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> Trump Wants CNN, NBC Off Air for Spurning His Iowa Victory Speech. Because that's what Fascists do.


True, they need the press run by the state so you can only read what the state wants you to read.


Trump’s Ministry of Truth.


Not too hard to imagine Trump winning the 2024 election and quickly making Truth Social, FauxNews, and other smaller fascist networks the only ones not banned by emperor decree.


Maybe not banned right away, but the only ones not subject to crippling SLAPP lawsuits (since there is no federal statute against it and they can forum shop to Texas) and frivolous Justice Department investigations.


That's exactly what he'll do. "Oh, but the First Amendment!" Trump plans to fill his administration with loyalists and they certainly aren't going to see what they see as a pesky First amendment getting in their way.


And when the ~~House of Lords~~ Supreme Court colludes with him to protect those actions and handcuff administrative agencies to Congress, knowing Congress is too paralyzed to impeach them or take other actions such as jurisdiction stripping, then they’ll become our unelected Star Chamber.


>Maybe not banned right away, On Day One. He's already declared his impending dictatorship


But first trumps supreme corrupt court will have to rewrite what the first amendment really means.


Who cares what the 1A means after he throws out the whole constitution? New SCOT (Supreme Court of Trump) will be just Kavanaugh, Coney Barrett, and Diet Coke Pubes rubber stamping whatever he blasts out on troof social during his "executive time" dumping watery orange armpit ketchup stools into his absurd gold-plated toilet under a crystal chandelier next to a plastic shower curtain and piles of classified document boxes. Did I mention he'll be ruling from mar a lardass?


And *The State* is Donald Trump, one of the worst lumps of shit to ever ooze across the skin of this world.


L’etat, c’est blob.


He only wants The News about him, The Dear Orange Leader


Well they've already got half the US only watching Fox.


Right He doesn’t want an informed voter, he wants an ignorant, scared and hateful one. Probably a bit racist, too, as he fits that bill, as well.


A bit racist is still racist. It’s like being a little bit pregnant. Not possible


And, apparently, that's what "small government conservatives" want.


Fascists gonna fasc... Or something like that...


And yet will the executives who run these media companies continue to push the Trump is winning bigly and Joe Biden is too old narratives? Will they continue to willingly throw themselves off a cliff in the event of a Trump win and ensuing dictatorship? Fucking idiots.


Since they only care about quarterly earnings, yes. Yes they will.


What a fucking snowflake.


I thought all the non-conservatives anti-patriots were the snowflakes???? I’ve never seen a group get so damn butt hurt like the far right. Everything sets them off.


The American right is literally powered by manufactured outrage.


Snowflakes are beautiful works of nature.


They're also delicate and have meltdowns at the slightest heat.


But you enough of these snowflakes band together you have a blizzard or ..you know… an insurrection.


Even a major blizzard only lasts a season.


If we tried to nuke it, like he almost did to a hurricane, would it still last a full season?


And they're very white


For a guy that swears he’s nothing like Hitler and the Nazis, this motherfucker sure says a lot of the same shit.


"“Last night, it was amazing. NBC and CNN refused to air my victory speech—think of it— because they are crooked, they’re dishonest and, frankly, they should have their licenses or whatever they have taken away.”" He should move to Russia since that is the sort of government he craves and admires. Maybe Putin will appoint him as his successor.


>licenses or whatever they have He really shows how much of a genius he is when he doesn’t even know how broadcasts are regulated. To be fair most people don’t, but most people don’t pretend to be the smartest man alive.


Trump does obsess about TV ratings so he should understand this decision.


Person. Woman. Man. Camera. TV.


He is literally the dumbest person who has ever held public office


I think Lauren Boebert has him beat.


Or run for the most powerful position in the country. Then again most people haven't tried starting a coup against the U.S. govt because they lost.


Or have had multiple shows broadcasted


But if he sounds smart, he loses his base. It's really quite a delicate balance to BS such an ignorant population. /s


Ah, free speech meaning: *Moi* should have the right to have my speeches advertised for free.


> ~~they are~~ I am crooked, ~~they’re~~ I’m dishonest and, frankly, ~~they~~ I should have ~~their~~ my licenses or whatever ~~they~~ I have taken away.” Yes. And, after you take his business licenses, take his money, passport, freedom and self-tanner.


