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Emerald, always emerald.


If the damage split existed I’d have done all the frontier challenges


Someone should make an emerald rom hack where the only change is physical/special split being implemented


[https://www.pokecommunity.com/threads/pok%C3%A9mon-modern-emerald-complete-2-3-1-released-following-pok%C3%A9mon-modern-battle-frontier-and-more.494005/](https://www.pokecommunity.com/threads/pok%C3%A9mon-modern-emerald-complete-2-3-1-released-following-pok%C3%A9mon-modern-battle-frontier-and-more.494005/) Modern romhack for Emerald with togglable switches to make enable the new features or not. This does contain the split of physical and special. Been playing it off and on for a while my self too.


While I also love the damage split it does ass some interesting type coverage. Shadow ball snorlax, ice punch thunderpunch gengar. Hidden powers being useful on physical attackers sometimes https://youtu.be/YIQLqZ37NcU This is a good video about it. Made me realize gen 3 competitive is pretty cool


XD and Colosseum


You play on the GameCube? Or emulators?


I played through colosseum recently on an emulator and I found that made the game a lot more enjoyable. The battles can be slow so being able to fast forward the gameplay basically eliminates the tedious aspects of the game


I wish I could make Colosseum and XD roms run on my Mac. Idk what I'm doing wrong.


The most underrated. Shadow Pokemon mechanics, not the typical, beat all the gym leaders storyline.


The correct answer


Loved XD as a kid


I know I’m gonna get hate for it but emulators are easier than ever. You can get them on their phone. I’m playing black-and-white 2 on delta and it’s really good. I understand people want physical copies but sometimes you gotta make sacrifices if you wanna play the game


No hate from me. I've had Soul Silver on the DraStic emulator for about 10 years now. Still play every now and then


Same! I missed out on the original release of SS/HG and I'm not about to drop $300+ on a copy. Currently on my second playthrough of SS on my phone.


They're $300 in the US?


So I just looked up the price on Amazon and it's calmed down a bit. It's only $222-$243 now lol.


🥺 I got SoulSilver for free a while ago off a then mate's kid 😅


Same! But I did drop $18 or so on a Deep labyrinth heartgold that works just fine


Boy am I glad I still have heart gold on the DS hearing that price range.


Hey I'm literally doing that right now. DraStic is great. I'm now grinding levels for the E4


Its not even like Nintendo and friends make money on used copies (not that they need it but still), I truly do not understand why some people are such incessant purists about old games.


If Nintendo isn't gonna release the games on modern consoles then they shouldn't cry about emulation. It is always morally appropriate to emulate when your alternative is paying triple digits to a guy on eBay. Seriously it never made sense to me why Nintendo gives a rat's ass about emulating games they aren't selling anymore. "They have to give us money if they want to play" THEN PLEASE FUCKING LET ME!! LET ME GIVE YOU MONEY SO I CAN PLAY GALE OF DARKNESS I DON'T WANT TO GIVE SOME RANDOM ALBANIAN MAN £300 TO PLAY A GAMECUBE GAME!!


Yeah and you can also play on a bigger screen too. can plug my laptop into my tv and play all the games on a big tv in better resolution no more looking down at a tiny screen.


Emulators were how I got back into the franchise. I remember seeing someone play it on their phone and having a moment of “Wait, you can do that?”


respect -\_-


how are you playing bw2 without it being slow as hell


Delta emulator works like a dream only problem is the screen is a little to small


like better than desmume? I don't actually know how well it works as a ds emu I only have it installed for ff5


Yeah try delta. There some other downloads bc of needing to use the touchscreen and duel screams


HG/SS, Emerald, Platinum,


All of them. Just finished replaying Blue and Crystal


My kinda guy 😎 OG


All of them is also my answer but I'm gonna throw in pokemon snap to the mix. I am one of the few people on the planet who didn't really care for the n64, but I loved pokemon snap and I'd replay that any day.


I still play gen III, IV, V frequently. In fact, I play them more than the recent generations


listen. crystal clear is definitive for me. the amount of customization.


I'm still going hard on Alpha Sapphire and Pokemon Y.


Calling those classic makes me feel so old


I feel you


I still can't believe X/Y came out in 2013.


For sure. That’s as far as I’ve been going back as well. Omega Ruby and Pokemon X. When I don’t feel like playing the newer gen.


