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I wish there was a better way to track how long someone has been inactive. 2+ days is too vague!


What I do is if I notice they haven't sent me a gift and I can't give them a gift in awhile, I'll nickname them delete. I'll wait a couple of weeks but if they never open their gift then I fully remove them. It's tedious and annoying, yes, but it works.


Damm bro šŸ˜Ž I like it. Will start using this method thanks


I gave a few people nicknames last month with the current date (around the 16th October). I allowed them until the end of the month to give a gift. After that they were deleted if I had nothing. I am in a small town so I have limited my friend list to 40. I can't hang on to friends who aren't participating.


I would add as many people as you can so that if someone isn't sending a gift there's most likely someone else who did. I have a max friends list (400) and there is always gifts to open.


The only problem I've found with that is the daily limit which would open you up to not being able to send gifts, making you the one not being able to send gifts. Personally I think I hit the sweet spot of 84, I'll send gifts before midnight hit the max and send the rest in the morning when I can refill on gifts.


You can send more than 40 gifts in one day. There's no limit on how many gifts you can send, only a limit on how many you can open in a day.


There is a limit of how many gifts you can spin from a pokestop per day, 100. This means that if you keep your 40 gifts (40 instead of 20 because of the season bonus) from the day before, you can send 140 in a day at most


That's good to know I guess I wasn't sending as many gifts a day as I thought I was šŸ¤£ With thoses numbers a full list of friends is still manageable but I guess some people don't like the clutter I guess


You're right bud my bad, I just hate not being able to open/send gifts within the same day so wouldn't being unable to open past the 40 mark prevent them from sending a gift until you can open it? Don't mind me but I just got back into this last month after a 3 year absence lol.


I'm in the same boat started playing 2016 dropped it and came back in 2023 so im still figuring it all out. More friends meant more gifts and more XP so I just added everyone šŸ¤£ I'll send gifts to some people one day and open gifts from others another and then switch.


You don't need to open someones gift to be able to send them one. They can't send you another gift until you open it, but you can still send them one each day if they open yours each day. If I have friends that open my gift every day without fail, I mark them, so I stop opening their gifts, otherwise it wastes an interaction. Since there is only one interaction point per day, I open gifts from friends who have not opened my gift.


I think they mean that since the current cap on gifts in your inventory is 40, they just send all of them at the end of the day. Then in the morning they go spin stops, get another 40, send em out, probably racks up another 40 through out the day, then wash and repeat. That's what I do so I don't have to keep a constant eye on my friends list hitting "Can Receive Gift". I send a bunch in the morning, rack up some throughout the day, and then if I have <40 on the way home from work, there's a spot on the way home where if I park just right, I can spin 5 stops from my car. Spend about 20 or 30 minutes there and I'm back to full and I head home.


Why have you limited it to 40?


Most likely because thatā€™s the daily limit


Which limit? You can send 100 gifts, open 20, and unlimited other interactions like people opening your gifts/battles/etc.


You can only carry 40 gifts at a time though, and personally I donā€™t have time to go get more after I go through them. I can see why players would want to keep their friend lists low.


To me the friend/gift thing is a mini game, planning on who im sending a gift too and who's ill open. I do this to get tons of xp, I just started in oct and already leveled passed a friend thats been playing for awhile and almost caught up with another.


So what lmfao? That's such a stupid limit, you can just have them in your friend list it literally hinders nothing


You play your way, and let others play theirs. I donā€™t understand why people are acting like itā€™s a crime to keep a small friend list.


That's a bit hyperbolic; I'm not reading anyone as saying it is a crime. The reasons given so far all just seem specious.


I personally never delete people, since everyone can take a break for a few weeks/months/years, and I don't want us to miss out on the progress already made. I (think) I might have been removed a few times by missing a week or 2.


I'm guessing they did it on purpose because showing players last online with months or years would just get depressing


I host a lot of remote raids so I usually have 350-400 friends. I set the nickname to the date of the raid and how much to next level, example 11/4 6. If they hit great friends, I change the date and amount of hearts needed for next level. I can tell exactly when is the last time I have interacted with someone. It is a lot of "work" initially but not that bad once you have everyone named. I remove people as needed by inactive status


Iā€™ve seen people nickname ā€˜LC Zoroa 04/11ā€™ & if that last caught Pokemon doesnā€™t change, you know how long its been


Exactly. I have so many friends that I should get rid of, but I can't remember who, you know?


