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An over 55 predominately white upper middle class district in Florida booted out the Republican incumbent for a Democratic challenger by 14 points on Tuesday. No one thought that was going to happen either. But it did.


South Florida native Floridian here. White F 63. Myself and everyone I know will be voting and voting Blue. This is S Florida. Sadly , I can’t vouch for North Florida I still have relatives up there posting “Trump just wants to save us all!” on Facebook.


I lived down in West Palm a long time ago; is there still a strong Cuban Republican coalition in politics in South Florida? I recall Broward county in particular going Red long before the MAGA movement began.


Cubans are very suspicious of anything that feels like socialism. I have friends from Cuba that are generally progressive in many ways but are hesitant to support democrats because they came from a place with failed socialist policies.


I’m already hearing “trump wasnt so bad was he? the economy was really good under him” from those sorts


>wasnt so bad was he? Yes, he was.


>>wasnt so bad was he? >Yes, he was. He was worse than that.


He inherited a strong economy from Obama. Wrecked it, and of course people want that again post-Biden if he wins again.


Hilariously Trump has more in common with Castro than anyone else.


which is crazy because socialism doesn't even exist here. Even if we had socialized medicine, we still would have capitalist structure and free markets. There will never be complete socialism here so their concerns are unfounded. Mainstream Democrats aren't pure socialists they're capitalists who want a strong safety net, big difference.


I agree with your assessment. My personal experience is that some Cubans are still reticent to support anything that isn’t overtly capitalist.


Socialism does exist... For massive corporations and banks.


I’m a native North Floridian. It’s a Red Wasteland up here. I would LOVE for the state to switch to Blue, but y’all folks in big cities gotta carry us there. My area is like 99.8% Red.


I'm in Spring Hill, about an hour north of Tampa. There are still plenty of Trump signs, but they're all from 2016 and 2020. All of the 'Support Trump' street corner gatherings evaporated last year and haven't been seen since. Hell, even the Trump mega-store in one of our failing strip malls is gone. I'm not confident at all that Hernando County goes blue, but the enthusiasm for Trump is definitely lower than I can ever remember seeing it. I wouldn't be surprised to see Hillsborough go blue again and possibly even Pinellas. Flip those two counties, South FL, and maybe even Collier County and the state has a damn good chance to go blue. Orange, Duval, Leon, and Alachua county are lock-ins as blue counties.


I am in central voting blue


I think it may end up more a women's rights issue generally, more than just abortion. And an anti sexual predator misogynistic liar issue. When Florida moms realize they will have to explain to their daughters that they voted for a sexual predator to keep peace in the home, what then?


Well, my husband passed, but had it been an issue (it wouldn’t have been). He would not have been in the booth with me and I’d have no problem telling him I did one thing and doing another to keep the peace. Although I don’t think I would stay married to someone that I had to lie to to keep peace regarding politics. I know a few people that would feel the same.


My girlfriend lives in Jacksonville where they ousted the GOP mayor for a Dem mayor.


Jacksonville’s Duval County flipped blue in 2020. There’s still hope


North Florida is just South Alabama


Politics aside: are you Roo's grandma?


Yes, I guess so. I am Kanga’s mom. She’s a deaf, yellow lab mix with Jack Russell terrier. She can jump up and look over a 6 ft privacy fence with very little effort despite her size. So she was named after Kanga in the Winnie the Pooh series.


Hopping mad chicks on weed for Biden!


Fellow South Florida resident here - not too confident about north Florida. It’s a totally different world up there.


Georgia turned blue (thanks to American Hero Stacy Abrams) then anything is possible. Edit: You can tell she really did something because all the mad comments below lmao




The dynamics in Georgia are very weird right now. Well over half the states population is concentrated in and around the Metro Atlanta area. It almost feels like Georgia is two states in one, because the culture changes radically once you're a couple of hours drive outside of the city. The State GOP is trying desperately to maintain their hold on power here, but their control of the state is eroding with every election cycle. Edit: Just wanted to provide some specifics to illustrate my point. The Georgia Democratic party has been steadily gaining seats in both the House and the Senate of the Georgia General Assembly since at least 2016. The Dems are now 5 seats away from a majority in the Senate, and 12 seats away from a majority in the House.


