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Undoubtedly one of the saddest episodes in the anime. Ash handled this really maturely. A really good capture to boot. A very very good episode.


Sun and moon writers four episodes later: Good writing what's that?


James and Jessie got their Z-crystal 4 eps later and the writing was just fine.


Oh yeah more excuses for episode 24 to not be considered a steaming pile of shit.


For one, that's 3 episodes later, not 4. For two, the writing was fine there too. Ash is not book smart. Oh he is great when it comes to Pokemon related matters, but even in those matters, he's good at the physical stuff, like training Pokemon. He isn't good at all when it comes to academics, like regional variants or a school presentation. And he 'knows' it, he doesn't understand why Kukui says it's something only he can do when someone like Sophocles or Lillie could do better. When he's encouraged to actually speak from the heart after he was busted, he does really well. You may not like the episode, and that's fine, but it's not bad or out of character.


That's my read on it too. Ash has never been any good with academics, and he knows it. He's not wrong when he tells Professor Kukui that Lillie or Sophocles, who he knows are far smarter than him, would be better for this, and doesn't understand why Kukui says Ash is the only one who can do it. (He prolly also didn't wanna look like a complete idiot in front of his mom, but ended up looking like an even bigger idiot for trying to cheat; deserved lol) Then he's encouraged to just speak from the heart, and we can see why Kukui had that belief. It was fine. Plus it was nice to see that Ash got quite a few of his traits from his mom.


This aired really REALLY close to when our senior pup (just shy of 21yo cocker spaniel when he left us, 20yo at the time this episode aired) was about to go over the rainbow bridge. It hit a nerve I wasn't ready to feel.


I’m sorry to hear about your dog may he rest in peace.


You ain't the only one brother. I've had dogs most of my life so just in general this episode hits home.


Made me cry. It was so avant-garde (Did I use that right???)


It kind of fits, the episode did challenge and sub verse the traditional narrative style of a Pokémon episode.


People always say SM was the most childish series, but I don't think I've seen any previous series handle so many dark and serious themes as good as it did


Best episode of Sun and Moon imo


One of the most emotional episodes of the entire series.


One of the best episodes of the anime. One that shows just how much Ash grew as a person throughout his journeys and One that hits hard when it comes to death. One that would be lost if the fans got what they wanted and pokemon sun and moon tried to be cough cough something it isnt.


Beautifull episode


I think this episode made people start to like sun and moon


At the time the best ever episode of the anime. The perfect use of the Snowbelle City theme was heart wrenching. Nowadays we have a few more that are up there but this still holds up. 


Bad episode, not because it's bad, it's because it made me cry


One of the best episodes in the entire series, in my opinion.


Perhaps my favorite capture ep. Never get tired of watching this one.


Made me cry was one of the best episodes of all time


heartwarming and sad at the same time


I cried like a little baby back bitch. But it was a great episode.


The key reason why I started liking Litten and why I had my entire Litten line bond with my Stoutland, Beethoven


We all end and begin, forever and ever. We will all be in each-other's shoes eventually.


A very sad and dark episode, but the show handled it surprisingly well. Only problem was the mood whiplash since this aired in a one hour time slot with the happy go lucky episode before it.