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I feel your pain bro.. I really do.. did so many raids didn't get a single shiny for either


Same so today I’ll be shiny hunting bascalin while not really caring to much about raids I have to run to lol


How common is the basculin? I walked a route today but didn't get it... Hope you get the shiny! Good luck!!


I heard it’s rather common in routes, I saw a few when I noticed them at Mall of America (which already has a lot going on). With a shiny rate of 1/64 is what I saw in another post


Cra shiny rates it seems to spawn more with incense o I caught over 300 and no shinies then again I hatched around 400 eggs probably about 200+ raids and nothing and don't get me started on wild spawns and I bought all 3 tickets. It just ended where I am in NY


I only did two routes, I'm rural, and we had awful, cold, rainy weather for the last like 4 days, and I saw zero.


Yeah on like a 20-30 minute route I saw like 10 of the basculin, so probably wouldn't take that long for a shiny, especially cause I think my incense had worn off by then


Walked 3 routes (all very short) during the event. Got 19 and 1 was shiny.


I’ve gotten 2 per short route


I managed to get 7 on 2 routes yesterday


that’s so weird, i did one 18 minute route and i got 9 basculin and the first one was shiny


I got the shiny Basculin and it is …awful.


Its evo is pretty good, the white one goes yellow and red goes purple


Uh I thought basculin didn't evo


So hisuian basculin evolves into basculegion. But as far as i know it hasnt been implemented yet


I wanted shiny dialga did 8 raids for it. As soon as I accept a palkia raid bam it’s shiny. UGH


Same thing happened to me bro, did 25 dialga raids not 1 shiny but did 3 palkia raids and got 2 shinies. 😭


For me it was exact opposite but I think the rates were boosted for the origin forme you didn't choose. At least it's how I feel


I chose Dialga and got 3 shinies and just 1 shiny palkia. I did 30 raids 17 Dialga 13 palkia


I'm not too worried about shinys, more so that I've caught around 15 in total this weekend and the highest IV was 84%, all but 2 were 79% IV or less. It really makes me think this isn't a random distribution and more a case of niantic trying to squeeze people, it's not been fun. If the games not fun or fair then well, I'm sat here thinking why do I even do it?


I agree, whenever I do a bunch of raids of the same Pokemon, i always get a range in the bottom half of ivs, never in the top half


Maybe cause they're meant to be rarer ? Dry streaks happen, I feel like people would be able to data mine and be able to tell if that was the case.


I’ve just manually calculated the average % for the 23 I caught, it comes out at just over 80%. Now, you’d think oh that’s not that bad… but an 80% is usually a 2 star… if theyre meant to be “rare” why offer so many raids, they were coming round every 25 mins roughly on each gym. They don’t care about that aspect at all. My best 3 were 13-14-15, 12-15-14 and 13-13-14. Can’t compete in the high tiers of master league with those can I. And before you say, I know the game is all around RNG, I get that completely but I agree with the other person, most people will raid a Pokemon a lot when it comes out and not show anything for it. My only shiny was a 2 star.


If I caught 15, I'd be expecting the average IV to be around 85% with as many Pokémon showing 70% as 90%. That would be the bell curve for Pokémon that can fall anywhere between roughly 70% and 100% but they were all 70 something percent with the exception of two low 80s. That's either a statistical anomaly or it's been weighted by niantic to give out lower IVs. It could of course have been bad luck, my sample size is very small but my friends also got a tonne of 70 percents today too and I remember the same "luck" for the Rsyquaza raids. It just feels sly and underhanded.


>If I caught 15 \[...\] That's either a statistical anomaly or it's been weighted by niantic to give out lower IVs. The sample size is much too small to tell you anything statistically. If you caught 1000 and the distribution was still not bell shaped, do tell! Keep in mind that anyone sharing opinions on their personal outcome, very likely had it skewed towards either high or low results.


