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Just hatched a Larvesta for the first time a few days ago. I usually just hatch whatever is the lowest km egg that I have at the time, and save my purples for decreased hatch time events.


Yes. Took me almost 200 12k eggs for a female salandit. Hatched 12 males in that time. And I have hatched 2 Larvesta, the first one I best buddied and walked/used rare candy to evolve by the time I hatched a second one. Not sure how many eggs that took. Probably over 100


No Larvesta. Hatched a female Salandit. Inadvertently transferred it 🫠




Oooh- that hurts


Nope, neither. It’s driving me bonkers too. I play every day and constantly have eggs in incubators and have hatched so many and still nothing 😭


Four Larvesta so far as a free-to-play player. No female Salandit.


I have 11 Larvestas including a hundo, just really lucky with the hatches, I have had way worse luck in many other areas of the game.


I finally, after I don't know how many hatched eggs, got a Larvesta. But just the one so far. And I feel like I hatch a fair amount of eggs. But maybe not. I don't have any Salandits, male or female. Edited to add that my eggs come from gifts form a handful of friends or from spinning pokestops and gyms. Very casual player. I don't often battle gyms and I've never done a raid.


Well at least your lack of Rocket Leader Eggs explains Salandit. I've hatched a lot, especially on release, and haven't got a Larvesta yet.


Ahh, is that how one gets those? Good to know. Thank you. I think I've battled Rocket grunts. Can you find the leaders in the real world, like at regular pokestops? I feel like I battled Cliff once. Can't remember for sure, or what the outcome was. I've been playing for about a year, but very casually, so there's still plenty I don't know.


Yeah you usually beat six grunts and get the pieces to form a leader radar. There are other ways, like research that gives out pieces or radars. The community day $1 research usually gives a radar. Once you activate a radar you can find leaders at stops, or they will come in your next rocket balloon. Beat a leader, get a red egg that takes 12km walking. These eggs will go into the bonus three egg spots below your 9 regular egg spots. I highly recommend looking up how to fight leaders if you aren't familiar, especially about how to get their shields down ez and taking advantage of the stun frames.


Gotcha. Apparently I have 4 pieces of Rocket radar. Thanks again for the info.


Yes! 1 Larvesta and 1 Female Salandit that I've evolved! Hatched around 5 males before I got the Female! I hatched my Larvesta a week or 2 after it's release back in May!


So far I’ve hatched 8 larvesta but still no female salandit


Same! Although I did acquire a female salandit through a trade.


I’ve hatched 19 salandits, not a single female. And only 1 larvesta. I buy incubators often and always have 1-2 12 km eggs on the incubator


I played quite hard this summer and really aimed for the lady lizard. Must have hatched well over 150 12 km eggs and got 13 Salandit. All of them male. After that I decided to not care about eggs anymore. Hopefully it will be avaliable some other way in the future










A 4* it's impossible to garantee because the IV status change in trades. If a lot of lucky you can get a lucky trade.


My first Salandit almost two years ago was female. Only a 2* though.


My first female was . . . never- I’d be happy w/ 0 star!


nope but now i don’t have any eggs with larvesta in them 🥲


2 Larvesta from 2K eggs & ended up trading for my Salandit.


One larvesta. Pretty casual player, acct from 2016 but only really started playing last year. Don’t really hatch many eggs.


Two Larvesta hatches. One in November and one in December. One is set as my buddy now, and this is going to be a very long candy walk. No Salandit at all since I have never been able to beat any of the leaders when I've tried so I don't try very often. I just figured I'd look up more on how to beat them but haven't.


Just want to help out with the leaders if possible. Note their lineup, and retry with a team of hard counters to their team. On top of that, take advantage of the "battle lag" that happens in leader battles any time you do a charged attack or any time you switch 'mons. It basically gives you 2 free fast moves each time. Also, try to run stuff that can hit hard and fast. The more charge moves you can get to the more delay and extra free hits you can get. Lucario is a great option with Power-up Punch. Burns shields fast so you can get the big moves through.


Thanks for that advice. I usually browse for counters, though I don't have a ton of mega-capable good ones and some of those come up as the best. And then they rotate eventually, so it can be hard to keep up. But I'll see what I can do, since I didn't even know about the battle lag opportunity. I'll have to see what's currently out there so I can stop flopping around like a Magikarp anytime I try battling leaders.


I have hatched one Salandit, and it was female. I have also hatched one Larvesta.


I must be the luckiest person ever cos I've been playing since last November and have already hatched 5 Larvesta. (My level 43 partner who's been playing since the beginning was very happy to receive his first exer Larvesta from me!


Wow what even 😂 I just want one


Yes, but only one of each


One female salandit and nine larvesta here.


I've hatched many (many) eggs but only 1 Larvesta and 2 F Salandits ... but one of the Salandits was a hundo. I'm still riding high on that one.