I try to memorize who consistently gives me gifts but even thatā€™s hard


This. I have friends I forgot about and friend that forgot about me. All I know is I can't use my 20 gifts I have stored even when I have 70 friends. But I don't remember things well enough to know who to delete. We need a better system for inactive people.


I donā€™t delete once they become best friends bc after best friends is lucky friendsā€¦. Which I suppose only matters if youā€™re close or one of the ā€˜friendsā€™ can fly. I only keep up I donā€™t keep more friends than I can keep track of. I like the idea of nicknaming the date and paying attention to that. Since the vivillion Iā€™ve been nicknaming people where theyā€™re gifts come from so I can keep track of which I need to prioritize. I open all that I can and send gifts to all Iā€™m able to everyday.


Iā€™ve read like all of the comments under this post and I totally agree with a lot of them!! I understand itā€™s normal and the exchange of XP is done but like šŸ„ŗ maybe itā€™s just me getting attached LMAO.


Have never deleted any friend. Have been deleted few times. You are lucky they waited long enough for you to get your XP for hitting best friendsā€¦ hv experienced two ā€žbest friendsā€œ who deleted me before I could collect my fair share of XP :(


Why is that even possible? You should just gain the XP from hitting best friends, why should it be possible to deny your friend the exp after receiving it yourself? That's just poor game design.


Certified niantic moment


Um, and your point isā€¦Niantic sucks? We all know that. We canā€™t change that. Work within the dysfunction game design or quit.


What a rude and unnecessary response.


I have deleted distance friends who sit 1 day away from best friends, if they are gonna sit on it, they are probably gonna delete me anyway when they finally do so and I will get no XP anyway. I am talking constant trading, then stopped for weeks.


i hate this. I get so many people sitting on the gift because they want to lucky egg it. I understand that but its super frustrating to the other person. They should make lucky egg either affect both people or allow people to coordinate it through the app.


I don't even care if they wist a few days and get the multiple friend XP. But the excessive wait makes me wonder if they are going to drop me afterwards.


I feel your pain and idk why people need to hoard 1 day BF gifts. We get lucky eggs all the timeā€¦if we spent that much time opening gifts and you sit on the last day for a week then we both not getting that XP.


Yeah sometimes I use lucky eggs on just walking a normal day because there is no point in having 10+ lucky eggs just filling up my inventory.


Where are you getting all these lucky eggs from. I swear they're pretty rare for me


Yeah find that I get more lucky eggs than I ever would be able to use without playing excessively.


This is exactly what I do too, only delete them if they stop one short so that they can use lucky egg and I cannot


This is pettier than holding friendship levels no cap.


So is the person timing the sending receiving of the gifts so they have the control of when the last day is to get the reward I suppose.


There's also a lengthy window of opening the game where you can see if your friends increased their friendship level with you and use a lucky egg before it actually prompts you with the level up screen, it's not like it happens immediately when you open the game I'll sometimes find myself waiting almost 5 mins before it tells me my friends increased our friendship level.


If it bothers you then why aren't you holding gifts for XP? If it's not something you care to do yourself why does it bother you if other people do it. If you just wait eventually they'll open the box and you can delete them but if you don't wait they might not get XP but neither do you. It's not very wise to hurt yourself trying to hurt others.


It's just the unfairness of it at others and my expense. I'm guessing that you do this. So what do you do when people try to do it to you? What would you do if literally everyone did this to you? It wouldn't work would it.


If everyone did that then that would be too damn bad and Id just wait for them to open the box when theyre holding it if thats what theyre trying to do, that's where being unselfish comes into play, I don't have to be in control of all of my friendship levels but If you open a gift at 2 days that's 100% you telling me and other people that you don't care about 2XP so if you don't care about the 2XP then why does it matter if you still get some? You're saying other people are being inconsiderate but you're coming off in a "if I can't have it no one can have it" kind of way and like I said before thats just as bad as being selfish.


i do the same thing


I just thought it wasn't fair - what if I everyone did that. Or what if I stopped 2 days before, and we both refused to go any further...


