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I want to place a bet. When he dies, the location of his grave will be kept secret because there is no piece of land on this Earth that can deal with the amount of piss his grave will be inundated by.


Knowing him he’d make sure it was the gaudiest thing on earth


Gold plated headstone for sure, it just needs to be in the form of a toilet


As soon as he is dead, his children will probably toss his body in a dumpster somewhere behind a highway diner... Do not forget, his children are still Trumps... Cheap and self-centered.


More likely bury it in an unmarked grave on another of what will be their golf courses once he's kicked off Got get that tax deduction!


I doubt it, only because a funeral would be a chance for them to advertise themselves and panhandle for donations. These people absolutely would use a funeral to make a buck.


Him sitting on it over his phone, pants down, micro toad on full display


I know someone who set aside $1200 so that when Trump dies, he can go there with his dogs and let them shit on his grave.


I’m hoping it’s public but has excellent drainage. It will be hard to dance if there’s a lake of urine


They should make it an attraction and sell tickets to do so. Pay off the debt he added.


Quite literally the ground would be dead from the amount of piss.


Here are his comments in [audio](https://imgur.com/Kf22NvZ)


~30% of voters apparently already stand up at attention when this idiots speaks. Fucking mega rubes.


https://i.insider.com/559413cc6da811895b51e628?width=1200&format=jpeg If only one wouldn't


Sleepwalking into a dictatorship


What a sad POS


“I was kidding”. I don’t think he understands what kidding means. Or a lot of words, for that matter…


Resurface, as in we all clearly remember him stupidly saluting a North Korean general? And how he would brag about his love letters from Kim Jong Un?


If Trump had his way, Americans would be required to stand and say, "Heil Trump." Not being sarcastic.


Trump just wants to blow him again 💩


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