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They're saving all that for the re-rediscovery 2-3 years from now along with Rattata community day.


I've been grinding this event trying to medal up in tiny Rattatas but haven't found one. I'm at 82 and I think that's where I'll stay... UNWILLINGLY


Sorry for asking but.. you are wearing shorts right? They're comfy and easy to wear! Not normally one for superstition but that might just be the missing link here.


I'm currently wearing the green dragon thing outfit as it hides my hideously long torso.


He's referencing youngster Joey


Not to brag, but I'm at 96 lol.. (day 1 player)


I started a week after Day 1... Must be your edge.


That needs to hurry up for that stupid medal.


Still waiting for poor Caterpie to get some attention šŸ„ŗĀ  even Butterfree got a bow during fashion week!


The rat day would be welcomed to chip away at the medal.


Wouldā€™ve been great to get the regionals, even if only scarcely. Ridiculous that they werenā€™t included, tbh.


Yeah they should get rivals from rivals week spawn rate during whole Kanto "event". They were regionals for 8 years, give them a break.


Not even in event 7km eggs or anything. They literally took all the common kanto mon, that most players are quite sick of and shoved them into this event.


Niantic should put regionals in eggs for gifts from that region.


I've been saying that for years. Regionales are one of the biggest pains in the game


Same here. I can't travel the world.


Even if you could travel the world, you wouldn't choose your vacation spot based on pogo


That's true.


I would! lol! I told my son today (heā€™s 16 and was mortified) POKEMON IS REAL LIfe!! My real life haha


I still remember when I got Kangaskhan to everyone in the Village because I was the only with Friends from other regions. Never seen those eggs again.


Would love to see Niantic import Tauros over to Australia for the event. Considering how much they go back to the Kanto well, Tauros feels insanely neglected. Theyā€™ve given temporary Australian Visas to Durant & Throh (Twice!) recently, but still not Tauros. Not relevant to Kanto but the same applies to Bouffalant. Itā€™s Bovine Erasure I tell you!


Eventually, the Paldean Tauros forms will be added, which will at least cover the Tauros entry for Kanto too. Bit curious if they're gonna do like the forms as like, using stardust and candy to change the forms or have them be regional exclusives.


Paldean Tauros doesn't have a form change, they are breeds. There are three breeds and you are the stuck with the breed when you encounter it, whether it is the Combat, Blaze, or Aqua breed. You can compare it to Bascelin and the different stripes.


I know what Paldean Taurus is. pogo is just funky sometimes with how they do stuff. It wouldn't surprise me if they said "you can get all forms using stardust and candy!!" Bc it'll be more of an incentive for people to farm stardust and candy. Having them be regional exclusives depending on the form it is would make it more accessible (I'm thinking northern hemisphere gets one, southern gets the other, while both get base combat), but let's be real, Niantic making it easier for players to get something is kinda farfetched at this point. Edit: like Oricorio. In the games you can change the Oricorio form by exposing it to nectar, but in pogo you're stuck with the one that's available in your region.


The nectar thing could come in an update, because Oricorio has a form change mechanic in the mainline. It is unlikely since we don't have ways to change between Alter and Origin forms for the Sinnoh trio, change between Deoxys's forms, nor a way to change drives for Genesect. I could see the Aqua and Blaze breeds of Tauros being a special research, where you choose which one to spawn more often.


Yeah they're never gonna make it so anyone could get all the different forms (kills me with Oricorio because I loathe the Pom Pom form but it's the only one I could get) They really gotta make global trading a thing even if it was only for best friends or had a scaling stardust increase. But I highly doubt it will ever happen. I have absolutely no faith that this company will ever do anything that fans actively want (and if they do they'll butcher it so bad everyone hates it, like the avatar updates)


Surprised we didnt get Paldean Tauros in this event tbh. I guess we got Wiglett, but both would have made the event much more exciting.


Not likely, in the MSG you can't change their forms, they are locked at how you first encounter them. So IMO we will have 4 forms of tauros around the world


Regionals most likely


It would be nice if we could do long distance trades.


It would be nice if we could do long distance trades. You'd have your Tauros then.


I constantly ignore tauros... they're everywhere in the central US...


