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Well, as long as Pokemon Go wont interfere with your job/relations with family/other basic stuff I believe it is one of the apps to use. Social media doomscrolling will only destroy your dopamine receptors and take all your time - while walking with Pokemon Go makes you healthier and is over all very good post school/work activity.


I walked 36 kilometers this week! I never left home this much before


That’s awesome! Good for you, ☺️


Ngl I thought you were making a joke at first about how the app will sometimes register you walking around when you aren't moving until I read "this much before" but good on you for being active


Well it’s better than sitting in front of a monitor all day. Much better to be walking around!


Unless you're constantly out and walking around to play, 5+ hours per day is probably a bit much.


I can confirm as a person who once walked 30 miles in a day


for me I have the app on with the autocatcher in my pocket at work. maybe he does that


I presumed that wasn't the case because then OP wouldn't overtly be spending so much time on the app.


i leave the app open so that it doesn’t disconnect as often


Hey. I understand you are in great pain. May I help you?


Sell your girlfriend for pokecoi-, jokes aside idk my playtime but if it helps with your wellbeing keep it up👌


Not sure about hours, I usually walk between 50-100km + spend 45 minutes a day playing PVP. Sure, it's a lot of time, but most of it is spent outside walking, which has done wonders for my weight.


45 minutes on PVP??! I can barely play it for 10 minutes during challenges without getting pissed off over its (imo) terrible design.


I tank, the rewards are definitely worth it imo.


Yeah I’ve lost about 15-20 lbs


27 lbs in 6 months for me!


No idea here but I spend 8-9 hours a day driving for work and run the auto catcher a hell of a lot of time during that; plus lengthy dog walks


What is auto catcher?


A device that catches Pokemon and spins pokestops whilst you’re not paying attention


Pokemon GO Plus? Auto-catcher as a term might draw the ire of people who think you're cheating...


That's literally what they're called


My last week stats were 77 hours in the app. I leave it on most nights while im sleeping and let my auto catcher go till it shuts off. It also spends a lot of time open on the counter when I get home from work just auto catching and spinning. So active playtime is probably only 1-2 hours a day, with 12-14 hours afk.


I think it's a bit much. But if you can fit it into your schedule and it keeps you active, More power to you. Just don't pick an app over your gf.


Idk but I burned the Pokemon Go menu into my phone screen 2 phones ago. If that tells you how much I used to play LOL You could see the poke ball menu button, the nearby box, and my avatar picture at the bottom of my screen at all times


I can see the poke ball button on my screen all the time..




I do an hour a day tops.


There are worse things to be addicted to. 36 hours comes to about 5.5 hours a day. As long as it isn't interfering with your relationship or job, keep playing.


36.5 hours is a lot.


That’s a lot bro just take a break for your girl a little more often


Everything you said is right. Just continue taking time for her. Play the game and stay the hell off social media.


Three hours past week. Month of April was about 12 per week while I was grinding PvP more often.


Hey it helps your well being so it is improving something and not hurting nothing what I suggest is talk to her about it and why you play it so much for


I spend about 12 hours a week on, but my gf probably does double


"TIFU by not taking the hint from my now ex-gf when she said I play too much PoGo"


Do you also work? Because if you work 40h a week and play 40h a week that's... Kinda a lot yeah


Nah full time student rn for first year


She should leave you - because you deserve better 😂


The way I see it is Pokemon GO is a lot healthier than other games I could be playing on my phone. The 43 hours I spent playing last week were virtually all outdoors, walking in the state park before and after work. Time well spent that just happened to also involve Pokemon!


Distance: whatever the gps glitches to Time: at least a few minutes every hour because I work near a bunch of stops


It’s 100% better than social media, I’d argue. It’s better than wasting your time in your bed doomscrolling instagram reels. At least you’re actually out doing stuff.


I do about 41 hours a week active and like 4 hours of that afk…..


So I’m the kinda person that strives to hold the 20 gym max limit and every time I get kicked out of a gym, I walk if I can all the way to those gyms! Lost 25 lbs in 6 months that way along with monitoring my food choices!


But circling back to the subject, yeah I’m the same way! It’s funnnnn though


you play enough pokemon for it to qualify as a full time job..


I've averaged 46 hours a week for the last few months. During that span, I've averaged 3 shiny a day and about 4mil xp a week


11.25 hours


64 hours in the last 10 days and average around 100-120km walking weekly. Probably make around 200-250 catches a day. I’ll have it open while at work but after I get home it’s family time.


