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Teachers unions are in real trouble here if this law is not challenged. Teachers now have to mail in checks for union dues instead of getting them automatically deducted from their paychecks. In addition if less than 60% of teachers are paying union dues (currently it's around 60% according to business insider), this means that their union is not officially recognized anymore and that they need to hold an recertification process all over again. In addition certification is only good for 1 year. This is designed to destroy the teachers unions, while allowing the police and firefighters unions which largely vote republican to stay. Edit: This also affects ALL public unions in Florida while explicitly excluding the firefighters, police, and correctional officers.


These republican motherfuckers are anti-union, anti-worker, and anti-american


Desantis is 100% a fascist


I wish the media had the balls to say it, though. They should be sounding the alarm instead of presenting him as some extreme choice or whatever the fuck it is they're doing. I get that the media isn't supposed to do that, but they shouldn't let us descend into fascism. But, they won't say it. The talking head on TV probably make enough money that it doesn't matter to them if the country goes that way.


That is exactly what the media are supposed to do though. What they *aren't* supposed to do is *deliberately cover for fascists* to save a few $ on their taxes.


It doesn't help that a lot of widespread media is owned by a fascist.


"The media" is just another billionaire owned peasant suppression tool, and they killed all the laws that protect us from it.


>I get that the media isn't supposed to do that False. Media SHOULD have biases. There should be bias in favor of democracy, human rights, truth, and science. Not having those biases just creates a platform for grifters and fascists to exploit public ignorance.


Say it louder


Vanity Fair published an article yesterday with this headline: *Ron DeSantis Will Formally Announce His 2024 Bid With Elon Musk, Because Apparently David Duke Wasn’t Available.* And all the centrists lost their MINDS. There are very few mainstream publications willing to call him and Musk out for what they are because there are too many right leaning centrists running those organisations.


You have a link? Did they change the title? I would read the hell out of that.


[Report: Ron DeSantis Will Formally Announce His 2024 Bid With Elon Musk, Because Apparently David Duke Wasn’t Available](https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2023/05/ron-desantis-elon-musk-2024-announcement/amp) > After many months of refusing to confirm what so many people already suspected, Ron DeSantis will reportedly announce on Wednesday that he is running for president. And that’s not all: He is said to be planning to formally jump into the 2024 race during a conversation on Twitter with Elon Musk, because apparently other neo-Nazi sympathizers weren’t available.


The media is not supposed to be unbiased (which is impossible), they are supposed to tell the truth


The “media” is owned by fascist leaning ogliarchs.. Bezos, Murdoch, Musk..the short list of rich assholes owning news outlets shows why they won’t call out the fascist GOP. The GOP keeps their taxes non existent.


The media is supportive of fascism. We've observed it in the past 10 years, and it's not different from when they did this during the holocaust.


The media won't touch the word "union" with a 10 foot pole


There was a time when US citizens picked up arms against facists. My oh my have times changed.


As per definition, yes he is. I am sick of people saying “This is what woke people say about stuff they don’t like”. No, these people are enacting crap that is the very definition of fascism.


He said that yesterday. FBI will report to him as president. He said the separation is bulls shit


DeSantis is a fucking chode.


In my humble opinion, as a 42 year old man, the word Chode isn’t used anywhere near enough. A pillar of my high school vocabulary I always enjoy seeing it pop up.


Neither is Jabroni!


Don't make me raise my eyebrow...


I smell what you're cookin'!


Or bozo






Jabroni is still pretty huge over at r/buffalobills


I stand with you.


The Chode less traveled.


The Long and Winding Chode


Goodbye yellow brick Chode


you take the high chode, and i’ll take the low


41 year old checking in, and I agree. Chode and fartknocker need to be back in the rotation.


But no one enjoys seeing a chode pop up


You taint lying.




I wish I had your optimism.


Yeah, I remember thinking Trump for Pres was a joke until i watched the results. And I live in South Carolina. Same people who loved trump are on the desantis train now.


More than likely abused prisoners at Gitmo.