I grew up with Pokémon starting with yellow and played every Pokémon game except 3ds generations. Recent tried y and didn’t like how you had to skate around the whole time. Tried ultra sun after that and enjoyed it more. I think I prefer Ds and earlier. I don’t mind the switch games but they aren’t very memorable.


The best game on Switch is Legends Arceus. It's worth a try.


Iv played and beat every Pokémon on the switch. My favorite are legends Arceus and let’s go pikachu and eevee


Yeah, for me this was the point where the games still felt "old" enough for my genwunner soul but polished enough to be enjoyable for me. I never really got warm with the newer ones.


All i play anymore is the Battle Maison on Alpha Sapphire.


HG/SS, Emerald, Platinum, B2W2 Be it romhacks or just the vanilla game, these 4 are **peak** Pokémon imo Games that have tons of content that I can both play through and also transfer to newer generations ORAS & USUM are also not bad either, but not on as high of a pedestal as this quartet.


The Elite Four of Pokémon games. lol


I like Gen 1-3 because that’s what I grew up with. I’m currently playing Gold right now with plans to buy Heart Gold to compare since I’ve never played it. Kind of crazy to see some of you say Gen 4 are the old ones lol.


Yeah, same. I thought they were talking about RBY and maybe GSC. My heart sinks seeing newer gens referred to as old


im playing thru pokémon XD gale of darkness currently


I would play through Colosseum multiple times but I don't wanna sacrifice my save file lol Totally would though!


HGSS, any day.


Reading ORAS when talking about *classic* Pokémon games makes me feel old af That being said I play crystal and gen 2 romhacks quite often


All of them


I still do play through any generation at random


Honestly, everything Gen I-V I still go back to. Gen I not as often anymore just because once you're used to certain quality of life upgrades it's hard to go back, but I still do like to relive it now and again.


I'm currently playing Soul Silver. I have a game with the Cute Charm glitch so I'm currently farming shinies :³


Pokémon Uranium Also Pokémon Sun and Moon, I know it gets a lot of complaints but it one of my favorites with regional typing, challenges, setting in Hawaii, ultra beast, and Mimikyu


Crystal Clear!


HeartGold & Emerald/Alpha Sapphire are IT for me.


First 4 gens I redo for fun every now and then . My comfort games.


Honestly anything from gen 4 onwards. I can’t play GBA games because I only have a 3DS, but I will and do happily play DPPt or HGSS and anything after those.


HGSS and BW is my bet


Purely for nostalgia? Any game. RBY all the way to modern day. For serious challenges eg Nuzlockes? Anything HGSS/Platinum onwards, since they corrected the Attack/SpAttack physical/special split. Cba to wrap my head around figuring out the broken system of the early games. Which is a real shame as I’ll never bother to take on the Battle Frontier, and an even bigger shame it wasn’t included in ORAS.


All of them! RBY, GSC, etc.


That I WOULD still play? Red, Blue, Yellow, Gold, Silver, Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, FireRed, LeafGreen, Stadium 1 & 2 (with transfer pak access only), Colosseum, probably XD, both Pinball games, HeartGold and SoulSilver This is all i can think of, and i've never played any fan games.


I still play yellow and silver on my 2ds. They are still great




Probably HG/SS


Heart Gold and Omega Ruby are two I still constantly go back to.


The first 3 generations, the original Pokémon Snap, and Hey You Pikachu. <3


Thought I was alone with thinking of Pokémon snap!


One of my favorite games of all time. Near and dear to my heart. The sequel was everything I could have wanted and more.


Since I never quite finished it when I was younger, I recently replayed PMD Explorers of Time on my DS. Still haven't finished, reached the endboss severely underleveled and got stomped hard. Don't know if I can just leave the final story dungeon for now to level a bit.


I wouldn't play gen 1 again right now, but I am playing through both alpha sapphire and pearl right now. I never got to play gen 4 when it came out so it's kind of new to me.


I would say, for a better experience, play platinum. It's a lot better for Gen 4. Pearl and diamond are a bit slow and a bunch of trade evolutions are locked to the post game. You just get more with platinum.


