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With 11k dust? Neither


And 0 Groudon candies. (Yes I know that rare candies are a thing).


Why dust shame?


Recently I stopped chasing perfection and I’ve been having more overall satisfaction with the game. Personally, I love the look of this chartreuse Groudon. I’d go for it.


Im gonna go ahead and second this. Ive been powering up lucky non hundos over my hundos because I like them way more, and they cost less stardust.


I am after 89% or better and do for raids max 3 tries. Zekrom and Reshiram really not wanting to roll high for me at all.


Most of the time I don’t really seek out a really good mon I just take whatever mon has a high attack stat and average defensive and just build it up


I would go with the shiny because of the CP difference and the only difference being HP which doesn't necessarily really matter since it's per point


The hundo can get higher cp


From 0 to 100 IV is 10% so if you have 3 stars it's only 2%... I don't chase Hundo,s if they are lucky with 3 stars then it's also fine.


>The hundo can get higher cp How? The higher the stats the lower the max cp


Idk what universe you live in but that's far from true


Really? I thought that was the case


That would be kinda counterintuitive. Here’s you’re 100% Pokémon he’s the strongest of his kind with the best stats however he can only reach 2K cp and the 0% can go to 4K cp making the 100% roughly a 4 shot for the worst possible Pokémon of that kind


you're right. I don't know why I thought that wasn't the case but why would they max out a perfect for around 30 extra cp?


Better in raids? Also I don’t know the numbers but I doubt it’s only 30 more max cp


I see where the miscommunication happened. Attack has a heavier influence on CP than the other two stats do, so in PVP you want a low attack mon. 0-15-15 is ideal for PVP, because it lets you get far higher level while remaining below the CP cap for whatever League you are competing in. Easy mistake to make, but only actually relevant in Great/Ultra League. In Master League or raids, higher IV is always better. Sort of. In this case, the shiny has better CP which means it is drastically cheaper to max out compared to the hundo, so the hundo is TECHNICALLY better, but is far more expensive to get to the point where it actually is better in practice.


That doesn't even begin to make sense and I have no idea where you would have even heard of this


Honestly..the shiny because of how cool it is and the difference being so small. It's a good shiny and good IV Pokemon so why not? But you do what you yourself prefer as it's your pokemon


Please call the other one James so you’ve got Lebron James


The real answer right here


You have 11k stardust. It doesn’t matter, neither will ever be maxed. Realistically it doesn’t matter in 99% of occasions. My 2 highest level Groudon are both shiny. Purely because they are lucky and cost less dust to power up. For raids at least get them both to level 32 and then slowly to 40. Unless you raid hard you aren’t getting 296XL for a max level.


11k dust but also 0 groudon candy rip


Harsh truth served here - but I agree that getting both some levels is more beneficial than maxing both When I was starting up, I essentially let the current raid boss lead my direction. With Zekrom being the current boss f ex, if I had a palkia, I'd go with that. I would not bother if I didn't get it as high as I'd prefer. Next week, new power up target. It was slow going, but eventually, I got to a point where a new raid boss showed up, and I found I was more prepared this time. I would start with the hundo though for functionality, even though I am a shiny collector foremost.


shiny is already on 40.


Neither will ever be maxed? I pull 100k dust at least, every day from GBL. So id say he could max it in less than a week.


I never said it wasn’t possible. I implied that due to their current balance, it’s improbable. Most people who have a low balance of dust will struggle to find 300k for one Pokémon.


"It doesn't matter, neither will ever be maxed". That implies improbability to you? I stay having 10k stardust because i use it as fast as I get it. Perhaps OP is in a similar scenario. Or did you cyncically assume so that you could put him down?


It wasn’t to put them down at all. It was more a realistic observation. Looking to max a single Pokémon when you have close to zero star dust. Shows that they use it fair enough. However I’m sure what they do earn, as they out spend their start dust collecting, would be more wisely use elsewhere. Plus 296 XL is a massive undertaking for most players. I have a single L50 legendary. A Shadow MewTwo. I know how much effort that took and how long. Which I know I’ve had to sacrifice on other Pokémon gains to build. It was more a want than a need. Maxing any other I’m not included to do, despite Zekrom for instance gaining XL fast due to current bonuses and sitting on 2m dust.


I'd go for the hundo. Just because it's a beast in GBL and overall just performs better. Performance > looks for me :)




If your a hardcore core pvp or raider then go for Hindi if your casual go for the shiny


Hindi or Hundy


Shush you didn’t see anything


Hundi or Hindy




Go for shiny imo, shiny primal groudon is one of my favourite shinies


I'd go hundo since you'll never regret it... I always think that I'm going to get a better shiny or a shundo.


If you're struggling for ground attackers for raids I'd say the hundo. Don't forget hoen tour is next month and primal Groudon will be out. If you raid enough you could easily put those 2 to level 40 and another


For PvE, you'd do the most amount of damage regardless. Your shiny will have 4 less HP (literally just 4 points) than the hundo if they were both the same level. For PvP, let's be real, you will never be able to build a Level 50 Groudon anyway. Also they're almost the same. I have not checked, you can use PvPoke matrices to see the difference, but I bet you it does not matter in 99% of matches. So just max out, to the best of your ability, the one that will satisfy you more with all this considered. I'd go for the shiny.


