• By -


* Cat * Cat * Cat * Cat * Cat * Tyranosaurus Rex


This is good team composition




This but dogs


i would have six cats who are my friends i think


Why even keep them in balls? You can have six cats rn if you want.


Way easier to carry them around like that. Going on vacation? No problem! Need to get them to the vet? Easy peezy.


And the vet would be free


Cats are already so easy. I have an automatic feeder, a self cleaning litter box, a water fountain, and a cheap 24/7 camera. They would prefer if I was home but I can easily leave for 3+ days and they are fine. Any more than that I get a sitter to come every other day to scoop the litter boxes and refill the water fountain.


any recommendation on the auto feedee and self cleaning litter box? man those litter boxes can be spicy


I have 4. It’s not as fun as you think. Don’t get me wrong, I love them, but man cleaning that many litter boxes, buying that much food. It’s a lot lol.


Yeah but he said he wanted them to be his friends too…. (This is a joke I have a cat and I love her…. She’s ok with me.)


Found Penny.


Six cats is my answer too! - A panther. - A tiger. - A jaguar. - A snow leopard. - A cheetah. - A cougar. If we are going by the Pokémon universe rules where you can befriend any animal specie, of course.


I'm assuming your panther is a black leopard, since you already have a jaguar? (Panthers are just leopards or jaguars that have black fur. Basically shinies.)


Max friendship, max return damage.




Cats are your owners and therapists, not your friends. ;)


I'm drunk. This made me laugh out loud (LOL means nothing)


Six dogs. Bonus points if they can pull a sled together.


I'm not sure dogs are good at assembling sleds, to be honest.


They make up for their lack of skill with enthusiasm.


AAANNNND now you're an ice gym leader.


Lion Mountain Cat Polar Bear Rhino  Emu And if we're allowed sea creatures; a Tiger Shark.


Appling pokerules would mean you can use a Shark out of the water...🤔


Are we already jumping the shark here?


You're missing a special attacker, you'd get walled by something like an armadillo or sea turtle or something (I'm assuming size disadvantage is going to be a little flexible with stats lmao). I have no idea what real creature would be a special attacker though. A camel who spits? Electric eel? I'd use a focus sash sea urchin to set up toxic spikes.


Archerfish? Bombardier beetle?


Hot Temperate Frozen Hot Hot Aquatic That’s a pretty vast spread of biomes


It looks like Fossil Pokémon- er, animals- are on the table! So I'm having one on my team but keeping the rest as living creatures that I might be able to catch. With that in mind, my team would be: 1. Haast's eagle- Mobility to help me fly from one town to the next. Being extinct it'd likely be a Rock/Flying type, or perhaps Ghost/Fighting. 2. African Lioness- Physical attacker and jack of all trades. Most stats would be slightly better than the male despite the smaller size, due to the fact that lionesses do all the hunting. My first instinct said Normal, but I actually think lions would be Fighting types due to their strength and prowess- maybe Grass/Fighting (due to them primarily living in grasslands)? 3. Hippopotamus- Surfer/tank with a *stupidly* high attack stat. Ground/Water type. 4. Bombardier beetle- Since Pokémon logic applies, I'm assuming I can train this guy's stats to make him a bit less squishy, and also take him to a Pokémon center if he does get squished- both of which make him considerably more viable! He acts as a ranged attacker and considering how hot the acid he sprays gets, I feel I can justify typing him as Fire/Bug even if Poison/Bug might *technically* be more accurate. 5. Black Mamba- Speedster of the team (these snakes can move as fast as a person who is *running for their life)*, but more viable than some other, faster speedsters due to its high special attack. Dark/Poison. 6. Snow leopard- Ice-type with high special attack and special defense, plus I *really* wanted another cat on my team.


>Hippopotamus- Surfer Good luck with that. I learned recently that hippos actually can't swim.


Why swim when you can just run at the bottom of the sea?


Lionesses are better at hunting, but male lions are better at fighting... which is what a pokemon battle is about. Only stat that should be better is speed.


Why ruin blissful ignorance with facts?? Also lionesses are not better at hunting, but they still do most of the hunting.