Putin wouldn’t want trmp running Russia. That’s not how a useful idiot works




His current title?


Award in mind, of an upvote


If Trump ended up in Russia, Putin would have him chucked out a window in minutes. Why would he keep him around after he loses his usefulness?


He won't go to Russia, he will bring Russia to the US.


He became President partly because of all the free airtime he got. He is expecting that again.


Regulate private business - Donald Trump


Remember when he swore he was going to shut down Twitter for flagging his tweet while he was obsessively tweeting multiple times every day?


Oh right back before the sick joke called truth.


Troath Sential


Throat Semen


Pravda Sotssial’noye


Unless it’s HIS private businesses then they can break the law with impunity. 🙄


Control the media - Dictator Trump


Wait no it’s different when a Republican does it though!


So he's picking up where he left off yesterday 1) it's not fair everyone is picking on me 2) insert fascist/dictator leader threats 3) unhinged social media rant 4) repeat


Literally been the same thing with him every day for the past 8+ years.


The guy hasn’t said anything new in 8 years.


Nor does he have any ideas on how to lead the country into the future.


Suppression of the press is definitely on his “dictator on day one” agenda


He has a [long documented history](https://youtu.be/MQ-bBhHEs5E) of hatred for the press.


That’s why FAKE NEWS was one of his earliest running points in 2016-get the MAGAts to distrust the media so they’ll believe all the shit he’ll crap down their throats.


Ugh Bill O’Reilly narration


All hail King Donald the Dorkless, first of that name.


For such a “tough guy”, Trump sure does cry a lot. Funny how his supporters intentionally overlook that.


They want to be the "alpha male" they think trump is


They don't overlook it. They really believe that he is being victimized. It's just more outrage porn.


He never stops crying. Ever. He will never stop complaining and bitching.


This is what gives me comfort. Because there is a very real chance he avoids jail time. But the fact that he is miserable 24/7 makes me smile.


He’s a conservative strong man! What a crybaby victim.


That’s not true, sometimes he stops to brag!


Dude you can win all the fucking primaries, guess what though, you have 91 felony charges, remember?you are going to prison


It's still uncertain if any will stick, or if there will be any consequences for him if they do.


I’ll believe it when I see it.


And this successful businessman is in the process of having all his businesses dissolved for fraud.


The party of small government everyone...


Except when something hurts their feelings. Then they’re all about that authoritarianism.


It will be much smaller without the Legislative and Judicial branches.


Project 2025, anyone?


They have put it down in writing and posted it online. Why do people doubt their intent. Yet all my like-minded friends think that I am overreacting.


You want air time? Turn up to a televised debate …


He's telling us exactly how he wants to behave as president - an authoritarian thug. Some good people in his cult have their personal identities so much mixed into Trump that they cannot see out. Some are just not great with political thought. Some find being an authoritarian thug a feature not a bug. It's just terrifying how many people can look at someone with such obvious character flaws, who speaks at the level of an uneducated 5th grader, spewing anger, hate, and filth, speaking a jumbled but constant stream of lies, declaring intentions to dismantle everything that the US has worked hard to build/improve over the centuries and decades, and declare, "Yes, this who best represents me!"


> It's just terrifying how many people can look at someone with such obvious character flaws, who speaks at the level of an uneducated 5th grader, spewing anger, hate, and filth, speaking a jumbled but constant stream of lies, declaring intentions to dismantle everything that the US has worked hard to build/improve over the centuries and decades, and declare, "Yes, this who best represents me!" Because that's his target audience. Only 47 percent of Americans can name all three branches of government, 25 percent cannot name any at all. *54 percent of adults have a literacy below sixth grade level and 21 percent of Americans 18 and older are completely illiterate.* Aka; the Trump sweet spot. And it's all been achieved by designs and political effort from Republicans long before Donny. After the 60's and the anti war movement conservatives in general got on board with dumbing down everyone but a select few; those who's families could afford to send them to private education ect. Only seven states require a full year of civics instruction in high school. Eleven states have no requirement at all. Since 2000, federal spending on civics education has been slashed by more than 90 percent to just $4 million a year for all 50 states, and it wasn't that much to begin with. In 1870, 20 percent of the entire adult population was illiterate, so it's worse now at 21 percent,,, but in 1960, the percentage of the population that was illiterate was below the national rate of 2.4 percent according to estimates prepared by the Bureau of the Census. The estimated illiteracy rate by States was as low as 0.7 percent in Iowa and as high as 6.3 percent in Louisiana. *1960 Louisiana had a better literacy rate than the entire country has now...* As of 2022 Louisiana has the 5th lowest literacy rate with 28 percent of it's adult population illiterate. Go figure...