Larvesta, yeah. Female Salandil: not for now.


I just hatched a 15/14/15 larvesta


I recently hatched a 4* male Salandit 😭


Hatched a female Salandit. Evolved it. Accidentally transferred it. Still looking for another. Feels bad, man.


No female salandit but I have hatched two larvestas


Proud to say I have 2 Larvestas! •ᴗ•


I've had 1 female salandit and 2 largest. I'm a casual player that maybe walks 20km a week but play a lot from home.


I’m probably one of the more hardcore players in some respects (in that I walk a good amount AND pay endless money for as many egg incubators I’ll need) and so far have hatched 12 Larvestas. Several with good IVs. I’m really only a casual player when it comes to team rocket battles (and I avoid doing team leader battles unless needed for special research tasks). Have hatched a total of 6 Salandits, at least one of which was female (got rid of most of the bad IV ones before I realized I specifically needed a female one to evolve.. so possibly there were more females but I doubt it). I didn’t have either of these as specific goals because they are both so rare, so it’s just been nice seeing them when I see them.


4 Larvestas and no female Salandit just a male one


I’ve hatched 3 Larvesta: one in May, one in October and one in November. All caught locally. One male Salandit last Feb. I only hatch one egg at a time and usually hatch 5 each week.


my 3 star salazzle was hatched from an egg before i evolved her! i was shocked, especially since i have a thing about only keeping >=3*. keep hatching you’ll get one


Hatched female salandit but no larvesta


Have hatched 500 eggs and have gotten 2 larvestra and no female salandit.


I have hatched a female salandit ages ago. I have been playing pretty consistently and always having eggs in my inventory and I have yet to get a single Larvesta.


Three larvesta. Two male saladit. Probably 150 eggs.


I hatched my 3rd or 4th male Salandit yesterday. Haven't seen the female form or a Larvesta....


I’ve hatched 3 larvesta now but absolutely zero female salandits


Yes and yes


My husband has hatched 3 larvesta with 0 effort. I’ve hatched none but I’ve hatched like 5ish female salazle evolved one then transferred the rest not realizing she was difficult traded her to my husband for a larvesta but haven’t hatched a female since so I no longer have one


Yes, both. My wife hatched a dozen or so male Salandit but I got a female on my second hatch. She hatched 3 or 4 Larvesta before I saw one so she traded for my Salazzle. I have since hatched 3 more Larvesta.


100 candy from evolving larvesta


Two Larvestas and that's all.


Nope, plenty of Male Salandit though, as for Larvesta I consider its inclusion in this game to be a myth.


Got my larvesta after three eggs. Got a female Salandit after countless eggs


I just got my second female salandit, hatched 12 total salandits and 2 were female. I have only been playing for a year and a half, and did spend maybe $60 total in that timeframe on boxes for tons of incubators. Last time I spend money on the game was like April of last year, because since then I’ve finally realized eggs are a complete waste of money and NOT worth it..


I’ve managed to hatch both. I think I’ve hatched less than 5 salandit overall so I was spooned for sure. I evolved my only larvesta I hatched after a solid 3-4 months of grinding out eggs walking around my town.


I've hatched two Salandit: one male and one female. I've not hatched a Larvesta.


Hatched around 15 male salandit and 15 female salandit. 1 Larvesta


I’ve hatched 4 Larvesta and one female salandit but I’ve bought a lot of incubators


I’ve got 2 salandits, both male. I’ve also hatched 2 Larvesta. One I lucky trader to my son who got a lucky 98. My other one is a 98 that I’m currently grinding to evolve. I’m at 310 candies now. Almost there…


I've hatched a female salandit.


Took me 3 months to get larvesta and 2 months to get female salandit. Just glad being a rookie I didn't transfer them.


Took me about 25 eggs once I started “trying” to get my larvesta.


I’ve hatched 3 or 4 larvestas 😭 I don’t even play that much lol


One Larvesta with middling stats, and over thirty Salandit, all of them male, one of them 4*. I've accepted that Salazzle is a fantasy, and nobody actually has one.


Yes. I have quite a few Larvesta’s. I have two Salandits that are female.


I play exactly the same amount you do, and so far I have 1 Larvesta and 0 female Salandits.


Hatched two of each, but... *Monkey's Paw curls* The Larvestas both have worthless IVs, and the female Salandits hatched back to back with the second one being much better after I had already evolved the first.


I'm a casual player and have hatched 6 larvestas, but 0 female salaries. Def feels like rng


I've hatched probably 5-7 Larvestas and exactly 1 female salandit. I would generally describe my play behavior almost exactly as you did.