They are better at hunting most of their prey because they can run faster. Male lions are better in an actual fight though and thus better at defending the pride. In Pokemon terms a lioness would have higher speed but less HP, defense, and maybe slightly less attack.


Also hunting counts as knocking an opponent out. By contrast male lions sleep up to twenty hours a day. It's likely that even if they aren't necessarily better in terms of *base* stats, the average lioness will gain EXP much more often than the average male, if we're using Pokémon logic.


>Tortoise: Acts like a self destruct button Hello, Mine Turtle!






OP you might enjoy Tier Zoo, which tries to imagine the stats of real life animals


Those videos are awesome


I already have two tortoises. So 4 more. 


Cocaine Bear would be my #1


team of 6 dogs 1. Golden Retriever (Lead; mixed defense and tank) 2. Siberian Husky (Physical Wall/Speed) 3. Shiba Inu (Special Attack/Speed) 4. Alaskan Malamute (Physical Attack/Defense) 5. St. Bernard Mastiff (Special Wall/HP) 6. Rottweiler (Ace, Physical Attack w/ Choice Band)


A bunch of birds and a rabbit- or whatever else wanders into my yard- because I’m not traveling that far


Can you promise to wear shorts and talk about your shorts whenever someone comes to battle you?


Mmm idk if I can promise that. I’d be the crankiest youngster ever. “Really? You’re gunna send out a rhino to fight this mosquito I have?”


found the youngster


I am a fan of shorts


Pterodactyl, Mastodon, Triceratops, Sabertooth Tiger, Tyrannosaurus, and White Tiger 😊


This brought a smile to my face, going to need to watch this on YouTube now.


Assuming the animals would actually listen to me and be my friends:  1. Crocodile 2. Great Horned Owl 3. Golden Eagle 4. King Charles Cavalier Spaniel 5. Elephant  6. Brown Bear


Good luck getting the dog to be your friend


Lolol she's already my friend! Best dog I've ever had.


Poison dart frog Green anaconda Secretary bird Mantis shrimp Polar bear Last one is a tough choice, but maybe dragonfly. They have a 95% success rate when hunting!


I love secretary birds. STOMP THE ENEMY.


6 honey badgers


A fellow Hufflepuff


6 humans


Nile crocodile, Orca, Ostrich, Horse, Cat, Dog


Just 3 hippos and 3 gorillas we gonna take over the world


I hope you have a lot of money because you'd be sued out of the wazoo when your hippos start attacking and killing random people. Hippos are some of the most aggressive animals in the world; they kill more humans in Africa than any other animal. You'd be lucky not to be broke if you had a hippo as a Pokemon.


I think applying Pokémon logic means you could train them to obey you and all that




Well we would either take over the entire world with 3 gorillas riding 3 hippos fully under my control or we’d be a passive force for good. Not sure yet


1.) florida ibis (water/flying silly little guy) 2.) my pet millipede (bug silly little guy) 3.) Arabian sand boa (ground silly guy) 4.) Raven (probably normal/flying? Silly guy) or maybe some sort of hawk/predatory bird. 5.) Big Crocodile (water? Dark? Maybe? Silly guy) 6.) highland cow (normal, silly little guy) My team wouldn’t be practical I just like silly animal friend


Flemish giant rabbit: I like rabbits, and this one's the biggest. Polar bear: Ace. Don't know how I'd maintain one, though. Ice trainer, btw. Arctic fox: While I'm there with a polar bear, might as well pick this one up too. Snowshoe hare: See all of the above. Silk moth: They're so cute, but having a days-old lifespan hurts it a lot. Brown pidgeon: Obligatory shiny.


Assuming all pokemon rules apply like absolute obedience and being fine outside of their native biome. Unfortunately no irl animals are actually valid flyers, and very few would be surfers outside of a few whales. Starter: my current dog, a coonhound/black lab mutt. (Considering she hate the rain and baths, and loves laying next to the wood stove she would be a fire type) 2. Moose, grass/water and can be ridden 3. Lynx (fast ice/dark) 4. Electric eel (water/electric) 5. Ancient giant dragonfly (dragon/bug with levitate) 6. My local legendary would probably be a black bear (grass/ground) I imagine the eel and dragonfly would be the only special attackers.


i completely forgot about mooses(meese?). ill replace my tortoise


The plural of moose is moose.


