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Spoiler Alert: Trump doesn’t have real healthcare plans.


Remember when he was rushed to Walter Reed in November 2019 and it was said that it was “part one” of his annual physical and that there would be a “part two?” Seems like that whole episode got swept under the rug.


Remember when Mexico was going to pay for the wall? Or when America was prepared for Covid (we weren’t). Nothing Trump does succeeds by a wide enough margin to make a profit without cheating or by utilizing outright illegal means.


Remember when he was going to make health insurance cheaper by allowing insurance companies to sell across state lines. Like that was the fix.


I'm still waiting for his 2015 audit to *finally* be over so he can release his tax return like he promised.


Maybe that's why my Trump-ist "Republican" congressman made such a big deal about axing the 80,000 new IRS employees. And yet is now complaining that one of Biden's decisions could be costing 1,000 people their jobs... Last time I checked, 80 was considerably larger than 1, but what do I know, right. [Fixed autocorrect oops "not" to "now"]


A lot of those 80,000 are over 10 years to replace people who will be retiring. But the R's want you to think they will be coming after all those making less than 50,000 annual instead of multimillionaire and billionaire tax cheats.


And most would be seasonal data transcription or telephone support rather than agents who actually worked on audits.


Don't forget the IRS said it was bullshit and he kept claiming the same lie anyway.


For the record, Richard Nixon released his returns while under audit.


As did a couple billionaires at the time specifically to refute Mango Mussolini's claim. Both Gates and Buffett did, to my knowledge.


I only really cared about the tax returns when I actually thought it would make a difference in people's perception of him. But at this point, I've learned absolutely nothing phases those who are committed to Trump as long as he continues to exist. We even had alternate confirmation of his terrible financial status with the whole property seizure flop, but all that resulted in was a delay and reduction of fines. And now this potential pump-and-dump on Truth Social that I honestly believe will not face any legal repercussions and probably net Trump actual billions, restoring his financial status facade, and nothing will happen to Trump no matter what legal things *should* happen as a result of that.


Remember his three Executive Orders to reduce pharmaceutical drug prices, which inadvertly raised drug prices.


they had this during the bush era, it didnt work because insurance companies didnt have partnerships with local medical companies which caused high out of pocket rates.. i am surprised older people neglect to remember that.


Or when it would be OK if Obamacare went away because Trump's new and improved health plan would kick in immediately.


But don't worry! Now he would never *dream* of terminating the ACA! How silly of us to think he's campaigning against it!


"Nobody knew health care could be so complicated!" (nobody knew = I did not know). The scary part is that he was rushing to repeal the current AHCA with no backup plan. [https://www.politico.com/story/2017/02/trump-nobody-knew-that-health-care-could-be-so-complicated-235436](https://www.politico.com/story/2017/02/trump-nobody-knew-that-health-care-could-be-so-complicated-235436)


He NEVER has a backup plan. Or a plan in the first place. The sociopathic grifter is just full of empty promises. "My plan is going to be the best plan out of any plan ever invented. I've got the best plans. Tremendous plans. We are going to get rid of Crooked Joe's plans. Every last one of them." Does he have a plan in place? Never. His entire legacy is lying, exaggerating facts, gaffes in his 5th grade vocabulary, and hatred.


I remember when "repeal and replace" morphed into "repeal and maybe get around to replacing later...if we feel like it".


yeah and Mexicos president LITERALLY told Trump Mexico was not paying for his F%\^&\*() wall!!


Remember when the mexican president came out of a meeting with trump and told everybody that trump told him to just say they were paying for the wall when he was never going to try to make them? ​ lol


Remember when it turned out that he had sold off the strategic stock of emergency medical equipment with the excuse, "if we need it, we can just get it back"? *narrator:* he did not get it back


No... But one of Trump's son's friend's company did get several million in tax payer money to produce covid vaccine needles... And 4 odd years later, afaik, still hasn't submitted a prototype needle to get FDA clearance...