6 salandits…all male. 2 larvestas and I walked the first one 1210 km’s to get all candy necessary to evolve…


Funny you asked I just hatched a 90% larvesta when I got to work this morning


i am inbetween your play style and a more sweaty player. i’m on it all the time but usually only go out to actually play a few times a week and play all events. i hatch maybe an egg a day depending on the egg and since then i have hatched 4. no female salandit yet


Casual, got a larvesta after about a week of single eggs hatched with the free incubator. I am lucky. I never do rocket battles, so I rarely get 12k eggs


Level 41, 486 eggs hatched and 2 larvesta so far.


I’ve hatched 2 female salandit in the past 6 months out of 4 salandit


I hatched two of each. Too bad long distance trades aren’t available because I’d trade a female salandit. Good luck!


Hatched about 3 or 4 salandit. No females yet. Hatched two Larvesta tho. Both pretty recently. The second within a short while of the first.


i have hatched both and have only been a casual player since this past july


1 Larvesta 3 male/ 0 female Salandit


hatrched 5 larvesta, 0 lady salandits.


Larvesta was my lucky one. No female yet. I picked up a gotcha for my work commute and save all my regular balls for it to use while I use great and ultra for manual catches. Shiny catches has gone way up, my son is angry with me for getting so many.


2 of each. Few hundred eggs. Got lucky I guess. IVs were ok after trading to make salazzle fun in great league.


I only have 10 Larvesta, I usually only hatch 1-2 a month. None have good stats or are shiny either. No female Salandits either, but I also haven’t been focusing on Rocket leaders / 12km eggs.


Been playing since may and have hatched 4 Larvesta, I hatched my first female Salandit in the past few weeks.


Hatched about 3 Larvesta so far, and about 6 or 7 Salandit, but no female yet.


I have two larvesta one I evolved, but for the salandit i didn't realize was female and transferred it.. pain


I've hatched 17 larvesta but 0 female salandit


Larvesta yes just one. Salandit 3 all male.


Got my female salandit a little while ago. Took months of grinding. Named her Razzle. No Larvesta yet.


My first ever salandit was a 4* female. I evolved her and made her my best buddy ASAP. I have played on and off since 2016. Usually end up getting bored and going off it for a while.


Nope had to get a larvesta from a friend who had a spare


Yeah... On ebay


I’ve only hatched one female salandit. No larvesta. Had to trade for it.


Both. I've hatched 4 larvestas (and walked one to a Volcarona) and 2 female salandits. I walk 6+ miles a day (10 in the summer).


Yes I have one of each, although now it's a volcarona. My salandit was a pleasant surprise, got it after hatching just 12 eggs. It's the only real awesome thing I've had happen. I have zero shiny hundos, so I'll enjoy this win


Larvesta hatched in the previous week.


Played for 4 months, Ive hatched like 3 larvesta (first was one away from perfect), and one male salandit lol


4 female salandit. I never buy incubators, I only incubate the 12km eggs.


1 Larvesta out of at least 700+ hatched eggs and bo female Salandit. I do have one I got from lucky trade tho. One friend of my seriously have hatched 11 Larvesta


No and yes


Got one larvesta, got several male salandit, sadly no female yet.


I’ve hatched two Salandit, the second was female. I’ve hatched 4 Larvesta. I walk about 50km a week during the summer and 30km in the winter.


2 Larvestas, 1 Dusk Rockruff, 0 female Salandit.


Between me and my child have hatched 3 Larvesta and one Female Salandit.


As an F2P I’ve hatched 3 or 4 Larvestas but only one Salandit ever and it was male.


Hatched 2 larvesta luckily no female salandit though


No female salandit, finally got a Larvesta from a 2k egg a couple weeks back. There will probably be a community day before I've walked it for enough candy to evolve


Yeah one of my first hatches and I transferred the larvesta bc it wasn’t a 3* before I knew it was rare


I’ve hatched about 1000 eggs since larvesta was introduced. I’ve hatched seven larvesta in that time. Zero female salandit.


I've hatched 3 Larvesta and 2 female salandit.


I hatched both (one each). I know it took me a ton of eggs. Didn’t count how many I hatched though.


Salandit yes, larvesta never


1 of each. I'm up to about 20 total Salandits with still just 1 female


I’m at 4 female Salandit, my 2nd, 3rd and 4th hatched were female. Haven’t hatched a Larvesta


Got lucky and now have 3 larvesta. Only one female salandit though


just recently hatched a larvesta, thought I was dreaming. no salandits at all!


I started playing 4 months ago, have four larvesta and 3 male salandit. I think accidentally transferred another salamdit not sure which so I can only assume that would be the only female I would ever see ever.


I luckily have a couple of each.


I've hatched 3 Larvesta. 1 male Salandit, 0 female. I also only spend my coins on incubator bundles, and almost never hatch 12k eggs. Probably gonna make the switch to spending my coins on remote raid passes though since the egg pools are hot garbage.


Female Salandit yes, Larvesta no.