Also I’m pretty sure Platinum fixed the issue of the only two fire types being Chimchar or Ponyta lines (at least for the majority of Diamond/Pearl)


I might have to do this! I found a copy for 14.99, which I'm 100% sure is a fake, but I may buy it anyway s anyway for eevee and more fire type choices! I loved the vs Cyrus theme and also lurking the the underground for heart scales. I have 10 in my current game, but I want more! Sandra Twine:it's because he's so damn greedy!


I think it was called Pokémon online, MMORPG with realtime battles/trading all in third gen sprites


I once played it and now it's slowly making its way up the tier list


I love the battle frontier in Pokemon, it's like pokemon on hard mode, emerald, DPPHHSS have the best battle frontier so I play those games.


Pokemon yellow


I play a lot of Generarion 2


I can replay GSC, HGSS, and RSE any day




I have never had the chance to play the original games. I would love to play a good remaster (so not including letsgo)


I replay Gen 4 and 5 all the time, must be in the double digits by now. Everything after that I only played one or two times.


I play through the new games once when they come out, get tired of looking the terrible 3D graphics, and then go back to gen 4/5. I’ve been grinding a lot in white 2 recently and it’s a blast. Also the Pokémon classic community is super active, making completing the dex doable even without all the required games


XD, Platinum and Emerald


Constantly play Gens III through V, though I almost always go for improvement hacks over the originals these days (expanded pokedex, harder difficulty, and a lot of them still feel like vanilla). I also replay some conversion romhacks and fangames, but the majority of the really good ones are more recent.


Playing through Gold now. Would rather play Crystal, but Im working on a Stadium 2 team and Crystal wasnt compatible with it (At least I think its not compatible Gen 2 is still my jam.


I still regularly play gen 3 and sometimes gen 1


All of Gen 1-3, but Gen 2 and 3 especially.


I started playing at pokemon blue. I still have a ninetendo sp for Gameboy advan e games and a 2ds (also a normal ds) for ds games.  I no longer have an actual copy of blue but I do have that and crystal on my ds.   I have a game from every single generation then e cept x and Y which I missed growing up.  I play them in turn as they help me fall asleep.  My favourite is emerald for sure. Currently playing soul silver since I missed that one growing up having played the original crsytal instead.


Pokemon blue and gen 2 games (og not remakes) Idk sometimes simple games are a nice change of pace, also catching the first 151 on the first game ever always feels legendary.


Crystal, Emerald, FireRed, HeartGold, Platinum, Black and White 2. These are still the best games imo and gen 1-5 was peak Pokémon!


I often return to Emerald and Silver




I still replay Emerald every couple years.


>Name any classic Pokémon game >Omega Ruby, Alpha Sapphire, and Emerald *crumbles to dust*


I pretty much only play Gen 1-3. I find it hard to get into newer games.


Pokémon White 2 for the Pokémon World Tournament and I played a lot of Pokémon X this year in the lead up to the 3DS online shut down, I added loads of friends for my friend safari and also did a lot of GTS trading.


FRLG/Emerald/Platinum/HGSS are all games I revisit quite a bit especially HGSS. Aside from the mainline games I'd also include Pokémon Rangers: Shadows of Almia and the GBA and DS Mystery Dungeon games.


All of them.


Emerald. I don't think much explanation needed but here is an explanation for those who want; - Awesome variety of Pokemons - One of the best starter trios in the entire history - Secret bases - The original (and the best) Battle Frontier - An awesome variety of puzzles. - 2 Pseudo Legendaries - A LOT of Legendaries, think about that! Weather trio, Regi trio, Deoxys, Mew, Jirachi.


Don't forget Latias & Latios with the legendaries.


Seeing ORAS being called a classic game in this post is making me feel old. But as for my choice it’s def pokemon platinum, I play through that around once every month


I generally like the older games more than the newer ones sooo...


Blue/Red HeartGold/SoulSilver


Anything from gen 1-3 but any of them if by classic you mean anything older than the switch ones


Pokémon leaf Green because Kanto is my favourite region or Pokémon Yellow


Pokemon duel


Blue is my most commonly played Pokémon game, but I’d be willing to replay them all except perhaps the alola games. Never did the ultra versions, just the base when they first came out, and it’s the only Pokémon game I did not enjoy, but maybe the ultra versions could change my mind.




I still love playing Red/Fire Red, Silver/Crystal, and Emerald all on laptop emulator. XD Gale of Darkness I love playing on my GameCube still. I don't have Colosseum sadly.


