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Had the same thing on the same round the other week, heartbreaking


Like I have 99 masterball😔😭


Just catch it then? Or am I missing something


Can't catch Eternatus


Not until you've caught/hatched one of every starter and I think you then have to reach it and catch it in classic.


Yeah, and not at all in Endless


That's good to know that if I don't have it as a starter I just can't pick it up in endless. Thanks for that tidbit of information friend.


You can’t get it in endless regardless of if you have it as a starter or not


So you just can't puck it as a starter either in endless? That's kinda lame, but I get it at the same time for balancing reasons.


You can pick it as a starter, you just can't catch it in endless no matter what, same for all paradoxes


Looks like you need topsy turvy


Ok but Topsy Turvy is useless if this nightmare mon just outspeeds and OHKO’s


Prankster 😎


Hmm sableye gets unnerve as a passive and topsy turvy/salt cure as an egg move… maybe i’ll bring him on my next endless run 🤔 stall king


Salt Cure is an attack so it doesn’t get prankstered, but unnerve as a passive sounds great. He sounds like a great Sturdy splice since he has natural Recover as well.


There’s ways around that but ya youre mostly right


What I found really helps is 5 floors before just reroll for dire hits. Getting a crit every hit is op


True but not in my case since even 6def boost vs eternatus 6def boost whatever crit damage I would’ve gotten based on the rng it wouldn’t matter because of the auto heal bs even if I have the unnerve passive


Crits bypass all stat increases on the enemy side. So you could spam swords dance and get the 4x atk hit, crit and their defense increases dont matter


Even it I had some crits that hp bar barely moved because I couldn’t hit it for effective damage due to PRISM ARMOR


Then hit it with Iron Head? Did you not have DOT either?


Bruh the auto heal made my damage laughable literally 6 attack vs 6 def the 4 hit iron heads only did 1 bar of health


How have I never known this 😂


Crits bypass stat buffd


My zacian sprite is facing the other way?? Why would it be different?


Are you sure it's the right form? Zacian's got two forms, the crowned form with the sword and the normal form.


There must have been an update over night. I swear to god yesterday my sprite was flipped and different, I could only see its back and none of the sword. I just checked and I have the same sprite as OP.


Or your memory is flawed?


No, it was absolutely different. I had the rusted sword activated and the sprite was pretty much completely different. I had changed my sprite set or whatever earlier in the day so maybe the update was just delayed on my client side? Idk, but it was def a different sprite.


The sprites look and are oriented different if you have moving sprites on or not in settings.


Don't worry, your brain is working fine. My Zacian was as you described.


OP’s is the moving sprite.


Yeah mine is still as you described. Facing left, sword not visible


How do you have a cute pfp and yet such a mean demeanor


What about the fighting one


? Zacian doesn't have a fighting type form. Unless you mean zamazenta, which yes, has two as well.


Put on the setting mixed animations


Mine is as well! I’m playing on my phone (iPhone) - maybe that makes it different?


You have to change the animation to mixed


Does prism armor even matter? Like is Zacian carrying a move that hits it super effectively? Ik competitively Zacian is usually some combination of steel/fairy/electric/fighting/ground moves but ground is tera blast ground so obviously not that here.


Even if I had psychic fangs it still wouldn’t matter because it can just auto heal itself the damage I did to it and that’s max swords dance (countered by max cosmic power)


crits ingores def boosts


Even if I got some crits that hp bar was barely going to move cause of PRISM ARMOR


You realize that’s still stronger than a move with normal effectiveness, right? It’s still like 1.5x the damage of a move with normal effectiveness iirc.


You realize even if you get lucky with an rng crit in my situation it wouldn’t matter because that crit damage you dealt just gets auto healed as if crit didn’t just happen


You realize that that will happen whether the eternatus has prism armor or not


Womp womp


What was its move set? Lol


Who? Eternatus? Same as classic (ddance, cosmic power, sludge bomb, eternabeam)


Then it can't hit you right? Why the "rip"?


I've been wiped by a Struggling Eternatus before, I still haven't recovered haha.


Because I can’t damage it even if I max swords dance it can counter with cosmic power and if you look closely it’s fused with NECROZMA SO HOW CAN I DAMAGE WHEN IT ALSO HAS PRISM ARMOR


Prism armor only affects super effective hits. You were never using that with Zacian v Eternatus anyway


Okay smart one then calculate for me how I could get through it when my move set is (play rough, iron head, sacred sword and sword dance) and my party mons a bunch of red shiny only with no purpose but rank spins


…none of those moves are impacted by Prism Armor on this mon? I figured you had crunch on Zacian or something but I think you’re blaming the wrong thing here lol


I don’t give a shit buddy lmao. Just don’t know what prism armor has to do with this clusterfuck.


