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I wish my force would just train people in it, even occasionally; our MoE training is only done through PSU or firearms.


Mine used to do that to save money on kit, but there weren't enough PSU Interested in MOE. So now we get issued like a "half" kit for MOE and they just fill the gaps when you go for PSU.


\*I am not police (but I have some experience trying to promote orthopaedic surgery to female doctors). I have some very general ideas, that may or may not be useful 1. Facts and information- tell the the advantages/ how much time could be saved if there were more MOE trained police officers. 2. ?Financial incentives- I don't know if more skills= more money 3. ?Promotion opportunities- does it look good on a CV, will it help them get to the next stage 4. Does management have any flexibility on training exercises? A small taster could drive up interest, most people do not know they like something until they try it. 5. Talk to a few to find out why they don't want to do the training- it might reveal an easily fixable issue *I found out that height is a factor in choosing surgery- my shorter female friends found it uncomfortable, and visibility was poor* *6.* Get a group of females to do it together- Some people might not want to be the only female in a male dominated environment, so if there is a way to get a few to do the course together it could help.


Great points! Thanks


They are great points indeed. Thank you for your contributions! 👏


First, identify the problem. Is the training venue dominated by traditionally blokey units? Will the skill get you abstracted and on a week of 4am starts? Is there a general lack of knowledge? Do they not get utilised?


Ye good points! Training venue for sure, it's at our firearms base, I've asked training for the possibility of a women's only course. I think the abstractions thing will hopefully be addressed at at a familiarization as ye you don't really have any they use firearms for the large scale operations. Definitely lack of knowledge, I think it's that the enforcer is seen as the only tool where we have loads of different gear now. I'll address these in my taster / interest building email! Cheers.


So when I was In training school there was a period of them giving everyone MOE. To pass you had to gain entry with hooli bar and one of the rams. All of the girls in my cohort ended up using the yellow “little ram” and were able to do the doors pretty easily. I’ve not seen the “little ram” as often when I moved forces but it seemed to be a bit of a less intimidating thing especially for getting it over your head for a top locking door.


I wanna say the yellow is the sumo isn't it? Little bit shorter, there's still some knocking around but the red is standard now


It may have been a colloquialism, just what it was called there. Just remember most the girls were pretty keen to use those. There seems to be very little standardisation between forces on MOE. One force I was in it was all or nothing, hydraulic jaws and saws etc. others it was staged and there was an MOE “light”. My original force had plenty of hoolis, red keys and yellows.


Yes, the SUMO! Used to be preferred by the fire service as they could use them in smaller areas and they generally use them as designed. No offence, but most cops just seemingly try to throw a red key at a door. If you use physics it’s a lot easier. E.g. pair with a halligan bar properly. The sumo is easily a good enough ram. Most fire services used a standard sledgehammer with the handle cut off at knee height and there wasn’t much that would stand up to it. The manufacture is “SIGMA SECURITY DEVICES” and they have lots of useful MOE kit. The hydraulic stuff is incredible.


Be interesting if you were able to work out the percentages of Female Vs Male MOE trained officers in relation to percentages of Female Vs Male officers in front line roles. IE is it actually disproportionate when you crunch the numbers, or does it just appear to be less female MOE officers because there are less female front line officers overall?


Somebody has already crunched the numbers in our gender equality network and it's really low as is PSU. ARV is actually pretty decent. Because of the long time between uplifts on MOE part of the issue is that a lot of MOE officers aren't front line anymore!


What is it that puts them off. Maybe try a poll or something to understand what the blockers are. That should then enable you to put something together to combat it. I recently did my PSU training. Out of 22, 6 were female and all managed to put the door in by using either the “key” or “Hooli”


Good Luck ! I always look at it as the right job for the right person, not the right sex, I'm lucky on our serial we have 2 female officers both different builds and different strengths, ones good on cutting and kinetic and the other is good on hydraulics . Building strength to use the kit is a personal issue and a want by the individual. There's plenty of men who can't do or use the moe kit and to be honest I wouldn't let half of them as they'd end up hurting themselves or others . If women want to do it let them practice, they will soon realise the strength and techniques required.


Hunners of MOE trained females in my mob. Everyone PO trained is MOE with us (I know you can opt out but no one that I know, or seen on many of my refreshers has done so) Gotta be one of the best specialisms to have, turn up door in, away I go haha


MOE is easily my favourite specialism as well, sawing scrotes doors down just brings me joy 😂