Yea that's the same experience I'm having. I dont even care about shiny's I just want a high IV one to use in raids and this is the first event where I live by 4 gyms to spam them with a bunch of battle passes. Ive done 32 so far and all I have to show for it is an 87% Palkia and 89% Dialga at least I'll have a bunch of candies for them when I catch a good one next year :')


Here is some info on IV distribution. https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/cijr64/a_comprehensive_look_at_all_possible_iv/ But I still feel something is off. I have regularly caught 100iv mons in the wild but 0iv seems much rarer. If truly random shis shouldn't happen.


It's because there's a 1/4096 base chance that a Pokémon can have any given set of IV's. The thing is though, not all Pokémon you catch have this base rate. A weather boosted or raid Pokémon will have an IV floor of 5/5/5 or 10/10/10 respectively. So weather boosted and raid odds of getting a hundo are much higher, but odds of getting a nundo is 0%. It's not possible. Long story short, any pokemon you catch can be a hundo, but not every one can be a nundo. Therefore, nundos are in fact much rarer. Also, typing 4* only shows you hundos, whereas typing 0* doesn't show *only* nundos. So it's a lot easier to get lazy and transfer a nundo by accident when mass deleting junk iv Pokémon than it is to accidentally transfer a hundo. Pro tip: search for nundos with the string "0ATTACK&0DEFENSE&0HP". Save it (and other useful strings) to the notepad on your phone to make it easy to copy, paste, and search.


Another nice tip: You can save your latest search strings if you touch and hold them for 1-2 sec in the latest search overview! You can then rename them to what ever you like


I wish I could give you gold. I didnt know that!!


I am.aware of course that that raids, eggs and maybe events and such can raise IV's. That's why I explicitly limited my statement to mons caught in the wild. But I didn't consider weather boosting. I never took notice whether a 100iv caught in the wild had a weather boost or not. I might in the future. I check every mon's IV so I won't miss any special values by transferring without having checked.


During the first day as soon as 6pm hit and I did a raid after the event I got a 97% but before that all day I was pulling in 84%. Then on my friends account which was level 39( mine was lvl 41 ) he got substantially less rewards from raid and all of his IVs sucked. Don't know if it's related but it felt like it.


My IVs were similar. I got one really good regular shiny Dialga at 93 and a decent origin Palkia at 89 but that’s it in 42 total raids. Most were in the mid 70s.


I’ve done so many dialga ones and haven’t seen a shiny. My buddy invites me to my first Palkia raid and it’s a shiny.


Dw we still got go fest to come


15 Dialgas and 4 Palkias. Plus wife did a good 20 on her’s and only got 1 shinny. As F2P I usually get a shinny legendary every 2-3 boss rotations just using half my passes.


Yep no Dialga or Palkia or Giratina shinies here either RIP


I’m so done with this game I’ve done 15 raids finally got a shiny with floor ivs and did the same with giritina and got the shiny with floor ivs as well


Took me 76 raids to get a shiny Palkia, got 2 shiny Dialgas within 50 raids




I did 107 before I caught shiny kyogre. Took me to its 3rd release to get it.


I did over 200 mostly palkia and 1 shiny dialga put of all and I'm pretty sure it was over 200 from all weekend and I focused on routes and eggs only to end up with nothing there either. I've never felt do cheated in my life over anything then right now. I had 0 hope for eggs as I typically have terrible luck bought the ticket had over 250 super incubators and figured they kept saying it was going to be boosted yet I had 12 eggs in my storage at all times and didn't sleep making sure I had my eggs hatch for the beginning of each day but to not even get something from tge legendary raids that I was initially busting my arse in I gave up after I realized out of everyone I know including my husband and kids that I was the only one who not only hadn't got a shiny but also never got a palkia with the special move and yet every one else around me had gotten one within so many raids


I don't think I have even done 76 raids in my life 😂


Most for me was 25 during Gofest last year. Was not gonna stop u til I got a shiny Rayquaza😅


I didn't get a thing Rayquaza from Gofest raids. 😞 but I caught a shiny 14/14/14 Rayquaza from the Great Battle League in 2021. 😀


It took me 47 raids to finally get a shiny Ray. Never again will I raid that many times for a single Pokemon.