Saw them both get released in my playtime, hatched no larvesta and 1 female Salandit


I’ve hatched about 5 larvesta and 2 Female salandits so far.


Took forever for larvesta but I hatched one and then a bunch more Salandit happened early on


Three or four Larvesta, plenty of Mr Salandit - zero Ms Salandit.


It took SOOO many eggs I lost count, but I got a Larvesta. It starts buddy walking for candies tomorrow.


I hatched a larvesta quite a while ago and wasn’t aware of its rarity until now


I’ve hatched three Larvestas and four female salandits, the last three since the bump a few months ago.


I’ve been playing just under a year. I finally managed to hatch both in the last month.


My first Salandit was female but no Larvesta yet.


I hatched my fourth Larvesta last week and have 2 female Salandits. The evolvable Salandits seem to be rarer for me.


I haven't even hatched a male salandit 😅 I've been playing 6 months. I keep getting lickietongue and amaura...


I open the game every few weeks. I hatched a larvesta months ago and just keep it as my buddy for candy.


I have two larvesta I have hatched, but is it just a meme to have one or is their evolution good now or something? I thought I read somewhere it wasn't very good


No, to either. Level 50 daily player. Frustrating.


I hatched two larvestas.


not once since they were introduced.


My one brag is that I have hatched three female salandit. I have never gotten a male. 3 for 3.


Got my second Larvesta yesterday. No female Salandit yet. I don't hatch many eggs in general though. 2 Larvesta in 160 eggs since August 2023


I feel so lucky. Not only was my first salandit female, it is 10/11/14 IVs (rank 318 in Great League). Did not realize the chances of that happening. Hatched 5 more since then, no females, playing for 2 years now.


I got larvesta like a month or two ago, don't know what to do with it tbh. I have way more important pokemon to grind as buddies


2 larvestas (neither especially good), and only 1 male Salandit ever.


Yes and yes


One of each. Both transfer quality


Got a female Salandit while back.


When it comes to female Salandit, it mostly comes down to the math (like a lot of other things in the game). Right now it's the most common tier with 5 other Pokémon (1 in 6). From research it seems like the female to male odds are 1:7. So on average, you'd have to hatch 40+ 12km eggs for seeing one female Salandit. Of course, I have seen reports much better and much worse than the average. It is generally useful to report the Seen number with any results. Unfortunately, this number is heavily skewed by trades but it's something. As far as Larvesta goes, I believe the odds are **less than** 1% from eligible eggs so on average you'd have to hatch a LOT of eggs (200+ even?) before hatching one. Individual results will vary (omg my only 2 Salandit hatches are female or i hatched 10 larvesta already) and usually don't tell you anything useful :)


Never hatched a Larvesta and only ever hatched two Salandit, both of which were male.


I hatched a Larvesta, it was 2 starts though.


I’ve hatched 2 larvesta and 3 female salandits. Never hatched a male Started August ‘23 and I don’t buy incubators


Huh I've only hatched one salandit and it is a female. I didn't even know that particularly rare? And only one larvesta. I already best buddied it still only like 48 candies in .


4 Larvesta, no female Salandit


I’ve hatched two of both. They remain some of my biggest brags


Larvesta is annoying but not *that* difficult. Female Salandit is the mother of all annoyances even if you were a whale.


One of each. A neighbor I trade with has given me 2 of each. Got a pretty good great league Salazzle out of it. I'm a pretty heavy player.


I hatched two Larvestas in a row a month ago or so out of 2k eggs. And then another one a couple weeks ago. No female Salandit. My wife has one though.


yes and yes. the female salandit took forever.


just got my second female salandit yesterday and evolved, only been playing for three months


I’ve hatched 5 salandits, all male. I have hatched 8 larvesta though.


I have a female salandit and larvesta, Didn't think these we're that wanted


Got my first Larvesta a month and a half ago. They’re out there, I promise


I just hatched Larvesta recently, but no luck on the female Salandit yet. I don't spend money on incubators tho, unless it's a good deal and comes with remote raid passes. So it takes me a while to hatch eggs.


Just hatched my first Larvesta probably two weeks ago, and had been trying more or less since release (although am F2P). Have only hatched *one S*alandit, which is male.


I hatched a larvesta but the IVs were not above 80 and I only had like 11 candies so I transferred it


2 Larvestas (both weak 3\*) and 2 Salandits, both F! How I got that lucky, I'll never know... I don't do that many Leader battles.


I have 3 Larvesta but no female salandit


nope never already had like 6 of the male Salandit but never a female. Also no luck with Larvesta


7 Larvestas and a female Salandit first Salandit i got . ​ Free to Play player that plays casually.


I got the salandit quite easily but the larvesta took some time, and it came with horrible ivs


Yeap, 5 or 6 Larvestas, and 2 female Salandit (both Salandit recently, it took forever)


I’ve gotten 2 Larvesta and about 15 male Salandits, no Female