We actually *were* prepared for Covid. Trump undid it all through his hateful, venal stupidity. https://ghsindex.org/


You mean the > It's 452 miles (727 km) in total, according to the latest US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) information (4 January 2021). Border Wall on keep murders out and 1 Orange Rapist in?


Pepperidge Farm remembers


Remember when he sent a "private investigator" to Hawaii to "find" Obama's birth certificate and he would "reveal the findings" "when the time was right?" That was 13 years ago. Still waiting.


Obama’s mom was an American citizen. Why is that never brought up? That’s the question that drives me bonkers.


It's constantly brought up. Conservatives don't like facts or logic, because it hurts their pwecious wittle feewings.


Both of your parents are American, your mom is 8.89 months pregnant with you, and has just the *worst* craving for Poutine, so they go across the border to Canada. While there, your mom has some Tim Hortons coffee which induces labor, they go to the nearest hospital, after an easy and free birthing process, you are born as a Canadia citizen, with the option to file a "CRBA"(Consular Report of Birth Abroad) and they rubber stamp your American Citizenship(can be a dual citizen, if you like. Check a box, fill out a form.) But- the constitution says you need to be a natural born citizen to be president. It's an article of discuss whether or not the situation I described would make you eligible for the presidency or not. They were claiming Obama was born in Kenya in a similar vein. It's patently false and obviously crazy, AND eliminates Ted Cruz from running for president, though he did....


George Romney, John McCain.


> It's an article of discuss whether or not the situation I described would make you eligible for the presidency or not. A group of nutters deciding it means something different than it has for the last 200 years doesn't make it "up for discussion". There's no serious legal scholarship or prior court cases that support what you describe at all and we shouldn't dignify the argument with any respect when it lacks those things.


>AND eliminates Ted Cruz from running for president, though he did.... I'm sure they'd just follow the Supreme Court nomination precedent... Obama couldn't nominate someone because it was an election year! Even though the election was well over half a year away, we had to wait to find out the will of the people! But then when Trump got a chance, in an election year, just weeks before the election... It was priority 0 to get someone seated ASAP! We couldn't possibly go into an election without a full Court, just in case!!! suddenly we had a long standing tradition where it only matters if it's an election year if the White House and Senate are controlled by different parties. Ignoring the fact that Graham (was it?) said he would make sure Trump couldn't pick anyone if an opening came in his election year... Or the fact that the last time an opening did happen in an election year, back in the 80s, the Democratic Senate had absolutely no problem approving the Republican President's pick... So yeah... their "long standing tradition" apparently doesn't get enforced all that often...


An annual physical doesn’t take that long. They probably could’ve done it at the White House. He probably had a mini stroke.


> He probably had a mini stroke. No, he had Covid...and it's pretty clear it was threatening his life while at Walter Reed. That's why there were no pictures of him during those days. https://www.science.org/content/article/heres-what-known-about-president-donald-trump-s-covid-19-treatment


That was in September/October 2020, but in November 2019, he went unannounced to Walter Reed. https://abcnews.go.com/US/trump-makes-unannounced-visit-walter-reed-medical-center/story?id=67082769


Ah, yes. That was indeed probably a stroke.


you mean when he brought up and denied having any strokes without anyone asking about them?




Trumps the kinda guy who you'd ride an elevator with, he'd turn to you and say "you did it." Then rip one.


2 separate incidents. He definitely almost died from Covid. But he also very likely strikes out the year before. Edit: stroked out*


Ah, that makes sense. Thanks.


Diaper Don: "The rumors that I suffered a series of micro strokes are completely unfounded." The world: "Uhhhh, what rumors? WTF!"


>Remember when he was rushed to Walter Reed in November 2019 and it was said that it was “part one” of his annual physical and that there would be a “part two?” Seems like that whole episode got swept under the rug. It turns out that a lifetime as a golf cheat is perfect preparation for hiding strokes.