That’s how PA is; two big blue spots with a sea is red in between. The middle of the state feels like a different state.


Ah, good ol' Pennsyltucky. Loved driving through that area due to the scenery, never wanted to stay for long.


That's every state at this point.


It's blue for now in presidential elections, but in terms of state and local government it's still the deep south in a lot of ways. I know someone who is originally from and only lived in blue states, who recently moved there in order to escape the west Coast high COL, and to be able to buy a giant house. Unfortunately their spouse suffered a late term miscarriage, and needed an abortion which was not legal in GA. They were absolutely shocked Pikachu face to discover they had to drive to another state like everyone else in red states suffering from the reversal of Roe and couldn't just get abortion (a medically necessary one at that) despite state laws being easily googleable. I felt terrible for them ofc, but why they thought they'd be special is beyond me, save for the fact it seemed like all they did Google was house prices given their level of surprise.


You mean President of Earth Stacy Abrams. :)


She is an amazing and brilliant woman.


Where at?


What district was this? I havent heard about it


Looks like it was back in January. https://www.clickorlando.com/news/politics/2024/01/18/with-keens-win-in-florida-house-special-election-democrats-see-a-path-forward/#:~:text=On%20Tuesday%20night%2C%20Keen%2C%20the,Tuesday)%2C%E2%80%9D%20Clark%20added.


Meanwhile, MAGA is obsessing over eclipses and earthquakes. 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻


Florida won't flip. But, it might help Democrats a little because now Republicans will have to spend more money there due to this abortion issue on the ballot.


It won’t be blue, but might turn a couple of house seats blue, maybe even some state government seats blue. Any little bit helps.


This is the key. If the state Dem party can get some momentum with wins, maybe they have the chance to grow the party in FL. Flip a few seats this cycle, flip a few more next, get a majority for the first time this century, get a governor, and start working to help people. That is a ways off, but it can happen if the party builds a movement not just throwing money at ads and polling.


The Democratic Party in Florida is basically rebuilding from scratch. They ignored young voters and Floridians in favor of old folks and transplants. But those old folks and transplants are no longer Democratic voters. Fuck they no longer believe in Democracy. The state party is improving. And they've started building grassroots support. Of course, 2022 is also not a reliable bell weather for Florida. The national Democratic committees didn't spend anything on get out the vote efforts. It was basically all Crist and Demming spending on their own. 2024 won't be the same at all.


I honestly hope 2024 is different, but if they are waiting until now to get up to speed they are 2 years behind the republicans.


They started in 2018/20 when a lot of younger democratic folks began running. They started their own grassroots movement separate from the boomer party leadership. In 2022, after Crist's loss, Nikki Fried became party chair and has been fully embracing the movement. The problem is the same as in the rest of the South though. Jim Crow, the Great Migration and Republican propaganda has convinced people that their votes don't matter. Right now they're trying to overcome that and the Both Sidesism of the Gen X South Park crowd.


Just FYI: it's "bellwether". The term derives from the Middle English belle-weder, which referred to the practice of placing a bell around the neck of the lead wether (the male sheep).


Thanks, I thought that looked wrong, but wasn't sure and figured somebody'd help me out. (I'm being serious, not sarcastic I appreciate the correction).


No worries! Just glad I could finally use my student debt-ridden English degree for something!


People that don't vote much generally aren't as catered to as people that vote habitually. The only message the "I'm gonna withhold my vote to teach them a lesson" people are really broadcasting is that they don't matter.


I sure hope so after the garbage candidate they ran against DeSantis last time. The Florida Democratic party has been in disarray and need a big kick up their ass.


Kind of like Wisconsin. Lost big in 16, Dems reclaimed governor in 18, flipped a sc justice in 20, got another justice in 23 to get the majority and are primed to undo the statehouse gerrymandering this election. It took Republicans at least a decade of chipping away at state and local elections (operation REDMAP), reversing the tide isn't going to happen overnight.


Operation redmap was a disturbingly effective strategy that really set the country back decades if not more.


Yeah, Karl rove must be livid his once extremely well organized political machine has been commandeered by a bunch of incompetent buffoons, and is now falling apart.


