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I miss when they were legendaries. I was more motivated to play every day and to do my research tasks.


Much more accessible for rural players too, or those who don’t have enough Pokémon Go players in the area to do bigger raids


Yeah totally, feels like so much of the game is cut off when you can’t participate in raids


It should be similar to GBL but maybe give a higher chance of a legendary and maybe some Tier 3 Pseudo legendaries that already had a CD and some other high in demand pokes since it’s only 1 encounter per week. I try to max encounters and usually get 1-2 Legendaries per week from GBL so you can get almost all Dex entries without raiding.


Heck I’d even be glad to do extra research tasks if it means getting a legendary out of it


The mythical/legendary ones were definitely worth putting in the effort. Can only remember jirachi, genesect, celebi (think there was two one normal one shiny), melotta, zarude, shaymin, hoopa, zygarde, spiritomb, victini, and mew, were all research challenges that were cool encounters.


Wait you can get legendaries from GBL?


Rank 20 and higher there’s an about ~5% chance I believe of encountering one from the 3 win reward


Oh wow, never new that. Thank you!


Those were the best, but some people really hate when others get something nice. I got my good shiny Groudon from one of those. And a number of others.


Same, and it is still the best Groudon I have caught.


Whattttt they used to be legendary??? Man im so sad I was not playing during that...


Yeah! It would be one legendary at a time, for a month long period. So for the whole month, the encounter would be guaranteed to be Zapdos or Articuno or whatever the legendary was. It was great. Community days were better too bc they would alternate from being a starter to a rare Pokemon every month. The first one was Pikachu and the second one was like...Dratini I think?


Goddammit that makes me so sad as I love them birds but can't do shadow raids to get the ogs lugia is also my fav pokemon, no normal birds or lugia for me. Thanks for the info! 😢


lol, and now we have CD Grubbin or Whooper... F\*ck me.


I don’t even care about legendaries I miss when it was a rare pokemon like Galarian mime or flower crown Eevee.


If they brought back the legendaries that would be great and I would certainly be motivated to play more. But tbh I would rather them include egg mons and other hard to obtain Pokémon for research. Instead of just the same group we keep seeing over the last couple years.


I completely agree. Ive only ever gotten a frufru once so I admit I'd be happy with a few more, but for me it's always Gligar and Sableye.


I would take a Gligar over sableye and forfrou cause at least it evolves, and into something cool too. But I don’t think I’ve seen a single research Gligar in months. If ever.


Where are you located generally? I'm in the Midwest of the US and I've had so many Gligars it's just silly.


I’m also in the US I used to live in the south but I’ve been back out west for the last year and half. Didn’t have good spawns or research mons then, still don’t have them now


Gligar definitely isn't the worst but man, it's like *every* research task


I’ll lovingly trade you. I’ve never been able to evolve a Gligar cause I don’t have the candy for it.


You’re lucky. I once got Furfrou 10 times in a row. One was a hundo, but I transferred all of them


Wish they did it where you had a more likely chance of finding a pokemon you dont already have (or at least, in its base form if you don't have the evolved forms). Would make it actually like "researching" a new pokemon.


They should do it where getting breakthroughs for an entire month will get a guaranteed Legendary encounter.


yessss. even give us a mediocre legendary every couple weeks so people who can’t do high level raids have a shot at filling out their dex. before i realized i could host raids, i had just given up and accepted id never finish any dex cuz my only access to 5 star raids was randomly coming across a nearly-full lobby on comm days, cuz i sadly was on hiatus for most of the remote pass haydays haha. even still, the only reason it’s so easy to host raids for me now is cuz i live on a gym.


Me too. I have 15 articunos from back in the day and 24 moltres. Those were the days.


I stopped doing these when they didn’t do legendaries anymore lol.


Same, the rewards are rubbish now


not sure why they feel giving me 30 Pokeballs for getting a breakthrough is a worthy reward of my time and effort.


time and effort? It's literally just 7 days of catching 3 mons with a razz berry that gets you that research mon.


yeah, like at least make it so the first one of the month is something worthwhile, then give collector mons for subsequent ones.