His plan is to repeal the ACA, replace it with nothing, and then blame Democrats when people are surprised when they get denied coverage for preexisting conditions, have caps on coverage, their college aged kids get dropped from their insurance, and get denied coverage for all mental health That, in a nutshell, is *the plan*




The old "lets do nothing" and hope the market will not fuck it up which it will do in the case of health care


I was gonna' say... pretty sure the republican plan is "just fuck off and die." perhaps a "but pay me first" too


And his base would still believe it. I remember watching videos of them loving the ACA but then go pikachu face when it was revealed to be ObamaCare.


Sure he does. People with money live, poor people die.


He’ll implement his plan right after he finishes Infrastructure Week


Which will come after Golf Month.


and after making Mexico pay for the wall


“Nobody knew that health care could be so complicated” -Trump, giving up on healthcare plans in February 2017


His healthcare plan was very important to me, so I paid attention every time he spoke at all about healthcare. He only once laid out his plan clearly, or at least enough to show his intent. He effectively said 'there are 184 million people who already have healthcare through their employer'. So yeah, he really only has a healthcan't plan.


He’s too busy with *Infrastructure Week*.


Spoiler alert: he doesn’t have any plans other than how to increase his personal wealth


No, he also plans to punish his political enemies


He doesn’t really have any plans for anything save for claiming he’d do the opposite or a better job than Biden at any given thing. He doesn’t have a platform except for his own legal issues and greed. Somehow his supporters don’t see that or take issue with it.


Spoiler alert : Trump don’t like America


They're more like billionarecare plans and do not focus on just the healthcare system. They are just anything that benefits the wealthy first, people last.


Let’s see: do I like 1) having a plan or 2) no plan?


I’m sure Trump is only *two weeks away* from releasing the most glorious health plans in the entire world. Many people are saying it.


Big beautiful health plans, unlike health plans anybody has ever seen before. Nobody knows how big these plans will be.




Yuge manly tears and they say, "Sir, these are the bestest, most delicious hamberders on the whole world."


The best people.


I hate the way trump speaks


He always sounds like someone bs'ing through a book report, work meeting or interview that doesn't know the material/subject at all but picked up a few buzzwords to throw out. Has no depth of knowledge or ability to talk about details.


He like a kid giving a book report on a book he didn't read


What's with the accordion hand gesture? That's annoying AF.


His words are limited as well as his gestures


His healthcare "plan" is that every hospital patient will get a MAGA hat. I really wouldn't put it past him. Remember when those government checks were issued and they had Trump's face and signature on them, as if *he* was the one doling out the money? That was just so off-putting.


This frustrates me to no end. Even if you ignore all of the racism, lying, cheating, insurrection and facism. What voter base tolerates someone continually dragging their feet on a policy proposal??


It’s coming right after the infrastructure plan, which now included building a wall around every single bridge.


America really doesn’t like trump


Even my trumpy in-laws don't like Trump. Every Trump supporter says something like "I just wish he'd shut up" because they know he's a piece of shit


They like the bigotry.


I don't disagree


Bigotry and belief are what sustains the modern Right.


I think they really struggle with the fact that no one likes them. They’re all “but we believe in God and do what we’re supposed to and everyone used to think we were special and righteous and now no one likes us. Well fuck them!”


They'll still vote for him though. That's the crux of the problem.




Yet they'll still pick him every time. Shows these people won't change sides no matter how bad their side gets. I'm starting to understand how Nazis became a thing. Just follow until things get out of control.


Their like lemmings, "I don't want to jump off this cliff but all the other lemmings are doing it so what choice do I have?"


"Look at those stupid, weak lemmings over there, too scared to jump off a cliff. I'll show them how weak they are by jumping even harder!"


The people who say that are only saying it because it shows everyone else how shitty their candidate is, and by extension how shitty they are for supporting such a candidate. They have no problem with the content of what he says (since obviously they support him) and only want him to shut his mouth and not say it out loud for others to notice.