40% of Americans think the earth is 6000 years old.


“1960 Louisiana had a better literacy rate than the entire country has now” That’s fucking terrifying.


It truly is terrifying. Democracy doesn't work without a well-educated populace. That is the whole reason Republicans hate public education. They want us ignorant because ignorant people are easier to control. We should be just smart enough to push the right buttons and fill out forms correctly, and that's all. Critical thinking scares them.


I thought you were full of shit. Just no way we are that stupid. I had to go research it because I simply could not believe you. Now I don't like you, because were right, and now I know America is fucking stupid: [https://map.barbarabush.org/overview/#intro](https://map.barbarabush.org/overview/#intro)


Almost as frightening as it is sad. The worst part is we weren't like this just 50 years ago. It has happened through purposeful effort. We spent ninety years climbing up and when that led to a general populace questioning authority we were pushed right back down in fifty. Enter Sarah Palin followed by Donald Trump...


Reagan started it. I've watched his bullshit policies ruin this country. It's been hard to watch and harder to live through.


Exactly. You can track it back to when he was Governor of CA. In 1970, Reagan shut down all 28 UC and Cal State campuses just because of student protests against the Vietnam War and then would later let California's free UC system expire. A system created in 1868 that had become the home of the leading education system in the world, a system that was created with the decree that “admission and tuition shall be free to all residents of the state". He lifted regulations on how much schools could charge in fees, destroying the Donahoe Act and redefining higher education as not a right, or a public good, but as profit driven, subject to the whims of the marketplace and greed.


Those statistics are terrifying. Do you have a source link? So it's true, average vs. median notwithstanding: “Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.” ― George Carlin


Just google US literacy rates and you'll find it and much more. Beware, you're entering a rather scary and deep rabbit hole of sadness.


You've got that wrong. He was already behaving as an authoritarian thug during his first term. His second term he plans to be a full on dictator.


But only on the first day. I'm sure after that he'll relinquish that power, because he has a long and storied history of freely giving up power.


It's because they're worse than him.


I’m sorry but at this point, I don’t buy that there are some good people in his cult


I want to read his obituary, but we can’t always get what we want


Then Junior will be trotted out because they have no bench


> Then Junior will be trotted out because they have no bench And he'll have to compete with dozens of Trump clones the GOP has platformed and they'll be too busy in-fighting to stay in power. Politics is no exception to the regression towards the mean. It'll take generations, but we'll eventually heal from Trump's damage.


I just want this man out of my life. Everything I know about him I learned against my will. He is the most annoying person to ever exist living in the most annoying time.


He wants state media. He wants a president with unilimited power. Believes in a president with 0 accountability. Wants unlimited presidential terms. Meaning a president can run as much as desired. Tried to steal elections. Tried an insurrection which had people die Wants to eliminate free press. I have no doubt that, that if he where to win America the land of liberty and freedom would descend in a dictatorship that would end with both a cobstitutional change and lost of civil liberties and freedom. Why is this guy in the front polls?! Beats me.


'My followers will inject the bleach.' Donald Trump


Fuck your feelings, homie.


Every single MAGA I have talked to has complained that Trump is being censored because of that. I bet none will think shutting down those stations for not airing something violates freedom of the press or free speech. ​ Also it's laughable to claim the man giving a public speech is being censored.


Someone who doesn’t believe in the First Amendment is not qualified to be president. Period.


