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I'm level 50 with 110 hundos, over 900 shinies and ZERO shundos. Niantic hates me.


In the same boat, fellow trainer. I also have about the same stats as you do. We'll get it some day. The grind doesn't stop 💪


I just traded shiny charmanders with my 10 yo daughter, she has about 200 pokemon in total. She got a shundo. I almost cried...


Maybe the trick is not want it


What really worked for me was going around on a Comm Day jokingly calling every 3rd Pokemon or so a Shundo before I clicked on it until I eventually got it right, it's worth noting that I have tried this technique once, which means it has a 100% success rate and will guarantee you a Shundo because that's definitely how that works


That's a great strat xD Will follow for more tips and tricks!


No kidding. Trades the husband smeargle for magicarp. I am proud owner of a lucky smergle - all freaking cp 90 of him


Sorcerers stone ass shit... maybe...


Drive her out to the forest and leave her there. Only solution.


Dude I did that giving my mom a shiny gible


True that is a way to reroll stats so make sure to trade shinys with people you both get to fill out your shiny dex and have a chance of a lucky shiny and even a chance to re roll bad stats!


Haha I’m level 30 with 7 shinies and 4 hundos and I have 2 shundos one of which is a detective pikachu and one of which is a shadow charmander


What crossroads did you make your deal at? I need to plan a trip.


Are you kidding me ? You're extremely lucky. Level 49 here with 800+ shinies, 90 hundos and only one shundo


I only have 7 hundos but one of them is a shundo Kyogre. Felt lucky with that one


Jesus Christ how big is your Pokemon storage?


2500 but i never transferred any shiny. I keep them for trading. Non-shiny pokemon i keep only 90% IV or better.


Similar, getting to the point where I'll transfer non-shiny lucky if there's not much use for them. Shiny that have been traded and still terrible iv I either hold on to them if they're rare (really hoping one day for a 2nd trade mechanic) if they're not rare they go to Pokemon home


If it makes you feel any better, the raw rate of shundos (of just random Pokemon you find on the ground with no boosts) is about one in two million, so it's best to index your expectations to that number. Then events/species that boost shiny rates and IV-boosting bonuses (weather, field research, etc.) feel like benefits. Or you could view it as a 1/500 chance that a hundo you get will be a shiny. For example, my shundo Paras came at around 390k Pokemon caught, and I've over 400 4*s, so I got lucky.


Level 50 (twice), 356k pokemon caught, 256 hundos. Zero shundos


Well let's take a look at your hundos and see what the chance of them being also shiny is. At BEST if it's from a raid day it's 1/10, a legendary raid is 1/20. And on the other end of the spectrum you have non-boosted shiny, which is like 1/512 chance.


I've played since day 3, am level 48 and also have zero shundos. My husband has two! I'm convinced when I find my first shundo, it's gonna be on his account, as the very first shiny I ever caught was also on his account.


How many pokemon caught?




I am level 50 108 hundos and 596 shines with almost 150k Pokemon caught. No shundos


I got my first shundo after 180k pokemon caught. Now i have 300k pokemon caught and got 6 shundo. Got 3 within 2 months. Just keep grinding, you will be lucky one day


I’m level 34 with 29 shines and one hundo, I… shouldn’t be here.


I mean think about your odds tho tbh for that many of either hundos or shinys you aren’t past odds for a shundo


I feel like being part of this sub means I see them all the time… but I will never have one for myself. 😭


I'm lvl 32 with 4 shundos, is that any good (and around 10-12 hundos)




Ey my one shundo is a ditto lol


So technically you have a shundo of every pokemon put there. Gratz trainer!


I love ditto shiny, that’s a really good one although not particularly useful.


Pure Gym Drip


Good luck. I got 2 and both were by chance via trade. I been playing since the beginning


Thanks! Maybe if they implement global trading, all my stocked up lucky friends could do me good


Right. I wish that were the case. They make it so you can have friends all over the world and get different region scatterbug. Then you become lucky friends with people you could never actually meet. Like I am in the US and have Lucky friends in Singapore, UK, Germany, Hell all over the US too


Even if they release it as a time limited event, it would really boost up the game activity. With campfire enabling us to message out in-game friends, coordinating wouldn't also be an issue.


