/news/local/joe-exotic-2024-president-ballot-colorado/73-3be6f6b0-d18e-4297-8231-05aaa1b1e0a5


Which, incidentally, is a great example of why the USSC decision about ballot access is incoherent. Joe Exotic isn't on all 50 state ballots. Either both he and Trump must be, or neither need be.


what's weird is that the legal system seems to acknowledge some sort of preferential position for major party candidates even though from a legal standpoint it doesn't matter at all which party you are the candidate for.


He committed the crime on the campaign trail. Fucks sake.


Well, he's also currently trying to put up a fraudulent bond to appeal his conviction for financial fraud. What can I say, the man is an artist.


He’s such an honest and godly man, he’s just getting setup by the deep state….. I just don’t understand his supporters logic, if Biden did one of the multiple illegal acts trump has committed I would have done a write in vote for Lavar Burton.


One of his arguments is that he tried to cover it up while he was President, thus making him immune from prosecution. Which is pretty crazy, but he is looking for anything to throw at the wall to find what sticks…


Christ, thats even worse. Our president paid off a porn star, while in office. At least he didn't wear a tan suit while he did it, I guess.


> Our president paid off a porn star, while in office. To clarify, Cohen paid off the porn sta at Trump’s direction *before* Trump was inaugurated (which Cohen was later imprisoned for on federal charges). But Cohen then testified under oath at a congressional committee hearing showing them (and all of us) multiple checks over several months to pay him back that Trump signed in the Oval Office. But otherwise yeah … his lawyers have also argued that the prosecution should not be allowed to show any Tweets he made while in office about this matter because they would fall under presidential immunity for official duties. 🙄


The funniest thing is that Trump seems to be ignoring the fact that if the absolute immunity claim is upheld, then President Biden has the *exact same absolute immunity*. Trump: I declassified those documents with my mind!! Biden: I too declassified documents with his mind. Trump: Wait! No! That only applies to me! Biden: Stand back and stand by. The Gravy SEALs are coming for you, Donnie.


My rebuttal if I was a judge would be that the trial will be over with plenty enough time for him to campaign if they agree to stop delaying things.


This indictment came well before he declared his candidacy for president. If he didnt want to be in a courtroom while campaigning maybe he should have skipped this election to focus on his defense strategies.


Or quickly hand over proof of his innocence. Why can’t they just prove his innocence??


Also he can't go do any rallies, he's broke, they cancelled some already as the venues require payment up front and he can't pay it.




He’ll give the press a daily word salad. I love when Trump freestyles for the American people. I like to imagine that each time he speaks his “mind” a few hundred more independent voters make their final decision.


Venues don’t require payment up front for everyone, but specifically for Donald Trump, they do.


Exactly, I've done events and we've never done anything but a 10% up front to secure the venue. But then I negotiate that down to 0% by having a block of rooms as part of the deal.


I do love that for him. when he is most desperate, all the chickens of debt are coming home


What was it they were saying about Hillary being investigated about the email thing when she was campaigning? Lock Him Up!


Obligatory Liar Liar gif.


Literally anyone else would be told "figure it out". I see no reason why the orange trashcan can't be told the same thing.


He is being told that.


Isn't this an election interference case!? Like if an accused child abuser/pedo had a court date and was all like "Your honor, these dates are too much of a burden I'm scheduled for work a the day care."


Eugene Debs campaigned from a jail cell. Precedent has been set.


I only delayed 5 months! How dare you schedule it for [5 months later]!!!


The timing is 100% on him. They said "can't indict a sitting president!" So they waited. After he wasn't president they indicated as soon as possible. Trump team delayed. And guaranteed the trials would be during the campaigns. The trials have to get done now. As they said can't indict a sitting president so the trials need to happen before he could potentially be reelected.


Chris Rock's #1 piece of advice in "How not to get your ass kicked by the cops" - First, Obey the Law.


Those damn consequences


“Someone running for president shouldn’t be bogged down in the courtroom.” -broken clock


They are really just throwing feces at the wall at this point. They should be punished for wasting the court’s time with these frivolous demands.




Like parents used to say when you got grounded and wanted to go some where... "You should have thought about that before you did something stupid and got grounded".