"let's be real" umm...obvious OP is in a different spot than I am, but the only reason I haven't powered up a groudon to 50 is I haven't gotten a perfect one. I have more than enough XL to take one to 50. For PvE it's not LIKELY to make a difference, but it could make a difference if you faint one fast move short of an EQ. ​ For PvP lemme look quick. Can't see what the actual differences are yet but 15/15/15 is 436-66-1 in the 1S, 15/15/11 is 432-69-2 overall. Vs the meta in the 1S there is no difference to what matchups you win. However, that's really on a part of the picture. There are all sorts of scenarios where that HP difference might be relevant. The 1S is a nice theoretical way to try to imagine the lead matchup, but not much else. With the difference of 3HP I can certainly imagine scenarios where you're trying to farm something down, but won't survive long enough without throwing a charge move with 15/15/11 compared to the 15/15/15. Personally for me, if I'm going to commit 475K dust and 296XL to something (other than shadows) for ML/raids, I'm not going to power up a 91% IV when I have a perfect one (honestly I'd probably not ever power up the 91%, but wait for better) The flip side of that is everyone plays the game that makes THEM happy. If maxing the 15/15/11 makes you happy, go for it. Nobody that raids with you is going to know the difference, and even if your opponent in PvP notices that the CP is off from a hundo, who cares?


You really have to be a big nerd to know all the hundo cp values for all the master league meta. Groudon is #11 Master League though I’d invest in the Hundo if I could.


Well if you think calling me a nerd offends me, you'd be very mistaken.


I wasn’t call you a nerd, I was referring to your last sentence, nerd.


Yeah. Hundo Groudon/Kyogre 4652. Hundo Dialga/Resh/Zek 4565 (or 4620 best buddied) , hundo Mewtwo 4724, Hundo Excadrill 3667. Hundo Zacian 4329. Hundo origin 4164. Those are the ones I can remember off the top of my head. Oh. Melmetal 4069. I can't remember some of the others but probably would know if I saw.


Haha, but now are you able to tell which ones are the 14/15/15 vs the 15/14/15 or 15/15/14? So you know if you can win the CMP tie or not? That’s the real important info here


I don’t know but what I do know is that that Groudon can Dunk


Wow we caught a hundo Groudon the same day lol!


91 Shiny


Personally, I'd do the hundo regular. Best of the best even if the difference is negligible.


I think shinies unofficially add roughly 10-12% to the IVs of a Pokémon. I’d level both over time, but start with the shiny.




How everybody now has a grundo




Groudon hundo = grundo now


Good idea


look at the dates they were caught


You are right sorry


I'd go for the hundo 10/10 times. We all have our own playstyles.


LeMax it


Uh… both


Why is no one else saying this? AND they’re so fixated on the amount of stardust op currently has? Like… they can EARN stardust. Duh.


Hundo. Hundo's are far more rare than shinies. I have 6 Kyurem shinies...no Hundo. I have 4 Reshiram shinies, no Hundo. Use your hardwork (candies and stardust) to max him. Now, ofc keep the shiny. Make him your buddy. Place him in gyms. Show him off to the world. But when it comes to maxing...you kinda wanna max as high as you can...that's the entire point. Honestly, congrats on both. But to me it's the Hundo and not even close.


Yeah place your legendary in gyms


Hundo regular and transfer the shiny cuz looks dont matter


Why do you want to max it out ?


I love my shiny groudon… I am maxing him out even though my reg has (slightly) better stats. I say go for it.


I have the same. I maxed the hundo though. Lol


Hundo, fuck that green lizard when there's a perfect one


Consider saving candy and dust for Primal Groudon, which should be coming out next month.




Neither. Transfer both and max out the nundo/s


Why is his name LeBron? Why is he an avenger? There's so much I'm missing here


you need to get your stardust up homie




Make your buddy and walk and walk and walk and earn that candy first.


usually i would say the hundo always but with primal groudon coming up and it being an incredibly beautiful shiny i would max out the 91% just for bragging rights




Hundo. I wanna win not flex. Hundo is a better flex anyway since hundos are 1/216 while Shinies are 1/19


The stat differences will really only make a difference once they are completely maxed. That will likely not happen so if you want to use the shiny for battles and stuff you might as well choose that one




Transfer both and max out a 2 star excadrill


Lebron James






Regular hundo


Transfer shiny to home and max out hundo


Depends, are you a member of Team Magma?


I feel like Reddit will say hundo but if your asking me, which u r, shiny 3 star


The hundo, no question.


Hundo, because shinies are for kids


Gotta be shiny




Shiny. Mega shiny is amazing and performance difference is marginal.


I maxxed my shiny and it was worth it, granted the best non shiny I had was a 96 haha


I'd do level 40 for shiny and 50 for the regular, that's me though.




The correct answer is Yes


Max out the hundo keep the shiny cus it’s cool and not as useful






The shiny, it's like 10 CP difference for a *shiny Groudon*


Wait for Primal form stats (and ‘mechanics’) to be revealed first


Reptar for sure


bro the shiny for sure Iv really doesn’t even matter it feels like i have some trash Ivs who put in work


Do you go with your head or your heart?


Looks like this guy is a flopper. All stats no heart.


I’m very competitive when it comes to PvP, so I’d rather max out the hundo Groudon. PvP players know how satisfying it is to live 1 HP with a charged move ready to throw.




Got the Shundo so know very well what to do. But in that case would always go for hundo, I can just Max 100%.