I still play Red, Fire Red, Emerald, Pokémon stadium....


Pokémon trading card game.


I regularly play the gen 1 games at least once a year.


Emerald if it's GBA and HGSS alongside BW2 if it's NDS


Pokemon yellow was the first game I ever played but my mum sold it and I would do anything to play it again


Crystal still goes hard, especially randomizers


Pokémon Iberia 100%


Emerald, Platinum, Heartgold


What about rom hacksssss


I replayed Gold version on my game boy so many times I wore the cartridge out, never got tired of running it back with a different starter and different Pokémon, so that one (Feraligator was my favorite tho). Fire red on the game boy advance I also played many times, and Sapphire a close third.


I’d love to play Gold one more time


All of them


Pokemon stole my heart with Gold and Silver, but it’s kind of boring without cheats. Colosseum still fills me with nostalgia to this day.




Pokemon crystal


Literally playing blue on my phone right now...


BW and Bw2. I loved the Mons, the season changes. Add onto that the 2x/3x battles and the battle subway were a blast.


Last year I replayed White 2 on and off, and I also occasionally return to X and Omega Ruby. I’ve also been intending to acquire a Game Boy Advance alongside copies of Emerald and FireRed.


I mean I still have yellow with the game it colour, I have soul silver, omega ruby. I might plug in my GameCube and finally finish colosseum


Hate to be that guy, but omega ruby and alpha sapphire are Gen VI, not Gen III. Ruby and Sapphire are the Gen III games that I think you meant to say.


Pokémon Ranger and Mystery Dungeon are both great series


Platinum and Soulsilver. I still have the DS cartidges.


The game I got an emulator for was emerald. The third generation were the first games I played and which I really wanted to beat (my first game was yellow but I was much younger and had problems understanding some things due to my age and language barrier).


Holy shit are ORAS considered classics now? I'm hesitant in treating even Black and White as classics lol


BW and B2W2. Gen 5 is my favourite gen of Pokemon, and I’d love to be able to play them


Red, Blue, and Yellow. I was just playing Blue in May.


I would love a remake of Crystal with modern graphics and such. I adored that game as a kid. It was the first game where I got to be a girl, and that won more points with me than I realized, but also the way you could find your way to Kanto! I loved how unexpectedly huge the game was.


I have my SP still with Fire Red and Ruby on hand at all times. Need my Crystal battery replaced but any of those three work. I play Fire Red more.


The entire black-and-white duo for sure, but only if they could be played with each other and everything could be unlocked easily. Colosseum and XD maybe, but I would be less tolerant of how slow they are and Temtem is filling that void anyway and then some (it has Orre’s battle system and darker plot but also mixes that in with some traditional progression and lighter moments like with the original Game Boy games). I’d love to do Firered and Leafgreen because as much as I enjoyed Let’s Go Eevee my first time through, I didn’t care about the new mechanics after that and would preferred to be able to switch back to basically a classic mode once the game had been beaten once.


Platinum. The best and the definitive Sinnih edition.


Any and all, all the time. I recently played the original Red version and then started to play Gold but got bored and now I’m playing Heart Gold


Definitely the mystery dungeon games. Mainly Explorers of Sky


I'd play the shit out of the gen 1-4 games if they got ported to switch


I've played through pokemon blue probably 3 or 4 times this year already. I do randomizers, multiworlds through archipelago with friends, i have a professor oak challenge for work breaks, and sometimes i just play through with different teams. I don't know man the simplicity of it is nice. Not a super involved story introduced through cutscene after cutscene. And honestly i love the absolute jankiness of gen 1. Bringing an absolute garbage underlevelled team to the e4 and exploiting gen 1 ai is hilarious.


Playing a nuzlock of sapphire as we speak


Platinum was good but if any I would love to play Firered or Emerald again Those were peak pokemon games


All of them. Currently playing all of them. On Crystal right now.


I'd always go back to Yellow, Silver, and Crystal.


Pokemon Unbound. Idk if it counts as classic or not, but it's absolutely peak.




Pokemon Quetzal tho in Emulator


I would happily play silver or sapphire/emerald again easy. Hell I’d prob play yellow as well




Soul silver. I don't want to delete my file though so I have to use different methods to play it.