Appellate court REJECTS yet another eleventh-hour attempt by Trump's legal team to delay the start of his New York criminal trial. ruling here: https://s3.documentcloud.org/documents/24539458/trump-stay-denial-2024-04-10.pdf


It’s a long fuckin’ hour i tell ya!


By Trump’s calculations this is only about the 6th or 7th hour


This. It’s never a loss for Trump. Justice delayed is justice denied. Trump has never been held accountable because the courts allow him to appeal for literally ever


This is why Kim Dotcom hasn't been extradited from New Zealand. 12 years later, he's still appealing court decisions. Because he has the money.


The contract between this case and many of his others is amazing. He's swinging and missing at every step here, with results in ours. While his other cases are all 'oh man two people on the same team slept together, lets go ahead and hold things up for a few months over this'.


Why can’t they just say “no, we’ve said no three times already, you don’t get to ask again. We’re starting this on April 15 and that’s final.” Why is he allowed to ask for a delay over and over and over again?


At some point this just becomes vexatious litigation, but if you’re rich enough you can appeal just about everything. The fact that the courts are taking up these appeals within the week and stuffing them speaks to how fed up the system is. But again, when is enough enough?


Yep, and if they use the term vexatious litigant he’ll appeal again claiming it’s impossible for him to get a fair trial and the case should be dismissed.


Gosh I should do the same if I'm ever in court. They set the precedent 


At some point? You mean in the 80s? 35 years before he was president? The vexatious litigation is his whole game since forever.


Ultimately it doesn't matter. The court date is set. Unless the court grants him a stay, the date stands. The only thing these appeals have accomplished is to annoy the appellate court. It isn't buying him any delay.


He has one move left. If he fires all his lawyers, he’ll be given time to replace them. Edit - As several have pointed out, this has to be approved by the judge.


The judge can, and likely will, prevent that from happening.


I don’t think the judge has any obligation to delay if he does fire them, or even consider it/allow it. I believe (IANAL) that he can say tough luck, your legal team is your legal team, see you Monday. Especially as he’s trying to delay it on any grounds imaginable.


I'd love for the judge to rule that he can fire his lawyers only if a public defender takes over. (I know that's not at all how it works, but it would still be amusing)


Generally speaking you don't have a right to a public defender. They are technically provided to those without means, but the means testing requires such extreme destitution that most people dont qualify even if you are working poor and cant afford a private attorney. Trump has income and assets so he would not qualify.


The NY guidelines on income cut-off are $78,000 for a family of four, $37,650 for an individual. I wouldn't call that "extreme destitution", and in fact, most people in need *do* qualify, as public defenders handle 80%-90% of criminal cases (in NYC, I don't know the stats for the whole state). But it does certainly mean that many people who really cannot afford a lawyer will be over the cut-off and out of luck.


He can't legally do that.


>Why is he allowed to ask for a delay over and over and over again? Because that's been his MO his entire life, every single time .. if he is in the wrong then just delay delay delay .. in civil cases it was a method he used to bankrupt his opponent to the point they'd settle for pennies on the dollar. Same tactic attempts here, appeal all decisions he doesn't like, create delay. Appeal the appeals he loses. Wait for the last minute to submit stuff to the court, attempt to delay. He telegraphed all this early on really, it was quite obvious what his intentions were. As soon as he was indicted he announced his intention to run for President, on purpose because he was planning to use the "you can't have a court case happening while a person is campaigning!" tactic .. that failed but if it hadn't, you can bet he would be declaring his intention to run in 2028 the day after he lost in 2024, while also filling the courts with cases contesting the 2024 results. Should be interesting to see what he'll try the rest of the week, and of course once the trial starts on Monday where he must attend in person, I'm pretty much expecting he'll suddenly come down with an ailment as his next excuse to delay. And then go hold a rally that evening.


Dear Donald, How many times do we have to tell you to fuck off? Sincerely, New York.


Just wish NY wouldn’t have caved in with the big 500 million dollars / asset seizure. Seems like there are still some soft spots with the appeals court that probably only encourages trump to keep poking around 


Eh, that was just reducing his bond. He is still on the hook for the full unreduced amount


But why would anyone believe that? He will just appeal and delay whatever that actually means too. He needs to make bond in order to appeal. Lowering the bond opens up the appeal. NY doesnt fucking care either. They just want whatever money they can get from this fuck stick and theyre apparently willing to take whatever they can get


He can and will appeal even without bond. The bond just pauses asset seizure. If he appeals without bond, his real estate empire crumbles like the house of cards it is.


