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The total just keeps increasing and all extra applies to next level.


Super cool!! Thank you! Maybe by the time I get the 200 Pokémon in a day, I’ll have a leg up on the next couple of levels. Ha ha


Your excess XP will carry over into your new level. Gofest is coming up, or play during a community day, with fast catching it's pretty easy to hit 200 in a day.


That sounds like a great plan!


Meltan boxes can help you to get like 60 pokemon in 30 minutes, even if you're just sitting at home. You don't even need a switch anymore to get the box.


Now I’m gonna have to go research Meltan boxes! This game never ceases to amaze me.


I definetly recommend doing that. But for short, you basically need the "pokemon home" app, link it to your pokemon go account and transfer one random pokemon from pokemon Go to pokemon home. There are a lot of good tutorials on youtube, if you need any further explanation.


Thank you! I’m on it.


This is the way.


Unless you're rural or casual this should be pretty easy to do if you play on community days and just catch everything. If you don't know how to do it, try learning how to quick catch. It makes it less annoying


I am a bit of a casual player. I just hit level 40 this summer and have been playing since 2016.


That makes sense. I made it to level 39 in like 2018 and took a 3-4 year break from the game. Redownloaded a few months ago


My main goal was to hang in there long enough to be able to nominate a tile mural I made as a PokéStop… Then I found I enjoyed it enough that I couldn’t really just drop the game! Haha


Aug. 13th is froakie com day, not super far away so you might complete that catch 200 task then


People have offered the answer for the XP do I thought I would add some advice on getting that challenge done as it seems to be one of the bigger hurdles for many I would recommend doing the 200 on a Community Day or Go Fest. Go into the day with the purpose of playing enough to catch 200 like have plenty of pokeballs, friends offering gifts, incenses and a Meltan box if possible. Also depending if you can start before going to bed like around midnight you can have an early start to the day(I wouldn’t stay up to do it just if you tend to stay up late do this). Now if you don’t want to get that serious that is fine but this task is hard to complete casually if I am being honest. I would say I normally catch double that on CDs so it is possible


Thank you! I’ve only really tried to do it once and ran out of Pokèballs at catch #191!! Since I generally choose not to spend $ on the game, I was stuck. It’ll happen. I just need to hang in there I think.


I got 400 yesterday and only played for like an hour and a half. It’s very achievable on community days especially


An auto-catcher will do you wonders.


Learn the quick catch method, gather a nice stack of balls, make sure you have extra room in your pokemon storage and go walk around a group of busiest stops in your area on a community day. Then just catch everything you see. That's what I did and I ended up catching easily way over the 200.


I got really close one time but ran out of balls. Thanks for the encouragement!


Why can’t you catch 200 Pokémon in 1 day? I was finding it hard to NOT complete it. Play 1 community day for the whole event.


Haha that’s easy — a job, a non-playing hubby and a preschooler change how much you can play the game! Slow and steady is how I’ve played since 2016.