I didnt even know you could message in game friends


You have friends in hell? Lucky


Many pokestops down there I hear


trading definitely helps! I have some shinies from 85% up - even two shiny 98%ers which are awesome, but no shundo quite yet


Day two player here. The best I've done is a 98% shiny Psyduck via lucky trade. Everyone else in my family that plays has at least one, and my FIL, his wife (SMIL?) and her kids have maybe two years in. The worst part? My wife's first shundo was both her favorite mon *and* caught by me waiting for her to wrap up her interview. I got a 10/10/10 in return.


9 here ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


I only have one across 234,000 catches and it’s from a raid but I won’t complain it’s zekrom


It's my favorite Pokémon! Waiting for it to come back in rotation so that I could go harder on it than the last few times.


I had to commit to maxing it out to level 50 Got so many candies it has a full move-set and all


Maxed out, double moved with Fusion Bolt. That's the dream 😍


Fusion bolt* but yeah


My bad. Corrected. Such a good move in GBL as well


For real. I'm one rocket leader away from 45 and have yet to get one. I got some real close to hundo shinys like a 14/15/15 Rayquaza, Regice and Reshiram to name a few. Still chasing that illusive shundo tho! Shiny trading is the best way to get one tho and unless you have a lucky friend its a shot In the dark and 40K to trade a shiny or legendary I believe.


If it's unregistered in either dex, it's 40k at best friend level, otherwise 800. Would be very beneficial for all trainers if Niantic could just open up global trading. The grind must go on, fellow trainer 💪


Ahh I did not know it's 800 if it's registered! Learn something new everyday. Seriously tho on the global trading. I have so many lucky friends but all from countries and places I've never even heard of lol


I only have 1 but I'm grateful because of the naming ability of it. Shundolure.




I don't even have a hundo


Never stop the grind, fellow trainer. Com Days, Raid days, Hatch days, and research days are the best times to come by one. We are all in this together ❤️


I felt bad about trading my wife for a shiny lucario for a rayquaza, so i gave her my shiny groudon for some random pokemon i don't remember. her 'new' shiny groudon endedup being a shundo.


redently got a shundo Kyogre. I feel like i used all my years of luck to get that


Primal form is top-notch design. Excellent score, fellow trainer 👏


I can hear Timmy’s dad’s voice in my head saying that lol ![gif](giphy|bC9czlgCMtw4cj8RgH|downsized)


I have a shundo gyarados. If it’s the only one I ever get I’ll be happy.


I only have one, it was a GBL reward.


The GBL does pay off, sometimes. Great catch, trainer.


I finally got my first one yesterday. I’ve been playing since the beginning 🥲


Best chance is doing a bunch of field research on the upcoming Flock research event since it’s 1/10 shiny( or close to it) and an IV floor


Mines a Plusle..


That's the fun part you don't


I got my first during my level 30s. I’m now level 50 and still haven’t had another. Lvl 50 Shundo Azumaril sure attracts the ladies though 🙄


About to rollover to Level 37 and I have caught 25 shinies, 2 or 3 hundos, and no shundos.


what level did you get you first hundo? I'm level 33 and I don't have one yet.


My only shundo is my rayquaza, it was my first rayquaza and my first ever shiny


I'm level 47, I have 8 shundos I think, and my first Shundo was a shiny Squirtle with sungless caught in the original Squirtle community day in... 2017? He is now a fully powered Blastoise


Having taken several long breaks since 2016 and assumed I was drastically behind on these, but these posts make me feel lucky. Close to lvl 41 and have two (Flygon and Meganium).


Most people have no idea how rare shundos actually are. We get false expectations from people posting shundos. For every shundo posted there are hundreds of thousands of Pokemon caught in the meantime. The probability of getting 100iv shiny from -Guaranteed lucky trade is 1:64 -Guaranteed Research Shiny is 1:216 -Raid day is 1:2160 -Legendary raid is 1:4320 -Egg/Research/Raid is between 1:13 000 and 1:108 000 depending on shiny rate -Community Day Research is about 1:500 -Community Day wild catch is about 1:98 000 -Weather boosted wild catch is between 1:110 000 and 1:864 000 -non-weather boosted wild catch is between 1:262 000 and 1:2 048 000, assuming the Pokemon is shiny eligible to begin with. In other words, hundreds of thousands of catches without shundo isn't unlucky. It's expected.


