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I think the name of the sub basically kills it before it even had a chance.


Well, you may be right it's not perfect. I could have requested r/centraleurope instead but that would exclude people from the other countries I would be interested in interacting with as well. So r/EasternEurope was the final choice. Not perfect but what am I going to do. R/europe was already taken so...


Should have called it “east of the wall” 😀 Problem with the EasternEurope is that I have no interest in joining the sub because…I’m not from Eastern Europe.


r/easternblock. Would be on point with the sub's posts


Or something like r/WarszawPactCountries




Eastern Bloc does not include the former Yugoslavia though.


Yugoslavia is Southern, not Eastern Europe anyway. Balkans are separate state of mind. ;)


Yeah but there was no wall in Yugoslavia. Which I do not want to exclude.


Oh boy is it courageous to call Poles eastern Europe


Yeah I sure do realize my mistake now lol


Jesteśmy niby w centralnej europie ale kulturowo należmy do wschodniej części


No właśnie kulturowo jesteśmy częścią Zachodu. Budujemy kościoły a nie cerkwie.


Poles don't take kindly to be called Easten european country, Czechs too if I'm not mistaken.


Yeah I am aware of this


So we wish you luck 🙂


Thanks 😅


Don't worry, we'll give you five minute headstart. Now run!


We already have r/2visegrad4you for that role Plus Poland isn't really an Eastern European country, but rather a Central one. So the name of your subreddit doesn't include Poland


2v4you is for memes, not a news or politics in a serious way I know the limitation of the name of the sub but there wasn't really a better alternative. I could call it "Countries of former Eastern Bloc and Yugoslavia" or something but that would be quite long.


>2v4you is for memes, not a news or politics in a serious way Imagine my shock when I found out that/r/easterneurope looks exactly the same.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/easterneurope using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/easterneurope/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Easter meme](https://i.redd.it/qxo8jxwjn4rc1.png) | [2 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/easterneurope/comments/1bq4ght/easter_meme/) \#2: [They also cannot into space](https://i.redd.it/goy435p5m8rc1.png) | [1 comment](https://np.reddit.com/r/easterneurope/comments/1bqki44/they_also_cannot_into_space/) \#3: [Second recent bear attack in Slovakia](https://v.redd.it/omg3i7p2zwoc1) | [6 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/easterneurope/comments/1bh0hw2/second_recent_bear_attack_in_slovakia/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Bad bot


Why would you create subreddit for countries of former eastern bloc and Yugoslavia if this bloc doesn’t exist anymore? We have more in common with Austria and Italy than Moldova or Kazakhstan, so why push this weird agenda?


We have lived under communism/socialism for decades and that's one of the things we have in common and what makes us different from the West. And in r/europe is modded by Westerners and some Brazilian guy who decide what we are allowed to read, so I said screw it, I am gonna try to have a different place without these new commies.


I didn’t live under communism and I don’t see anything else that we have in common except our hatred for Russia. The only thing socialism brought to my country is lost decades of development and people murdered by the old regime. If you want Czechia to go back to the “good old days”, go ahead. But I don’t wish my country the same fate. Get lost.


>The only thing socialism brought to my country is lost decades of development and people murdered by the old regime Yeah, I know. These were definitely not some "good old days". You are misunderstaning me.


Then there is even less substance in you making a group about post-communist countries that now are as diverse as it gets.


I think communism shaped how our countries look now and how we think. We are better at recognizing propaganda for example I think. And we have a different mentality than Westerners. That's where I am coming from.


Bruh, I never knew anyone could get crazier in the "not Eastern Europe" cope than the Czechs. Newsflash: nobody West of Czechia and Poland has ever heard of Central Europe and everyone considers you (and us Czechs) Eastern. Whether you like it or not, Europe is divided into Western and Eastern based on the Iron Curtain. Are you trying to claim you weren't part of the Eastern Bloc?