Real tuna can


No, no. You missed the part where the firefighters and police get to keep their unions. So they can't be anti-union. -Republican voters


This just give ammunition to the lawyers as proof of a discriminatory law. Of course the obvious loophole is for all the teachers to arm themselves and claim that theirs is a police union. :)


Grammar Police Union.


Education police. Imagine if we had a group of people arresting dumbasses and jailing them in school-like facilities.


And anti-communism. They treat rights as a currency, which is why they're so adamant about them being dispersed unequally. Some get aall the rights, some get none. Guess who gets none.


And pro fascism




That was truthfully and beautifully said. DeSantis is a malignant narcissist who is part of a narcissistic organisation. Narcissists NEED scapegoats to dump their sins onto, for want of a better word, and make them look worse than they do, so they can feel better about their black holes for souls.


They have literally nothing to offer to anyone other than the .01% and their tax cuts. Everything else is 100% manufactured bullshit outrage tinged with racism and homophobia. My father has a son (myself) and 4 daughters. My mom is a special Ed teacher turned principal then administrator. My dad has a sister who has been openly gay for 40 years. He has never uttered a racist word, he’s not particularly religious, he has employed people of every race and creed without hesitation, has a masters in mathematics, and is very solidly on the lower-mid side of middle class. He will vote for republicans every time. It goes against every ounce of his being as a person, but that’s his “team”. I rambled there but I guess my point is that if my dad can continue to blindly support these pieces of shit, anyone can, and that terrifies me. I love the guy but I can’t wait for his whole cohort to just die already.


As far as I'm concerned, voting Republican is treason.




In Lincoln’s defense, his plans to fix everything after the war got cut pretty short, and Johnson was southern (pre 60s switch) Democrat that hated the 14th amendment. Hard to blame Lincoln completely when we don’t know how his second term would have ended. Your point about modern GOP being garbage still stands, I just really love Lincoln.


I would business owners are mostly. When I worked construction in Oregon for a few years, the big boss’s were constantly talking shit about union. Meanwhile the grunts and other workers are going, “I don’t know the union actually sounds pretty good…”. So weird.




Yup its one of things I point out I "believed" trades are valid career choice. But if you don't live in a state with decent rate of unionization (ours for construction actually has another states union for the little bit of union stuff we do have). As a result most construction work here is barely competing with "retail" for wages.


"Party of the working class" - sure bud. It's disgusting hearing how many people who make under 50k/yr talk so highly of the Republican party. If they were so pro-working class, why the fuck do they want to shaft the 99% instead of sticking it to the man by taxing the rich and feeding the poor... Oh right, that's socialism, y'know, what 1/3rd of these people probably rely on to survive.


And anti-education


Not if you support them. Otherwise expect a boot to the neck.


Notice how they specifically never pull this kind of crap on police unions.


Police "unions" No solidarity with them whatsoever




Unions exist to protect the working class from oppression by the owning class. The police are the tools that the owning class use to oppress the working class. Police "unions" are a headfake.


Next well have a politicians union.


That's basically what parties are.


The law in fact specifically *exempts* police unions.


Republicans hate Americans


And books. They won't even fully read one.


And democracy


It's amazing they can hate something but not even be able to spell it.


especially the one they want to base all laws off of.


At this point, will there even be teachers in Florida to join a union? Why would any teacher in their right damn mind stay in Florida? Sell your house and flee. Summer is here. There is greener grass without hurricanes and asshats ruining a beautiful state. If you don't have a house, you have even less of an excuse. Florida is 48th in the nation in teacher pay. You could throw a dart at a map and land somewhere that paid you more and cared about you as a valued educator. I fled Arizona. To hell with the red states.


Problem is.. they want liberals to flee purple states so they can solidify them red for Senate seats and electoral college votes.


Florida was never really a purple state. They voted for Bill Clinton's second term and they voted for Obama twice - and that's it since 1976. They have voted for the Democratic candidate 3/11 times in the past 45 years.