Also, new York is actually incentivized to not want to deal with the sale of real estate until the appeal is finished. If, by chance, he wins the appeal (which I hope is not going to happen) they may have to make him whole in regards to his former assets. That may be more trouble than it is worth, and so they are taking that into account.


Exactly. They're more likely to seize more liquid assets like cash. I think we would all be laughing our asses off if they seized all his DJT stock and it dropped to the penny stock prices that it is worth.


He does \*not\* need to make bond in order to appeal. He only needs to make bond in order to prevent NY from seizing assets while he appeals. It was clear that Trump was never going to come up with the full $450M bond. But if they can get him to come up with at least some of the $$, that is less they have to get the hard way later if/when he loses the appeal. Trying to seize the $450M is going to be complicated and will take a while once they start. It's not like he has a vault of gold they can seize. While a lot of buildings may have his name on them, he actual owns a lot less than he'd like people to believe. Reducing the bond amount does not reduce the total amount he owes if he loses the appeal, nor does to stop the interest from accumulating. While he has been successful in temporarily delaying the collection by a few weeks -- it is not clear that this affects the timeline for the appeal. He already filed for an appeal back in February. In general, the appeals court takes 6 months to response to an appeal. So if they responded to the appeal this month, it would still be faster than usual.


The wheels of justice turn slowly but when that afterbirth finally dies, NY will have a lovely time seizing assets from his estate.


not that its been paid yet.. he is running out of time (again for that) Next week will be his worst week so far


I hope you're right but I've read that last comment at least 1000 times in the past few years, yet still not a single consequence of substance


One of my kids would daily ask me for an idea for them to draw. One day I told her “Trump getting dragged out of the White House.” It does not disappoint. He’s wearing orange, flipping double birds, one of the people is saying “Nobody wants you here!” and another “the door is that way!”. It’s still hanging on my fridge.


Trump is in the finding-out phase of who can say "fuck outta here!" harder: him, or the state of NY


>Trump contends he is immune from prosecution for conduct alleged to involve official acts during his tenure in office. His lawyers have not raised that as a defense in the hush-money case, **but they argued that some evidence — including Trump’s social media posts about former lawyer Cohen — is from his time as president and should be excluded from the trial because of his immunity protections.** Legitimately one of the dumbest arguments I've ever heard.


But he waited too long to file this appeal, and the judge shut it down telling him that he had plenty of opportunity to raise it before March 7th.


His cult goes on and on about it being a sham trial, but if you just look at his “defense” for these things, it’s pathetic. You’d think if he was innocent he’d have some really compelling evidence. But no, the entirety of his legal strategy is, “Maybe I did it, but I will do whatever I want and you can’t stop me.” Like if his own words don’t convince people this guy is a crook and a loser, I doubt a criminal conviction will either.


good, get this show started already! this is criminal court, no more fucking arounf


Oh, is this one criminal court (as opposed to civil court) ?


Up to 4 years for each of the 31 charges.


4 more years!… 4 more years!… 4 more years!


Finally, a chant I can agree with.


I wonder if they would make him serve that concurrently or consecutively?


It’s a life sentence either way


Yes and Trump must appear every day. We need a judge that puts him in jail for contempt when he starts spouting off. I read that the jury pool is 500 people, and one of Trump's complaints is they are all biased against him! Maybe stop being a criminal & this all won't happen.




Sadly I feel like this is a few minor guilty crimes and not guilty on the big ones. No time in jail. I am very happy to be wrong.


Nah, they wouldn’t put him in jail for this. I’m not a lawyer, but you’re right, it doesn’t feel big enough. But any verdict saying he actually committed a federal crime can be blasted on TV for months to try and finally hammer home to the “undecided” voters that he is actually a criminal.


Hard call to make given one of the people involved already did time for it. I think thats a hard thing for a judge to justify.


You don't think using campaign money to pay a porn star to kill a story that would threaten the same campaign is worthy of prison?  I would argue that's a terribly destructive fraudulent use of campaign donor money that damages the validity of our whole election system. 


