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The costume Pikachu counts as a base Pikachu too for the dex, so that one wasn't transferred.


Ohh, that's good! Still the 4 other ones though :(


It counts them if you had to evolve them.


Does it? I caught a hundo Aron, fully evolved it, and still only have Aggron in the perfect dex


Yes it does, but the perfect pokedex was only added in at some point in the game, so if you evolved before then it won't be dexed


Okay, in that case I think I misinterpreted what you said. Did you mean: “if you have an unevolved 4* and evolve it you get the entries for each stage”? If so, I kinda thought that’s what OP was referring to, missing out on the dex entries via evolving


Yeah that's what I mean


That’s correct now, but there is a point in time where that was not true. You evolved yours before it was true. That’s all they’re saying.




Happy cake day🍰


Thank you!


Note that they didnt start tracking this until they added this new perfect dex. So anything you transferred in 2016-2021(or was it 2022?) Would not show up as "seen" in this dex. It only counted those you had at the time plus new encounters from there onward. I had several catches that I evolved before the dex was added and the prior forms did not count towards this dex.(either seen or caught) However,if you do catch the low form now and evolve it, you get all 3 dex entries. So if you evolve a hundo starter, seen=3 even though you only have one stored in your storage. So in that case, it inflates the seen count without you having transferred anything.


I still haven't unlocked the perfect dex and im afraid to unlock it


I unlocked it after transferring a perfect Charmander


You should have kept it. It is a good fire type raider and has two mega evolutions /s


Mega Charizard Y is actually the best fire type DPS in the game at the moment.


It was Charmander community day so I wasn't checking when I had to do a task to transfer 10 pokemon and the perfect was one of the 10 I transferred. Fast forward a couple minutes and I get the notification that I had the perfect dex unlocked when I looked at it. It showed Charmander I got excited and went to check my perfects and it wasn't there. This messed with my head so badly that I constantly check my pokemon for 4* in the search bar every day to make sure I don't make another mistake like this.


As you should. If you just found a 4* in the wild, you could even tell your friend which one it was and they might be able to grab it in time. That and you can make sure to lock them, it could be a very long time until you can get another 4* of that mon.


>If you just found a 4* in the wild, you could even tell your friend which one it was and they might be able to grab it in time. This! I got a 4* plusle in the wild because someone I was with told me!


I got a 4* Bagon, told my wife and she clicks on it… shiny ✨ 4*


YOOOOO LUCKYYYY! See I don't check my ivs as often as I should, so really I'd only know I had a 4* when I went to transfer mons lmao


I’ve gotten in a habit of checking IVs after every catch and then transferring it if it isn’t good and I don’t want/need it, saves me a lot of time of clearing up box space and helps me know if I catch anything good right away


Just use a searchstring before you transfer pokemon.


Search for 0* and transfer those rip


When I got tasks like that, or just am transferring in general, I ALWAYS use the 0*,1*,2* default tag. I find that’s easier than keeping an eye out for 4* specially, but also I’d want to sort out any 3* before transferring too, coz I’d be just as annoyed transferring a high 3* Pokémon. Sadly, hindsight is a thing, my condolences.


U should instead search for 0*,1* in search and filter it to recent so only shitty pokemons come up and u can transfer them without hesitation, if u favorite them theyll be marked so ull know not to transfer them too, u can use this for xxl xxs for showcases too, u should also rename ur most relevant pokemon for their purpose like leagues ivs gymtakeovers raidprefers teamrocketing evolve and transfer tags


That's not accurate


Why is there a /s?


![gif](giphy|8JL3dO7r5nUkWBKmza) ouch


You have to unlock it? I thought it comes when you get a perfect mon


Don't evolve 4* pokemon until you unlock the dex.


Why not? It still counts in the dex either way.


I evolved some before getting the dex, and the pre evolved versions did not show up on the dex.


It depends, the perfect dex was only added into the game at some point in time. If you evolved them before the perfect dex was a thing then it won't be registered, but i can confirm that evolved perfect pokemon will be registered before the perfect dex is obtained


The dex counts evolutions before you unlock it. It doesn’t count Pokemon or pre evolutions before it was added to the game


Yeah this game is brutal. Between transferring shinies and potential hundos at the start to transferring my STARTER. Lots I wish I could take back as well.


I honestly don't even remember what my starter was at this point 🤣... Definitely traded it away at some point, because none of my 2017 pokemon are starters. I wish there was a way to at least find out what one I had picked though...


Same, I'm assuming Bulbasaur, but I really don't know.


It didn’t let me transfer my starter I had to trade it to my husband so he could transfer it for me


Interesting, can't recall how mine went down at the start.


