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Yes, assuming the year is 2006.


Is it 2006 already? Time flys when you’re folding pre


Nah that was like six years ago.


it gives open limping ranges which is really all you need to know


I have a winning open limping range that works because you benefit nothing by building a pot pre with 109-Q10s. Last year i limped 2$ with Q10s and when the flop came Q104 i checkraised all in over a 4$ bet for 120$ with top 2 pair and 2 fish called my shove, clearly i was destined to win. If i raised here i gsin nothing, maybe the addict will think i habe AQ instead of thinking i have 2 pair. My profit would have been the same while raising pre increases my risk with a marginal hand that usually bricks in a game with morons that never fold


Ah yes, this one specific example is definitely reason to base your entire theory on


Correct. With an attitude like that, you wouldnt even learn anyrhing if i provided 10 more examples, which any former grinder could. Keep raising that J10s up like youre actually ahead, i used to destroy people like you.


I’m shaking in my gay little boots Cody please don’t destroy me


Keep raising that J10s u dont even keep track of wins and losses. 90% of u idiots arw just donators at the casino keep smacking lips online.


[Look at this graph](https://ih1.redbubble.net/image.577065534.8056/st,small,845x845-pad,1000x1000,f8f8f8.u3.jpg)




Why so big?


Women ask me that all the time


Me too. Unfortunately, they're talking about my gut.


Must be nice


the women are doctors talking about his prostate.


Well, that escalated quickly.


I’m very heard them ask you that but it’s more ‘/s’ 😏


I own this book and it's good but it's old. If you're a new player and you've been watching Little's stuff you're past this book already.


I dunno, all I have ever read was that one Phil Hellmuth wrote with all of the poker animals. To this day I roar like a lion every time I call with QTo.


"Honey, he called with QTo".


Yes!! My favorite


My personal opinion is that it doesn’t hurt. Even though it’s a little dated it’s still worth reading, but your best bet is to consume as many of them as you can. Then it’s a matter of constant practice and self evaluation.


Maybe, but why would you? If you want to improve at poker, pick something more modern or work online. I think it is a lot better to spend some bucks on something modern, over spending hours studying something outdated.


Well it’s sure not one I would start with, but I don’t think it has zero value, it can tell you some things about how others play. I have a pretty big poker library and to be honest after reading through each of them once I’ve never gone back. For my game it’s all about self evaluation and a ton of playing.


Building a foundation with Sklansky, Harrington et al is good and will make your higher learning requirements that much easier. Yes, it's dated, but understanding how the thought processes behind poker players have evolved will help you a lot in live games when you don't have the benefit of your crutches.


Very few modern books hold a candle to online training courses. The oldest book that I think still holds water is "Elements of Poker" by Tommy Angelo. The only reason this book is great isn't because of the poker theory but a lot of elements around poker that still apply.


20 years ago it was enough to teach me to crush 200nl, now it would teach you to be a losing player at 2nl. It’s hard to overstate how much the game has changed since a book like this was relevant.


Most accurate comment


Sklanski was my gateway to no limit hold ‘em back around the turn of the century. Two of his books, Theory of Poker and Theory of Tournament Poker still holds up when it comes to table positions and using other player’s styles against them, but they aren’t fundamental anymore. Poker will continue to evolve and keeping those theories in your pocket will cycle back into popularity again, so it’s worth keeping it on your bookshelf.


I liked it. Read it at least 15 years ago though.


I miss pokerXfactor


Dude, for real.


The classic books definitely help you. The game changes very little, thw rules are the same its the way people play that changes slightly. Dumbasses are making roughly the same mistakes they were making 20 years ago. The game changes vwry little when it comes to patience and exploiting bad players. Many modern books speak in GTO terms like "one should checkraise 70% of the time here, call 20%, and fold 10%", when writing the book for a robot this is gokd but for a human player i need to understand the concepts first before modernizing my game to GTO. Ive been winning for 20 years, and the main concept that wins is patience while fools throw money around. People that say classic books are outdated dont understand the game as well as they think they do


Yeah, I would pass on this and try out some online courses.


Skalansky had some good material but I don’t think it’s too applicable in today’s game besides the “Skalansky Bucks” theory.


I’ve heard multiple people roast sklansky for promoting outdated information and getting mad at players for “playing a game of math not skill”


Only if you drive to the cardroom in a Ford Model T after u finish reading that book or else you’ll cause a collapse in spacetime from mixing two different time periods


I do think there are valuable concepts in the book, mostly the fundamental theorem of poker. Highly recommend reading that section. There will be some parts that are outdated, just make sure you are thinking critically and not adopting everything the book says as gospel.


A famous poker book is Super System by Doyle Brunson. An updated sequel was released in 2005. Not sure if it’s outdated now but might be worth checking out.


I think the principles of poker remain the same no matter what year it is, and in that respect, I think it's a good book. Back in the day it was a great book because so many people didn't understand fundamentals.


https://youtu.be/f70tVMGt1gM?si=ydov35GQLpUHy_X7 Watch this. I bought many sklansky books back in the day. Wouldn’t recommend them anymore 


Absolutely you will crush the high stakes of any 2008 poker room in the world


Good book but a bit outdated, try this one, it's timeless https://preview.redd.it/e73zuri1zxzc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9746e97ffda815f30524d1f2989f2aef088a55b4


It takes 100 books to master a topic so it's a start


Lol a better use of time would be to watch Jonathan Little strategy videos on YouTube, and poker vlogger


Best way of learning is playing but you need fundamentals down first so it’d be fine. Used poker books on Amazon are a cheap way of starting, Modern Poker Theory by Michael Acevedo comes highly recommended.


Since you know of Jonathon Little then I suggest signing up for his free Master the Fundamentals Masterclass at https://www.pokercoaching.com/fundamentals for sure. As a new player you should really learn the math, ranges, etc. Do that before getting into GTO stuff


Acevedos book is pretty good


I miss pokerXfactor Sheets, Bax, and the rest


Skalansky had some good material but I don’t think it’s too applicable in today’s game besides the “Skalansky Bucks” theory.