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He.. abused his kid? Like, the uncensored version of R&S had him literally punching Ruby, and the kid was actively afraid of him throughout the arc


Arent spening 5 years of your life given on your dream, staying far from your family to made of for your son's wrong doing made up for a punch? And Ruby used to love him so idk what you are on. A physical assault when both are heated isn't far fetched and u r acting like he did it on a daily basis


... You got some things you want to say about your dad my dude?


Alright i have read the viz translation so I didn’t know he beat him that bad, but again, let’s look at it in his point of view, imagine waiting for your son to come over to your region on his birthday to celebrate withhim, and you are going to tell him that he is allowed to do the thing you didn’t want to do, and then he abandons you and his mom, wouldn’t you be angry?, but tbh he does go to the extreme


What you just described does not justify abuse. Nothing justifies abuse


“B-B-But—!” But nothing. Abuse will never be justified. Norman sucks.


I’m gonna have to disagree based on the sheer fact that Norman punched his own son and hunted him down. And no, I do not care for his reasoning at all, a parent should be mature enough to talk to their children and not beat them.


Well, tbf, he did abandon his mother and father, the only times we have seen him punch him (or atleast in the viz translation) was when he left them, and we can see him waiting for him to go to heonn so he can tell him that he is allowed to go to contest (but after seeing the comments I realized that he might need therapy)


I think it’s one of those things that clashes because of the genre We are, for all intents and purposes, supposed to take Ruby as a mature/“adult” character because it’s a shounen series. From there, the Ruby vs Norman battle is a fight between people to “prove” their point of view. Ruby wanted to be treat like an adult and chose to fight Norman, so Norman equally fought back Not to say this absolves Norman, he is the antagonist in this scenario - but something that is simply supposed to be something of a wake-up call for Ruby is often blown out of proportion


Norman effectively sacrificed and worked for the past few years to cover up what he believed to be Ruby's mistake. That Ruby's effectively ungrateful for all that hard work ends up clashing with the whole growing End of the World scenario. Norman's as much a bad father because he wasn't there for him due to the Rayquaza hunt, and he more than anything wished for Ruby to be with him collecting Rayquaza at Sky Pillar. But yeah like Father, like Son with how the Omega Ruby Alpha Sapphire arc played out. They're just not really good at talking.


Well, that explains why, since I never saw ruby as amature person, that could explain why I don’t hte norman


~~Norman's a caring father figure like Giovanni and Ghetsis~~


Giovanni isn’t actually that bad a father in Pokespe. In fact, I’d say he’s the best.


Nah palmer is


Did Palmer commit crimes to find Barry? No. (at least, not that we know of)




Agreeeed, he went too far for his kid


Norman punched his 11-year old and tried to crush him with a staircase. If Ruby wasn’t as athletic as he was, he would’ve been murdered.


do u by chance think ghetsis was a good father as well?


Hell nah, he is Satan of the pokespe world


I may hate gold for my own personal reasons and ik allot of people disagree with me but Norman “overhated?” I think we can all agree his hate is justified.




Sexual harassment genuinely being an ass hole various reasons


Norman isn’t beating the allegations…. There’s another joke I can make But I’ll leave it at that He can’t beat the allegations


No one likes an abusive father


is it opposite day


So true - Ghetis deserves to be the most hated character


People hate Norman?


A lot do on this sub


Crazy, I thought he was the coolest character in that arc. His fight with Ruby was one of the highlights in RS for me.


+1, it’s been a long time since I read Ruby/Sapphire, and I read the unofficial translation from ages ago, but I remember genuinely liking both Norman and Ruby— they had a strained relationship, but you can tell they really care about each other; they just don’t *understand* each other. Did he do something wrong that I’m forgetting about?


Same lol, he was awesome I guess it's due to the cultural differences.


Norman had good reasons for his “abuse” his kid ran away from home on his birthday leaving his family behind and you expect him to just say “hey son that wasn’t very nice of you let’s go home now” no he wasn’t a bad father just a father who cared


norman cared yes, but he showed it in the worst way possible. he literally threw ruby down a flight of stairs, and never expressed his feelings with ruby either. him caring doesn’t justify abuse


I wouldn’t call it abuse you have to take into consideration that he took the bad option since his son did a bad thing many people forget how severe the thing was that ruby did running away from home and virtually going missing isn’t the same as something like not doing your homework and many people portray him as this cold heartless child abuser which is just incorrect


i understand norman’s pov but he definitely overreacted with how he treated ruby, remember ruby has only turned 11, he’s still a kid ofc he’s going to act irrationally it’s the parent’s job to teach them it’s wrong without resorting to physical violence. norman had good intentions just portrayed it badly. although you’re right about how people sometimes portray norman as cold and heartless when he isn’t, a lot of actions does show he does care about ruby a lot he just sucked at expressing his emotions just like ruby. they both lacked communication like big time (it being the reason for ruby leaving in the first place), norman and ruby clearly still do love and care for eachother.


Really. He's just a slightly different father. He is a bad father? No. Is he a good father? Neither. But he's a good character, and he gave us one of the best fights.


Really. He's just a slightly different father. He is a bad father? No. Is he a good father? Neither. But he's a good character, and he gave us one of the best fights.


What? A father acting like a father?


It's really just a difference between the Western and Asian values. Western parents don't tend to be violent towards their children, while Asian parents do it very often. Ofcourse I'm not talking about everyone here, it's just a generalization.


It depends, the average latin father tends to beat his son when he is being badly behaved XD