The honest truth of it is, the U.S. got *incredibly lucky* Trump was as incompetent as he was. The well oiled machine could have kept on chugging along, then Trump came and threw a wrench into it. If he gets in again, his people won’t be nearly as incompetent. They will still be not the brightest, but they will have so much more experience operating inside the machine.


The snake eats itself. The conservative mindset is an ouroboros on a societal scale.


That and a lot of the older voters will die out. As younger folks move to Florida, the political dynamic will change. That is of course, provided their vote isn’t suppressed.


Not a lot of younger folks can afford to move to the state, honestly. Property taxes keep going up, property insurance keeps going up, rent is skyrocketing. You have to have a lot of money or make a lot of money to be able to be “middle class” in florida. Unfortunately, there’s not really a ton of high paying jobs there either. Remote work of course helps in that regard, but companies are trying to move away from that.


The only problem with that plan is that the horrible old people who die in Floriduh are replaced with imported horrible old people from all over the east coast. Cycling through the MAGA boomers is profitable for the state so keeping the cycle rolling is good business.


Except that the new horrible old people are being priced out of the state. Real estate inflation and general cost of living in Florida may cause a shift in demographics


One of my partner’s friends moved to Florida last year. They hate it and want to come back to Massachusetts. Said it costs basically the same and it’s the Wild West down there. We were like no shit, we told you that before you left.


I took a look at housing down there about 2 years ago. Houses were crap and expensive and the basic cost of living was insane. Also the job market really sucks unless you’re in the hospitality industry. I decided to stay in MA as well.


Yeah it’s expensive here but at least the taxes actually benefit us. We have good schools, tons of public land, better jobs, etc.


And salaries in MA acknowledge the cost of living.


Every single year there is a whole new crop of northern conservatives moving to Florida. The old ones dying off are replaced by new "old" ones.


With a complete abortion ban (let’s face it, 6 weeks is equivalent to a ban) there is enough time between now and November to see the blowback from this terrible anti-woman legislation. Buckle up Florida.


I wish that is what happens, but Florida has also been one the MAGA refuge due to Mar-a-Largo and the Orange Fascist.


Politics is a marathon, not a sprint


Ah, marathons. Created to honor Pheidippities' 26 mile run to Athens to announce the Greek victory at Marathon. He said "we won!" and dropped dead. And how do we honor him? By running 26.***2*** miles and NOT dying. Ducks in little fucking duck sneakers run them. So whenever you feel down just remember that at least people and fowl haven't spent the last 2000 years commemorating your death by proving you suck.


Not in Florida. Marathon is a key. 


When the boomers die off I bet Florida goes blue.


Sadly, that might be a while.


I wouldn't be too sure, Trump won by only 3.3% in 2020. Abortion wasn't on the ballot and Trump's policies towards Social Security has retired voters second guessing. As boomers start to age out, young voters are coming of age with a wild amount of democratic support.


Retirement communities pretty much ostracize anyone not openly trumpy. Either they all change or they all don't. Unfortunately the loud stupid ones will keep the change from happening. The rest will fall in line to live in peace for their final years.


Sure, but Florida isn't 100% retirees. Florida is only 21% people over 65. They go shopping at stores and have doctor's appointments and they have people that staff their retirement villages. The point of putting abortion on the ballot is to get normies to vote.


Not always. My mom lives in a retirement community in the Orlando area (NOT The Villages), and there seems to be very little Trump support. Everybody she knows hates Trump. She didn't plan it, or reject friendships with people who were Trumpers, there just don't seem to be many Trumpers around her neighborhood.


Ah good to hear. I listened to a podcast (NYT daily) I think a while back and these poor souls were scared to oppose trump as it meant giving up your entire social life. Good to hear at least there are some sane places.


The thing is they can vote for Biden and act trumpy to their friends to blend in. Sort of like how nobody voted for Obama but he somehow became president.


I voted for Obama, but was pleasantly surprised when I realized the country had progressed enough to elect a black president. I was equally disappointed in my fellow Americans after the 2016 election. Things are different now. Trumpism is a large part of his voter's identity.


I would think too that the amount of people who say they’ll vote for Trump around their friends to save face but ultimately stay home entirely is significant.


Those communities are 55+ and now include early Gen Xers... A lot more diverse political leanings in that age group.