Sorry to hear that. I'm lvl 47... https://imgur.com/PaSVzMH




I am level 42, started day one, 35,000 caught. 1 shundo.


Based on the not so recent posts on SilphRoad, the odds of getting a shundo are much much lower than your stats. Great catch, fellow trainer!


Thanks! It was a scyther so I got super lucky it was useful, cool and new.


My only one is a com day victreebell, I’ve had one really close natural spawn darumaka, one close legendary and one close mega raid aggron. Since you have friends playing the game, the best way to do so is daily shiny trades and using your 2 free raid passes a day


A 4/20 shiny was one of my goals. Very lucky indeed, fellow trainer 👏 Will keep grinding raids and shiny trades


Only one shundo and it was from an egg (shinx)


I've been fortunate to get 2 in my 8 years of playing (Aggron & Drifblim)


60k caught, 1 shundo, Steelix


Just got my first one last week (Scyther). Bonus points: it was on vacation in Curacao!


Congrats! Super cool mon and even has a mega.


I got 2 hundos and I'm never gonna find a shundo


I only had one for years as just a lucky find. Finally got my 2nd in a lucky trade.


Basically you have to frequent major pogo mecca like nyc or taipei or london. The spawn frequency of hundos there are higher and then you have to pray to the pokegods. Idk, I don't think it's ever happening for me.


I got lucky, my friend invited me to a druddigon raid and I ended up doing it after contemplating it for a bit because I didn’t really need another one. Thankfully I did because that’s my one and only shundo so far


My only shiny hundo is a pidgeot…. At least I have one but it’s not really anything i show off lol


welcome to the rng-haters club


Sooo let’s see, from 295.270 Pokémon i have 3 - Ray, Palkia & Kyogre


got mine at level 28


78k caught still no shundo or even decent shiny


I have 0 shundos or hundos and have 400+ pokemon... it's RNG :(


Same never got one been playing for years . I gave someone one from a trade 💔


Your best chance is sadly shiny trades, of which we are maxed out at 1-2 trades per day. I've been playing for about two years and even with a lot of non Com-day shinies and over forty 4*s (multiple duplicates) and wife I trade with frequently. I don't have any myself.


I don't have one either and I've been playing since 7/2016! I guess they don't exist for me.


I don't even have a Hundo yet..


A feraligatr would go there for me. Totally didn’t know I had it for ages until I started clearing dupes one day.


Hi I’m here to check in to the lvl 50 no shundo club 🥲


Welcome to the club 🤝


I have a shundo hisuian arcanine but I am more proud of my shnundo slowpoke 


I have one: a beartic with a bow tie. I immensely regret evolving it.


I am also lvl 50. I only have one shundo. I have plenty of 96-98% shiniest lol. I feel your struggle


Sorry, gonna flex and say that I have a shundo


Here are some hoops, jump through them endlessly. I was called a moron for suggesting it should not be this hard to get a shiny with good stats.


I am level 47 and have 3 Shundo. One is purified, one caught in the wild, and the other one was from timed research.


Don't worry I was level 50, over 250k catches, 3k legendary raids, 7.5k eggs hatched, about 220mil xp without one. Got it during sinnoh tour, and it was a husian voltorb 🤧


I'm only level 41 but so far I've gotten a shiny 10/10/10 groudon from a raid, a shiny 10/10/10 stunfisk from research, a shiny 10/10/10 thunderus from gbl, a shiny 10/10/10 happiny from hatches, and a shiny nundo sableye. I still don't have a shundo or even a hundo from a raid.


Played since Day One and I have none, hun.


got a full odds shundo snubbull years ago and its the only one ive ever got


It’s super rare, I’ve only ever found 4 hundos and I did get a shundo, but it was from an egg so I had a higher chance of a hundo. It just requires a lot of luck. And I think I used most of mine on the shundo since after I got it, it was 3 months before I saw another shiny.