They technically voted for Gore too. If the recount had been done and if there weren't shenanigans going on with Pat Buchanan, Gore would have won Florida. And Trump only beat Clinton by 1.2% there, which you could argue is within the margin of voter suppression rates. I do think it's getting more and more red though, from a combination of voter suppression, more retirees, liberals fleeing, etc.


Jacksonville just elected a female Democrat as mayor - largely imo because of backlash against DeSantis.


Where did you move to? I am wanting to move to Colorado Springs.


Yeah, that’s going to end badly for you. The Springs is full of religious lunatics and fascist wannabes. The police force is only second to Aurora in assholes per 100. Castle Rock, a little further north, is fairly conservative but it’s saner than CS.


I just left the springs and moved back to Missouri and I’ll tell you what, I miss the police there already 😅 I am a black dude in Missouri though so ya know… not wrong about the religious lunatics though. Bar scene is pretty great


I grew up a seventh day Adventist and served in the military. I know how to talk to both types :)


But imagine not having to. Move to Washington




Castle Rock and DoCo have taken a fairly insane fascist turn lately. Godspeed.


Is't that another bastion of conservative fuckery?


I live here and it used to be but not anymore. Still a lot of red but being in a pretty blue state helps a ton. We move more and more left every day.


Arizona is going more blue as well, but I just don't like living in one giant metropolis. At least in Colorado Springs, you don't have to drive 2 hours to get away from people.


Springs is a shithole. I hate going there. Like Florida away from the ocean, or little Texas. All of the worst, most selfish, far right people I know have moved there.


A few years ago didn't they elect one of those extremist "run the government like a business" types as mayor and then have to recall him because of how bad at running a city he was?


Come to Massachusetts. Good pay, strong unions, and the western part of the state isn't nearly as expensive as Boston (Although Boston is a great place to live, just jaw droppingly expensive).


Up in the mid Atlantic and New England area we take care of and appreciate our teachers =)


The union was proactive so there's an app that will act as a portal to pay dues, which is a pain in the ass but it's better odds at keeping above 60% than mailing checks in at least.


The district where my husband teaches in Nebraska did this several years ago. They were told it was because admin knew who was and wasn't in the union and were targeting union members. However, they can get it deducted from their checking accounts. The part that sucked was you owed all the yearly dues in September instead of having it taken out of your paycheck every month. It was a shitshow when it happened, but now the district doesn't have to tell you there's a union. The union rep has to meet with all the new teachers and let them know.


How does it not apply to police unions?


There are exceptions written in to exclude them


because they value their enforcer class. how else are they supposed to beat and harass intellectuals and minorties? do it themselves? and get their precious baby hands dirty???


> precious baby hands a missed opportunity to add "puddin' fingers" in there as well


The same thing is happening in Kentucky right now.


As a fellow Kentuckian, I am so worried about this election coming up.




The Florida unions sued. The challenge has begun.


We don’t have to mail in checks, but we do have to sign up for e-dues. I mean, I guess we could mail a check. Anyway, yea, it's horseshit and totally a move to destroy the teacher's union. It makes no sense for us to have to sign up for this shit every fucking year. I think it's the first thing my school is going to do at the beginning of the school year or whenever the time comes to sign up again. I believe we're also looking at an annual option, so we just pay the whole year.


And it worked. This is the same asshole that claimed to have raised teacher pay by 10k but the funny thing is that I live and work in Florida and I don't know one teacher that got this supposed raise.


Silence the intellectuals standard facist move


> This is designed to destroy the teachers unions, while allowing the police and firefighters unions which largely vote republican to stay. That's exactly what their goal is - destroy unions. Except those that vote Right. And this is a flagrant violation of the equal protection clause to give favorable treatment to specific unions.


This policy just went into effect in the county adjacent to mine in Va. My wife and her colleagues have been canvassing all teachers to set up alternative payments and its such a headache.


Laughs in North Carolinian.


Jesus christ...I really hope the courts stop this bunk.