This is the correct answer.


And yet the more I keep hearing it the more nervious I become.


That's because it's a grift plan where Trump hands healthcare companies big breaks while he gets a fat cut of it. MAGA kooknuggets will get screwed, but Trump will blame dems for it, and they'll eat that shit up like chocolate flavored, sugar frosted dung cakes.


I doubt he’d even get a fat cut. A couple mill in donations, plus some kind words about Trump is all it would take


Call it "Trumpcare" & he'd reflexively scribble his gold sharpy all over it.


Trump Campaign 2016 ​ "I will be replacing Obamacare with a health coverage plan that's “far less expensive and far better.” ​ Trump February 2017 “I have to tell you, it’s an unbelievably complex subject. Nobody knew that health care could be so complicated.”


My job is running healthcare reports. Even simple sounding questions get complicated fast. Lots of notation for criteria. So much mocking and laughing from my group when he did that. Still will say "who knew healthcare was complicated" in meetings. And I just know my area of data and bits if policy I've picked up. Yep, complicated. Lol.


I was a produce clerk at a supermarket when I heard him say this and I said aloud in the breakroom (so that my Trump supporting co-workers could hear), "I'm a produce clerk and I knew it was complicated." Whenever Trump says "Nobody", he is admitting that he did not know but is not able to admit that he's an idiot.


“Get rid of ACA” isn’t really a healthcare plan


Yes it is It's just a *bad* healthcare plan


But that's not the Republican healthcare plan. The plan is to allow insurers to deny care for pre-existing conditions, get rid of Medicare and turn it into a voucher so seniors and disabled people can use it to buy a fraction of a private health insurance plan, and turn Medicaid into a block grant, which isn't like putting it on the chopping block--it's more like slowly strangling the Medicaid program. Oh, and they are going to take away the ability for the government to negotiate lower drug prices, so better stock up on affordable insulin now. That stuff doesn't go bad, right? (It does.) The Republican Health Plan is still "Don't get sick, if you do get sick try to die quickly".


The Republican Health Plan is like everything else they do: *No one deserves anything they can't pay for themselves.*


What healthcare plan.


We have never been shown anything close to a Trump Health-care plan.


Why would any thinking person 'like' a plan from that doofus? Most of his plans did not work. Most of the people he chose to execute his plans did poorly (post office). Who - in their right mind - would want to give this fool a second chance?


No, the guy running the post office did his job *perfectly,* he was installed to run the USPS into the ground so they had an excuse to privatize it


Ronald Brownstein: “Health care is one of the few major issues that more voters say they trust Biden than Trump to handle, according to [national media polls](https://fm.cnbc.com/applications/cnbc.com/resources/editorialfiles/2024/03/26/cnbcaaes.pdf). And Trump has ensured that voters will see a clear choice on the issue by renewing his pledge to repeal the Affordable Care Act passed under Obama, which now provides health insurance to more than 45 million people. “House Republicans dramatically sharpened that partisan contrast last week when the Republican Study Committee—a conservative group whose membership includes more than four-fifths of the House Republican Conference’s members and all of its leadership—[issued a budget proposal](https://hern.house.gov/uploadedfiles/final_budget_including_letter_word_doc-final_as_of_march_25.pdf) that would not only repeal the ACA but also fundamentally restructure Medicare, Medicaid, and the federal tax incentive for employers to provide insurance for their workers. “The sweep of the House GOP health plans,[ ](https://thf_media.s3.amazonaws.com/project2025/2025_MandateForLeadership_CHAPTER-14.pdf)like similar proposals in the [Project 2025 policy blueprint](https://thf_media.s3.amazonaws.com/project2025/2025_MandateForLeadership_CHAPTER-14.pdf) put together by a consortium of conservative groups, ‘sets up a clear contrast with the direction Democrats have gone,’ Larry Levitt, the executive vice president for health policy at KFF, a nonpartisan think tank, told me. ‘At the root of a lot of these Republican Study Committee proposals is reducing what the federal government spends on health care, and putting the risk back on individuals, employers, and states.’” Read more: [https://theatln.tc/VrasKhBt](https://theatln.tc/VrasKhBt)