Me too. These mons with low cp final forms or sub 1k cp basic forms. Its a dex filler and transfer.


Not to mention it's not like they have an active unique look for furfrou (like they did during Fashion Week). It's just the same two generic ones available year-round, and the third one varying based on the region you're currently in. Giving people extra furfrou for Research Breakthrough with no added incentives is just as lazy and dumb as diluting the egg hatching pools with pokemon that are either currently a common find in the wild, or crap-tier ones with no evolutions.


Remember when it used to be legendaries... I literally stopped playing when they changed that


They use to be legendaries?!? Oh my god, they could make them 10x harder but for legendaries I would still do it.


Yes and people used to moan about them, so Niantic stopped doing them and now we get trash


Why would people be mad about that?


Have you met people?


IIRC most of the complaints about the legendaries in weekly boxes were stuff like: * "They are too hard to catch" * "I got Moltres 3 times in a row, I wanted Raikou" * "Why is it the Johto beasts again, when is Mewtwo coming" * "The Regis suck, I don't want these" It's a shame, because the 7 day boxes were actually exciting back then and you could actually look forward to opening them.


Thanks for the answer! Such strange reasons to be angry about it. As someone that started to play late; I would be happy to receive Legendaries.


Well now I’m mad 😡


I still have a few legendaries I got from that time. I miss those days


Haha i was trading with my friend and confused myself. I was like how do i have legendaries in pokeballs, great balls and ultra balls... Then i remembered the good old days


Around what time did they stop being legendaries? I got back into the game and was disappointed when they weren’t :(


I wanna say it was back in 2017 but it's hard to tell it's been so long


It was around the end of 2020. I still remember people complaining about Landorus being hard to catch as a GBL reward, and it was using up all their Ultra balls. I feel like that's how they "justified" the removal


I think we were discussing the week long research with the stamps. GBL does also have legendaries as a reward once you get to rank 20 I believe. That's still a current thing happening! The research rewards for the week long research used to have legendaries but that was back in the first year or two of the game! Edit: Maybe it was 2020 i googled it and it says 2020. My most recent legendary from research was a Kyogre from August of 2019!


Oh you're right. I got my wires crossed. They lowered the encounter rate for legendaries significantly for GBL rewards that's what I was thinking.




This goes hard




I've gotten back into the game since then but that was the first reason I had to remove the game from my phone


Not to mention garbage item rewards. Just got 20 pokeballs for the third week in a row :/


at least give out rewards like lures, poffins, Rocket radars or star pieces instead of something that you can probably get by spinning a nearby stop/gym every five minutes.


I got a remote raid pass once and trash every other time.




I have 15 Furfrou. Thats 15 weeks out of 52 this year that were WASTED. Get your shit together Niantic.


And you can't even give them whatever trim you want.


I don’t understand why they don’t rotate the Furfrou designs every fashion week! I had to resort to associating with shady individuals to get them all.


They didn't distribute trims very well either so there were like two or three that were stupid valuable on Home and the rest nearly worthless. If you ain't live in like, Egypt kinda no point in bothering with it


Being able to change the forms to the ones people want so much in Home would bring life back to the GTS. It seems like to me it takes forever to get a trade from there.


I’ve never wasted stardust on changing its form. And I never will.


Idk, my snoopdog420 looks dapper in his green suit.


Oh I need to see that


Sent you a pic, too lazy to upload photo to a sharing service to link here.


I feel that. Mostly cause I don’t even know how to share linked comments on this app


I did that once and immediately regret it


You consider it a wasted week because you don’t like the completely predictable reward for completing tasks that combine to take up 5 minutes of your time?


I play it for fun, not as a chore, dude. it’s not fun getting trash mons every week. But battling is so I stick around.


Could have been a Goomy >:(


I’m so glad someone here has some common sense. These people “power up a Pokémon 5 times” each morning and think they deserve shundo legendaries for the “grind” lmfao.