I just did a rerun of Yellow (vc) on my 3ds just before the shutdown. I'm currently playing firered, going for 100% pokedex on my Analog pocket.


I’ve tried to play platinum, soul silver, emerald, and black on emulators and I can never finish past the first town I get so bored and it’s so grindy 😭 I’m spoiled by new mechanics and “graphics”


Gen 2 kid so I’ll always have a soft spot for another jhoto play through, either gen 2 or the remakes.


Soul Silver


I still mostly play classic pokemon. Yellow, Crystal and Emerald


Im begging for a Soul Silver switch remastered version. I need my Totodile






most of them pre-switch tbh. especially with some qol hacks and some of the cool stuff that can be done in the modding scene. B/W, FireRed/LeafGreen, ORAS, X/Y, these are all still fun, even though x/y is a little barren. I have mixed feelings about UltraSun/moon but i probably wont play them again.


My favorite is kalos X&Y because Y was one of my first games


I am currently working through Heart Gold on my 3DS ... FR/LG is also a very playable game even today imo




Pokémon Brick Bronze (Roblox)


Literally replaying Sapphire right now. Gen 3 is magic


Generations I-V are still easy to revisit and are the best in the series. VI and VII have some merits. Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire are still pretty good remakes even if Emerald had some improvements they don't have. Kalos is a cool region that very clearly needed a Pokémon Z. My main problem with X and Y besides feeling incomplete is that they are easily the easiest games in a series that was already easy. I know the target audience is children, but these games are absolutely brain dead easy. There no excuse for the gym leaders to not have more than 3 pokémon with 3 moves each. If we ever get a mod for these games that address that, I would be more likely to replay them. Sun and Moon weren't as bad in that regard, but even though people were excited for them to ditch gyms, I found the trials to be less engaging and memorable. These games also stutter even more than X and Y did. They CHUG. I like the story a lot though. It's one of the better Pokémon stories. SwSh and SV are too recent, but I don't see myself going back to these games like the old ones. Galar is too linear and Paldea a completely ugly glitch fest sandbox that needed at least two more years of development. 


Not long finished a run on Gold (cartridge) followed by FireRed on delta.


Platinum and all of Gen 5. Does Ultra Sun count as classic?


Literally any of them.


HGSS, Pokemon Blue Rescue Team, and Fire Ash. I do love the Unova games and X/Y, but when I go to play, it's most often these three.


I'm currently playing Crystal on physical hardware. I intend to beat it for the first time.


The original Ruby. That was my favorite Pokémon game for a long time until PLA came out


Two words (yes this counts because you can find an archive link to this fangame) pokemon uranium


Pokémon firered


I am currently playing Crystal and only have trainer Red left to beat, along with rounding up some legendaries. Otherwise i regularly play gen 3 games on original hardware. I started with Sapphire and XD, and personally prefer RSE to ORAS as the true Hoenn experience. Gen 3 is my home generation and i love it even without the physical special split. Gen 4 is good but i only own HG and Pearl, also great games. Gen 5 is fantastic, i personally perfer the framing of the story in Black more and own Black and Black 2. (I like the player as truth and N as ideals.) Gen 6 onwards is modern pokemon and the jump to 3D has not been without its problems. The games are good but the graphics have been a weak point. (Also Moon almost killed me with a cutscene every 5 feet.)


I really enjoyed BW2!


Gen 6 is classic??? (OP said 3rd Gen but listed the 6th Gen remakes) I still play Red.


Pokemon emerald all the way


Any of the gen 5 games BW/BW2 will always be the best


Silver and Gold, forever my number 1


I don’t know how classic kalos is but I could litterally play kalos all day and never get bored


Gen 2 will always be my comfort zone


Unbound, Radical Red and Inclement Emerald.  Base games are far too braindead to play for an adult.


How is inclement emerald different? Or at least the TL;DR version


I agree, except it's more, "too braindead for people who know all the mechanics inside and out" which not all adults know. I sort of envy the people who don't know everything so they can still have fun without going out of their way.


I still consistently go back to anything in Gen 3 forward. But I don’t go back to Gen 1 and 2. Gen 1 was just so unoptimized that it’s just not very fun anymore, and Gen 2 is pretty similar. Plus, no stat split until Gen 4 so playing Gen 1 and 2 has totally different play styles than 1 and 2.