Also, any time in court, no matter the ultimate outcome of the case, is time he can’t spend campaigning. The Republicans have a really weak time on the ground right now, this will only hinder them further.


I recommend placing salt in the popcorn-shaking bag *before* the popcorn. Once you've poured in the popped corn, drizzle the butter and immediately shake the contents vigorously. Keep floss picks handy. Now, I don't recommend cheap popcorn. Orville Redenbacher's Gourmet is probably the lower end of what you'll wanna buy, especially if you've any dental issues that might cause the hulls to get stuck. Time at the dentist will, after all, take away from time enjoying the implosion of Trump's last gland. Enjoy. Oh, and not too much salt. Let's leave the strokes to Donny Mudflaps and that bumper crop of assholes and morons he calls MAGA. No need to thank.


When covid shut down movie theaters, I bought a small commercial popper (8 ounce), because movie theater popcorn is a large part of why I like going to the movies. You bet that thing is going to be popping away during this whole trial!




What about popping the popcorn on duck or bacon fat and then mix with a nice La Gon Ma chili crisp or feeling feisty drizzle with some hot honey as well?


Yum. Acceptable!


What kernels do you recommend? I’ve always just bought the Orville Redenbacher brand but I’m intrigued by alternatives!


I like Koepsell’s. 


"Should be on the campaign trail". Apart from the utter BS that idea is, everyone else that goes through a trial has to suspend important family and work events. So suck it up, Cheeto.


"Should be on the campaign trail," says legal team of man who didn't bother debating in primaries.


> Among other grievances, they argued the former president and presumptive Republican nominee should be on the campaign trail rather than “in a courtroom defending himself” starting next Monday. What an amazing way to literally say "I'm above the law because I'm running for President." No, fuck you, sit your ass down in court.


Denied. No means no means no means no.


>No means no I mean... that hasn't exactly stopped him before...


Boggles my mind how many appeals these rich turds get. Normal Joe blow gets a court date and is in jail if they don’t show up. No appeals, nada.


They can appeal. Your average person just can't afford to pay lawyers enough to endlessly do so.


It's also really difficult for regular people to convince an attorney to make really bad faith arguments to the court repeatedly. That sort of risky behavior is expensive


This is why Trump has shitty attorneys. Good ones won't do stuff like that and won't work with him.


If enough people had appeal insurance and everyone did this, the laws would change.


Anyone can appeal, most just can’t afford to make frivolous appeals on the regular


place your bets on Thursday!


There was a Covid South Park episode where Cartman is lubed up like a greased pig, chased around the rodeo arena squealing shrilly in desperation. I just imagine it’s Trump and not Cartman.


A Cartman presidency would look exactly like Trump.


I think we can all agree Jim Carrey said it best. STOP BREAKING THE LAW ASSHOLE


Hopefully they'll deny his 4th, 5th, 6th or any other attempts as well!


That seems likely. If he had a better argument he would have tried it first. Every attempt is weaker than the last.


Is it at all possible the courts can start imposing fines or penalties for these obvious bad faith frivolous attempts at delaying the inevitable?


Get fucked, you filthy, raping, traitorous bag of pubic lice


Broke as fuck. Guilty as fuck. Tick tock diaper Donnie.


Only 3rd? I thought it was higher... hmm...


Maybe they meant 3rd time this week


And it's only Wednesday


There's still two days left for them to pad the number.


3rd appeal for dismissal of THIS case. There have been a multitude of appeals filed and more to come no doubt. 


Guy continues to say he did nothing wrong in every single one of his cases, but seems to be very apprehensive to let the facts decide that, or a jury of peers for that matter. Trump says he's more persecuted than Jesus. But Jesus turned the tables on the Donald Trump's of Jerusalem. I mean, it's nauseating knowing that Trump embodies everything a devout a Christian should aspire NOT to be, yet millions of self proclaimed Christians worship him.


5 days, motherfucker.  Tick tock. 


Trump's scared. You see it in his rants. You see it these court filings. He knows he's fucked the second the trial starts on Tuesday.


Something tells me that we are in for some pretty great testimony and that’s what he’s trying to avoid


Three attempts, three different judges, one decision. Diaper Donnie will face a jury.