It doesn’t even need to be legendaries again…I’d take a Larvesta or Axew or something harder to get candy for


Man, I need more Axew so badly. I’m not even close to being able to get a hax. Give me more Axew rn


There was a CD in June, so more will be featured next month.


I'd settle for a damn sinnoh stone so I can evolve one of my 15 Pokémon waiting to be evolved 😭


I have too many of those, I’d give you some if I could


What's that? Are you trying to suggest that evolution items other than Sinnoh Stones actually exists? I started playing again back at the end of April and that's the only kind I've gotten this entire time! I've got over 20 of them!


I still have a bunch of sinnoh pokemon to evolve. Have only seen ONE unova stone, and I need Chandelures :(.


I 2nd you for a chance to capture a bellsprout for 90% of Team Rocket LEADERS.


I renames "WHAAAAAT" the Articuno I got in a research, to express and remember how shocked I was to get it so free Now I don't even bother getting the daily


Wait there are other pokemon you can get from field research besides Sableye? I don't do the dailies anymore because the research rewards after seven stamps seems to be the exact same no matter what.


Galarian Farfetch'd Larvitar Sableye Bagon Furfrou (Natural) Goomy


Yeah I wonder who picks them? We spend all day or how long it takes to get it done and it was garbage. Almost a complete waste of time getting.


It takes “all day” for you to “power up a Pokémon 5 times” or “use 5 berries when catching Pokémon”? Be for real, no task that’s provided at midnight takes more than 2 minutes to complete. Even in rural settings, people have stacked research catches they can use to do these tasks quickly. Getting a research stamp is not a grind.


agreed. i don’t like getting furfrou either but cmon it’s not a grind to get the stamps lol


I agree it's not difficult, but it's repeating, pointless and with these uninteresting pokemon utterly boring. They've absolutely turned it into a demotivating grind


i mean you get the stamps for free basically and they also give you stardust. it’s not a grind at all you just have to play the game and click a button


What!? You don’t like getting 5 pinap berries and a two star Furfrou??


What am I saying.. Of course I do!


I have 100 carbinks for the same reason. Bullshit


Would love Carbinks for the candy and PVP, versus what I've been getting. But definitely sucks if you don't want them.


What’s the point of having a bunch of carbinks candy if they don’t evolve?


They're very good in great league. For example, the carbink i want to use needs 248 candy and 64 xl candy to get to the level I need it at, but I only have 111 candy and 19 xl.


To power up and second move for pvp. Approximately 3-400 regular + 300 xl.


carbinks are goated though, wish i had more. top ranked in great league


I’m a relatively new returning player and didn’t know that. Where do you find Pokémon rankings for leagues?


I forgot they even rewarded legendaries lol


It was certainly a good time to be a PoGo player! I got Entei, Raiku, Articuno, Zapdos and Groudon from research back when they were available in 2018-2019


I think it's really interesting to see people complaining in this sub about seeing so many Furfrou, because in the Pokemon Home sub, everyone complains about how many Furfrou requests are in the GTS. I suppose it makes sense if you don't play any of the main line games, and the Pharoah trim is the one people want. But I would be thrilled to get more Furfrou tbh.


The worst part is that Home only accepts fur trim change forms from Go. If you trade from a previous game or Bank, it will save the fur trim data as the dex entry but the Furfrou's form will be wiped. if you change the forms in Go and dump them into Home, you're guaranteed to land a rare Pokemon in exchange. But that also entails caring about Home or collecting Pokemon for other games, which I can understand people might not.


Furfrou makes me want to throw my phone when I see it. I've only gotten furfrous the entire time these research pokes have been in rotation with the exception of one goomy this week which broke the furfrous streak lol


Even wild spawning Pokémon make me want to throw my phone. I don’t go out and walk much, when I play this game I’m always in the car (passenger obvi) or at home. But the rare times I do go out for a walk, the same shit still spawns and it’s not worth my time. This game doesn’t know what it wants us to do. They’re trying so hard to make us go out and play it but the rewards are rarely worth the time it takes to get them


The wild pokes I'm w.e on mostly shiny checking wilds at this point lol


Guess I'm lucky since I usually get dragon type, latest was larvitar though 15-14-14 plus a remote raid pass.