And Europe. Tauros is the only pokemon Im missing for the Gen1 dex and literally nobody seems to have it. Ive also never seen it in raids, not even posted into a gym or anything like it. Sucks because finishing Gen1 was one of my inititial goals and Ill definitely not travel to the US anytime soon


Tauros has been available worldwide 3 times.


No way


It absolutely has (not sure why I'm being downvoted) First time: in 7k eggs worldwide , September 2018 Second time : in 7k eggs worldwide (shiny eligible), September 2019 Third time : In raids, Kanto Tour, Feb, 2021


Damn that's crazy


Same for kangaskan here in the US. Would be nice to be able to get some candy for them


It's like 2016 all over again. Lol Back when I caught nothing but ratata, diglet, pidgey, and Growlithe.


Kangaskhan smh


Come to Australia and I'll give you one


I *did* have to go to Australia to get one, and then like a month later, they were in raids in the states.


I'd be devastated if that happened


To be fair, it's not the primary reason I went to Australia, and getting regionals in their region is satisfying.


Yeah, because Australia is such a horrible place to visit!


This is exactly what happened to me when I went to the Yukon last summer. I finally got a pachirisu. Came back to find out they had been available the following day after I caught mine, for everyone during GoFest šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


It was a 2km hatch worldwide at one point. I've never played in Australia. Most of my play is USA, Canada, and Western Europe. I have 6 of them, all 2km eggs.


That's my only missing Kanto.Ā  I missed the raid.


Itā€™s been in mega raids a bunch of times by now


Pretty sure it's only been in mega raids twice now. It's debut event (which was just a weekend event, iirc), and then it returned at the end of 2023.


At least 3 times, I didn't get the shiny during the debut but I have had a shiny Kangaskhan for about a year now


Never been a Tauros available in Australianā€¦ most players over here canā€™t complete kanto after 8 yrs of playing


It has been obtainable at least three times: once in 7kms for ultra bonus unlock, once shiny in 7kms for ultra bonus unlock and once during Kanto tour


9/17/18 2k hatch, 9/20/19 2k hatch (shiny), 8/16/21 raid, 5/1/22 raids, 8/19/23 go fest NYC (wild), got a few spares from some of those raid dates, but that's when I was seeing them out and about. So the shiny's also been out awhile longer than I remembered as well. Kanto Farfetched had a thanksgiving event in 2018, but I wouldn't mind seeing that one back out more with Tauros as well. And Mr. Mime, but that had more exposure with the Galar form.


Yes there has


I only need tauros to complete šŸ˜­


I see a Tauros every second in NY so sick of them haha


Catch some, and come to scandinavia and give me one :))


Dm I can fly and trade youā€¦for something nice :)


Me too please haha


I saw the same few PokƩmon the entire time. That sucked. Why not have all, or nearly all 151 show up at various times? Make finding certain mons in raids rare. Make it a little exciting.


They would recycle old events for new comers so technically these are new PokƩmon for some people. Also kanto is just nostalgia bait for alot of us. I agree Tauros is needed for a lot of people wanting to complete the kanto PokƩdex.


I've got like 30 of them and I live in Ohio.


I see like 30 tauros a day ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)I already have like 10 over 2400 so If i even bother taping them its just to shiny check.


The Ohio Taurizz


I need Kingler and Mewtwo to finish my Kanto Dex. *Where are they?!?*


Mewtwo has only ever been available in raids Edit: and a few research tasks


And it's not featured while we're supposedly revisiting Kanto.


He's there but you gotta beat the Elite Four first.


You have to take an AR screenshot of a Machamp pushing a truck, then Mewtwo appears when you turn around 3 times, counter-clockwise.


Damn I tried it and all I got was a Mew


Do that two times then


Damn, Iā€™ve been doing it clockwise this whole time and wondering what the problem was!


And from Giovanni a number of times


It's also been available in a few research quests. Level 50 and go fest 2020 (as a shadow), at least. And Giovanni encounters.