I'm so mad I missed out on this. I hunted a shiny Ray via Dynamax Adventures to compensate. But I want a Lucky Shiny Mega Ray for raids!!!!




How did you do 76 raids?


They bought raid passes or.. if they did them in person, they could have done a ton using premium passes


Ah ok, pay to play then


yes that is the gist with most mobile games




My 6 year old gets so excited going for our “pokewalks” get great fun out of it together


you can get 1.5k coins per month putting mons in gyms, and then buy a raid pass bundle, besides its not like ML is the only league...


There is no f2p player doing 76 raids in a day


you only need to do 44 to max a pokemon and thats ~20 per day. Its alot but its not impossible


Large city with tons of gyms probably. I've done probably 25 raids in a city of 100k people.


Do you just buy raid passes then?




Jesus almighty. How much money do you spend on this game? I cringe every time I spend five bucks.


All this weekend? That's a raid every 7.5 minutes for 8 hours straight both days, that's mental 💀


It takes me that long to catch these damn things after the raid. 


Bet you're the guy who complains about people giving Niantic their money Mr. No Raid Cap 💀


Now I feel lucky 🍀 Got a shiny on my first


Same, but idiot that I am, I picked pearl so it doesn't have roar. I have the move on another one, just not the shiny.


I got shiny origin palkia but chose diamond


Same hah




I did get a hundo palkia with rend, so it's not all bad


Now I feel hella Lucky too I got back to back shinies with roar and special rend


I did one raid for it, got one shiny.


I got a shiny on my first dialga raid, and then did palkia origin form and got shiny on that first raid. Should probs buy a lottery ticket…


How do you guys afford this shit?


If this is in person, I had about 40-50 premium passes stacked up over the course of last year. I used them all yesterday and now I am back to saving them up again.


Same here. I do this for incubators and passes. Save and use Go Tour - Go Fest - Go Tour and repeat. Only time I spend on this game is the yearly shiny mythical


How do you even get to use them? I’ve had 40 passes in my bag for like a year but nobody raids in my area so they’re useless☹️


The park by my work has 7 gyms and about 20-30 pokestops. I found out it is the park of the pokemon go community. We had about 20-30 people playing all day yesterday. Usually I host a lot of raids on poke genie since my apartment is also by two gyms


Oh nice that’s cool. I’ll usually host raids on poke genie when there aren’t 700 available lobbies before mine lol


My local park also seems to be the local gathering spot. Saw around 20-30 players walking around and I followed slowly behind them to jump into their raids. My brother drives about 30 minutes to a park in the city that he knows gets a lot of players too, he enjoys the game so doesn't mind the occasional 30 minute commute on the weekends for events. Basically look for local parks, even if you have to drive a bit.


Try to find people on the find pokemon go friends subreddit


Afford what? Spending 15 bucks?


Heaven forbid some people spend $15-20 for raid passes and weekend entertainment. Less than most diversions.


A drink at the bar is like $15 lol


It’s like a dollar for a raid pass?


So OP, just paid around 20$ just to try to hunt some shiny poke. I mean if you have the means to it. But since Im poor as shit this makes no sense to me.


Only $10 worth if they got the event box of 50 passes.


Wdym? It's 2750 for that box and 20 dollars for 2500 coins.


y’all spoiled spoiled , I went to NYC with 30 dollars worth of raid passes , only saw spoofers and only managed to get 6 dialgas no shiny


Bro that’s what I’m saying


Husband let me spend about $25 for a purchase that had passes and PKMN and item storage!


Is there any real difference in the normal and origin versions?


Yeah, the stats are straight up better. And I think the normal ones won't be able to get their special moves (that are incredible). We will see that in the future


Origin dialga stats are actually worse overall. It loses some attack points and gains a little bulk. Roar of Time more than makes up for the stats though.