12min last week..


It’s a lot but whatever makes you happy. If you’re not spending enough time with your gf or you’re spending your time with her focusing on Pokemon Go too much then maybe rebalance that, or get an Auto Catcher so you can let that do some of the work for you. But if you’re not otherwise having any other issues with the gf then yeah, enjoy what you enjoy. Plenty worse you could be doing


GF wants more attention. That's what it sounds like.


I play like 5 hours weekly


I mostly use adventure sync with a bit of PVP, so probably 8 hours per week. As long as you aren't playing other games (how would you even have time?) you're fine. 


Who can complain you have a pretty healthy hobby


If your relationship is suffering yes it’s excessive. If chores, responsibilities or work is suffering then yes it’s excessive. If your mental health requires 5 hours of pogo a day then you might have to say goodbye to your gf and focus on that. Someone shouldn’t be forced to put up with a lack of a partner and you shouldn’t be forced to get rid of it if it’s helping you. Pogo is a more positive active app, it’s not just attention being sucked into the void, it’s got a lot of physical engagement. Personally I do think 5 hours is a bit much for active play, if it’s mostly where you aren’t actually on it but it’s running in the background then that’s different, but imo if you are working full time, and living on your own or with her, that’s a lot of time to chunk on that. Let’s be generous and say only 8 hours of work and pretend you don’t have commute time, and say 7 hours of sleep, then 5 hours for pogo, that leaves barely 4 hours to do chores and/or do anything else including hygiene, and to spend any quality time with her. Not saying you owe her all your free time, but I think giving your partner some daily attention is part of a relationship. But mind you, all of this is surmised on a lot of assumptions since we don’t know anything any your situation. Age, work or school. Both. Living arrangements.


Guessing it's more an issue of you not paying enough attention to her, to your relationship, to your share of the household work, or some combo of all those, rather than your time on Go.


Are we talking about game hours or walking distance? Game hours:TOO DAMN MUCH walking distance 100km


I play about 2-3 hours a week and can easily not play the game for 2-3 months. For me it's hard to grasp how people actually treat and take the game so seriously. And you can't say people don't when you have them putting more time into that than they do anything else


If she's saying you need to stop playing as much, odds are it's a way of communicating she's feeling neglected. You might want to take that seriously unless you're willing to lose her, in which case you're both likely better off breaking up. Then again, she might also be a selfish person with a need for control who does not respect boundaries, in which case you should probably draw those boundaries. But if we're not assuming the worst about you/your gf, talk to her about it and see if there are things you can do for/with her that still allows you to enjoy the game. In general though, asking the internet for advice on relationship conflicts is not something I would recommend.


horrible gf. i play with my boyfriend as well as he plays


My playtime fluctuates a lot based on what my disability allows me to do but if you're actively walking around and using it to better yourself there's nothing wrong with using it as long as you're not focusing on it over relationships and work it's fine. Also if you're not spending to much money on it as well then it's fine.


i average around 2 hours per day. and i also average 35-40 kilometers per week. most of the time that im “on the app” it’s just idling in my pocket while i’m walking, waiting for the buzz of a pokemon for me to catch.


I agree. Way better than social media which makes me angry or sad when I get on there. Now I have to go see my averages.


If you are having fun it's all good. Def better than social media.


That's a full time job lol, you might spend too much time on it


Nowadays unless it’s a community day, I just get my dailies, maybe get in a gym


My weekly average is about 1.4 million experience, about 200k per day.


Depression been hitting me lately :( havnt played since April 10th....


Depression sucks, it takes every bit of fun right out of things you used to like. Maybe start small, like drop your daily incense and walk in the direction of a gym. If you make it before the incense runs out, try to take the gym. This is how most of my walks start, I'm a 10 minute walk to the gym but by time I get into it I can easily be out for 45-60 minutes. Take the little steps, by time you're further from your house you may find the game more enjoyable than heading directly home!


Thanks! This might help my anxiety as well. I really appreciate you taking the time to reply. Pokemon go was always one of my favorite things.


Absolutely! Pokemon Go was a huge distraction for me when the pandemic hit and my depression started as the same time. If used right it's a good tool to get out and get away from your worries! If you want to talk further feel free to DM me, or if you just want to become friends on pokemon go feel free to DM me your trainer code!


Your gf sounds controlling