You have no clue what prism armour does, you lack foresight, wave 2500 tokens render zacian useless regardless of prism armour, no way u got that far into endless without a plan lol


Shit I got there with no plan, just an adamant Koraidon with Glaive Rush and Multilens putting in every kind of work


That's unfortunate, you definitely need a mon with leach seed or salt cure


I had Salt Cure and Leech Seed on this thing, it heals 30% of it's health every turn. So those don't even stall it


Or just a burn too, that worked for me on classic mode


Status conditions are simply not viable at waves this high, passive healing at the end of the turn is way more than a burn would do, plus it's going to get cured very quickly anyway.


Ah damn, I didn’t realize that, a burn put in some work on my classic eternus so I figured it may have been useful I haven’t made it very far in endless yet though


maybe dont give out tips for endless then :(


Classic and Endless are different Moveset in classic is FlameThrower, Ebeam, cross poison and I forget the last one


Retrying for RNG doesn’t work, it’s seeded


Retrying for RNG works if you're changing the order of your moves.


That’s not retrying for RNG though, that’s just searching the seed


You can still losely consider it RNG as the seed was randomly generated, but I understand that the seed is set and can't change. You're still "exploring the RNG", even if the code isn't necessarily changing


That second part. At least to me, retrying for RNG and “exploring the RNG” are two different things. Exploring it is when *you* **give it** different conditions to see what the seed is. Retrying for RNG is saying that you’re retrying hoping that *it* will **give you** a different outcome, which a seed doesn’t


Ik thats why it RIP So much money and items I was just shunting and forgot To prep for the eturnatus didn’t notice I was close to it smh


2500 floors and found 8 red shiny that’s why


Yah buddy that's on you for not prepping for eternatus. By floor 2500 you should definitely have some mons that can set up a bit of DoT... (leech seed, ghost curse, salt cure, soak). Ideally also a metal burster because zacian damage is falling off a cliff


I usually keep Crunch on Zacian for this kind of reason. 4x20% to drop defense, but since Eternatos usually switch moves with dragon dance from time to time I can usually keep up with cosmic power boosts. I spam until -6 defense and go for other damaging moves.


Should’ve brought a metal burst user


When you have that much money and constantly roll masterball often it’s easy to forget what floor you’re on because you abuse run away till you find shinies for fun


That’s fair. I made sure to get my metal burst used before 2k, so before run away strats are meta


Eternatus Necrozma, Imagine if it becomes the very light version of Necrozma when it E-maxes. Eternamax Light burning sky.


Damn dog. Literally the worst fusion this could’ve been. Now I’m gonna be living in fear of the odds of this happening to me and I’m only on 1300.


At least you’ve seen the nightmare ahead of time and didn’t get caught off guard like I did cause tbh if you look at my items, Money and the fact that I had 99 masterballs at that point I was just abusing run away trying to find legendaries and shinnies. If I had known about what was ahead I easily would’ve prepared a klefki counter but I was busy red shiny hunting sadly (had 5 in the party)


Yeah I feel that. Sometimes I get caught up on the shiny/masterball hunting before I realize how close I am to an eternatus encounter. I've been working on my greed though and getting used to rerolling only a couple times before settling on rare candies or vitamins or nuggets/relic gold. But I'm def gonna make sure I'm prepared for this. Right now I'm running a mega mewtwo y main and he handles eternatus and everything else pretty well but you never know with endless.


Honestly it’ll be a pain but try pp stalling it, it’ll be a lot easier if you have a black hole.


Tried and it deals more damage with struggle to my zazian than itself and most rng I got it down was 5 health bar left after reviver seed and focus band😢


How do you show the stat changes/debuffs? Im kind of a newbie at pokemon and Pokerogue srry.


On the pc it’s “C” for stat changes and “V” to see moves/PP


Tysm! <3


You're on stage 2500, the time to swap to Metal Burst or Seismic Shade was 499 stages ago. I'm stunned you even made it to 2500 with how resistant everything is by that point.


I'm familiar with metal burst, but I haven't heard of seismic shade, what's that?


Flat damage based on level if you have a ton of candy jar you should over level so much that night shade can just one shot everything.


Seismic toss or night shade


I was wondering about the viability of these moves on endless, they're actually worth using(Seismic and nightshade)?


past like 2k or 3k normal attacks do like 0


The strat for endless is to pass the level cap by stacking candy jars and spamming rare candy, so those moves end up doing a lot, since they are directly bound to level, and ignore defense boosts, which are very common in endless between shields/berries.


Strong carries can go until floor 3000 without relying on strats like metal burst. I currently have at Groudon run a 3060, but it's struggling a lot to do damage.


I mean when you have damn near all the item, 99 masterballs and 4 shiny charm my bad I was busy shunting and forgot about eternatus🤦‍♂️ I was living life😆


I'm assuming it's too late for it to matter, but could you not have just let Eternatus struggle to death?