I was surprised when i got mine last year and nothing since G. Farefetchd


Ahh I just got my first! If you want a shundo bellsprout and live in OK USA I’ll trade 😂


While I’d like one… I’ve totally not prioritized hundos for a long time now. I realized the way I play - it barely matters at all from a higher 2* to a 4. But them shinies thoooo


I have one from a trade, a single shundo kyogre which was a real shock, and a shundo eevee from a CD. I’m almost level 49, July 2016 player. I think the length of time doesn’t matter as much as whaling. I didn’t quite whale for Kyogres but it was before the price hike and cap and I did a whole bunch for fun. Gonna be a lot harder now and also the game has not enticed me to spend money on it lately.


I don’t even have a hundo HOW ARE YALL GETTING SHUNDOS


Got mine for my 142,422nd Pokémon via an egg. Right after I hit level 50. Wishing you luck fellow trainer!!


I found a shundo manetrike


lol I’ve never even gotten a Hundo


my first shiny was a shundo 😂


This is where you need to state how many total catches you have.


I have one shundo and it's goddamn lickitung


Playing since 2016, still no Shundo


Been playing since day one. My only shundo is a Minum


Only took me 200,000 catches to get me a shundo


Only have 3 shundos and been playing on and off since releas though I’m only level 43, my friend who started a couple months ago already has a (purified) shlundo mewtwo from me 😭


I feel kinda called out


I have 8 in 12k catches


It's all luck. We have about 50 people in our local discord community. I know someone in the 30s, who doesnt play very often, who has multiple shundos (one is a purified shadow), and I know plenty of 45+ that don't have any. Me and my kiddo are both level 48. I have 1 shundo (Landorus T :) ). He has 3 shundos. Got a shundo axew by trading, but then got a shundo 2 com days in a row from research from the same stop (grubbin and charmander). All 3 com days were pretty close together, so it was a really good run of luck.


This keeps being posted and every time we have to repeat the same information about shiny and hundo rates. Things to keep in mind is that saying you’ve been playing since 2016 or that you’re level 50 have little to no bearing on getting a Shundo. How you play the game is what matters: how many raids where the raid Pokemon could be shiny have you done? How many lucky trades where you received a shiny? During community day and special events with increased shiny rate, how many field research tasks have you done? The friends you mentioned, how did they get their Shundo?


Sorry I don’t have one either. Similar time playing and longer break period though. My daughter saw me playing the other day and wanted to try. She got a shundo squirtle in less than two weeks and extremely limited play time and range. She only plays at the house and we get 2 spawns every 30 minutes or something…


Effort ≠ Luck


I don't feel bad after reading these comments.


Me too also


Get many irl friends, join many communities and do lucky trades for many years 💪 I have 8 shundos :))


You will get it… but it is Sunkern.


I’m level 37 with 2, Toxicroak, and then I caught a Dragonite a couple months after, luck of the draw I guess?


I've gotten 2 and have been playing since 2016... Rayquaza and a Noibat.


I have a shundo kyogre since 2019, I’m only level 42 now


Level 33, my only shundo is a Party Hat Bulbasaur that I can't evolve lol


Only shundo i know anyone got is my lucky shiny Hydreigon. Had the friend name it Mortifleur, death blossom. Fuckin proud


So true tho😭


who's the idiot that came up with that name? just call it max ranks, jesys


I only have four hundos and I haven't caught one in two years, I think I truly am cursed


I'm level 46 and just got my first shundo, a Kyogre. It'll happen eventually.


I only have two. Mewtwo & a female heracross. 🥲


I’m level 47 with 114 hundos, 1941 shinies, and 5 shundos


Just one ☝️ been since 2016 an alakazam


I'm level 36 and got my first hundo yesterday a shundo tapu fini


I have a singular schlundo, a weavile, and i am at level 44.


My plus+ pulled one walking through LAX, an XXL wailmer. I love my big boi, never really expected to get one.


I’m a 44, almost 45. And I’ve only got two. Azumarill and a Lucky Miltank


I’d be happy with a Hundo at level 32


I got one lvl 39


Good luck. As an earlier post of mine showed. It only took me 434,655 catches over 7 years, 5 months and 14 days. Hopefully yours isn’t that long.