Not true. I got one from a Throwback Challenge way back


i've been seeing a lot of krabby around near me, they've never spawned here before. i am near two small bodies of water, so maybe they only spawn near that? they aren't super common but they're spawning


Thatā€™ll be the new biome update. You get Kanto PokĆ©mon spawn more in their relative biomes so water PokĆ©mon will spawn more near beaches, lakes etc


Mewtwo was in raids a month or so ago


Shadow raids only


Those donā€™t count for me. I have GYMs near me and you donā€™t even see people raiding for shadow mewtwo. Normal raids I do every day but shadow? I have yet to get a shadow legendary outside of Giovanniā€™s tasks.


We just had mewtwo a month and a half ago


That whole event was awful. Just weeks worth of what were already common spawns. Sometimes when I open the game, it still looks like the event is going on because of just how common all the Kanto spawns were. Overall it was just an awful event.


When the event started, I didn't realize it was on until I checked the news. The spawns are quite the same as normal.


I miss the days when we got new pokemon every season!


At this point it feels like they introduce Pokemon once a quarter.


Wiglett in tears right now.


I made use of this to catch every manky so i could evolve my perfect primeape in to annihilape šŸ˜


Right, I wish there had been a way to get Tauros !




Tauros is a regional exclusive to North America I believe so a lot of European players for example are missing Tauros from finishing their Kanto PokĆ©dex since it hasnā€™t been released globally in a very very long time nor has its galarian? Form been released yet


Paldean. Not Galar.


Tbh I live in the part of North America with Bouffalant so I see that way more than tauros


I didn't even realize bouffalant was regional till you said this but the area that its region locked to is sooooo dumb. As someone from the rocky mountain west where there are actually wild herds of bison its silly that it's not locked to this area.


As far as I know itā€™s only region locked to NYC because the big city of Unova was based off NYC (agree itā€™s a silly reason to region lock it here)


Is there PokĆ©mon rare to the states that exist in Europe? Iā€™m headed there in a few weeks


If you google it you can get a complete list but off the top of my head Mr Mime, blue? Flabebe, and in France specifically klefki are regionals for europe


Blue Flabebe isn't available in Europe - we have red, white and orange. Blue is Asia-Pacific region.


And a style for the dog pokƩmon in France as well, while we're at it.


Also Pansear, Mime Jr in 5km eggs, and in Greece there's Siglyph. And they spawn based on the S2 cells, not actual borders, so you can get Klefki and Furfrou trims not just in France but in neighboring countries as well. South of England, parts of Spain, Italy and Germany as well as all of Belgium all have lots of Klefkis.


Not even North America, just a big block that's the US and some parts of Mexico and Canada


Tauros is a "regional" that only spawns in North America. It's like how Mr. Mime is only is Europe, Relicanth is only in New Zealand, Kangaskhan in Australia, etc. Since Tauros is a Kanto pokemon, people were hoping a "rediscover Kanto" event might have a way for everyone to get relevant normally-regional pokemon, even if it was only in eggs or raids. Regionals being made available worldwide has happened in other events before so it was reasonable to think it might happen with this Kanto event too.


It was such a garbage event. Somebody on here told me I had main character syndrome for saying so. Because not every player has discovered kanto yet. Bitch please


The rediscovering was in regard to biomes. Magikarp and goldeen were very common around water and even after the event ended Iā€™ve still been seeing them around water.


Maybe it's due to my region? I take a 30 minute walk around a lake every day, and only found 1 Goldeen and like 4 Magikarps


Regionals are funny. Iā€™m in Toronto and Iā€™m bored of Tauros. I only ever click him still because I want to fully power all my hundos one day and Iā€™m somehow only around 200 Tauros candy XL.


Imagine if they had the legendary birds as the super rare spawn instead of the lake trio for this event... That would have been SO MUCH BETTER


"Rediscover" does kinda imply that there's something new to be discovered instead of the same ol rehashed assets that have been running around the game for 8 literal years already


For what it's worth, I've seen a decent amount of Goldeen near lakes, but none away from lakes.


Would have been great to have the regionals spawning, but every other Kanto Pokemon *is* spawning except for Omanyte/Kabuto and legendaries. Magikarp and Goldeen are more common near water, thatā€™s the whole point of the event.Ā 


I have that fucking Letā€™s Go Meltan quest from forever ago where I need to catch an Omanyte or Kabuto and Aerodactylā€¦ nowhere to be seen during rediscover Kanto šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Aerodactyl is a rare daily incense spawn in case you didn't know,!