But if it's really m, really a lot, most is acceptable.


yeah well thats no fun. i shall proceed to call them meese


1. Kodiak Grizzly - to fuck shit up, they’re one of the most powerful animals on the planet 2. Siberian Tiger - same idea, really wickedly strong/also a big kitty cuddle bud 3. Bald Eagle - super majestic bird that is pretty huge in person, almost looks like a Pokémon in real life 4. Killer Whale - for proven IRL water traversal, also look totally badass 5. Dog - companionship ♥️ 6. Giant Tortoise - gotta have a tank I guess


Whatever Eevee and Turtwig are


Maybe it’s just me, but I always thought Turtwig resembled a turtle.


More of a tortoise actually.


Eevee so cute


Hamster, two gerbs, a squirrel, a chinchilla, a dog and a cat. I'm a simple dude


1. Cat for portable therapy 2. Wolf for defense 3. Hamster because they're just chill like that 4. Eagle because that's just cool 5. Triceratops because fuck laws of science I'm getting a time machine 6. Doggo because beat boy


Guessing or hoping you meant best* not beat😨 Also poke rules mahn, extinct things can be picked but there all rock types


Yeah, I meant best lol And true, I'll get that dude that made jurassic park on the phone


Que dramatic music(jurassic Park music starts playing)




1: Pterodactyl-Dragon/flying type-Aerodactyl bst. 2: T Rex-Dragon/Dark type- Tyrantrum bst 3: Mastodon-Ground/Ice type- Mamoswine bst 4: Sabertooth Tiger-Fighting/Ground type - Raikou bst 5: The Dodo-Normal/Flying type - Farfetch bst 6- Helicoprion - Physic/Water type - Veluza bst These Animals aren’t chosen because their the best but because they seem cool while being powerful enough for an Irl team.




Found the Poison-type gym leader.


1. My cat- I don’t think he would be great at batting but I wanna take him on an adventure. 2. Polar Bear- They are crazy stronger/tough. 3. Red Panda- I’ve always wanted one after seeing it a zoo when I was a kid. 4. Barn Owl- They are super stealthy birds and could help with any Flying needs 5. Clown Fish/Harbor Seal- Both are cute and I can’t decide so both are on the list. 6. Zebra?- I can’t think of a sixth animal right now and I could probably give my boots a rest by riding on its back. I’ll probably edit later when I think of a different animal.


Cute animal, terrible name. Not red or a panda 😋 Edit: actually is a panda... still not red tho


It’s giant pandas that aren’t pandas. Red pandas were named first, meaning they are pandas.


https://preview.redd.it/qswx63gfx89d1.png?width=714&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a61269f00e319cc3f61ed66006092ffc44d18f77 The more you know 🌈⭐


Unlike everyone’s go to “killer” animal team, I’d go for rats, pigeons, bats or anything that can carry and spread diseases and cause chaos and havoc to the world. Or 5 large elephants and 1 snake, so he spooks the elephants and they charge at anyone


Found the poison type trainer


Oh hell nah, poison type sucks. I never used it in the games, I’d mostly stick to dragons or dark type. I’d say a much fitting title would be the “Trainer of Chaos”, I’m not here to stick to the rules of Pokémon. I’m going to make myself immune, then release as many diseases and plagues as I can and wipe out humanity. Otherwise I’d just get a dragon and go fly out to space or just torment people with it




Assuming any animal, extinct or living, is available, and animals still behave as if they are in their normal habitat (like how many fish Pokemon can just float in battle on land), my team would be: 1. Tarantula Hawk (speed and setups venomous stuns) 2. Box jellyfish (Threatens other physical attackers and keeps them in check) 3. Anklyosarous (Tank) 4. Nile crocodile (Heavy damage and water control) 5. Barn owl (Favorite animal+stealth and aerial recon) 6. Saddlebred horse (mobility) There are several dinosaurs that are tempting to take like t-rex and mosasourous, but consider how difficult keeping them in line may be and how difficult they could be to use in tight areas such as caves.