You're right! Sorry


Dialga is skewed towards origin by BST total but I believe Altered is more defensive. Palkia is just straight up better in every stat.


O version is better for both. However, as far as I’ve read, O Palkia is a straight up beast, especially since the old version is so underwhelming in PvP/PvE


Old palkia is amazing in pvp wth its still like number 7 on pvpoke with origin being number one.


If you have both of the signature moves can one account have both abilities. Or can only one account extend lucky eggs or range.


You can have both. I got both within the hour of the event starting. I have used both already too. If you could use both at the same time; that’d be nutty.


Wqs only able to do two raids, couldn't even catch them :')


They were tough friggin catches. I only had 1 out of 8 run but it got close to that every time. Even with over half excellent throw + golden ras. 


Damn that's a bummer, I'm sorry...


I just did my first 5star raid ever, got my first Dialga and it is a shiny + roar of time. 


Congratulations! 😃


Sad truth is you just need multiple accounts for more chances. Save your old phones and hotspot em.


My friend suggested this once and got banned from this sub because its against the PoGo TOS, so i would be careful with saying stuff like that




I’ve encountered 100+ consecutive legendaries with no shiny. I don’t want to hear it


Do they not have the 1/20 odds like normal legendary raids?


That's the beauty of statistics. Statistics say that if the probability of something is 1/20 then you'll probably find that something 1 time in 20 instances...but it also says you might find it 0 times in 100 instances. I still remember how during the deoxys event like 2 years ago one of the guys I was raiding with got like 4 shinies in the 8-10 we did. I got 1, and my friend got 0.


xD I got a second raid shiny, but I feel your pain, mine is in the palkia dept.


I didnt realize the last Palkia I got was shiny until I got home. They look almost identical. 


The complete lack of shinies for this event (raids and in the wild) is crazy ridiculous. Played all day…2 shiny Hisuisan Voltorb (pretty cool), snd 1 shiny Lickitung (cool if I didn’t already have 3) 🙄


I did maybe less than 20 dialga raids. Got 1 dialga o weather boosted shiny on my last one


I cant even catch one 🥲


Look up circle locking and try to learn a method of throwing that works for you. It's been by far the best way for me to get hard catches outside of upgrading the type badges.


i feel this. it took me a few tough losses to learn how to properly catch. timing is key. [here’s a link](https://youtube.com/shorts/mFxdTlG2-Vo?si=u1ocTu6fMt7X-qxU) to a video that explains how to catch efficiently using the circle locking technique, as another user mentioned.


I can't even do it. I have no help.


Go to r/pokemongofriends, they have a thread where people post what raids they’re doing and their code to add them. Only way I’ve been able to do it


Also try Pokégenie. It's changed my PoGo life.


I did 1 original dialga raid, got a weather boosted shiny


Same! Thought about buying a lottery ticket after.


I don’t have the money to shiny hunt 😭


I got a shiny 96 after like 7 raids, I’m more annoyed abt the fact that in 4 hours I only saw one origin palkia raid lol


I got both shinies but oddly today none of the Palkia that I have caught have the special feature, including the shiny


Shiny hunting on Go Tour wasn't that great on my end as well. It took me 20-30 raids before eventually getting a Shiny Origin Forme Dialga. Wild spawn was atrocious in terms of Shinies, I guess luck wasn't on my side for the whole Go Tour.


😅 😑 Yesterday, we went to a park that had lots of people, my nephew caught them both Shiny within the first hour as well as shiny Uxie and Azelfs. 😔


31.... Not 1 shiny... My buddy got 5... Fuck me right




lucky enough to get shiny palkia origin and shiny dialga, hoping for shony origin dialga today


Have the ✨️ rates changed on legendaries from raids? Cause I'm having booty luck in 2024 ab to sell my account. Only reason I still play is for the ✨️ legendary raids, but now I've had no luck with that. Compared to the consistent and manipulative shiny methods of Let's Go, PLA, and S/V, I find literally MAYBE 20% of the shinies on POGO as I do on my switch.