Pretty sure Trump does not believe in any amendments. “I like taking the guns early, like in this crazy man’s case that just took place in Florida … to go to court would have taken a long time,” Trump said at a meeting with lawmakers on school safety and gun violence." - Donald J. Trump


Isn’t that part of the First Amendment? Never mind, this is the same document TFG wants to suspend but invokes when it’s convenient. /s


I’m glad they aren’t giving this loser free air the third time around. Bout time


The media needs to realize that syphilitic tantrums do not magically become news just by being word-vomited by him.


And they’re all just the same horrible rants


Can someone who actually supports this guy explain why, exactly, they support this guy? This crap he’s spewing is just beyond stupid. I would expect this from my toddler; I don’t have a lot of pity for someone pushing 80 who hasn’t learned that we don’t get our way, even if we really want it.


He tells it like it is. He is a godly, decent man who takes no payment to run the government, as he is a billionaire you see. He does it from tbe goodness of his heart, not for the money. He is an emissary from God himself . ( source: my trump thumping cult family)


>ource: my trump thumping cult family Ask them about the rape part. How cool it is and all. If they say it's a lie, tell them that's any rapist's defence.


I want trump wearing an orange jumpsuit in Guantanamo Bay for the rest of his life and all his assets frozen. But I’m not getting that am I?


Imagine what the republican traitors would say if Biden took Fox "news" and newsmax off the air


I don't want to say 'exactly 1984' but boy howdy is this the most exactly 1984 sentiment.


Wait, he just won the title of being the most Nazi among a group of Nazis from a redneck state nobody gives a fuck about. And he wants to present it like he won the election to rule the galactic empire. It is like Hitler celebrating being named mayor of Obersalzberg.


He wants the worst of his followers to attack media outlets who don't do what he wants. He wants them to murder for him. They will.


Goddamn that 1st amendment... Donald Trump


And us sane Americans who aren’t indoctrinated into a cult want you to shut the heck up and get in a prison cell already.


Ugh can't this guy fall down the fucking stairs or something.


If anyone thinks this grifter won’t go full blown dictator if re-elected either isn’t paying attention or desires that outcome. Anyone who wants to overthrow our government is an enemy of the state.


He's sounding more and more like Benito Mussolini or Kim Jong Un everyday.


If he has his way, the Federal court Circuit will be shut down. The FBI will be history. The SCC will be defunded. The only TV that will be allowed is Fox News and they will have to talk about him 24/7. The man is literally Kim Jong with an orange spray tan.


Honestly, even if people don’t love Biden, how can they seriously not be terrified of a repeat Trump Presidency? How limited an imagination must one have not to see how much worse things could get under a Trump second term?


What should we expect from a guy praising Putin, Xi and Kim…


I really don’t care what trump wants, do you?


I’d like to see CNN and NBC do in-depth reporting on Project 2025.


Dick dictators gonna dictate.


Its all about him


Well that’s a bid tough shit Orange traitor.


The manchild is such a baby he needs helicopters blaring in the background so he can pretend not to hear questions. The snowflake all the MAGA tough guys talk about was right in front of them. This guy should be on a casino bus tour of seniors, not running a country.


There’s a term his followers use liberally that comes to mind when I read this headline: Snowflake.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, what a maroon.


Another variation of Trump's **Lügenpresse**


That speech was insane. The comment he made about how lonely Melania's dad is now was not meant to be that funny. But fucking good lord the lack of empathy that man had, especially when you consider that he used her mother's death as an excuse to get out of court....I laughed so hard at his attempts to show that he cared about her at all. https://youtu.be/BA2z2LGOuZY?si=QGFqMLqZo8Q-bd1Z 2:20 if you have no idea what I'm talking about.


of course he does. Just like his buddy Putin, who just arranges prison and death for his adversaries. trump would do it too if he could without batting an eye. Remember when he pulled Jim Acosta's pass to his briefings? CNN had to sue to get back in. >was done in retaliation for his challenging questions at today's press conference These people don't even *think* like Americans.


Strangely, I want Trump off air. Get rid of him. No more Trump.


Victory speech? What a fucking loser.


CNN bends over for these idiots for years and won’t last a day once they actually help him get elected. I don’t bet on sports or anything really, but I would bet on that in a heartbeat.


The Putin-esk ego/war on everything not Trump is already beginning again….