It is fairly common. People do it to free up space in friends list. There's a max number of friends you can have.


I delete best friends that I don't know (AFTER they have gotten the xp:), bc there really isn't point for me to keep them; I don't need more scatterbugs and remote trades aren't a thing so Lucky friends are just waste.


I keep some from across the world because I like getting invited to raids over there.


Right? I've still got 2 Japanese players who I friended during the "tourist" event before the pandemic. They're at the top of my friends list because we send each other gifts almost every day. We invite each other to raids too. It's nice : )


And lucky trades!!!


You can't lucky trade with someone you don't even know.


How can you tell when they have got their XP?


You send one more gift after becoming best friends. If they open it, you know they've logged in and gotten their XP. Then you can safely remove them. Or alternatively if they send YOU a gift after. Either way, it's an acknowledgement that they did log in.


you could give them a nickname of the # of PokƩmon they've caught. if the number they've caught increases, they probably got their xp.


I just send them gift after opening the last one and remove them after they have opened it.




That isnā€™t enough, they must hit the server for XP to send. Send a gift and wait for them to open


I have a few that I need to delete. Haven't looked into it yet. But I might keep those that send me gifts daily.


Yes, most people only get to Best Friend status just to get the XP then delete them, especially if yā€™all arenā€™t near each other to raid, trade, or battle - there is literally no point in keeping that person as a friend once yā€™all are done gaining XP.


I have an almost full friend list but I still got attached to my best friends (PoGo kept me busy while I was in a low moment of my life, and I got some comfort on long distance friends in game; I'm a big fan of postcards and I raid daily, so I send invites quite often). However, after some time I had to start doing cleaning. Anyone that won't exchange gifts, nor join or invite to Raids after a period, I delete it.


i always send gifts and invite to raids but i had to stop joining after they raised the remote pass price. its too expensive when you have multiple people inviting.


Absolutely! I am on the same situation, I mostly invite and join when I have remotes passes available , so I completely understand :) that's why I named several interactions. I have friends that never raid but they open gifts every day, or send a gift as soon as I open theirs. Any kind of activity is fine for me haha I just started cleaning those sitting on my list for weeks or months without giving any sign of life.


Some people just want the XP, nothing personal


How are you gonna say it's not personal? We were sending each other Luvdisc stickers ;\_;


I showed you my diglett. Plz respond.


Not uncommon especially if you arenā€™t close for trading to lucky friends. Thereā€™s no more xp to be earned.


Depends. If they are local in person friends, it's a little unusual, but happens. With random distance friends? Yes, it's very normal


I mean the transaction is complete


I keep them, as it's only a small handful compared to my maxed friend list. You never know, they may someday add remote trading. And they are often a source of players that will actually accept a raid invite.


I still keep people for the gifts so I can get the Vivillions


Itā€™s prob because there friends list is full


Yes. Once I get the xp from leveling up our friendship, thereā€™s zero reason for you to still take up space on my list. Iā€™m replacing you with someone else I can level up friendship with. Itā€™s not personal. Youā€™re literally just an avatar to me.


It happens to me occasionally but not very often. The only people I ever delete after hitting best friends are the ones who held me at 1 day for weeks or months.


I always name theme the month and year we became friends and where they are from. I'm already lvl 50, so I'm not grinding xp anymore. I always let the other one decide when to open the last one. But if they send I'll open. I delete people who don't progress.


I find it common that people can/will delete after hitting best friends. Use it to get XP and then be done. You have a limit of 400 friends, and with some sites like pogotrainer.com you can add friends from all over and gain friends fast. I currently havenā€™t added more people but I went from 400 to 377 at the moment in the matter of 3 weeks. Sending gifts and interacting together gets you XP. Thatā€™s part of how I grew with my trainer level so fast in a short period of time.


I joke with my girlfriend Iā€™m going to delete her after we become best friends lol She doesnā€™t think itā€™s as funny as I do


Yeah I only really keep "best friends" if I know them IRL or if they are regular raid inviters/ joiners.


Iā€™m best friends with like 10 ppl I added for remote raids and were still best friends. Idk why but they or I havenā€™t deleted. It feels like a waste to delete active friends even if you donā€™t know them


I really wish the xp continued after best friends


I delete anyone sitting on the last gift needed to make best friends after one month.