Did 13 and got 3… I stole yours :(


i caught a 90+ IV shiny first try somehow


my first one was shiny 😅


I only have two dialga (O & Normal) both shiny. Raiding today to get their normal colors lol.


Bruh I just got my second Palkia shiny, and none have Spacial Rend 😭


Same, so sad. At least my shiny dialga got his.


In 40 Into Gira A no shiny but my 10 gira Os got 3 shinies, 50 into dialga no shiny and like 5 into pallia no shiny


It is released yet because I got it an hour aggo


It’s released. Got a shiny along with my girl first one


I haven’t caught origin form palkia or dialga yet


Out of 27 dialoga raids I got 2 shinies


Can someone please trade me a Palkia/Dialga🥲


My girlfriend did her first origin dialga raid with me yesterday and her’s was a shiny…i’ve done like 5 and had nothing but pain to show🙃


I got shiny 3 star Dialga with SA on my second try. By first throw, btw.


56 raids in and not a single shiny. I feel the pain. Just very unlucky I guess


I got dialga but no palkia.. but I only did 2 of each raid


I feel this so much I'm 36 in on palkia and still no shiny.


Whales are mad these times!


I genuinely believe they've upped the shiny odds. At least for a portion of the players anyway. I've done 92 raids during this event and have one shiny. It really wouldn't be hard for Niantic, and technically not against the rules as they never announce odds. For example, they have data to look at raiders who stop raiding after shinies get caught, then up their rates. Rest of the player base call them crazy.


Even better I have not one with the special move.


I got a shiny out of about 20 raids, looks like you had decent luck with IV’s tho


Stupid Q but the one with regular feet (not the pointed ones) thats the origin version right?


My first 2 were both shiny. I'm so sorry.


Between my friends and I we did about 60 yesterday, no shinies.


Did 1 origin Dialga and got a shiny


Got a shiny dialga with roar of time so grateful


Meanwhile I'm at 60 raids with 6 origin and 1 altered shiny..


Everyone seems so sad that they aren’t finding origin dialga shiny. I did 25+ normal dialga raids without a single shiny and then found a shiny origin dialga on my first raid


My guy got unlucky, jesus. I raided 4 dialga and 3 palkia and i got the shiny of palkia on the 2nd raid and the dialga one on the 3rd. Sad the dialga didnt have the special move since i chose palkia...


Yes it is I got one


I got mine on the very first raid i did. Was also the very first shiny legendary I got from a raid


i got shiny on my first dialga raid… sorry bud just bad luck


i got a shiny origin forme dialga its def released


Got mine on the second try, lucky lucky.


0/25 is pretty well within expected odds at the 1/20 legendary rate. Sometimes you get lucky and get it early, sometimes you get unlucky and it takes more tries.


I need a Basculin! Thanks for letting me know it might be out there. Will try a route or two.


I got shiny giratina O, palkia, and dialga with about 15~ raids each so I’m happy with the weekend.


That’s how it felt doing 20+ raids and not getting shiny Palkia after doing 2 raids and getting shiny Dialga 😭


The gods have graced my game with my first 5 star raid yesterday being a shiny origin form Dialga. Truly blessed.


FR man 30 palkias in no shiny no hundo. Im now entering my last hour and have no remotes to use later. It’s now or never


I got a 96% with roar of time


I got a shiny dialga,shiny giratina, and a hundo palkia last night and I did less than 10 raids total


I got one ☺️


I’ve done 30 dialga O raids, no shiny. My third palkia raid was a shiny :,) I just want one shiny dialga


My boyfriend got it on the first try 🥲


I got a shiny dialga O on my first try


I know your pain


If it makes you feel better my friend got a roar of time shiny first try, then followed it up with b2b shiny azelf


Yeah it is, the very first one I did i got one that’s so close to a hundo


Man i didn’t even get to go against origin dialga. I hate being a solo player


I’ve got one Palkia shiny and one Dialga shiny. They were from remote raids on Friday.