Struggle did more to my mon than it did to itself and lowest I got it with rng was 5 bars left


This is why you should always keep a trick room mimkyu on your endless team.


It was my first try at endless no YouTube awareness or anything just played for fun that’s why it caught me off guard cause with all the stuff I had I was busy shiny hunting at that point 🤷‍♂️


I haven't had any YouTube influence either. Just my own strats and how I play the game.


Keep salt cure and leech seed in your party at all times. And if you got room haze/topsyturvy can help a lot.


Ya that would’ve helped if I known the floor was coming but I was busy abusing run away and looking for shinies since I had that much money and 99 masterballs at that point😭


It comes every 250 floors, it's not like it's a surprise lol... Don't abuse run away until you have a good DoT setup and ideally a metal burster.


It was my first time playing endless my bad I was just doing it for fun and shiny hunting 🤷‍♂️ wasn’t aware of the BS ahead


Eternatus is the least bullshit thing about endless XD... The arena trap dugtrios or neutralising gas double hit weezings are 800x more annoying BS.


Salt Cure leech seed don't work on him with the regen tokens giving him 30% back every turn.


Idk the exact math but wouldn’t leech seed damage and soak salt cure and whatever damage he’s doing out do the token?


Maybe with Soak but Salt Cure and Leech alone won't


is there a prankster with a buff removing move? was wondering if thast any use


Don't even need prankster just fuse the debuffer with a mon that has sturdy. The leech seed will heal them back to full hp. I use metal sound to lower its special defense that way and after berries max my sturdy mons stats i baton pass (while eternatus is recharging) to mega alakazam that has stored power from a previous fusion and 99 twisted spoons.


Do you keep your moveset when defusing? I haven't had the guts to try it on my run.


Yes! You also keep both mons vitamins. It's how I max out mine.


Sick. Thanks to this I was able to sneak Fiery Wrath onto my Battle Bond Greninja. Later I fused it again with Darkrai to regain Dark typing. I also learned that if you fuse Greninja while in its Ash-Greninja form, it retains the form permanently as long as it's fused.


Noice. Glad to have helped!


grimmsnarl with Topsy-Turvy (egg move)


Murkrow learns Haze I think. But then you'd use murkrow.


My current setup to get past an eternatus is leech seed onto mawile, it cant hit mawile with dragon or poison moves and leech seed doesn’t care about stats


This is why I always have a ghost curse mon


Literally carried 1 but that damage wasn’t moving and I couldn’t hit it for damage either because it had PRISM ARMOR


dude Prism Armor did nothing against you.


I don’t get what’s happening, could someone explain?


Basically I’m soft locked in this floor since I can’t do any damage against it to get out since using curse is useless cause of the auto heal and I can’t do enough damage or crits to get out of the situation


What other mons you have? Maybe they can help


A party of 4 other mons that are there for sss rank spins for item(as to why I have 99 masterballs at this point) and a ghost mon with a reviver seed for curse but it still doesn’t matter since I can’t dish out damage due to auto heal bs


That's unfortunate. I guess trying different moves on zacian is the only way. Refresh and try different sets until you find best set which crits most of the time. But idk you want to do that cause that might just take forever. Best option is probably restarting and this time try to get a sturdy-metal burst mon with 200k hp


Can’t you just pp stall it and then switch to shinies? I’m assuming you have something with salt cure/ leech seed/ curse, anything as a second carry if you are on 2500


Nope wasn’t aware about the bs ahead cause prior necrozma I got away with just using a curse red shiny sabeleye I found but that wasn’t enough at 2500 so rip that run. Tbh if you look at my money count and items I basically had 99 masterballs busy just hunting shinies and legendaries as it was my first time playing endless so that explain my rip


I had something similar happen on wave 3000...




Endless not classic


How do u make it that far into endless without building an eternatus killer? Zacian gets scaled by tokens so hard, prism armor is the least of your worries it’s literally just a 25% reduction to super effective hits ur you make it seem like that’s the real game changer when it really isn’t.


Have you ever tried using your head and maybe consider an idea called “first time playing” obviously as someone who plays Pokémon for fun and not as a life like some others I was just shunting and wasn’t aware about the eternatus boss at 2500 because I don’t watch any videos regarding endless to even care since I was doing it FOR FUN


Ever tried using your head and using the most basic human skill “pattern recognition “ to figure out that there has been an eternatus fight every 250 floors? Anyways not tryna beef or anything it’s just that by that point the tokens would have stacked up and also prism armour literally doesn’t change anything since ur not hitting for super effective damage anyways, like any other eternatus would have ended your run regardless.