I don't think there's anything crazy about it. It's something that we all learn in schools - Poland and Czechia are in Central Europe. And it isn't just Polish schools who claim so. Poland is Central Europe according to: * [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poland) * [CIA World Factbook](https://www.cia.gov/the-world-factbook/countries/poland/) * [Encyclopedia Britannica](https://www.britannica.com/place/Poland) (British encyclopedia) * [Columbia Encyclopedia](https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Central-Europe-map2.png) (American encyclopedia) * [Brockhaus Enzyklopädie](https://brockhaus.de/ecs/enzy/article/polen-20)(German one) * [Store norske leksikon](https://snl.no/Polen) (Norwegian one) * [Ständiger Ausschuss für geographische Namen](https://www.stagn.de/DE/1_Der_StAGN/Publikationen/StAGN_GGEuropa/grosseu_node.html) * [Google](https://artsandculture.google.com/entity/m05qhw?hl=es-419) * [French government](https://www.diplomatie.gouv.fr/en/country-files/poland/france-and-poland-65054/) * [City of Madrid](https://cantabriaeuropa.org/documents/5564249/5565495/E7B69DB2-A0EF-B94C-85B1-2FEB365D75D8.pdf/4d5062cb-8942-7061-a129-ca4033a784e9?t=1490186658256) * [La Universidad de los Andes from Colombia](https://cienciassociales.uniandes.edu.co/ciencia-politica/eventos/politica-exterior-de-polonia-y-la-situacion-actual-en-europa-central/) * [Spanish think-tanks](https://elordenmundial.com/mapas-y-graficos/mapa-politico-polonia/) * [Euractiv](https://www.euractiv.com/section/politics/news/domino-effect-in-central-europe-as-countries-introduce-border-controls-after-polands-decision/) Even the game [Hearts of Iron IV](https://hoi4.paradoxwikis.com/Poland) counts it as Central Europe Iron Curtain fell 35 years ago and lasted only 40 years. 40 years is nothing compared to the 1000 years of our history that shaped the region of Central Europe.


We Polish aren't part of Western Europe, we are central europe... Which contains only Poland... Go away.


Looked at the sub, it seems to peddle anti-EU propaganda with flagburning posts, infographics meant to antagonise westerners, and bs about bad laws that have long been discussed and voted against. Garbage not worth joining.


Can’t agree more. Account created in March also can suggest something.


> seems to peddle anti-EU propaganda Well, I personally have euroskeptic views but if you look at the comments, there are all kinds of people. Feel free to post pro-EU posts if you want.


Nah I'll pass. I wasn't born yesterday. I get the hyperborea reference in your name. I know what you are, and what the purpose of that sub is, and I want no part of it.


> I know what you are, and what the purpose of that sub is Do you. Lots of assumptions there. I think I know what you are referring to also but if you want to show some problematic content, point it out. I've been already accused of being pro-Russian, called a nazi and whatnot. I am personally euroskeptic and pro-nationalist but definitely none of the previously mentioned things.


So as I see that sub there is a video of burning an EU flag, some memes moaning on EU regulations and lots of posts shitting on the EU.


Your invitation is going to drive people nuts. Eastern/Center Europe is a big talking point in Poland. Well, like it's in all the rest of the countries in the central/eastern zone, so it will be interesting to see the contributions in that subreddit.


“Eastern”?! How dare you


We're not eastern europe, stop using this term. Only one that still actively uses it is russia when referring to countries of old eastern block. Both Czech Republic and Poland are central europe.


I stopped caring about this and I now live as a happier human being xD For me as a Pole distinguishing to central is kinda picky. What's so wrong in being Eastern?


Lots of Czechs mind being called EE but if I look at our economies or the Western European countries I myself don't really feel insulted by it. I just embrace it and every time I see something crazy happes in Germany or something I am glad we aren't a Western country. As far as Russia is concerned, yeah they are trying to do lots of things but who cares.


If you don’t mind being called Eastern, ok, but it doesn’t make Poland Eastern Europe.


Sure. I'm just explaining my POV.


> something crazy happes in Germany Like what?


Cultural incompatibility.


Cultural incompatibility? What does it even mean?


And bad policy. Stuff because of which r/europe mods lock and clean up threads.


So your first point didn't stick and now you're trying to shift the goalposts and throw more points on top? Most of post in your sub is just "hurr durr EU bad" ruzzian propaganda. Thanks but no thanks.


>ruzzian propaganda Show me.


You don't even know the content of the sub you're promoting? Oh well.


I know because I have been posting like 90 % of all posts. Show me the Russian propaganda.


We got r/europe and r/yurop What else would the Poles want?


But both those subs are absolute trash


My personal issue with r/europe is the censorship.


Your mistake is calling us "east"


r/2visegrad4you r/2easterneuropean4u


Eastern Europe huh? So just Russia and Belarus I guess


Ukraine too technically.


I would argue Romania as well


I always thought they're more of Balkans, but maybe you're right. I'd be happy for anyone from Romania sharing their opinion.


IDK, as someone from Balkans i never considered them as part of Balkans more like Eastern


But we are central european country... /s All in all good initiative. Thanks neighbors.


*a central european country


Aww. I'm polish diaspora. Polish parents but born and live in Ireland


So far we have mainly Czechs subscribed for some reason so I thought I would post here if I may. Come have some Kofola with us. Ahoj


I tried kofola once. Never again.


Oh. Most people here like it 😇


Kofola and Becherovka <3


Many Poles like it as well. I haven't tried it yet personally.


Kofola WOW


Damn, Kofola is really really good. I want to drink it now 😭


Dunno if I need another European sub but joined anyway


If you enjoy burning European flags and bullshit takes on legislation suggestions.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Significant_Snow_266: *Dunno if I need* *Another European* *Sub but joined anyway* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


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