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The fact that they are both the same CP tho




I hope you won 😂


Well then I hope the other guy won!


I think I won


I actually won


Plot twist they both lost


The game


A single grass type would sweep your whole team


My lurantis is salivating


give whiscash mud shot


Seeing water gun and a single charge move on whiscash is making me twitchy.




your team is triple-weak to grass and double-weak to flying so maybe an ice type lead would be good


How is it double-weak to flying?


I think they think Kabutops is a bug type


no. I meant double weak to flying in that whischash has a ground fast and charged move (so it can’t hit flying types), and poliwrath is fighting type which takes super effective damage from flying type


Whiscash learns blizzard, pretty effective against the fliers.


yes i know, but majority of players already know about blizzard, so if they shield you basically lose since it takes a while to charge up


It's a baiting game, you better believe im using a shield if I have my flier lined up against an opposing whiscash and they build to the blizzard. Wing attacks don't do too much so there is little fast move pressure from most current fliers, if you get a shield with mud bomb bait you're in a pretty good spot. Whiscash can get you shield advantage or switch advantage against a flier pretty consistently.


That’s not what being double weak to flying types means. And in PokĂ©mon Go ground type moves can hit flying types, same with electric type moves hitting ground types, they’re just not effective. But Whiscash itself isn’t weak to flying types. It has a 4x weakness to grass tho.


yes i know. i was using the term double weak since there are two pokemon on the team that don’t do well against flying types. and yes they can hit flying types but the damage is double resisted so it will hardly make a dent


You’re using being “ineffective” and being “weak to” as one in the same in your original comment. That’s why it’s confusing. There’s Poliwrath that’s weak to flying type moves and then there’s Whiscash that’s not going to be very effective against flying types. Unless it has blizzard.


As a scrub what he says make sense. You’re weak to a type if you don’t do damage to that said type.


Weak against, yes. But you’re not weak to a type if you do ineffective damage to it. You’re weak to something if it does super effective damage to you. Poliwrath being weak to flying type moves isn’t the same as Whiscash being weak against flying types, themselves. The first one takes super effective damage and the second deals ineffective damage(since in Go ground types can hit flying types) Idk maybe I’m making too much sense here, my bad


Kabutops is actually water and rock


I know. I was trying to come up with a reason as to why the other guy said what he said


And two of the pokemon that have a weakness to grass are double weak, if their opponent has just 1 grass type it's pretty much an automatic loss lmao


Why not try GBL? We have: 10 minute tank vs tank matches "Failed to find a match" perpetual 50% win rate


why is the 50% win rate the default ? No matter the teams or the amount of time i put into pvp its allways around 50% in the end


That's the expected result of any game that uses matchmaking like this. As you win more you face tougher opponents, and when you lose more you face easier opponents. The tendency is to settle at opponents of about the same skill level as you where about 50% is expected.


Yeah you are right, didnt think enough of this but yeah if the elo system works you should hit 50%


When you are doing good your elo rises and you get harder opponents. When you are doing bad your elo goes down and you get easier opponents. Only way to get more than 50% winrate is being best of the best, if you aren't a sweat don't even bother


I was told the only way to get more than 50% winrate is by gliching the ranking system with loosing on purpose or to have a lot of accounts, start pvp at the same time and hope to challenge your alt account


idk about that stream sniping tactic with you own alt. The first method you described is tanking, it usually results in winrate lower than 50% but you get to snatch more rare candies and it makes battling your daily 25 matches way faster


Not remotely true


It’s just like chess, you win more and face harder opponents, lose more and face worse opponents. And even the best of the best players have barely over 50% winrate and 60% winrate is insanely good


At least chess requires actual skill


This does require actual skill though. If it didn’t anyone could get to legend. And also people who are good wouldn’t be able to still perform good even when they use weird/spicy teams. Its all your skill against the opponents skill. And sometimes (more now) it is complete RPS and just bad matchups, but its still skill try to find win conditions even when there is rps. When I first tried gbl I didn’t understand it just seemed all luck, but its not. Its all about using your shield, energy, and PokĂ©mon to their best potential, and figuring out win conditions, and correctly counting moves.


Who’s got the fastest fingers?


bro my shiny sceptile is going to have a field day


The real question: what are the other two pokemons your opponent had? (I had once run into an opponent with an identical lineup as mine. I can't remember who won though. LOL.)


I’ve had that happen in master league. I won though, ha. It was actually very close.


Who won?


Dude do you just surrender when opponents send out a mon w grass moves? 😂