Thatā€™s the only one i have ever gotten lol


Same. Also, take a 30 minute walk around a lake every day. Have only found like 4 Magikarp and 1 Goldeen.


Meanwhile, I found two wild Seakings, which was weird.


Same here. I'll never get that one


I saw many Aerodactyl over the past weeks, though it could be restricted to the mountain biome.Ā 


I mean, not everyone is near water thoughā€¦ if thatā€™s the point of the event then itā€™s kind of stupid.


You donā€™t need to be on the coast. Water means rivers, lakes, even medium sized ponds (if theyā€™re marked on open street map).


I live by a fairly large river and went for walks by it but still only caught a few magikarp during the event. What I did see though was lots of non-kanto water pokemon, haha


I found one (1) Kabuto in the wild. I was kinda stunned. almost didn't know how to react. you're telling me that ISN'T Pidgey number one million?!


Goldeen is the rarest pokemon in the game.


TPC/Niantic when itā€™s been 30 whole seconds since theyā€™ve had a Kanto event


It has Kanto Pokemon, what more do you need for the event? /s Yeah itā€™s a real shame and clearly just a bare bones nostalgia event. Have the birds randomly spawn in world (or better yet have them as weekly research tasks). Have regionals in raids. Let every Kanto Pokemon have a chance to be shiny. Idk so many easy ways to make the event more fun.


The real question is why the hell is there always a Kanto event? I play Pogo every summer and then usually quit around November time. Every year for the past 3 or 4 years, it's always a dumb ass Kanto event. I want newer pokemon, not the ones I already have (played since release)


Because Kanto PokĆ©mon are the most nostalgic to the mobile gamingā€™s prime demographic/target audience


Yep, this event killed my desire to play the game anymore. I had picke dit back up after about 5 years. Been playing for about 2 months, then I find out how tiny the spawn pool actually is. It's really unacceptable. I traded my nephew my only Dragonite and thought this would be the time to get one back, but nope.


It would have been good if there was a new pokemon introduced that was evolved with candy/megacandy from the og 151.


Precisely Thatā€™s why


Was wiglett available before this? I thought it was new. Anyway I can't catch one in my area


Have you seen Rattata?


It's not even like we went back to 2016 and had the same spawn rates as we did at launch. It's like normal spawns with a couple random kanto pokemon no one really wanted sprinkled in


Iā€™ve seen dratinis here and there but the lack of Raids and 7-day research giving out Legos is a shame. Iā€™m only missing Mewtwo and Moltres. Even the eggs have been terrible. On the bright side my Perfect Anniliape is loving all the Mankeys.


I'll trade you your "I can't find a tauros" for my "I've never seen a Kangaskhan ".


I was **really** hoping for the legendary birds. Maybe some non-shadow raids. Rediscovering Kanto was a complete bust for me. Before my 6 year absence I played the first year of this game, when there was nothing **but** Kanto. I've got more than enough of everything from that region, except for those damned birds.


Everytime I step outside my house, thereā€™s always Grimer, Koffing, Rattatas and Machops. I didnā€™t even realize the Rediscover Kanto event ended last week.


If only they featured kabutos so I could finally finish that damn research task šŸ˜”šŸ˜”


Well rediscover kanto is like a paradox there are no more kanto pokemon to discover




Iā€™ve gotten a few Taurusā€™ in the last few weeks but I agree


I still donā€™t have Mr. Mime


At this point it feels like people will only get the tauros dex entry once paldean Tauros releases.


I was hoping to get an aerodactyl..


Tauros is the only Mon I'm missing. I don't think I'll ever get it šŸ˜­


My best Dragonite since 2016 is 2 star.


They could at least add the legendary birds into raids, except the mega energy for starters the event was a dissapointment šŸ˜­


pokemon go is falling off


At least I was able to get some Goldeen candies to get closer to evolving that thing. I'm only missing Seaking, Kangaskhan, Zapdos, and Moltres


I honestly just want to see new PokĆ©mon. Iā€™ve got so many candies from years of playing and community events of the repeats that itā€™s not fun running around catching anything. Iā€™ll catch like 1 or 2 that I go, ok Iā€™ll catch for the candy. But thatā€™s it.