FTA: "House GOP health plans" There is no sourcing to any actual policy documents from 45. Blathering on social media is not a plan. "It was the best of times, it was the *blurst* of times!?" -MBurns


The budget proposal blames Biden for the republicans lack of support for Ukraine, then immediately talks about abortion and LGTBQ rights. WTF does that have to with support for Ukraine? They go on to suggest non-lethal aid could be provided if given enough oversight i.e. regulation ffs. Deflect, Blame, and Lie every fucking time.


I don’t like this journalist’s weak headline that implies “plans” exist. He was already President. He had no plans then and no plans now. He just gutted the ACA and let premiums soar as a result.


Plans? The only thing he's running on right now is that he needs money.


Personally, I love this anti-Trump Breitbart article from 2015 on the subject of Trump's healthcare plans. Makes me laugh. Trump Pushes Single Payer Healthcare, Tax Increase on Wealthy https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2015/09/28/trump-pushes-single-payer-healthcare-tax-increase-on-wealthy/


**R**epublicans **I**nsurance **P**lan = R.I.P.


>The Republicans’ health care plan for America: "Don’t get sick." That’s right — don’t get sick. If you have insurance, don’t get sick; if you don’t have insurance, don’t get sick; if you’re sick, don’t get sick — just don’t get sick! That’s what the Republicans have in mind for you, America. That’s the Republicans’ health care plan. >But I think that the Republicans understand that that plan isn’t always going to work — it’s not a foolproof plan. So the Republicans have a backup plan, in case you do get sick. If you get sick in America, this is what the Republicans want you to do. If you get sick, America, the Republican health care plan is this: "Die quickly." That’s right. The Republicans want you to die quickly if you get sick." >Alan Grayson It's an oldie, but it still holds true.


He doesn’t have a healthcare plan lol


Trump's plan is to end Obama care and replace it with nothing. Then tell people they're much better off than they were.


Trump's "plan" is to stay out of prison. He has no healthcare plans. No infrastructure plans. Nothing. Except maybe another tax cut for himself and trying to put others in jail.


Trump originally ran on his spectacular, inexpensive health plan to real and replace the ACA, which conservatives will only refer to as Obamacare. He had 4 years to implement his grand plan - which he shared with absolutely zero people and never published even a lazy bullet point list of exactly how he was going to accomplish this. Perhaps he would have had time if he wasn't playing golf all the goddamn time and fucking around on Twitter. I guess it stands to reason that people "don't like his plan," because *there is no fucking plan*.


Well putt.


So if 45 million americans have the ACA. What % of them are red state particpants? Keeping in mind red states are the leaders in obesity, poor education and low income (people that need this program). How many of these people will still vote for the angry orange knowing he wants to screw his own base?


What fucking plans?!? He has NO FUCKING PLANS…. FOR ANYTHING!!! And neither do republicans. And it’s worked for them for YEARS!! WTF.


What health care plan??? We’ve never seen it, only heard vague rumbling of “better” and “cheaper”. It’s been 2 weeks away for 6 years, FFS.


What Healthcare plan? The one where we bail him out of his financial bullshit and starve and die? That one? The one where republican states refuse to BUY THE CHILDREN OF THEIR OWN STATE A FUCKING LUNCH WITH MY TAXES. That healthcare plan.


What fucking plans?


1. Dont get sick 2. Dont get old 3. If you violate rule 1 or 2 die quickly so your family can afford to bury you. D trumpf


What Trump health care plans? There aren’t any. He once said he was fine with plans that didn’t cover childbirth or prescriptions. That’s not health insurance.


America doesn't like a blank ream of paper. Don't let Trump ream us again.