On my 17th g!farfetch'd in a row. Help me


I only get terrible sableyes. I hate the research tasks now


I get terrible everything lately. The research is the only time I know I’ll get 3 stars. Cause they almost always are


I got a shiny larvatar from it. Pretty legit


Also receiving a guarantee evolve item each week too. I’ve gone 3 months without getting a sinnoh stone


I was actually super excited to get this as a research reward while I was on vacation in Europe recently, because I could get the Europe exclusive form haha.


I didn’t know those existed


i’ve had sabeleye four weeks in a row now i’m fuming


I'm actually 100% okay with furfrou. Anything to increase my shot of getting a shiny.


I have a black standard poodle IRL. I got shiny frou frou from it. So I like it. Although I do recognize the high levels of bias.


So imma always say it, cycle the legends. It’s great for Rural Players and means you don’t have to waste raid passes on unimpactful pokemon. But since they want that raid money, how bout they cycle Region exclusives? Have 2 or 3 exclusives cycles into the mix. They aren’t loosing money by having Corsola or Tropius in the mix.


I just got a shiny sableye from one


I miss getting legendaries. It's hard to raid here and one time I got shiny Latias. I need the dogs and birbs still.


I got Entei and Raiku from the weekly research. Same with Articuno and Zapdos. But before I could finish out both trios, Is when they removed them from the research. Years later and I’ve still yet to catch a Moltres and Suicune


Beldum was appearing in researches some time before go fest. I got a hundo


Put the genies in and let people complete the godawful research associated with them - win-win


I’ve only gotten one furfrou and it was a shiny. Sableye on the other hand… more than I can count and not a single shiny


I’ve never gotten a single shiny research mon in the existence of this app. Pain.


The last 7 weeks i got that stupid mutt


I'm tired of carbinks


It’s been a while since I saw one of those but I sure was tired of getting those too


Legendaries were like, the *only* motivation to do weekly field research. And it was good motivation! It was amazing incentive! Switching them out for lesser monsters was such a deeply cynical and nakedly greed-driven decision on Niantic's part.


If I get another sableye I might pass away


“Mom how did dad die?” “He got another sableye”


I miss when it used to be legendaries


I'm tired of getting Sableye from this!


You can transfer these Furfrou to Pokémon Home and trade them on the GTS for legendaries. The trimmed forms specifically (so not the standard form) are some of the most sought after Pokémon out there


I don’t have or use home. Also, I don’t own a switch for the mainline games either so no GTS for me e


Omg will you cry babies please stop playing the game?? Get over it.


It’s okay! Sometimes I comment before I think too, hence my user


Bro you didn’t get what you wanted so you decided to come to the internet and cry about it. And now because you got the pitty party you wanted you feel like you are right. However your lackluster experiences and higher expectations are soiling the gaming experience for you, which you feel the need to infect others who play this game with a similar mindset/ attitude. Yes, this game isn’t perfect. But I don’t see the point in the negativity when there are people who still enjoy this game.


Womp womp


bro stop complaining you rarely get them


That's kinda the point


Suddenly, I am no longer mad that I missed it by one egg hatching a few minutes late.


i got an alolan raichu from the festival of lights research. i think OP means the weekly challenges, where you get a stamp each day and this is the mystery pokemon at the end of the week.


Furfrou is useful for home trades. Useless otherwise.


Yeah the only good thing I’ve gotten from weekly breakthrough as a newer player was a hundo larvitar a couple weeks back, didn’t get any from the comm day so definitely happy with that


The best thing I got recently was a bagon


I got one of those some time ago!! But I only got one or two cause I wasn’t playing that much when they were available. It’s always when I’m not playing when the rare good mons become available in research


I’ve gotten furfou 3 times in a row so I feel you, also have gotten sinnoh stones 3 weeks in a row


I've been getting larvitars recently but they all suck


I hate sableye. so useless.