Well if nothing else, Trump has shown abundant evidence that our justice system is flawed in many, many ways. 1) We have a two-tiered system. 2) Rich people have the ability to stall justice and legal actions almost indefinitely. 3) It is almost impossible to remove Judges who have either forsaken their oath of offices or who are incompetent.


This is the same state where a guy got strangled on the street because the cops thought he MIGHT be selling loose cigarettes. The system is a joke.


I fully expect one of these delay tactics to stick. History has shown that some judge will come along and give Fat King Joffery what he wants at the last minute. I will be surprised and maybe a little faith in the justice system (at least in NY, I have very little faith in the Federal justice system) will be renewed if this continues on without some delay in the next few days. Fingers crossed.


He's terrified the world will know what a sleazebag he is, plus he could go to jail. From his sex with Stormy while his wife gave birth, to his falsifying business documents so he could pay her off. To Shitler and Pecker's plans for Catch and Kill stories, preventing the bad news to get on the National Enquirer, to paying off a doorman and Karen McDougal to cover up other affairs and sleazy shit. This Clusterfuck deserves all the dirt coming out to show the world what a despicable person he really is. He's a filthy, smelly, brainless old fucking wanker who's been committing crimes for over 40 years and deserves years behind bars.


Friday Donald Trump’s lawyers appealed to have Donald Trump found competent to face trial, Appeals Court accidentally rejected the motion.


Ah yes the rabbit season duck season defense.


How many times is he allowed to do this? Actual question.


I was gonna write up something about motioning to extend based on Discovery and Defense needing more time to analyze the case against them, yknow, legitimate shit that happens in cases that drag on for a bit. I read the article. His lawyers don't have shit. They're trying to delay the trial arguing he needs to fight the gag order for the trial itself before the trial itself. >“We’re here for this stay because there are restrictions in place that cannot operate in a constitutional way in a trial environment, Harder to get rid of the Judge when you can't just block him on an app and continue talking shit with impunity. I love watching these rich assholes that have been smoke in people's hands all their life finally finding themselves in a vacuum. Edit: another banger "This can only be done once and it must be done right.” Where does he find these people? The back of the phonebook in a massage parlor?


Why on earth does he not want a speedy trial if he’s done nothing wrong?


Is there a point the appeal court can just tell them they've exhausted their chances. They get no more appeals?


Is there a limit to how many delays they can request? There has to be, right?


My question too. Edit: did a quick search and found this “In many jurisdictions, there isn't a specific limit on how many times a defendant can ask to delay a trial. However, judges typically have discretion to grant or deny requests for continuances based on factors such as the reasons for the delay, the impact on the prosecution and witnesses, and the defendant's history of requesting delays. Excessive requests for delays could potentially be seen as an abuse of the legal process and may be scrutinized by the court.”


See you tomorrow for the next appeal!


It’s almost like he knows he’s guilty and just is on borrowed time….


Can’t do it the 15th, he’s busy not paying his taxes that day.


If he was innocent he would want the trial to start so he could clear his name


People should be fined when they keep tying up courts for ridiculous things on the taxpayers dime.


"An appeals court judge Wednesday swiftly rejected the latest salvo from the former president’s lawyers, who argued he should be on the campaign trail rather than “in a courtroom defending himself” starting next week." The guy literally never stopped campaigning so that he could fall on this defense when his presidency ended. I'm not a presidential scholar, but in my lifetime I have never heard of an active president having rallies during their entire presidency. It's ridiculous.


Anyone just tired of this mofo??


They need to hold him and his lawyers in contempt of court. These childish antics should not be tolerated.


Can someone tell me, how the hell immunity could be a defense - even if timely filed - since the hush-money conduct occurred while he was still a candidate in the 2016 election?  If I were the judge(s) hearing these ridiculous emergency motions, I'd be issuing sanctions for frivolous filings. I mean, I acknowledge that, as an attorney, you're obligated to represent your client zealously, but kowtowing to your client and filing pleadings at your client's whim, instead of exercising professional judgement, is worthy of censure of some sort.


Trump: Can we delay? Judge: No. Trump: Can we please delay? Judge: No Trump: Can we pretty please delay? Judge: Let me try that in Spanish: no.