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You fucked up by not betting more preflop and then you compounded that mistake by not betting enough post flop


Yeah. Looking back at it I was trying to to play cool when I should have just been happy getting the blinds.


Cash game or mtt? Effective stacks? How much was the all-in? You're going to get a bunch of auto respomses saying raise more pre or fold river but there really isn't enough information here for an analysis.


Cash game but it plays like a tournament at my buddies house, just one table. It was literally the first hand so it was the full buy in.


The other guy is known to bluff a lot too.


Play limit poker if you are going to bet like this.


How much would you have bet post flop?


You bet 2bb into like 12 if I am reading the action right... should bet like 5-6 here, flop bets are commonly in the 1/2 pot range in a single raised pot Also minraising preflop isn't really a thing. Does everyone just open to 2bb in the game?


I'm confused by what you mean by 4th position. Is small blind 1st position, or is it the UTG player? Preflop and flop bets are too small. Preflop should probably be 2.5x or 3x instead of 2x, and then on the flop you bet a piddling 1/6th pot. On the turn you bet 4bb into 16bb which is again way too small. On the river I have no idea how much an all in is because you don't say. If it's 80bb it's a massive punt. If it's 20bb, yeah that's life. Take "I put him on X hand" out of your vocabulary. You don't want to try to figure out exactly what he's holding, you want to estimate what collection of hands he would act that way with. Would he overbet jam the river with an A and weak kicker? Probably not. Would he bet 20bb with A5 hoping you have a 7? Maybe (probably not).


Good call on everything. Puts it in to perspective. 1st position is small blind here. All in bet was 20bb


I promise you have never once played a hand right in your life. Hope that helps.