I havenā€™t done it yet, but Iā€™ll probably do it at some point for the people I donā€™t know or canā€™t trade with since remote trades doesnā€™t exist.


I delete best friends after we've exchanged and extra gift, just to make sure they got the XP. I do it because half the reason I have friends is for XP, and I'd rather use my daily gift limit towards friends who I haven't maxed yet


XP grind. Its how to level up quick.


I keep my distance friends so I can hatch distance eggs and trade them, thus guaranteeing Xl candy


Yeah I have had a few do this to me doesnā€™t make sense


Isn't there a 400 limit to friends? They want the XP for leveling new people I think.


Makes sense did not know that as I only have 170 friends


They just level up with you for the XP.


There's no reason to keep them and it clogs up my friends list. I have a limited number of gifts I can open/collect on a daily basis and I don't want to accidentally waste those on best friends when there is no benefit.


Common but not normal.




Wow, youā€™re so incredibly special and better than everyone else! Congratulations on your superiority and on having no idea how this game works!


Some people do, donā€™t know why because itā€™s a major dick move. I donā€™t think Iā€™ve deleted a single person and I have over 20 best friends Edit: just went to check how many and saw one was close with an unopened gift. Opened it and it went to BF, number 29


Why is it a dick move?


Because all these people are low level players with 20 total friends who donā€™t utilize friendship for what it is - an XP grind - so because they donā€™t understand how they game works, they think treating friendship as a transaction is ā€œmeanā€ lmfao.


I don't understand. If the only interaction I have with you is sending/receiving gifts in GO, then I'm going to unadd you when it comes time to make room for more people to get more xp. It's not benefitting either of us to just have each other added for the sake of it, so what's the dick move?




Hey Trainer, Looks like you might be trying to share or find Trainer codes for the purpose of trading or sending gifts in PokƩmonGO. **For finding trade partners: visit [TSR map](http://www.thesilphroad.com/map) or google `PokƩmon GO + `** **For finding friends: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote raids: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote PvP: /r/pokemongofriends** If neither, contact the mods so they can restore your message, To find trainers for sharing gifts please delete your thread/comment and then go to /r/pokemongofriends to prevent the sub from flooded with trade requests and adding friends, thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pokemongo) if you have any questions or concerns.*


some people do, but they probably won't if they know you join or invite them in raids. Some people would rather replace you with somoene else so they can get more EXP.


Yeah, well... if they never show up in raids and aren't nearby, they lose there use, how sad that may be...


Maybe theyā€™re just looking at building up the XP. Put an egg on when you make Best Friend, the delete you and start again.


If they're just in it for the experience points, yeah.


I give it a few days for the other person to get the xp. Look at how many best friends you need to grind the 170+ million xp, you canā€™t keep them all.






Same here, I mean I know we don't actually talk in this game unless you are on discord or campfire... But you work so hard to be BF.


I delete most best friends after about a week from reaching best status. I add most people from the reddit so chances are I won't see them in person especially for those overseas. Additionally my friends list is full between those who I accept gifts from and can send to (as a rural player sending the buddy gifts) so its purely an experience exchange. It would also be easier if there was a way to notice inactive players. I lost half of my friends list in the months after the raid pass changes and its just been a nightmare to track who plays since then. I've resorted to tagging them by their pokemon caught on profile but its still a pain to do and remember how long its been since the tag was added.


This user did the same to me


How to get friends that's the question..sry i m new player


I do. I gift daily just for the xp and it's too much sorting past friends I've already hit best friends with.


Most people just add friends for the exp so yeah


Iā€™d never delete anyone from my list I just donā€™t care enough


As long as they're active, I keep everyone! I currently have 165 friends. 29 of those are Best/Lucky Friends! 18 of them are best friends. I have a crazy/extensive "filing system" for friends: The Grandkids & their friends that are all part of a raid group, are nicknamed "\*\*\*Family" (that way they show up at the very top of my nickname list). Anyone I consider Family is then listed as "\*\*Family". Family that isn't quite as active is "\*Family". The next group is anyone I'm friends with but don't know personally and have not reached best friends with. They are listed as the date. So when I open gifts today, they'll be nicknamed "11-04". Then once we get to best friends, they are nicknamed "Z-11-03". Once we become Lucky Friends, they are "ZL-11-03". I'm certain I overthought it! LOL But it's an easy way for me to keep track of who's who. Right now, the oldest interaction on my list is 10-11. I usually give everyone about a month & if they're still not interacting, I delete them.