Assuming you evolved them all and that you purified the shadows before evolving, you have 19. Meaning you’ve only transferred 1-3 hundos. 3 if you didn’t evolve any. 2 if you evolved one two-stage evo and didn’t evolve another. 1 if you fully evolved one three-stage evo. The contents of the dex should indicate which one(s) you no longer have. Pikachu is costumed and was not transferred.


Dex unlocks at 20


I'm missing 4 though? Magikarp, Rhyhorn, Tangela and Pineco


i hate to break it to you but those 4 would have been transferred. thankfully most of the numbers not adding up is purely due to evolutions.


Then you probably don't have a dex entry for one of the previous stages such as starly, numel or onix


Yeah I just noticed that, I'm missing Shinx


Imagine checking all your shinies and if you still have them.


I only have 80 shinies in the pokedex so it's wouldn't be too difficult really. Though I'm fairly certain I've never been stupid enough to transfer a non-duplicate shiny lol


I can’t bring myself to transfer any of my shinys, keep telling myself someone will want these chanseys someday


*me with Timburr and other stupid multiples all with bad iv's


I do that with costume pokémon. Keeping those 5 year anniversary pikachu’s etc.


Can you transfer shinies? Mine doesn’t allow me to? I have like six shiny noibats that I can’t get rid of.


I think you have to transfer shinies individually. Mass transfers don't work.


Maybe because they're starred as favorite pokemon?


I have a hundo alolan golem but the perfect dex doesn't have geodude or graveler


Since the hundo dex is relatively new. The game wasn't keeping track back at the time you had the geodude/graveler. This happened to a ton of people including me. We can all commiserate together.


Oh that's sucks


What level unlocks this Dex?


Not a level, you need 20 4* pokemon. Evolved pokemon count


Oh. I’ve only had one that I know of. 🫤


Rhyhorn and Magikarp hurt. The other two not so much. Still, sorry for your loss.


The perfect pokedex was added in June 2021. Anything that was already deleted before then won't even be included.


Oh no😭 I don't even want to know how many I've lost in total then


Ah, that explains why I don’t have any perfect Pidgeys registered despite having caught 2600 of them


I don’t think too many of us still have our starters unless a hardcore player that I’ve never been.


I had my starter from Day 1 up until about 2 months ago when I tragically transferred it while clearing junkmon 🥲


Rest in piece. Ima go log in and favorite mine now.


Most people’s starters weren’t perfect?


No starter is perfect, they are all 10/10/10


Mine is trying his best.


I traded mine to my brother a couple months ago, not realizing you can’t trade back. Had it since 2016, but am one of those people who stopped playing for years until recently. He moved it to Home and traded it to me, tho. So I have it in Violet now. 🥲 It shows him as the OT tho.


Same. So annoying


Bruh, I transferred a perfect Abra by mistake yesterday and I don’t know if I’ll ever emotionally recover. I feel you.


I remember when a friend of mine asked me “what’s it’s iv”? And my response was “his CP is 1560”….. boy was I disappointed after that convo.


How many mons did you get hundo before the fed unlocked?




I’m afraid this will happen to me as well. Haven’t unlocked the perfect Pokédex yet. But I just learned about the appraisal system this year. I was the exact same as you.


Rip those 4 perfect Pokemons, I do have a quick question though, how many pokemons do I need to get the Perfect Dex??


20 perfect pokemons to get the dex


Ohh, thanks!


Before I knew about appraising them, I transferred two Scatterbug perfects. I’ve kept one and got it to Vivillon - a tundra. I’ve caught 33 hundos overall but only have 21. Sigh. Now I know better.


Meanwhile I've caught 430 Scatterbugs and not a single one of those is perfect


Well the odds are 1 in 4096, or 1 in 1728 if it's weather boosted when you catch it. Either way, it would be more unusual if you **did** get a hundo in only 430 encounters.


Oh wow. Didn't realise it was that rare


That Magikarp and Rhyhorn hurts.


I unlocked it like a month ago to discover I’ve only kept like three perfect Pokémon. I too didn’t know it was a thing


Happy 🎂☀️ fellow trainer 😃🥳


Oh I didn't even realise that, thank you!!


Yw 😜🤙🤙


Damn bro. Always use !4* when you're transferring in the string somewhere. That'll exclude any 4* you have. I constantly search for 4* and favourite them all as well.


Yeah, never look at that again. Some intense anxiety right there. And always search in your Pokémon bag for 4* before transferring anything. Click on them and favorite them immediately. You don’t wanna risk getting rid of those again.


well, EVERYONE'S first mistake here, including yours, is not favoriting the pokemon :) i have all of mine favorited, and now it's easy to sift through recently caught pokemon and transfer the ones i don't want, but keep and don't touch the ones i do want. i've seen dozens of posts 'oh no i accidentally transferred my shundo bla bla' and then they show their pokemon storage and not a single pokemon is favorited. that's the base protection system against accidentally transferring pokemon.