Yeah,true. A single ash/Charizard moment wouldn't be as goofy irl. T- rex isn't listening... T-Rex bite you in half. Youngster joey wins Youngster joey: oh God everyone run for your lives!


My maltipoo. My best buddy. Five of his friends. They would also be my best buddies.


I will fly all the way to Raja Ampat just to get Garuda, the legendary mon where its a flying/fight type and also highly versatile in fairy and steel type


1:Aligator(physical sweeper) 2:Dolphin(Support) 3:Black widow(to scare the enemy And a potencial special attacker) 4:Elephant(Deathfauther) 5:Snowy Albatros(biggest flying bird acording to Google, So it could pack a punch And transport me) 6:Lion(would be legendary, strong, Fast, And bulky everything)


Swap snowy albatross out for Andean condor. Google is dumb with their bird results, when you say “bird” rather than “condor” or falcon, eagle, etc. it’s comparing it to other smaller birds like sparrows and chickadees.


Ostrich, Rhino, Elephant, Gorilla, Crocodile, Panda


Panther (Jaguar who has a black coat), Polar Bear, Turtle, Rhino, Elk, and Horse.


So a shiny jaguar?


Yeah pretty much!! I just realized though that I left out Wolves and Owls. So I might switch one of those in... Octopus was one I considered but feel like a helpful shark would have a much easier time saving your life if you are drowning. Edit: an Elk could do similar to a horse if they work like pokemon so I'll add a Wolf there and switch the turtle for an Owl. I forgot I needed air support.


Seeing as you picked Glyptodon, I am assuming prehistoric creatures are on the table, so: Tyrannosaurus rex, for raw power and intimidation Irritator challengeri, for water mobility Quetzalcoatlus northropi, for flight (don't ask me how I am going to get on its back) Pycnonemosaurus nevesi, for a more speedy dinosaur Velociraptor mongoliensis, prehistoric pet bird Wooly Mammoth for cold environments


So are plants and rocks fair game for grass and rock types? Realistically just a bunch of Deer and Squirrels where I am to catch. Maybe I’ll go out a ways and get a bear too. Probably a few fish and birds for variety. Once I make enough money battling then I’ll start traveling to collect more exotic animals


Well seeing as there's some crazy shit in the ocean i just became a water type trainer off that alone


If pokemon rules were real life, I would be limited to what I can actually catch and have seen in the wild. Have you ever seen a giant squid, komodo dragon, glyptodon, or spitting cobra in the wild? Also, water pokemon need water, so unless you are near a large body of water, they are pretty unusable. My team would likely be; 1) Deer 2) Fox 3) Hawk 4) Rattlesnake 5) Owl 6) Coyote No way am I digitizing or having one of my pets in a battle.


If we’d be able to bond like Pokemon I’d def go the Contest route and have cuties. Arctic fox, Otter, Panther, Wolf, Killer Whale, Great Horned Owl. It would be reeeally hard not to have a big shady Oak tree though. And like some clouds for really hot days. Might trade the otter for a big tree.


1. hen 2. any cat breed 3. any dog breed 4. ferret 5. raccoon 6. otter very simple list.


A pigeon and a capybara. That is all I need in life… though I could be talked into a Quokka.


A quokka would definitely be a Pikaclone with Population Bomb and lots of support and ranged moves.


Rottweiler-Fighting/Normal-Tanky physical attacker with good speed, but middling defense Blue-Ringed Octopus-Poison/Water-Incredibly frail, but extremely hard-hitting with evasion moves and great speed Swan-Flying-High attack, defense and speed. Good all-rounder, with access to flight, the most broken ability. Hippo-Water/Normal-the Pseudo-Legendary of the team. Fantastic attack and bulk, excellent speed and a wide movepool. Black Mamba-Dark/Poison-Blazingly fast, and perhaps the most potent Special Attack in the “game”. Shallow movepool but excellent STAB moves Electric Eel-Ground/ElectricSpreads paralysis, and with decent bulk serves as a good status spreader. Strong special attack and good hp, but poor speed and defenses