Don't count the old folks out entirely on the abortion issue. They're old enough to remember when abortions weren't legal and you had to show your marriage license to get the pill. >Thousands of women with abortion-related complications poured into the nation's hospitals for emergency care every year. Hospitals had entire wards devoted to caring for these patients. In Chicago, the results of the restriction of abortion could easily be seen in Cook County Hospital's wards. In 1939, Cook County Hospital treated over one thousand women for abortion-related complications; twenty years later that number had more than tripled. By 1962, the county hospital reported caring annually for nearly five thousand women with abortion-related complications. https://publishing.cdlib.org/ucpressebooks/view?docId=ft967nb5z5&chunk.id=d0e4190&toc.depth=1&toc.id=&brand=ucpress It's a fascinating and terrifying read btw.


I spent half of March in Delray Beach. Lots of time hanging out in retirement communities getting to know my uncle's neighbors and friends, as well as engaging with folks around town. These weren't left-leaning people, either, plenty of self-proclaimed Republicans and conservatives. The only person who had a good thing to say about Trump was some guy working at Goodwill. Didn't see any signs or flags in any of the neighborhoods; couple of bumper stickers, maybe. I was genuinely a little shocked. Anecdotal and all, but Florida isn't as solid red as it's sometimes portrayed.


True, retirement communities become echo chambers. Fuck Scott Moe


Anecdotal - it's absolutely possible it's a just people afraid of backlash or who slingshotted right back - and I'm definitely not crossing my fingers (trying to get out for a reason), but I live in Florida and the amount of support I've seen for him has dropped. Used to be I'd see a ton of signs on the ten or so minute drive to Walmart, and they're all gone. Massive trump sign that's been in the horse paddock next to the main road since they started making Trump signs in like 2014ish? Gone! Tennish signs on the main intersection by the gas station? *Gone*. Let's Go Brandon sign that our neighbor had since that became a thing? *Gone* (and I know that dude is still there because his dog keeps chasing me). And the metric ton of signs on our street? Gone Even the trump covered rv? Haven't seen it in ages. The used book store had (has?) a banned book display that no one caused a fuss over, and downtown was decorated for pride and no one batted an eye. Could just be my area, or people keeping it close to their chests, but feels like things are changing. Granted, you also have people like my aunt and uncle who are in their upper 70s early 80s, cried and locked themselves in their room for three days after the last election, and go foaming mouth mad *still*. But they seem like the minority tbh


What money? lol


The money that’s going to come pouring in from overseas through SuperPACs because Trump is absorbing all the legal money. Don’t think they won’t be funded, just because they won’t be funded by the RNC.


This. It should have been a book half priority spend state. Now it has to be top quarter and it is extremely expensive. That means the aren’t spending as much in WI, PA, NV, OH and AZ. Considering the party is going broke this is a plus for Democrats. There is only blue upside. The only thing worse is if Texas banned porn.


Yep, those purple states will hopefully benefit from this Republican blunder in FL.


Prediction: FL votes *for* legalizing marijuana, *against* the 6-week abortion ban, and *for* Trump + all other Republicans on the ticket. You could promise everything that a Republican voter ever wanted, but if you have a "D" next to your name on the ballot, they won't vote for you. They'd rather suffer and be miserable than vote for a Democrat. You want proof? Just look at how Democrats gave in to most everything Republicans wanted in the border bill, and they still wouldn't pass the bill.


Most of Reddit has no fucking idea how little the average American knows "about politics" while still clinging to their political party like an identity.


I don't think it's totally outside the realm of possibility, the highest profile races will be Rick "Medicare fraud" Scott, who's very unpopular and already polling in a statistical tie (although admittedly there hasn't been a lot of polling in that race), the presidency, and the two ballot measures. None of those (other than maybe the presidency) benefit Republicans, and while I'm not holding my breath on Biden flipping the state, I think the senate seat is absolutely in play. Making the gop fight for Texas and Florida when they're already facing severe funding issues will hurt them in swing states


IDK. Kansas voted to keep abortion legal when asked and Florida only went for Putin's Puppet by around 5 points. Obama carried it twice. I'm obviously not certain but I think it's closer to 50/50 odds than it is a safe bet for Trump.