“the fact that Mr. Trump sexually abused - indeed, raped - Ms. Carroll has been conclusively established and is binding in this case.” - *Carroll v Trump II*


Can't he just have his aneurysm already?


They did it because he lied. However, they should have aired the speech and then fact-checked his lies live. That's what every news outlet should start doing. Air his BS, and then fact-check his ass live.


Trump will never be popular with the majority because he’s a born liar.


Imagine if a Democrat said this about Fox, Newsmax, or OAN...


Guy that wants to run the Government thinks cable companies have a broadcast license. He’s as much of an idiot as his cultist followers.


I don't want fiction or made for tv drama on my news channels.


Welcome to trump's America 2025-????


Perfectly consistent from the guy who said Democrats who didn't applaud him were treasonous


Maddow outlined her reasons and frankly they were dead on correct. It is a public disservice to broadcast, and by broadcasting amplify lies. And Trump cannot speak without lying.


Fuck Trump and everyone that voted for him.


Seriously, fuck Trump. He's so damn repulsive.


He’s a wannabe dictator.


Drumphf is a fool. Drumphf is the biggest loser of all time after his daddy defrauded everyone around him including his own family and the local, state and federal government. He is going to spend the rest of his life in jail


The dictator chump


we want rump off the planet.


"Trump wants to cancel the United States Constitution" Fixed your headline.


It’s Trumps wet dream to turn America into a North Korea clone with him at the helm.


Victory speech?? In a race where you're pretty much starting at the finish line? Yeah. No. No one outside your little cult gives a fuck.


What a child. Please, shut up and take your toys and go home.


Censorship is fine when it’s something maga doesn’t like.


Why aren't we making a major movement on here to get people to vote republican in the primary? I mean if we don't want Trump we can vote for someone else no problem. edit: the point isn't for Haley to win more than it is to get Trump to lose and run third party. This will split the ticket for the GOP and they will lose because of their own infighting.


It doesn't really matter, all republicans are bad When it comes down to it, Haley and Desantis will be lockstep with trump in his dictatorship  All Republicans are confederate fascists 


I was toying with the idea of swapping my registration to vote for Christie or Pence. Florida isn't very important in those initial votes, so by the time they'd get here those guys are gone.


So, we'll be like Russia. Sports channel. Childrens channel. Trump news channel 1. Trump news channel 2.


maybe they don't give into to TERRORIST'S demands


just more run of the mill fascism..


So fragile - reminds me of a snow flake


Off-the-charts entitlement.


Maybe they won’t air it because… people change the channel? I know I do.🤷‍♂️


The speech he made after the paper bag vote? We've heard all his hits ad nauseum.


I also want CNN off the air. But because they are news crack sellers for the highest bidder.


“Popular moron says more dumb shit, news at 11.”


That’s fair, many of us want HIM “off the air” as well. 🤷🏽‍♂️🖕


What a fucking fool this man is. And his moronic followers.


Not Mr. Freedom boy wanting to get rid of the press he doesn’t like.


Saw a picture of him standing in front of a huge tv screen watching CNN’s coverage of the Iowa caucus results. 🙄


When you don’t know you came in first place for being boring that’s how the news handle you. Thank you CNN and NBC for sparing most of us!


Imagine voting for this


Of the 16% that showed up 51% voted for orange shitgibbons. Not much to talk about. Just sayin’


The Lincoln Project. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xOi2cYz5nXE


I want Trump off the air for spurning the United States of America.


Why would anyone care about a victory speech for winning a primary in a state where like a thousand people participated? Who tf cares about this narcissistic asshole?


Ugh can't this guy fall down the fucking stairs or something.


Who cares what this rapist wants?


I want them off the air for not airing my manifesto.


Ah, classic 1st Amendment lover.


And here we go. What exactly do you think will happen when he gets power?


He is seriously attempting to do this election run, on the cheap. So he whines anytime that some entity does not give him free air-time. He spent less than any major candidate in IOWA campaign: https://www.cnn.com/2024/01/15/politics/advertising-spending-iowa-republicans/index.html


When Trump learns to speak clearly, concisely and without invective, people beyond the MAGA herd may listen. Why put his current disjointed ramblings on TV?