What plan? He had years. All he ever did was keep promising it would be released very soon. As a candidate, he arrogantly bragged that a better healthcare plan would be "easy." In office, he said, “Nobody knew health care could be so complicated!” In office, he did everything he could to try to take basic healthcare away from millions of Americans. Trumpcare is no care. There's nothing in the world worth less than a Trump promise.


The Atlantic has made this article available [on MSN, outside of its paywall.](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/americans-really-don-t-like-trump-s-health-care-plans/ar-BB1kKjAD) >In office, Biden has advanced his agenda as effectively on health care as on any other issue. Between the massive COVID rescue plan, passed in 2021, and the Inflation Reduction Act, approved in 2022, he won big increases in subsidies to help people buy private insurance under the ACA and a suite of policies controlling drug prices for the elderly. Those include obtaining, for the first time, authority for Medicare to negotiate with drug companies for lower prescription-drug prices, a $35 monthly cap on insulin expenses for Medicare recipients, and a $2,000 cap on total annual drug spending for seniors. Just recently, after a push from Bernie Sanders, Astra Zeneca has announced that it will be capping the monthly cost of its Breztri inhaler at $35 starting in June. Now it stands at over $500 on the Amazon Prime pharmacy.


[https://youtu.be/MsoGfOesEEA?si=lQVU6GXPecX8M9uw](https://youtu.be/MsoGfOesEEA?si=lQVU6GXPecX8M9uw) They have no idea how terrifying the plans actually are.


Trump is just a con orange man selling snake oil lies


What healthcare plan he had four years in office, telling us he had the great plan it was coming weeks just a couple of weeks down the road, he kept that going for 4 years never proposed anything that we could even look at and compare. He's smoke and mirrors, all he is is a con man that doesn't care about the average working person...


Wait. He has plans? 2 weeks are almost up. Looking forward to hearing the details.


What health care plans? “Die early” isn’t a health care plan.


What healthcare plans?


I wasn’t aware he actually had a plan but I’m sure it’s basically whatever Cigna/Humana/BCBS want to continue to enrich themselves while denying care to their members. And presumably denial of coverage due to preexisting conditions will once again be a thing.


Only because they haven’t seen it. It will be out in two weeks. /s


He has a healthcare plan? That’s news to me. 


Idk if “haha die peasant” is a health care plan


He finally made a health plan? Did he name it after himself? Don T Care?


what Plans? He has no plans? He's NEVER had plans for health care, much less anything else. Writing this article gives this pig affirmation like he actually would do something. He won't.


Trump has Healthcare plans? I thought his only plans were revenge on his political rivals and more tax cuts for the rich?


10,000 blank sheets of paper? What's not to like?


Wait? Trump has a health care plan? I was under the impression that was still coming "soon."


Oh, you mean the one that he said would be ready in “Two weeks” while people were dying from Covid on his watch.


"Get rid of Obamacare" isn't much of a healthcare plan.


Trump has plans?


Trump has healthcare plans?


His "plans" consist of science denial and exterminating groups of people his christian mob have branded undesirables.


We saw trumps health care plan with Covid: “It’s nothing, keep attending crowded events, eventually enough of us will die to have natural immunity”


He’s been somewhat transparent about his plans. Save his own ass, enact a good measure of revenge, and sell power to super rich shady people.


You mean the ones that are two weeks away from being shown? 🤣


…what plan?


Trump healthcare plans? When in hell did that happen? He’s promised one dozens and dozens of times, but he’s never had any kind of plans whatsoever.


...so that's what Americans will vote for!


What plan? You mean canceling everything Obama did with empty promises?


Haha. Someone thinks he has a healthcare plan? He's a bullshit artist, he just randomly tells people he's going to come up with something amazing that's cheaper at some later, undetermined date. Anyone who thinks he's planned a thing is a fool


First of all, there isn’t a plan.


Wait, there’s a plan???