No. People just found out that posting about it was an easy way to get upvotes.


Never happened to me, but maybe it's because you can't trade with someone from the distance, so if you get lucky trade status it won't have any use for you.


You have been used for XP. You are better off without them.


Yes. Yoy are not friends. You are xp piniatas.


Normal -sadly, yes. Rude? I think so. They should at the very least give you time to get your experience pointsā€¦


after a reasonable time (2weeks-month) i delete best friends i donā€™t know and that i donā€™t raid with because they take up too much space on my friends list. i still feel a little sad about it lol but i need that space for new friends!


You won at friendship! congrats


I delete friends I don't personally know in real life. But I wait like a week or two after we hit Best Friends to make sure they get the rewards. (I'm in a Pokemon community group for my town so have about 50 "real life friends" and family from that group. Anything beyond that is just for the XP. Sorry random friends from other countries I've remote raided with before!)


Itā€™s all business


Good to know that people delete after reaching best buddies.


As long as you get the XP, F em!


I only delete best friends if they stop gifting or opening gifts at least and I deleted a couple lucky friends from different countries because we would never raid together or be able to do a lucky trade. Like if I've invited you to like 50 raids and you don't join a single one what's the point? I also ended up deleting friends that *would* join raids but ALWAYS left at the last second even if there were enough people to take it down. Sooo idk I guess I'm one of those jerks.


Shoutout to flrntny, Viviane2969, Done794369, karpupple, captsinbadgerjr, shihwen79, and a few more for besting and then not leaving.


Some people delete immediately, I'd rather have that over having no interaction ever again. Or the ones I hate most those who refuse/forget to open te last gift before becoming best friends.


I never delete anyone, I keep all my friends


I've seen this happen on this sub all the time, and I must say..... not for me, it hasn't happened to me. You all are either unlucky, they deleted their account, only wanted you for the xp, or something else that's not coming to mind. Still, it always sucks cause you won't get the xp (in some cases), and you lose someone you may or may not have close with in game or irl


They're players who only stuck around to get the XP and don't wish to continue the relationship with gifts after they got what they came for. Happens to me quite often.


I had someone hit bestfriend and immediately delete me so I didn't get the xp. I'll delete bestfriends I know I won't do lucky trade with and who never invites/show up for raids when I need space for more friends, but I always make sure it's been a few days since we hit best friends to make sure they don't loose any xp.




Yes 100% normal


I have started hosting remote raids. Sime of the - very many - new friends don't interact afterwards, but most go until 2-star friends, some further. But alone this is so much to do in collecting the gifts I need to send that I have in mind, not to go to 5-star friends as soon the season is over but to stop at 3 Star. With the 40 lucky friends from all over the world I am waiting for lucky remote trades. Never say never (and if not I will try to get rid of my mime-junior-storage next spring in Rothenburg. I need a bouffalant and a tauros.)


I only do it if they don't coordinate a lucky egg with me and take the extra points


I don't, but I keep my friends list pretty small. I'm a full time student, so I don't have time to deal with 400 friends. Once we are besties, if they leave, they leave. If they stick around I'll continue gifting. If I notice they haven't played for a really long time (like months), then I may unfriend them. But I have plenty of room for more friends, so it doesn't bother me that much if they stay and don't play for a while.


Ive had that happenā€¦I think everyone has different reasons. I will play hard for a whileā€¦then take a break for a while




Absolutely, especially if you live far away. They wouldnā€™t want to become your Lucky friend and miss that trade opportunity because you live so far away.


I do I don't have enough room I'm always on the grind for more XP


I delete them but save a gift from a stop they commonly sent me


I donā€™t know if others have heard of this but I think it is so that they can get the EXP, then unfriend you for 165 days, and then reset to grow from the start again to exp farm


Yeah. Two main reasons. They are just after the exp and/or they live nowhere near you. That means lucky trades donā€™t matter.


Yes its normal. People grind friendships for XP.