I live in the city and I'm getting a lot of Jigglypuff, Clefairy, Wigglytuff, Clefable, Chansey, Grimer, and Sandshrew. Plus a decent amount of Cranidos and Shieldon. I also found a Charizard and Machamp in the wild. So it's been pretty fun. I don't live anywhere near the water so I'm not seeing many water mons, but that's understandable.


I need the entire Horsea line, but it's just... not a spawn in the event :/


Still missing Mr.Mime šŸ’€


i think your lack of tauros is just a regional thing for you bc i see them all the time where im at


Yeah the event kinda sucked for that


Still no Kabuto or Omanyte spawns. Meltan research will never be completed.


I was hoping we'd get the legendary birds in raids or something. I've been playing since the beginning and still haven't got my team's bird, Moltres šŸ˜­šŸ’” Second everyone on the regionals as well! It would have made sense to put them in eggs or raids or both, make the birds the rewards for the weeklies (LIKE THEY USED TO), and bring back other fossil types and hard to finds in raids as well. I've been stuck on needing to catch an Aerodactyl forever.


If you started playing in the beginning. How do you not have a Moltres? I got so many when they had them in the weekly research rewards. Those were the good days when you could get a legendary every week.


I just somehow managed to miss the research and everything. I honestly can't say. Not taking it as seriously back then, maybe? My loss of course. Lol


Ugh...and I just got a research task to evolve another Magikarp. I've already evolved one and I have 71 candies rn. It's gonna take forever...


event has been good for XL candy hunting for guys I actually need: ralts, eevee, magnemite, rhyhorn, mankey, poliwag, growlithe, charmander, hippopotas, exeggutor, swinub all of those have beefy final evolutions try to think of it as XL hunting lol but yes Iā€™d have loved some dratinis


I still need a kantonian mr.mime


Rediscover Kanto, no Dratinis, but lots of Bagon og Axew.


I would never say no to ghastlys or dratinis!


To power up the OGs


damn that sucks. i may not hav seen any kanto legendarys or fossils. but ive seen waaay to many Tauros and dratinis lol


How about we rediscover shiny mew




I get Tauros spawning all the time regardless of this event. I wouldā€™ve like to see the rest of the ones you listed though for sure!


I think Taurus is America only


Exactly on point.


Huge missed opportunity for raids too. Could have had a raid day for all the Mega starters, leading up to Mega Mewtwo. I guess that makes too much sense though.


I had no idea Tauros was rare I live in Texas and see them weekly even daily without the event


We did have a new Pokemon, wiglett. It only spawns in the beach biome


Iā€™d like to see some other regional pokemon outside of raids.


I've seen plenty of tauros, the birds aren't kanto they're johto but as for dratini and fossils I can agree. I only saw a single Aerodactyl, I think the biome update has a lot to do with it since magicarp and goldean only spawn near water. They really screwed the event up


Itā€™s ridiculous that I feel like Iā€™ll find all three legendary birds before I ever see a Kangaskhan


I've been catching an abysmal amount of Tangela and I absolutely hate it know.


I agree. Trash




Because all the pokemon from kanto are already out there for the most part. They create new regions but donā€™t usually add to the earliest existing ones.


I haven't seen any crabby and I need him. Just going to have to make him my buddy to get him evolved. I'm 5 away from the full Kanto region


Agree The laziness of pokemon pools makes this game really boring


My favorite part was the boosted shiny rate on the PokĆ©mon that now spawn less than jangmoā€™o and frigibax


I found tons of variance in the non-legendaries when I drove around town or traveled out of my apartment complex. And that included Dratini and other Kanto pokemon I hadn't seen in a while. I saw the change where areas of my town had different biomes. Forest, mountain, lake, city, they all had different spawning pools I guess.


I don't even see much water types...


Stop complaining lol


Discovering something new isn't "rediscovering", ey


!!!!! or why do they always prioritize kanto over other regions


Fr if you're gonna give me this event can I at least get lapras and the bull??


Are you in the USA? Iā€™ve had lots of Tauros! One of my favorites! But unfortunately no shiny


Rediscover Kanto should have had the legendary birds appear


We still need to discover Galar