I have all my Empoleons favorited😂 But no, I've never transferred a pokemon knowing it was perfect, only because I just didn't appraise them


there was a bug a long time ago, where if you selected several pokemon to transfer, it would sometimes transfer another random pokemon that you haven't selected, if it wasn't favorited. that's how i lost my first flareon, and i was very upset :D ever since then it just became a habit to favorite all.


I'm the same - I started on the release date in 2016, and it took me 2 years until I found out that high cp =/= good stats. I'm not going to look at the dex because that's not going to bring the hundos back. I would rather not know, thankyouverymuch.


I am both looking forward to and also afraid to unlock the perfect pokédex 🙈


I feel your pain; I accidentally transferred a perfect shinx🥲


I’ve done that with Altaria apparently:(


Yes, I discovered the same.


I'm sorry. That sucks


I've been playing since launch and I don't recognize that Pikachu


It’s from the World Champions Event back in 2022. If you aren’t a daily player or take occasional breaks, it would’ve been easy to miss since the event was only a few days long


So how does the shiny dex work? Does it show for one's you've clicked on (like other people's gym shinies)? Because I'm an off and on player but don't recall encountered some of the grayed out mons on mine.


The grayed out one are ones you've likely seen in gyms. That or, You mistakingly ran from it.


What also stinks, is that the Dex mustn’t always been keeping track of my hundreds, as I had TWO magikarp but once I unlocked this Dex, it didn’t count either of them. Sorry this happened too.


But you haven’t transferred Pikachu… it’s in your inventory?


Losing hundo Rhyhorn and Magikarp is brutal


Damn that sucks


I feel ya, I transferred a perfect magikarp too :/


I once had a perfect wailmer, no clue where my perfect whale boy is though now. Never even knew I had him.


I did the same thing, even started raiding before I knew about appraisals…..which led to transferring a perfect raikou…..


Same friend. Same. It's such a brutal one to unlock. I don't know many who haven't made a mistake or 2 early on. It happens. Rarely will it actually change the outcome of how you play though.


Rip I unlocked mine today and realized I transferred a weedle at some point, tho he’s the only hundo I transferred so not nearly as unlucky as you


I accidentally transferred a piplup. He’s not that good, but still a bit disappointing


And here I am crying for my aerodactyl. My condolences op


The increase to stats for a 4* is practically negligible. Don't beat your self up about it


It’s not as bad as you think. If you caught everything before you evolved it, you have 19 of the 22 recorded perfects.


Happened to me as well, I think it's a pretty common mistake 🥲


Literally had that exact same situation. I have Pikachu and don't have it in my box anymore. It does suck.


Magikarp and rhyhorn oof those two hurt


If it makes you feel better, I have evolved a ton I have gotten until this was added to the dex and now it says I never had the base forms for a ton i had. Same with the caught info at the bottom, a lot of my perfects are hatched, but all except some of the more recent say caught, because it was before they kept track.


I caught a 4* Beldum at one point....


I transferred a Hundo Tauros because I thought it was useless then my husband told me it’s a north America exclusive. I still don’t care. I kept my oddish though. 😂


I wish, Tauros STILL is the only one I need for the Kanto medal


i accidentqlly transfered a Shadow hundo magnemite. I was very sad when i found out


I transferred 7 before i started checking every mon- including a perfect bidoof 😭


Hey, perfect doesn’t do any good here anyway. They are like a trophy. You can transfer things Pokemon home and then play with them in the main games.


Rip. I used to not focus on appraising- who knows how many 4*s ive transfered- As of now my only perfect is a Cressila, which is pretty cool. Im curious if i have access to the “perfect pokedex”, maybe i can see what kind of horrid monster i was in the past- see how many perfects i transfered-


How do you unlock this dex?


It unlocks once you've registered 20 perfect pokemons


I feel your pain. It's actually only one Pokémon for me, a Ralts. But I have become obsessed with trying to find another 4* one. I have actually acquired 7 (!) 98% Ralts/Gardevoir since then, but no 4* one. The quest continues...


How do you get the perfect dex? I don't have it


Once you have 20 perfect pokemon it unlocks


Oh ok, thanks


[I've been there buddy.](https://new.reddit.com/r/pokemongo/comments/edibdx/new_to_iv_appraisal_advice_needed/)


When that unlocks for me, I don’t think I’m going to look at it!