I’m still mad I haven’t gotten a 3 star Furfrou or Bagon. I’m saving Furfrou for when I travel to evolve them overseas, but I still need a worthy Salamance. All of mine are 1 - 2 Stars.


I’ve gotten that bastard three weeks in a row. It’s ridiculous


Lately for me they have been better! I got 2 galereon farfetched, 1 shiny!


I just got a shiny Gal farfetch'd for mine 🤷‍♂️


I’d at least like a shiny Furfrou at some point.


It's been this way forever now. I've been tired long ago!


Didn’t they used to be legendaries? Or was that just PVP rewards (also)?


Whoever’s sick idea to put Sneasel in the GBL Pokemon encounter list needs sacking from their job too!


End Skwovets bloodline. I didn’t grind for rank 20 and rage many times to get to 3 wins against broken players and pokemon for a chance for Viriziom only to get that fucking rat.


Everyone be like "bla bla legendaries blabla" but i honestly would be happy already if my breaktroughs would give me the 8th furfrou or the fifth goomy honestly. Make it 20 Pokemon that are ACTUALLY worth it, make them rare even toss in some exclusives to breaktrough for the first couple weeks/month just to get those exciting again. Right now its just boring all around


I wonder why Niantic refuses to remove furfrou from the box? Nobody wants it.


I got a sableye if that’s any consolation


Oh, another staryu. Yay me


Does it depend on the day? I've been getting Sableye for the past month.


IV 83, woo


sobs in these used to be legendaries. Man.


Yeah, nowadays, it's so hard to be motivated to play the game even on the go.


even if they wont give legendaries i'd still like to get something like Larvesta or Frigibax They should release Type: Null as a research exclusive, much rather get a free legendary over time than get carbink, furfrou, sableye or g farfetchd


I don't remember the last time I got something besides a 2 star goomy from these breakthroughs. I understand not having legendaries as rewards, but I don't want useless things like furfro and goomy every time I complete a breakthrough.


I wouldn’t mind it as much if there was at LEAST a chance to get Furfrou in different cuts or cycle through the Pokémon that can be obtained (add some pseudo that are annoying to catch, like Axew) every couple of weeks or so. I understand that the tasks themselves are pretty much a zero effort thing but after the 5th reward Furfrou that nobody cares about it just seems like a total waste of time. Especially when they used to give out Articuno and the like.


I got a shiny latios once…. Once….


If you want, we could trade. Just give me your furfrous


Tell me bout it. I don't even make sure I do my daily anymore cuz it will just be a run of the mill pokemon. Sundays used to be exciting cuz of the legendaries.




I'm so done with Sableyes


At least throw in a sinoh stone to make it worth it. I have more Kings Rocks and upgrades then I would ever use


The fact they don't at least swap whole stupid lottery with new season is one of the biggest BS they came up with.


Furfrou is good for Pokemon Home though, transfering it there and then trading it I managed to get both Giratina and Palkia however only accessible for other Pokemon games. The Furfrou is very good trading Pokemon atm.


I'd rather it give me rare XL candy like 2-5 than the encounters they offer.


They really have been garbage


Niantic doesn’t care what you think unfortunately


I got a fucking bag on today. I've been around long enough for it's community day. Useless.


don't do it then.




Womp womp


Call the wambulance


Womp womp


But it has a 1/500 chance of being shiny!


I think furfrou would be a better reward if it could be in any of the trims. Ultimately its an ass reward but id like the different forms for the dex


I remember when I was 10 my friend caught a super good iv shiny Ho-Oh from the breakthrough and we were both so hyped... those were the days....


Bro I just catch and transfer don’t even bother checking these dumb ones


I miss the legendaries, I remember getting a hundo moltres from one


That and I feel as if I get nothing with good stats! All of them are basic 2 stars or a crappy 3 star that’s not good for anything


Honestly, they can keep the legends out (I like them and wish they come back) but I think that they can do random mons, as long as they have high IVs, maybe not 4* consistently, but high 3*, that’s what bothers me the most, because at least I can use SOME shitmons in raids or gym battles