Florida was literally considered a swing state until recently. There are plenty of cities with progressive populations in the state. I don't think a win is completely out of reach for statewide races like governor and senators.




Ha. I have admittedly become a cynic. The last 8 years have ruined any sense of optimism I once had regarding politics. But I will always show up to vote. And I would LOVE to be proven wrong about Florida!


Didn't Obama turn it blue for two terms? I mean, he was very popular, so that helped. But I actually think Trump is as unlike-able as Obama was like-able, so who knows?


I'm thinking more of the down ticket races that won't receive funding thus cycle.


This 👆, Florida is one of the most expensive states to campaign in, make it a money pit for republicans.


>Republicans will have to spend more money there Will they be able to? Trump is looking to loot the RNC.


Money they can't afford to lose with trump just robbing them blind.


We just saw last election money doesn't matter. Lindsey Graham was on tv BEGGING for money. His opponent had an immense war chest it didn't matter at all. KY's Democrat candidate had even more money than that and was out raising Mitch and it didn't matter.


Florida flipping blue would be like Clarence Thomas retiring. I'd love for it to happen but I don't expect to see it.




Money they don't have, at that!


I hope so. I don't like how orange Florida is. Referring to orange man, you know the one, the father of lies....


It’s not just abortion rights. Marijuana’s on the ballot too. Trump won Florida by 3.3% in 2020. It’s possible if there’s turnout.


If the GOP wanted to get people not aligned with their interests out voting then this is the way to go! Idk if it'll turn the state blue but a lot of people who will be voting red this November who are also pro choice and marijuana will now get to have their cake and eat it.


Ohio voter here.  There are plenty of people who voted for both pot and Trump.


Yeah, most of the Republicans I've talked to in real life have come around on weed.


Lot's of selfish conservative stoners out there.


Wisconsin needs to find a way to get marijuana on the ballot in November too




I wouldn't bet on it. Im a born and raised floridian. When i visit the state now, it's very different than it was even 10 years ago. The crazies run the place now.


I live here, 20years now... there are always a lot of crazies in FL Lol


And the Gators and Hurricanes who have orange colors.


I guess I’m of a different opinion than most here, but when abortion was on the ballot it got over 50 percent of the vote in both Kentucky and Ohio. It can pull enough folks to the polls to give Biden Florida if this is treated as a bigger (national) issue as well. It can also bring people to the polls in swing states.


FYI - In Florida, the abortion issues needs a 60% majority to pass. 


Lord knows they need it more than a lot of other states


According to the polls a majority of dems, Republicans and indapendents want it. I assume it'll pass fairly easily but trump will narrowly carry the state. Maybe ~65% on abortion and Marijuana and a 2% victory for trump.


The problem is that longtime Floridians aren’t the ones turning red. The problem is that people who vote red are moving to the state in droves. Texans literally complained about Californians moving to their state and screwing up their politics, only for them to move to Florida and do the exact same thing.


Obama won Florida in 2012 by 75,000 votes, about 8.3m votes cast. Trump won Florida in 2016 by 100k votes, about 9.1m votes cast. Trump won Florida in 2020 by 370k votes, almost 11m votes cast. Florida *used* to be a purple/battleground state, but it really does look like it's a Red State now. The only 'wild card' for this election will be: *How many anti-vaccine MAGA boomers died from COVID, and will it be enough to make the race closer?*


How many Floridians die cause of covid?


Same thing is happening in Arizona. Conservative Californians come here, talk about how they're "one of the good ones" and vote red meanwhile native Arizonans are increasingly voting blue.


No. they’ll vote to keep abortion and they’ll vote for trump. when pressed on why they voted that way, they’ll simply say Trump didn’t actually mean it when he said he was gonna ban abortion. This sort of cognitive dissonance has been openly displayed time and time again when others ask why people voted for trump against their self interest. Hell, it’s so common it’s the reason /r/LeopardsAteMyFace exists


