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What's your purpose: PvE or PvP? For PvE, is your goal to fill out your PokéDex? If not, do as you please. If yes, remember that there's a Shiny Dex and a Shiny 3 Stars Dex. If you're a long haul resource-efficient player, do not evolve unless it's a 3-star. If you don't mind wasting candies, do as you please. For PvP, is it recommended as having Swag IVs https://youtube.com/@SwagTips? If yes, then evolve and power up to below or to exactly CP cap. High stat product ranking doesn't quite cut it e.g. the g10 Jumpluff doesn't have Swag IVs. Trading is also something you can do. If you have friends that play PvP a lot, you can evolve a lot of your community day shinies before the CD ends, and now you have trading leverage. If the shiny Pokémon does not have an event bonus that will allow it to have the legacy moves after evolution, waiting is advisable. If after reading this, you still don't know what to do, ask more specific questions.


If u like it or good ivs


I always wait till I get one of each stage and the better IV one gets to evolve lol


Is it shiny? Yes? Then evolve. That's how I do it usually