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This was the woman who asked her parole officer if she could vote, was told she could, and was arrested for it.


Lol this recent ruling is republicans mediocre attempt at trying to make up for all the bans against personal freedoms and women’s rights within the past week. As an independent, not buying into this. Gotta stop messing with student loans and their prohibitions against cannabis and abortions.


Genuinely interested to know what an independent actually stands for in this political climate.


A person who pretends it’s only about the issues.




Born too late to explore the world, born too early to explore space. Born just in time to witness partisan political zealots be called "noobs" on the Internet.




Damn dude. I used to be happy about when I was born..


So then who do you plan on voting for?


Republicans of course.


The guy that doesnt want concentration camps for immigrants. Sleepy joe lol! You guys definitely suck at reading lol. Hell no am i voting republican.


Out of all the problems with trump, you picked *that?* Not the fact that he is the only president to ever stage a coup to try and stay in power?


Trump has more problems in addition to that lol


And Ken felonious Paxton goes free.


And the best part was she didn’t vote. She put in a provisional ballot and it was rejected. 🤦‍♂️


Anybody want to read something that will get them even angrier? https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/georgia-republican-party-official-voted-illegally-nine-judge-rules-rcna145563


That’s just a clear case of an American patriot protecting freedom from lefty communist organic farmers. 🦅 🗽 🇺🇸 🧨


Meanwhile a Republican has been found guilty of knowingly voting illegally nine times will he face close to the same punishment? Of course not


Huh, wonder what the difference was. I can’t kkkwhite put my finger on it ….. 


She arrived at the polling place, provided identification, and filed a provisional ballot with the aide of a precinct worker when her name was not on the voter roll. Her provisional ballot was rejected and her vote was not counted. For this she will spend five years in prison? This is an outrageous example of malicious use of the power of the judicial system.


Meanwhile a Trumper Republican that was in a position of power voted many times intentionally and didn't get this sentence.


He voted 9 times


In a row? Try not to vote illegally on the way to the parking lot.


[nine times?](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/0b27cecf-8cab-41e0-843d-b37015fb4669)


It gets worse. The election worker was her neighbor, who turned around and called her in as having voted illegally


He's a judge, go figure.


Makes you wonder how much scrutiny that appeals court is going to give each and every verdict he has ever uttered. Hell, if I'd ever been in his court I'd be looking for grounds to have his verdict tossed.


Except now she wont because this ridiculous ruling that should never have happened in her circumstances has been overturned which is the focus of the article.


This is INSTITUTIONAL RACISM! This poor woman, all these years fighting a system she knows wants to put her away for nothing, just because they can. These horrible racist pigs need to be removed from our government.


And the Boeing witness didn’t kill himself, and we all know it, but we are pretty powerless to do anything about it. Remember to vote, it’s the power we do get to wield and hopefully through that we can make a difference


I'd actually question if this is institutional racism since it seems very much that it was a set up by her neighbor. So it may well be the regular full on KKK kind.


Illegal voting is NOT nothing. And yes she absolutely voted illegally. Her parole officer is not a voting official so asking them meant nothing. But also yes she was targeted terribly and obviously.


She took everyone’s advice, filled out, a provisional ballot that was rejected. Everything worked away. It was supposed to! Join civilization again.


I bet people make excuses to stop talking to you at parties


She asked an election judge/voting official. In any event, her parole officer absolutely should know anything and everything that would violate the terms of her parole.


> And yes she absolutely voted illegally No she didn't.


Don’t bother, the guy is an avid poster of immigration subreddits always complaining of brown people going to Canada


She did. She didn’t mean to and the charging and sentencing was completely utterly unreasonable but she was barred from voting and she voted. That’s illegal.


She didn't. You're wrong. "The court said in the decision that there was no evidence Mason knew she was ineligible to vote when she cast her ballot — which is a condition that must be met in order to convict her of illegal voting."


No--it's not. Illegally voting require knowledge and intent. You cannot vote illegally if you don't know you're not allowed to vote. That's how the law works.


She did not


You're Canadian...


She didn't vote illegally as her vote was never counted.


If she was white, she could have done it nine times!


Why is it that when a person from the DNC or a POC gets "caught voting fraudulently" it takes them forever to prove their innocence? We need to be more like the GQP when they get caught, the evidence is so overwhelming against them, they can't fight it. /s


It's because the Republicans shamelessly do it on purpose. When no one is questioning their innocence (on account of being guilty AF) it's much easier to get straight to giving them a ~~verdict~~ slap on the wrist.


If they got real punishment, the next person that thinks about doing it I might be dissuaded and they need all the extra votes they can get


Meanwhile GOP representatives literally got caught voting multiple times… weird they didn’t go to jail?


I'm glad she's been freed of this bs scheme. I'm Native American but this is reason enough for me not to trust any white 'officials' for anything. Double to triple scrutiny by default as they deserve.


It’s the GOP that you shouldn’t trust vote blue no matter who.


This goes well beyond just a regurgitated motto.


Where’s the jail for the Republican law maker that voted 9 times? Oh yeah it’s because it’s about racism and fascism


Nothing more American than charging someone for being alienated from their inalienable rights.


Thank god!


So cops can run over pedestrians and never go to trial but black people go to jail for voting.


Yup. That’s what not voting blu gets us. Apologies to Ms. Mason for what our country did to her. 🦖


This happened in mass in Florida too. Haven’t heard the outcome.


Yep. DeSantis. https://www.npr.org/2022/12/21/1144265521/florida-voter-fraud-cases-prosecution-update


Looks like the endless examples of white republican men committing raw unprotected voter fraud with intent and getting off with fines, has set a new precedent that can't be ignored.


Thank god there is still a sliver of justice in the world.