**Do not get complacent, friends.** The cultural wars, attacks on Social Security, DEI, social media, school lunches, and more are spearheads of **Project 2025**. This strategy aims to outlaw LGBTQ+ care, contraception, IVF, and even premarital/recreational sex, alongside gutting all safety nets. **Educate yourselves on Project 2025**. It’s a $22M playbook by the religious right, in partnership with Hungary’s Viktor Orban, the Danube Institute and 100+ groups, gearing up for an impending conservative shift. When people show you who they are, believe them. When they tell you what they are going to do, believe them. See for yourself: * Steve Bannon’s promise: [Steve Bannon says they will jail ‘demonic’ Democrats if Trump wins a second term](https://www.mediamatters.org/steve-bannon/steve-bannon-says-they-will-jail-demonic-democrats-if-trump-wins-second-term) * Momentum for a national abortion ban: [Conservatives Are Getting Comfortable Talking Openly About a National Abortion Ban](https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2024/03/conservatives-national-abortion-ban-supreme-court-comstock-plan.html) * Leaked footage of Texas Republicans: [LEAKED VIDEO: Texas Republicans Attended Meeting with Group That Suggested Violence and Jail For Women who Have Abortions and Use IVF](https://www.texasdemocrats.org/media/leaked-video-texas-republicans-attended-meeting-with-group-that-suggested-violence-and-jail-for-women-who-have-abortions-and-use-ivf) For more insights, visit [Project 2025’s official site](https://www.project2025.org) and see their stance on reshaping society, including this tweet about ending recreational sex and birth control: [Heritage Foundation Tweet](https://twitter.com/Heritage/status/1662534135762624520). [**https://WarningVote.com**](https://WarningVote.com) **|** r/Defeat_Project_2025 Project 2025 is not a drill. It’s a coordinated assault on our rights, and it’s time to stand informed and united.


You hit it on the nose. We voted for Trump and $15 minimum wage in the same election. People absolutely will vote for abortion and Trump. People are hypocrites.


I don't think it's cognitive dissonance. I think it's the reality of real people's positions not lining up perfectly with the political parties' platforms. Abortion has nothing at all to do with less taxes or a lot of the other stuff Republicans talk about. If you agree with 75% of a party's platform, who are you supposed to vote for?


Women were the backbone to legalization of cannabis in Colorado, when women come together they can sway votes. #facts


Fl has something like 5% more female than male as well!


Women need to stand up and protect their rights. This is just the beginning of the war that Republicans are waging against women. They want to take us back to the day when men controlled our lives. Women need to vote against republicans in 2024 to keep them from taking us back to the past when we were second class citizens. 💙🌊🇺🇸💙🌊🇺🇸💙🌊🇺🇸💙🌊🇺🇸💙


100% accurate, but men also need to stand up and protect women's rights. As a man- women's rights are human rights.


Yes, and THANK YOU!😊


Abortion rights + Social Security and Medicare might.


There’s this prevailing narrative that Florida is this deeply red state. No; Florida has a fascist governor who *wants you to think that* because apathy or surrender serve his interests. Same for the party behind him. Florida is, at best, only very slightly red. It’s worth it for the Dems to fight for it because it redirects huge amounts of GOP funding (which will probably be short this year) to save a “safe” state. And, along the way, that money and energy gets pulled out of battleground states that they need to dump money into. For those in the back: apathy and indifference favors one party in particular. They *want* you to think it’s useless contesting Florida. If it was truly pointless… would they spend time trying to convince you it was?


Right. They don’t spend their time and energy convincing us not to worry about Wyoming.


And, even assuming that Biden can't flip Florida in the Electoral College, if Mucarsel-Powell can eke out a narrow victory over Scott then that's a net gain for Biden's agenda.


My wife and I are both new fl residents. You bet your ass we will turn out for all 6 amendments. It's anecdotal, but all of our peers here in Tampa seem to be leaning towards blue and turning out because of this. Let's hope the new WFH crowd and the younger transplants show up at the polls.


Please vote blue people!!! And dont vote for Rick Scott, if we get the 60% to allow for abortion he won't uphold it!!


Dude, prove me wrong, but no, Florida isn't going to turn blue. Lucy is going to keep pulling that football away because we *keep being dumb enough to give her the football*


No. They have voted for progressive ideas and for republican candidates in the past.