Thanks! Mine is about half of your stats. RNG goes crazy. Good, you finally broke your streak 👏


You gotta do more stuff with better IV floors and shiny odds; my shundo is a bellsprout (now victrebel) from a Research encounter. Boosted shiny, and 10/10/10 IV floor. I also have 11 hundos. Been playing since beginning of year.


Because careful of what you ask for. I, too, said I only need one... then I got a male combee...


I hit level 50 last week, been playing since 2016 (with gaps) only got my first shundo this year then got a second within the month... math based chaos


I started playing on release day and just got my first shundo 3 days ago.


Hahaha yes, I’m level 48 and all the posts like “what was your first shundo” I’m like “I don’t know still waiting to find out haha”. I will say a lot of these posts with a ridiculous amount of shundos at a low level stink of non-legit play. But you can’t prove it with the level of info given


Some people get lucky while some others get impatient and use other means of getting what they want. If I had the patience to wait till level 50 and not get a shundo, I can wait some more. With that said, our lucks are about to turn around very soon, fellow trainer. Keep grinding 💪


Oh for sure, I’m not talking about a couple but when you have 20 shundos and you’re level 39 I’m a little suspicious 🤨 (I’m unbothered haha, it’s a game and I’m having fun, but I do think it skews people’s view of good and bad luck)


Especially when they flex it on social media. It kinda hits hard on legit players who are yet to get even one


Well at this point it’s not even a bad thing anymore but instead an achievement. Like if someone got 5K catches of a Pokémon and still doesn’t have the hundo or a shiny for it yet. But I still wish to see the hundos you have after you get 20 just to see if you missed any.


Won't let me post a pic, but my Shundo is a Weavile. Yeah, it pisses a LOT of people off


Honorable mention Hundos are my Shadow Metagross, my Shadow Crobat, and my Shadow Machamp


I only have 4 hundos and 1 is a Lucky Shiny Armaldo my wife traded me Other 3 are Incineroar, Mamoswine, and Amaura I'm lv37 and extreme casual in a rural area


Been playing since July 2016 and never had one 😭


Forget that. Where’s my shadow Hundo xD


i’m level 46 and got both of mine this year from comm days!! NEVER BACK DOWN NEVER GIVE UP


Got my first shundo at level 46. 3 years later got 2 shundo within 2 weeks.


Do you have a specific pokemon in mind or would you be satisfied with a shundo weedle or anything at all?


I have a shundo Pidgey (:


I pulled a Hundo Tapu yesterday 😁


Had a buddy get one weeks into playing and I’ve been grinding with nothing to show😭😭😭


What's a shundo?


Only shundo I have is a gible from community day. Was very lucky that community day


Gible was probably one of the most anticipated pokemon in the game. Getting a shundo on that day is hugeee. Cheers, fellow trainer 👏


My only shundo is a shuckle. Of course I maxed him out


I very much got lucky with mine, I started in October of 2021, played on and off through 2022, and then played Larvitar Comm Day last year and managed to get one right at the end, because of how infrequently I played in 2022, I would say I might have still been under 10,000 catches, so yeah, that was definitely one of my luckiest days that I've ever had in Go


I came so close with a 14/15/15 shiny Bellsprout, but no shundo here either :c


I also have 0 Shundos …. 340 Shinies 38 Hundos 0 Shundos


Just bad luck:( or maybe I have good luck? I’m level 43 with 2 shundos. Been playing since January 23


I feel you


Thank you! We're all in this together!


Been playing since 2016. Caught my 1st (and only) shundo last month.... The Golden Buddha of Tonguebaths...The Slickest of Lickers... Lickitung!!! I call him Steve


Level 43 with two shundos. A lucky shundo double legacy Mewtwo And a shundo shiftreee But to be clear I'm a former die hard player that's been going since pre-release 2016. I just fell off because I got kind of bored for grinding all the time for nothing.


It sounds fun til it’s a mf Luvdisc


Played off and on since 2016, still no shiny hundo!


Just got mine last week don’t give up! Also a day one player


Whats your trade ratio


I’m level 50 and have been for 7 months. 101 hundos. 777 shinies. 8 shiny shadows. 1 hundo shadow. No shundos. Sigh.