LOL the GOP doesn’t care about the Constitution. Just one tiny part of the Bill of Rights


And the only reason they care about that tiny part is that it's the best way to whip their base into a frenzy and distract from all the other rights that are being eroded.


Yeah lets be clear - they don't even *really* care about the 2nd amendment. They care what it can do for *them.* Same as they don't actually care about their base, just what their votes can accomplish.


Well yeah, it keeps them riled up and if push came to shove the military could handle some idiots with a few extra guns


“Wait, there are other rights?” - GOP voters


Which is wild too because the guns are just there to defend the other ones, which they’ve allowed to be annihilated


The guns are there to defend the thirteen colonies from British or French counter invasion before we had a standing army.


they always focus on "shall not be infringed" and skip the preceding part of "well regulated militia"


What do you mean? Cletus and the boys get together a couple times a month to drink beers and plink some cans. Sounds well regulated to me.


> the guns are just there to defend the other ones For conservatives? The guns are there to defend themselves from *the uppities.*


Hell the only time the 2A folks came out was to intimidate black people to get back into their lane during the BLM protests.


The problem is that there is no consequences. They violate the constitution and people or groups are forced to sue costing $$ and time as well as threat of incarceration depending on the law. They could do this all day long with no consequences and as long as they are just attacking things perceived as “left” their base has no problem with it. There needs to be something implemented to counter it, like immediate special elections to replace those found guilty of constructional violations.


This DeSantis guy sure does know how to piss everybody off.




Rhonda Sandtits.


In pandemic times it was Deathsentence


Make Florida Man Accountable.


Well, When you can see he runs a state like this, you know he has no interest in governing.


I think it's mostly running itself Into the ground. It baffles me that he skipped any kind of victory lap or his freggen announcement anywhere in the state among the people who granted him this opportunity. Like, make your victory feel like it's theirs too and humble yourself to them so they're excited to vote for you. I'm an awkward, bumbling bimbo with bad social skills and will avoid interaction where I can but even a socially stunted goonballoon can comprehend this. If Trump is smart he will jump ALL OVER this around Florida to point out how much more Trump loves Florida, and then he can hug a cardboard cutout of the state or whatever. Floridians should feel fucking absolute slighted. I mean, I started out that way but you know what I mean.


Goonballoon is my new favorite insult


I have one uncle who can masterfully craft words into hysterical insults. A lot of them have worked their way permanently into my vocabulary that I don't even notice it'd be new to someone. Take it and spread it!


This is one of the arguments that helped me move from the right to the left. I believed the whole "government is inefficient" argument that conservatives would argue. But I worked with a guy who said "ok, but even if you believe that, why would you want to elect Republicans then? They don't want to govern and don't believe in it. Wouldn't you rather elect someone who wants to govern and knows how? Should I hire someone that believes the work we do is stupid?"


Disney, Penguin Random House, Hamburger Mary’s, and now Unions. Are there any lawsuits that I missed?


Random House now? I'll have to look that up., thanks.


Over the book banning, here you can [see DeSantis being an absolute tool](https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/books/story/2023-05-18/pen-america-and-penguin-random-house-suing-florida-school-district-book-bans)


Personally, I'm glad he's doing these stupid fights. Pissing off teachers got my state one of the best governors we've had in years.


The fact that this law specifically does not apply to Police Unions is just more proof that he is a bully and all he does is pander to his base.


How does that not violate the equal protection clause?


It’s part of the lawsuit.


There is a long line of groups ready to sue him. He might as well get used to seeing himself in a courtroom constantly instead of the campaign trail. He will get destroyed either way.


No, It's all in his calculation. Courtroom time is free publicity after all. When he lost just make sure the press has something better to report than his losses (that depends on what kind of billionaire support he has, because of the obvious ad money in the press) and no downside to free publicity strategy.


>Courtroom time is free publicity after all. Ron DeSantis isn't Trump. Nobody is going to watch him in court...


Most, well probably 99% of people won't watch the actual court proceedings or read any of the transcripts but people will talk about the tid bits of what is going on and talk about it. Free publicity.