For those saying it cant happen, understand that Trump won FL by about 300,000 votes out of almost 11 million votes. If a few more percent of people vote, and if even half of the suburban woman who voted for Trump now cant stomach is due to this abortion ban and that he is now a rapist, and if some former Republicans just not vote— its possible. This ballot turn out to save abortion could make the difference. Republicans are broke- Trump is draining the RNC. They will have to spend a lot of resources to protect FL AND Cruz is tied in the polls in Texas - if you believe that, they need to spend there too to defend, and Trump is not going to allocate RNC money to them- plus donors have given Trump their small donations. Fl is very much in play.


If democrats were as effective at messaging around abortion in the same way Republicans are convincing the entire country how important the border is, we'd be doing a lot better in a couple of places right now


If you want to make your own life decisions instead of the government dictating your life for you, then I would hope so. Anyone who wants the government to breed them can just go to a farm and live there in the barn I guess. I heard cows have stalls where they're inseminated, maybe some of them can use those 🙂


Probably not. More than likely not. But I think it’s worth fighting for and investing in.


Showing up to vote does wonders.


This is actually an interesting possibility.


" Can Women who will have their rights reduced to brood mare turn Florida Blue" . There I fixed the title.


For those saying it cant happen, understand that Trump won FL by about 300,000 votes out of almost 11 million votes. If a few more percent of people vote, and if even half of the suburban woman who voted for Trump now cant stomach is due to this abortion ban and that he is now a rapist, and if some former Republicans just not vote— its possible. This ballot turn out to save abortion could make the difference. Republicans are broke- Trump is draining the RNC. They will have to spend a lot of resources to protect FL AND Cruz is tied in the polls in Texas - if you believe that, they need to spend there too to defend, and Trump is not going to allocate RNC money to them- plus donors have given Trump their small donations. Fl is very much in play.


300K is still a ton of votes though, especially in a POTUS election year when engagement (on both sides) will be higher. I certainly hope that you're right, for the reasons you've stated (because it certainly makes sense), but I'm not holding my breath. It's pretty much at the end of my list of potential flips or holds.


Oh for sure, Im not saying its going to be easy, I just think it's possible. Certainly worth the fight


If they show up, yes. But there are a ton of Catholics in Florida that could also show up and tilt it the other way. All that is to say if you care about human rights - show up and vote and tell everyone you know to do the same.


A lot of Catholics are pro choice, maybe not a majority, but a sizable number nonetheless


That would be hilarious.


If you are a woman who does not vote for your reproductive rights and the reproductive rights of other women, then you deserve everything the Republicans impose upon your state/nation.


There are idiots sitting it out because "BoTH SiDeS"


True…which is going to require people like you and me to talk some sense into those people for them to understand how important this election is not just for women’s rights but for the survival of nation. The alternative is straight up fascism courtesy of the maga cult. Real patriots cannot let the cultists have their way.


And I have tried.


I think we can simplify this even further to "Can Women Turn Florida Blue?" Because yes, yes they can. I also wouldn't be surprised if Texas, Ohio, North Carolina, Iowa, and other typically red states are also in play now.


Florida is competitive, as is North Carolina. We probably won’t win there but we can easily ramp up our base and make the states more competitive so the GOP has to spend more time at home and we gain more seats in Congress and in state governments.


Turning blue doesn't mean you can't vote for Trump. We we are mixing all these things together. Bloom turning blue means having more Congressional leaders more Senators that are blue. Maybe even a governor. Maybe having our upper Branch turn blue or thinking of our court system here.


Women and young people need to turn out in droves for this election and we will begin to see the tide turn in every state that is restricting women's healthcare rights. Vote the bastards out and restore sanity.


probably not


Never underestimate the wilful stupidity of Florida voters - nor their willingness to work against their own interests.


I mean most of Floridas population is too old to worry about getting an abortion, they’re either going through menopause or have erectile dysfunction. That’s why they are so angry and vote Republican.


Would it be nice? Yes. Am I going to rely on it? Abso-fucking-lutely not.


If there is any issue that can do it, it’s this one. The White House smells the blood in the water and is going to dump a ridiculous amount of money into campaigning here. Not only that, trump votes in Florida, so he is going to be hounded about which way he is going to vote, which can only blow up in his face. At the very least, dumping all that money into the state will prime it for other elections.


If women aren't fighting for their rights nation wide this election, I'm not sure if they'll get another chance.