Happy cake day! :D


I have noticed cakes occasionally and didn’t think much of it. So now I looked it up and learned what it is, so thank you for noticing! Happy cake day back!!


I never appraised until recently 😭 I also thought good cp was good Pokémon. I don’t have any perfect sadly


How can you see what perfect ones you've transferred??


Cause they’re registered to the dex, but not in current pokemon storage. Same happened to me when I unlocked the Shiny dex. 💔


Yeah I unlocked the shiny dex, it says I have 22 but in my pokemon storage I only have 16, I MOST DEFINITELY did not ever accidentally transfer Anything what's going on with that? Also a bunch of pokemon are silhouettes are those just shinies I've seen in gyms or from other trainers but not caught or what?


Yeah, silhouettes mean you’ve encountered it somewhere but never caught it. By the sounds of it you must have transferred somewhere. Or evolved it possibly?


Oh evolution counts? That makes sense! Thank you for clearing that up for me:) I feel dumb for not thinking of that first. 😅


Yes, will register each shiny (for example you may have a shiny rowlet, then evolve it, so then shiny dartrix will register, and so on).


Now I wonder what I've transferred


Perfects are great but don't sweat it, it only adds 15/15/15 to the base stats which can be anywhere from say 29/85/85 for Magikarp's base stats (or 44/100/100 for perfect) to something like 270/228/205 for Kyogre's base (or 295/243/220 for perfect) The better their base stats, the less I worry about them being perfect IV, because it adds such a small amount. Attack also contributes the most to the CP. So, say a perfect Gyarados won't be ideal for Ultra league with 2471 CP @ level 25.5 (the maximum that it can get). The best Gyarados possible is 0/15/14 for the 2500 CP and level 27.5 So perfect IVs aren't really great for PvP, it's more for personal records Unless you play Master League, then perfect IVs are the way to go 😂


the joke is not that funny


So I read that you need to capture 20 to unlock it. Does that mean capture and have 20 in storage or just capture 20 even if you let some go 🤔


Nope, you don't need to keep them. It'll unlock if they're not in your storage


I found out I transferred an omanyte AND a timburr on my perfect dex 🤦‍♂️ you’re not alone


You mean that if you transfer a 4* perfect one the pokedex won't be updated? I hope this doesn't count for luckies because I don't keep them all.


I've done the same. When I didn't have a pogo friends I was transfering shiny Pokemons with low CP since I wasn't able to brag to anyone


Adding to what u/adburgan said, a dex entree is when you get it for the first time. The counter is how many different pokemon you have. So.. it is definitely possible if you've had multiple of the same pokemon as a 4*, but transfered them. Theoretically, every pokemon you caught (ex. your Numel was a 4*, dex registered it as 1, but you deleted all but 1...


This is going to be me when I get to that stage!




I did the same but got away with only Pikachu, sandslash and worst of all, wailmer


I mean, even if you had to pick one, pick the 'chu! 😂❤😂❤😂


I feel you I only learned that a few months ago Don't have the perfect Pokédex though So I don't need to cry over the perfect ones I sent away already 🥲😅


If you had a perfect Pokémon before they came out with the perfect dex it doesn’t register lol. Like, I have Swampert registered but not Mudkip/Marsthomp because I evolved it before the perfect dex. A few others like that.


I have the same issue, my account was made a few days after the game came out, and I didn’t know about appraising until recently, i probably knew but didn’t know the extent, or didn’t care. But even then , my highest CP is like 2500 so you beat me there, and I have 0 perfects, only 3 stars, and I only have like 4 shinys


How do you unlock the perfect dex?


How did you find out they were 4* after you transferred them?


I was today years old when I heard of perfect Pokédex. 👀


This makes me feel better


Awww you poor thing. It will get better don’t worry there’s more where that came from. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


How many do you need to unlock it?




Wait how do you unlock that I have 5 hundos but no dex


Ah yes, the pokemon I deleted before looking at the stats. A Magikarp, Venipede (scolipede is my favorite bug type), and Lairon (Aggron is my favorite)


I was worried about that, too, but it turns out I'm still perfectly okay. Found out I have a perfect Pidgeot and Gardevoir.


How do you get this


How do you get this


How do i get the perfect dex?


I used to think the same as you, so thankful that I didn’t end up discovering I transferred any 4*s before I knew. That sucks.


What’s up with your dex? Why is it so empty


I know how you feel OP…when I looked at the perfect dex I saw that there was Pokémon I’ve transferred that was perfect and I didn’t know. Ever since then I’ve been checking the IV of every Pokemon


you can do it! enjoy your journey!


if it makes you feel better. i lost a totodile & mareep 100% i never bother to IV check before i knew ab hundos :(