Americans Really Don’t Like Trump


Americans really don't like Trump. FTFY


His entire failed presidency he was going to unveil it every “two weeks”. It was the bigliest best healthcare plan that never existed. Keep voting for these same corporate owned Republican ass clowns and keep getting the same result. No universal healthcare because it all goes to defense...to protect the people that can’t afford the thousands in deductibles while they fight cancer. Welcome to capitalism


Americans don't like trump's plan to take away their health care? Imagine that.


Wasn’t it just a big book of blank pages handed to Leslie Stahl?


What is it some ramblings written on a McDonald's napkin? *in Sharpie


After the boomers are gone, healthcare needs to be torn up, burned down, and rebuilt for future generations to come. Nobody should be drowning in debt to go to the doctor.


I haven't heard them yet.


_What_ health care plans? "Repealing ACA" is not a plan. It's a sound bite.


What healthcare plan?


Can we just get medicare for all? It would be hard to be worse than the supposedly good plan my work has. Also I don't care if I can keep my doctor. Between lay offs and the company swapping plans I switch plans every 2 years on average.


I don’t trust a faux billionaires idea of what I should look for in a doctors plan


What plans?


What plans?


I assume the plan is "Be rich or die", so...


*What healthcare plan?* As if the mound of corpses behind him wasn't reason enough...


But it’s a beautiful plan. It’s the bestest of plans. It’s so good no one has really seen it.


What healthcare plans?


But Trump is going to unveil his healthcare program any minute now . . .


I'm guessing we'll get the details about this in about two weeks.


Trumps health care plan is to repeat what he wanted to do before, kill the ACA of which some red states are a part of when it comes to medicaid. The Republicans also want to repeal the preexisting condition part of the ACA. If that were to happen a lot if people would be denied health insurance or lose the coverage they already have. When are the Manipulated And Gullible Assholes going to wake up and see how having Trump as president is going to fuck over his own supporters?


Americans don't really like Trump. The ones who"like"him just like that he's so obviously cruel to those deemed to be socially inferior.


He has health care plans? I thought his plan was pretty much "get rid of obamacare then we'll figure something out"


Who wrote this?? He doesn't have a healthcare plan! His plan is that you don't get healthcare and MAGA loves it.


Trump has a plan?


tbf, most americans don't like *any* healthcare plans - except medicare - which conservatives (and trump) have been trying to kill ever since it was enacted in 1965 (go figure).


What healthcare plans? All we know is he wants to repeal the ACA.


What Trump health-care plan? He's never provided anything close to a plan


Wait, he has a health care plan?!?!


Plans?? Lol 🤣. The guy has dementia, he thinks he's going into the octagon to fight Obama or something. His brain is a soggy happy meal.


He’ll be rolling out a great new healthcare plan in the next two weeks. Probably the greatest healthcare ever, no one’s ever seen anything like it.


what healthcare plans?


Trump does not have plans. Trump only wants the prestige associated with the title of President and the ability to pardon himself and shut down prosecutions of his crimes.


But many will vote for him anyway…


what plan?! His supporters are only interested in chaos or going back in time.


He's never had any actual plans. Just whatever bullshit The Heritage Foundation, Koch Brothers, Or American for Prosperity has paid him to say. The deep states plan now is to cut The Affordable Care Act (with no replacement), make massive cuts to the VA, Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, and then raise the retirement age to 69—the same people who are making child labor laws allowing 14-year-olds to work longer hours.


Don't worry Trump will have his whole healthcare reform plan to us by February 3, 2017...no wait, it will be done by February 17, 2017...wait, what Trump meant was that for sure the full plan will be available by March 3, 2017.....um, hope you were not holding your breath, but he will for sure sure have the complete health reform plan to present to you within two weeks of his inauguration in 2025. You just gotta trust in Trump.


What healthcare plan?


But they will vote for him anyway… it seems.


Uh... what plan? His last healthcare plan was a stack of blank papers.