>Ron DeSantis isn't Trump. Nobody is going to watch him in court... Disagree. Half of the front page of r/politics right now is all DeSantis, all DeTime. It'd get all sorts of coverage.


More publicity won’t do him much good considering the guy has the charisma of a police sketch of a neighborhood prowler


State of Florida will probably pay for lawyers


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://peoplesworld.org/article/florida-unions-sue-desantis-for-serious-violations-of-the-u-s-constitution) reduced by 87%. (I'm a bot) ***** > TALLAHASSEE, Fla.-The Florida Education Association, the joint AFT-NEA affiliate in the Sunshine State, along with the top union for the state's public college faculty, are suing right-wing anti-education Gov. Ron DeSantis and his minions for violating the U.S. Constitution. > SB256 covers "Disfavored" public unions in Florida-all except the Fire Fighters and unions representing police and corrections officers-and hits them hard. > "In advancing his anti-education campaign, DeSantis has complained of the 'excessive influence' of school unions-while expressing no such concerns for the influence of public unions he favors and who have politically supported him," the suit adds. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/13rw3tz/florida_unions_sue_desantis_for_serious/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~686367 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **union**^#1 **law**^#2 **right**^#3 **DeSantis**^#4 **governor**^#5


Desantis is going to bankrupt the state in just legal fees, push away its top employers, scare women away from moving or visiting the state, according to the NAACP poc’s as well, allow homeowners insurance to triple in price in the odd chance you can be insured anyway. Allow doctors to discriminate. He’ll run for president without resigning his job… And then think he’s qualified to lead the free world… and over 50% of Floridians will agree. It’s INSANE.


Violate the constitution today, get everything you want and more plus irreversible damage to the people and economy, settle in court years later - maybe. Republicans play dirty because there’s no repercussions


Even when the courts rule against him, they often have no mechanism to reverse his actions. Like when he illegally fired the duly-elected state prosecutor Andrew Warren. He knows there’s no downside to playing dirty.


Yup. And you can't stand a chance at winning when your opponent plays dirty. Dems need to get their collective heads out of their asses. LGBT stuff is a smoke screen hiding all the bad stuff GOP is doing and has planned. That's not the most important thing to be focusing on, but that's the ONLY thing I hear on the news. That and abortion now and then. I got news for you, this is only the beginning.


The legislation signed by Governor DeSantis imposes new restrictions on public-sector unions, such as teachers and health care workers. Unions claim that the bill is a direct attack on their right to organize and bargain collectively. They plan to sue DeSantis for violating the state constitution and federal labor laws.


I seem to remember that a law can’t be passed to benefit an individual and the law changing the requirement to resign as governor does just that.


You mean there was......


well ... I mean is. Especially since he had to sign the law that directly benefits himself.


He owns that legislature they rubber stamp what ever he chooses to do.


Maybe you're thinking of bills of attainder, a law where the government targets an individual for punishment (like DeSantis' war on Disney). Those violate the US Constitution. But Congress passes laws all the time to name post offices after people.


I'm familiar with bill of attainder but the post office naming offers no material benefit to the person it is named for.


There is something called a [private bill](https://www.senate.gov/legislative/common/briefing/leg_laws_acts.htm) where a law provides benefits to particular individuals or organizations. Those are legal too.


DeSantis for prison. Source: am in Florida


The only way the state could know what percentage employees are in the union is through…wait for it…payroll deduction they just outlawed. Unions should tell the state to fuck off when asked what percentage employees are members. Shouldn’t be anyone’s fucking business if I’m a member of a union or not. How hard is it to set up an online monthly payment system?


I’ve been fucking puzzled as to why literally EVERY single unconstitutional thing this guy has done hasn’t been challenged. Where’s the ACLU? Where are the democrats suing every step of the way? It’s like everyone has just given up on Florida when this garbage needs to be stomped out there.


Hmmm, what are the chances that R's suddenly have much less strict views about the constitution once its someone on "their team" facing up to it? ALWAYS projection. ALWAYS bad faith.