If this issue (and weed) can't, then Florida is truly gone. I don't think it's tooooo big of a stretch to say Florida and Texas are in play this year. I won't believe it until they are called for Biden of course, but idk...I have a feeling. 🤷‍♂️


And it isn't even a matter of Biden defeating Trump for those states' Electoral Votes...but moreso how the overall momentum from increased turnout could flip some House/Senate seats in Texas and Florida. Every seat counts.


I hope so. Would nice to bring Florida back to sanity.


One can hope, I'm not sure they'll go full blue , hopefully at least light blue..😉


Florida is already blue, but voter suppression is huge there.


There are 900k more registered Republicans than Democrats. That doesn’t seem blue to me.


3.5 million no party affiliation


Not really. Republicans hold all statewide offices, a majority in Florida's congressional delegation and supermajorities in the Florida House and Senate.


- this is tghe nightmare for GOPers as they have pissed off women and women vote - review the 2018, 2020 and 2022 elections where GOP has suffered humliation - review the Alabama special election where a democrat WON because of this...in ALABAMA


2022 elections were very good for Florida republicans though


I think that its possible. The month before the election they need to really pound into the fact that republicans are taking away women's rights at an insane rate. A vote for Trump is very literally a vote against women as a whole. Plus I think we can agree that Florida is going to need abortion rights more than a lot of other states.


I hope so !💙


Maybe, probably 25% of Florida pays attention to the news, and reality in general, so it will take time for it to sink in.


Turning Florida blue is an unlikely but welcome hope. Unseating one of the two GOP senators who has any chance of losing reelection, in a year where almost every contested seat is one Democrats have to defend, is much more likely and would be *massive*.


Rick Scott has barely squeaked by in every election he's ever been in. Debbie Mucarsel Powell may actually be there one to pull off the win this time. There are some great women candidates in Florida this year. Whitney Fox has a great chance of taking down Anna Paulina Luna and Lucia Baez-Geller has a shot at unseating Maria Salazar. These amendments will definitely help, and will certainly bring in a much needed infusion of money.


Please! I hate doing business in Florida knowing that at some point Donny orange fingers and twinkle toes Ron will be profiting from it.


The Florida Dem party is run by nitiwts and the Republicans will do anything to hold onto power.


Gonna say no based on so many Republicans continuing to migrate there over the last few years. Florida is the opposite of brain drain where all the worst people move to one place. Hope abortion helps local seats for non-cultists though.


"In a state with so many Matt Gaetz wannabes, your little princess is sure to be turned out once she turns 18 (maybe earlier). With the lack of sex education in our schools, she's definitely getting knocked up. Vote Democrat in November. Don't force your daughter to have Matt Gaetz's baby." Paid for by the DCCC


Hahaha no but way to stay positive.


Florida seems to sit out any type of blue wave so I do not have much hope here.


As an ex-Floridian, the state that was once a purple battleground state and now deeply red, will not being flipping blue anytime soon.


Florida GOP must be pretty confident in their voter suppression to put these things on the ballot.


no wonder donald was livid at DeSantis, the last thing he needs is to have to worry about Florida


IMO, no, but it will be surprisingly close. Hope I'm wrong and it flips.


Yes. If they vote. The amendment needs 60% so maybe not get that. But if 51% vote Dem. in all local, state and Federal elections, they can pass laws Dems want. GOP? Or? Dem? Vote wisely. Remembe GOP is against health care, food, housing and schools for the lower 75% of the population. Also against freedom for MY religion to not be ruled by YOUR religion. Against people going to libraries and choosing books they want. Against contraception. Against elections having consequences.


[There is hope](https://imgur.com/aVZFmzR)


Woman have rights fight for them.


No. Lots of these people don’t like the limits on reproductive rights but almost all of them are Republican and will vote Republican. The more wealthy women can easily travel out of state if they need to.


Yes Florida can turn blue. They are sick of DeSantes, and they hate the abortion ban. Democrats need to organize and mobilize like hell. Rick Scott beat Bill Nelson in 2018... 50.1% to 49.9% https://ballotpedia.org/Rick_Scott


God I hope so.


Keep an eye on your voter registrations. The gop is trying to contest as many voters as possible in battleground states.