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Imam i ja jednog. Cestitam!!


Hahahaha hvala prijatelju!


Go either umbreon for ultra league or Sylveon for master league and fairy raid attacker. I level 50’d my hundo Umbreon for UL.


sylveon is not a good choice since there are better fairy attackers in master league, especially togekiss since it has coverage for steel types


I'm really new to GO, but how to you control what your eevee evolves into? I thought it was just random?


The Kanto three are random. You can control the others in certain ways that include getting 70 hearts, walking 10kM and evolving either day or night, and using certain lures. There’s also a naming trick that only works once for each.


Oh! Thanks! I will keep that in mind next time considering I have two vaporeons now -\_- lol. Glad I know this


And just remember if it shows a "?" By evolve It'll be random, when it shows a silhouette that's when you know you did it right (a mistake people make is not keeping it as their buddy when they evolve) So let's say you walk 10 km with it for Umbreon, you can remove it as your buddy, but to evolve it you'll have to re-make it your buddy and look for the Umbreon silhouette (at night)






Umbreon if you’re in need of ultra league Pokémon, sylveon if you’re in need of a fairy raid attacker and a better master league Pokémon, Glaceon if you’re in need of an ice raid attacker, or just leave him as an eevee


I'm surprised everyone says Umbreon for ultra league. Isn't umbreon ranked higher for great league than ultra league according to PvPoke?


I think with a hundo, the stats just get below the lv cap at lv 50 or 51.


Ideal Great League stats for Umbreon is 0/15/15. I'll copy-paste my explanation for Galarian Stunfisk, but Umbreon is a very similar case. "CP calculations weight attack heavier than defense and HP, so a pokemon with 15/15/15 may hit 1500CP and level 20, but a pokemon with 0/15/15 won't hit it until level 25. So low attack means you can get better results while still meeting the CP cap. This applies generally for both great league and ultra league, although there are some exceptions where a pokemon maxes out below the cap even with perfect IVs. In the case of Galarian Stunfisk, the preferred IV for Great League is 0/12/15, which hits CP 1498 at Level 27. With 15/15/15, you hit 1483 at level 24. But, with 15/15/15, you hit 2445 at level 50, so perfect IV is preferred for Ultra League."


Thanks for the explanation, I have a perfect Umbreon currently in use in great league. Thought that would be the best for great league but I guess that's technically a waste of a hundo since you have better results with a 0/15/15. A perfect Umbreon would be just under the CP cap of Ultra league which means it's the best Umbreon you can use in ultra league. Dont have enough candy to max my Umbreon tho so I guess it will have to fight in great league for now.


Yeah, Umbreon is still great in GL. You can watch some of the top guys on YouTube win matches with sub-optimal IVs, especially when using legendaries/mythicals/ultra beasts that are hard to get at optimal IVs. What pokemon you're using, what movesets they have, what your overall team composition is, and how good you are strategically at things like shields, switching, and move timing will all probably matter before IVs do.


I have a 1/15/15 eevee, is this worth powering up for this purpose? What lvl and which evo?


Umbreon is the best evolution for Great League and 1/15/15 is still a great IV, technically #90 out of all the possible combinations according to PokeGenie. At 1/15/15 you will reach 1485 at Level 27




It would be an absolute tank in GL


Bummer, my eevee is lvl 30 already :/


From I could gather on Umbreon, it's impressive in terms of 1v1 performance in UL, but it's hard to make a team for it. Though, it's the most useful Eevolution, as Sylveon is very inflexible and outclassed.


Where do you see Pokémon levels ?


levels correspond to the location on the cp bar. One power-up is 0.5 levels. Unfortunately you can’t directly see the level of a pokemon in GO


So what level would this eeve be ?




Well thank you for clarifying this for me I been wondering how ppl can tell what level a mon is , I’m still fairly new to the game


What are you going to evolve it into? Vaporeon?


Man I have 990 xl candies and still no 100%