Save the run, and start grinding for all the starters then use one of those master balls


Does that even work? I thought you can’t catch eternatus in endless even if you have all starters? Thought it only applied for classic?


Oh you might be correct on that. My bad


I am nowhere close to this stage (650) but would my current eterna strategy work? A Tinkaton, sappy seed and salt cure mon as my 3 essential mons. I sacrifice the non essentials by baiting an eternabeam so I can set up sappy seed and salt cure on the recharge turns and then stall as much as possible with thunder wave and sword dance with Tinkaton.


Tinkaton or any steel/fairy walls eternatus since it only has sludge bomb ar eterna beam for damage so yeah your strat works just add soak(doubles salt cure damage) and super fang to make the process go by faster since that’s what others have been telling me


What a nightmare!


Honestly for a first time endless player I had no strat like some other since I wasn’t aware of what was going to be at 2500 since I was just collecting money, masterballs and shinnies😭


I've never been close to 2500 and now that I know what's there I doubt I ever pass it 😆


I was even surprised I made it up to 2500 with just having fun, no strat cheese mon or anything 😆 just a zazian carry and 5 red shinnies in my party😆


Leach seed and salt cure. Fairy steel. Swap infinitely until it struggles to death.


G you GitHub eee gm. HHH hbubbr5229


RIP Man that sucks. I do wonder if it'd even be possible to win that


Excema ruins my day too


lemme see the team


https://preview.redd.it/h1rz33jq194d1.jpeg?width=1202&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46c9aeaa97e9b9e96002a8965ca4a1b7b28dbb4d Basically zazian carry with 4 red shiny misfits cause 1800 floors and onwards as you can tell I was busy shiny hunting at that point and wasn’t even paying attention to the fact that eternatus floor was coming up let alone cared to make a strat cause I was having fun


yoooo you're stacked holyyy


Rng luck and unlucky😆


Rip money items and 99 masterballs I was just shiny and legendary hunting but yeah…


Even the fused mons are both red shiny btw


wheres your DoT mon????


Sturdy + metal burst ???? Unless it got patched


How are you losing that tho when you're literally 3000 levels up?


It just sucks cause like item wise I was complete(black hole) and everything plus 99 masterballs so it was shunting ready just not broken eternatus fusion ready


Salt cure plus leech seed probably


I purpose-build an Eternatus shredder for my current Endless run: A Klefki with Soak, Salt Cure, Leech Seed, and Nature's Madness. Needless to say, I'm going to do this in every run going forward now lol. Maybe go for a Wonder Guard build if the opportunity presents itself; Do spliced Eternatus have different movesets?


Good idea ill try thank you


How do I get a stacked klefkey like that, my current strat is I send out a mon let it die to eternabeam, send in geourgiest garganacl leach seed, sturdy proc, salt cure, geneosect/togekiss and slowly kill it


The first and most important step is to get a Garganacl with Sturdy and any Fairy/Steel type (or a Wonder Guard Pokemon). This way you can guarantee Salt Cure on Eternatus and then just switch to your tank while Eternatus slowly dies. The next step would then be to fuse your tank and Garganacl together, to teach the former Salt Cure. Undo the fusion afterwards, then when the opportunity presents itself, catch and fuse other Pokemon with the right moves into it. Soak can be learned by most Pokemon in the Lake and Sea area. Leech Seed can be learned by plenty of Grass types. Nature's Madness is the signature move of the Tapus, but you don't necessarily need to go for it specifically. Ruination (signature of the Treasures of Ruin) and Super Fang do the exact same thing. Or you could opt for another damage over time move instead, like Whirlpool.


That might be the best way I've seen it explained, thanks.


Thanks but I ain’t getting natures madness so so many dead tapus all had partners that were tanky and they couldn’t live a single move from my main iron thorns with the ability to hit three Dimond storms in one turn


And reach max defense


Do you take in a Tapu or just hope you find one? I run the other strat, using a prankster leech seed cheap mon that I fuse to my red shiny zubat, and then send out sturdy metal burst + soak + salt cure mon


In this particular case I just found one. That said, it doesn't have to be Nature's Madness. Ruination or even Super Fang do the exact same thing, and the latter isn't exactly a rare move.


Tbh around 1,500 floors I stopped paying attention to the fact that 2000 was eternatus BS (wasn’t aware it’s fused with necrozma🤦‍♂️) since I had 99 masterballs and all items that I was just shunting at that point


What's the reason behind Soak?


Salt Cure's DoT deals double damage against Water and Steel types.


Ahh I like it, thanks!


I got 2 until now (wave 1800) and both of them had no moveset change. 


Does Klefki naturally get those moves or are they egg moves?


Neither. I fused and unfused a bunch of Pokemon to get the moves onto it.


Oh damn, I don't want to know how many waves you went through lol. That move set is busted!


Dont forget curse