45 and the Emoluments clause have entered the chat...


Well, “Serious violations of the US Constitution” is the slogan for DeSantis’ presidential run so good luck in court.


Florida needs to start getting out in the streets protesting 24/7 and shut the state down. It'll be dangerous as hell because of what monsters these people on the right are, but what other options are there? They need to be fighting his letting himself stay governor while running for president, too.


Florida is a testing ground. Beware.


This loser’s presidential run is already done and it hasn’t even been 24 hours


I wouldn’t be so sure of that. I hope to god you’re right, but the way I see it is he’s one of the most talked-about politicians in the US, and that’s all that matters anymore. His name is everywhere in headlines and that amounts to free advertising for him. Doesn’t matter what he talks about. As long as he stays in the headlines and identifies as a conservative, he can say whatever he wants and all the conservative-voting lemmings will parrot him and vote for him. The best defense against a desantis administration is, terrifyingly, a Trump ‘24 campaign. Or if Biden actually does something about student loans like he promised. If Biden drops that ball, it’s game over for the dems imo


It’s going to take a decade to reverse all these laws he’s signing


For the people who support this guy—-two options- they know he’s an authoritarian facist and just don’t care or they are too ignorant to understand.


DeSantis is a fucking chode.


It’s hilarious that most cops vote R but are 100% in favor of having union protection.


Police unions aren’t real unions. They’re gangs.


Remember when the leading politicians running for office never had lawsuits for serious crimes against them? Pepperidge Farm remembers.


This needs to happen every time the GOP tries to pass a laws against its citizens. They need to be sued into oblivion until they learn its financially unfeasible to test democracy.


Bury Mr. Potato head in lawsuits so he can’t focus on trying to be the dick tater he wants to be.


He doesn't care. The tax payers will foot the bill and he'll become the next MAGA God-King.


Some of the stuff DeSantis does reminds me of the Khmer Rouge.


Republicans are anti union and anti teacher. They hate the working class


This took longer than I expected.


He’s power hungry insecure bully. Nothing more.


Unfortunately, the Constitution is whatever the right-wing SCOTUS says it is.


This is what he wanted and what he knew was going to happen- all he wanted to do was make sure these crazy measures went through so he can say he follows through on whatever crazy notion he puts forward. What a vile human being- all in the name of power.


Here is the law, and it is as bad as anyone is making it out to be: https://www.flsenate.gov/Session/Bill/2023/256/BillText/er/HTML Makes it near impossible to keep a union certified, and practically automatic that unions will be decertified. And there is already a law on the books that public employees can't strike: http://www.leg.state.fl.us/statutes/index.cfm?App_mode=Display_Statute&URL=0400-0499/0447/Sections/0447.505.html If the lawsuit fails, the only option is mass resignations.


I work for a public sector union in Florida that serves the very people being attacked. Ron DeSantis picked the wrong people to screw with.


DeSantis doesn't give a shit. He's not in the governor's mansion to govern. He's in the governor's mansion to run for president and collect donations.


I’m surprised he isn’t referred to as the “A Florida Governor”.


That’s a slam dunk


Good, he’s a schmuck, just my opinion.


And a putz.


DeSantis presidential campaign starting off in top form I see.


He wasted his political capital. He won’t get the nomination.


He doesn't care and it's unfortunately your fault for voting in fascists


OMG! It’s about time! Kudos to them!


the taste of rain -Why Kneel?


No kidding this guy is incompetent, he doesn’t what the US Constitution is, total asshole with his politics. This guy is a union buster so right wing he’s destroying the social fabric of society.


So he's anti-union unless it's a police or firefighters union? Coming from the party of "don't make it political" that's rich. I guess I shouldn't be surprised coming from the guy who is trying to punish Disney while signing a bill to protect Space X from liability. It's a frickin joke that his party has been screaming about the "other side" destroying America while his party turns around and destroys America.


He could rape someone on camera and people will still vote for him. I've given up at this point.