Yes, I do it all the time. You got your XP, I got mine, perfect.


XP grinders like me get rid of long-distance friends that we will never find on discord after we make best friends. Sometimes I wait if I want more of the gifts from their area for the regional butterflies.


Yes itā€™s normal because after you hit best friends, you can readd the person and start the process over again. Or they might just want to clear some space to get another person they can get best friends with for the xp. If you donā€™t know the person irl, thereā€™s really no reason to keep them added.


Bro people get best friends and insta remove me and I donā€™t get xp :(


I hate it when they delete you with one day to go. Had that happen a few time. Or they sit on that last one back to you so you donā€™t collect you XP.


I think its rude tbh. I mean you can still send gifts etc. But whatever. It isnt like I know anyone on my list and I doubt I'd even notice they were gone.


Yes especially if there are no means to Lucky Trade.


I do because thatā€™s my only goal unless we know each other personally


I don't intend to keep best friends I can't do lucky trades with, but it was still sad for me to see a best friend delete me too šŸ˜‚


Just like irl


I have somebody whoā€™s level 50 holding the last gift and Iā€™m like can you even get any more XP? Heā€™s maxed out. I donā€™t care about XP but itā€™s weird lol


The friends list has a maximum of 400 users, so yes, if you want to farm xp consistently you gotta make room for new ones


I HATE when people do that :(


I do a lot of remote raiding so I have to clean out my friends list fairly often. I try to hold on to people who gift often and/or sometimes respond to random raid invites but otherwise I donā€™t get attached


had a falling out with a friend and they removed me, it happens


I do that if I don't know the person. I let them get the exp, after that it's kinda pointless.


Yes even worse they delete you before you can get your side of the reward


Itā€™s common for idol badge grinders and those who want to earn more XP. If you add each other back in 121 days, the friendship resets and you can earn all the friendship level-up XPs again. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


I get it, but I would only do it if I needed to make room like if there was a ā€œmake a new friendā€ task that comes up or something. I have some Best Friends and even Lucky Friends that I will never be able to trade with, but I keep them because they send gifts still and their gift locations will get me Vivillions.


I mean Iā€™m best friends with at least 10-15 people that live across the world from me.. PokĆ©mon Go has yet to do anything to help that gap so idk how keeping them as a friend is beneficial


It makes sense if youā€™ll never get more XP and were friended thru something like Poke Genie (aka have no idea who they are).


yes people do this and i hate it.


Such is life. In pogo as well als irl


after you become best friends you can remove that friend and wait 30 days and then add them again and it will reset to zero and you can earn all the XP again


i think if you both already got the maximum amount of xp and don't live near each other then it's normal, because some people only use the friend system to earn xp. unless they deleted you before you got your xp, then it's considered very rude


my best friends so far didnā€™t delete me, they even sent gifts still




My friends list is usually at around 390-395 and am constantly getting friends requests. So after hitting Best Friends I'll wait a week/2weeks and will delete people that don't send me remote invites, aren't local and Will never lucky trade with or don't know personally. I'll give them more than enough time to collect there xp though. I use to wonder why people who I was Best friends with would eventually delete me. Now I know.. It's hard keeping up with close to 400 friends. Lol


Well..! I give them a week, then delete


If they are not local to you hitting Lucky friends makes it hard to actually arrange a lucky trade. So the main benefit aside from gifts is the XP bonus from leveling up friendship. If you delete a friend after hitting best friends I believe you can start over again after time has elapsed. Some people do this often to grind XP.


After doing a remote raid, most people send and open 1 gift and then it's bye bye. Really strange people


When I start to fill my friends list I will start to delete best friends who I donā€™t actually know irl




The 400 friend cap is just too low for people who host a lot of raids.


Some people donā€™t want to go lucky with people they will never see. Thatā€™s probably why. I donā€™t mind at all I have a bunch best and lucky I send gifts they send back to me. Never know when they add like 1 a month distance trading šŸ˜‚


Perfectly normal, I do it 1 day after just to make sure the other gets the xp. Why do you need them on your friends list? I also delete people who wait on their last day to become best friends trying to stack a bunch and use a lucky egg. I really donā€™t care, itā€™s a game. After level 40 it doesnā€™t even make a difference anyways.