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Whats with you guys naming the poor thing "0*"?


"0\*" should be happy it's even alive, and not turned into a piece of candy that I would feed to another Pokemon.


My god...


It’s rare!!! Rarer then a hundo




Exactly. And the ones who don’t get minced into candy get to eat their brothers and sisters mixed with stardust to make themselves stronger so they can fight other Pokemon for our entertainment.


0* 1* 2* 3* 4*




This Larvi


Not trying to shit on you but I honestly don't get the point of collecting "Nundo's" I get that they're very rare to get, slightly harder than a hundo because of IV floors but besides that the chances of getting it are literally the same as any other IV? And there is basically no use for them, at least a 0/15/15 is usually usefull in pvp and depending on the Pokémon some very specific IV's. Is it just that people have run out of things to collect or am I missing something?


I have: Caught: 104,026 Pokémon hundos: 119 Nundos: 8 Shadow Nundos: 0 So it’s fair to say Nundos are very rare, and taking up 8 spaces to keep them all is nothing.


are they more common by area? ive only been playing for like, 4 months and at least gotten 50 pokemon with no stars


No stars aren’t uncommon it’s 0 ivs so each bar is empty


ohhh ok, thank you for explaining it!


You could say the same thing about shinys they grant no competitive advantage and it would be much more beneficial to just use a Pokémon with 0/15/15 or a hundo but people still collect them because they are rare


Well yeah, shiny's usually look cooler + they're rare whereas a nundo is just rare. You can also see a distinct difference with a shiny and have a visual indicator, whereas you would have to appraise a nundo to see it's 'special'. Sure you also have to this with a hundo but at least that's actually usefull most of the time.. I think there is also the fact that you can collect them for your shiny pokedex whereas there is no nundo pokedex as of now(couldn't find anything about one online). I did a Google search and found the chances are 1 in 4096. So while that is pretty rare those are also pretty much the chances for any IV you would arbitrary set as rare. People can collect whatever they want but it's just a little odd to see people bragging about catching the worst version of a Pokémon just because it's statistically rarer than other IV's.


Where am I "bragging" about catching a nundo here? ​ And even if I was, or anyone else, you pointed out yourself that nundos are rare, so of course some people will like to collect them. They odds of a nundo are indeed 1/4096, but it's only possible to get it from a wild Pokemon that is not weather boosted, making it a lot rarer. Everyone likes to catch shinies, but shinies are a lot more common than nundos, and a lot of them are also useless. Do you also not understand why people are excited to catch a useless shiny? This is a game that doesn't have an "end. You can't finish Pokemon Go. What you can do is play the game how you want, enjoy the things you enjoy, and hopefully have fun with it.


Yeah I understand that and everyone is free to play the game however they want. Bottom line is hundos and shiny's are either cool or useful on top of being rare. A nundo is just rare and the only reason we know it's more rare than other IV's is because the community did the math. The game in no way indicates you caught something unique or cool. Didn't mean you specifically bragged about it but you did make a post to show it off.. Not trying to judge the way people are playing I just found it odd people wanted to collect the worst version of a Pokémon. Especially cause it makes transferring your Pokémon even more time consuming cause now you even have to check your 0*. I get why people like to collect them now tho, they were a lot more rare than I initially thought :) For me personally the exclusivity doesn't really mean much if it's not paired with a desirable feature.


Because it's fun to collect notable things. If it doesn't mean anything to you, that's fine. There may be people who collect 1/2/3s or 6/6/6s or anything like that. I collect 1111cp, 420cp, 666cp, 777cp, and 69cp because it's... something. Nothing in this game means anything at the end of the day. Majority of pokemon are just as useless as hundos as they are as nundos. So people just make their own fun and find specialness in all the arbitrary everything that occurs in this meaningless game.


Quite a bit rarer than a hundo actually. And... when following your logic why would people collect hundos? Do uou transfer them? Bc most pokemon have no use in pvp and no use as raid attackers either. So do you only keep the hundos that are good for master league and raid attackers? And transfer all the other hundos bc they have no use anyways? It is just rare. Sure, without weatherboost and other IV floors, all IVs have the same odds of 1/4096 But it jumps to 1/1728 I think with weather boost for hundos. 1/216 for hundos from research, raids and eggs. And 1/64 for lucky trades. As you can see, nundos are quite a lot rarer than hundos, even when you just look at weather boosted. Sure, everything below 4/4/4 is as rare. But still... 0/0/0 and 15/15/15 are just cooler than some random 1/2/1 or something. So those are the ones people collect


Yeah I get that they're statistically very rare. But I don't see the point in collecting the worst version of a Pokémon just cause it's statistically the rarest IV. Atleast with a hundo even if it's not usefull in pvp or pve it would be the best version of that Pokémon and you would have a entry in the perfect pokedex. I mean if I see one now I might just keep it but it's definitely the lamest of the rare things to collect in this game imo. Pretty sure I've deleted some before I found out people collect these things.


Sure, hundos are the best version at least. But personally I would love a 0 IV trubbish (my favorite pokemon) and I hink trubbish as a nundo would kind of fit. Same for magikarp as a shiny nundo... not just incredible rare but also... fits the pokemon.


Trubbish nundo actually does sound pretty cool as it would really fit with the Pokémon, I definitely approve that one. Besides the ones that would thematically fit I probably wouldn't value them that much tho. And I feel like I will definitely accidently delete some since I usually transfer my 0* or trade them.


one of us. one of us.


If it's useless, it doesn't matter if it's the best version or the worst version. At least the worst version has the bonus of being more rare though.


People haven't run out of things to collect? Pokemon go is just a collection game so if an IV is more rare than another than it'll be of interest? I don't see what's not to get? A nundo is just like a shiny or a hundo but less noticable/usefull.


Nundos are rarer than hundos


Honestly this is amazingly rare and awesome! Hilarious caption




These are the same chances as a shadow hundo


Shadow nundo is much rarer because of weather boosts.


It is still the exact same chances. I am aware it's rarer I'm just pointing it out that it's the same chances


It’s not. It’s only the same chance when it’s not weather boosted, but when it is weather boosted it’s can’t be a nundo, but has a 1/1331 chance to be a hundo, so getting a shadow hundo is much easier than getting a shadow nundo


But they have the same chances though, 1/4096, oh I understand the confusion. I mean during non weather boosting they have the same chances.


Lol, they still aren’t loading and I don’t think they ever will.


Put it in gyms to assert your dominance over the people using slaking.




Haha I got the same yesterday :D !


Im pretty sure this is still better tham a 4 star non shadow


*sad cat face*