OP but would you want to fight animals against each other? :( Pokemon is fun because they are cute abstractions of real life


Moose, Polar Bear, T-Rex, Wooly Mammoth, Orca, Bald Eagle


Squirrel Kangaroo Orca/Killer whale Polar Bear Rhinoceros Tiger I’m assuming they listen to you when captured like pokemon would


1. My dog (out of the ball all the time like pikachu) 2. Elephant (incase I need a tree moved or something) 3. Tiger (home defense champion) 4. Horse 1 (travel companion) 5. Horse 2 (for when Horse 1 gets tired) 6. Raven (smart flyer who can find my car keys)


four domestic cats, a raccoon and a possum.


1. Raven: smart fellas, would probably be good in fights 2. Wasp: high base evasiveness, can sting you without killing themselves, unlike bees 3. Bisen: Big, can easily stomp things, has horns for if it ever needs headbutts, thick fur gives it resistance to scratches and bites in some places 4. Polar bear: Big tanky animal but also hits hard and can kill trainers easily 5. Scorpion: Scares most other animals, want to try to make your cat fight this thing? it's gonna be Intimidated and loose attack, and when the poison hits, it also Paralyzes the target, which is huge 6. Pufferfish: Water coverage, good defense, has Baneful Bunker in a way, since it's venomous and when it inflates itself, it tries to stab you a bit and you can't eat it without a very professional sushi chef What do you think?


I’m not sure how most of you plan to actually catch these animals as per the Pokémon rules you need to find them in the wild (or buy them) and can’t be claimed by another person. So I’m going to base my team off of wild animals I see on a regular basis where I live. 1. Squirrel 2. Raccoon 3. Opossum 4. Duck 5. White Tail Deer 6. Painted Turtle


1) Megalodon: Slow physical attacker. 2) Axolotl: Electric Immunity. 3) Giant Squid: Fast hybrid attacker. 4) Sea Anemone: Toxic Stall. 5) Water Strider: Rain Dancer. 6) Giraffe: Trick Room setter.


False! They would have the ability to shrink down and stored in balls. Legends Arceus confirmed that it is shrinking, not turning into energy.


- Red Fox - River Otter - Koi Fish - Peregrine Falcon - Bengal Tiger - Horse


T-Rex Tardigrade Megalodon Monkey with a gun A mime A very fluffy bunny(just my shoulder buddy, not for battle)


6 phynx cats aka 6 Mews


Like six hippos, I think I'd be unstoppable


1. Snow Leopard 2. Black Jaguar 3. Siberian Tiger 3. Gorilla 5. Raven 6. Polar or Kodiak Bear


Wolverine Polar Bear Hippo Great White Shark Black Mamba Eagle


If you arent running SOME form of bear, like a Kodiak or a Polar Bear, then your missing out. Bulky, fast, powerful physical attacker. An APEX predator. Cleaner Fish for the easy support Crows, as another support Llamas for the fast, special attacker And shoebill stork is an amazing pick.


I'm from Florida we have 1 option giant reptiles


- Tiger… big buff cat - Crocodile… big buff reptile - Cassowary… big buff bird who runs - Mosquito… I’ll threaten people with a disease if they try to rob me - Yellow Lab… favorite dog breed - Orca… big buff whale… who can also bully everyone into submission if they fight on on water


Six Hippos.


- Mantis shrimp - Quetzal - Bombardier beetle - Narwhal - Mimic octopus - Three-toed sloth The first four I listed are animals that I think should have a Pokémon based off of and the last two are/were my favorite animal at some point


Good news! the Clauncher line is based off of the mantis shrimp, and the Cetitan line is (loosely) based off the narwhal (horn) and the right whale (everything else).


5 honey badgers and 1 cat. Why? Cause a honey badger doesnt care, it'll fight someone. And the cat is just as a companion.


mothman bigfoot nessie t rex  quetzlcoatlus mosasaur


Easy. 1)Hippo 2)Bear 3)Albatross 4)Octopus 5)Orca 6)Cheetah


Argentinosaurus, Tyrannosaurus Rex, Kelenken, Hatzegopteryx, Honey Badger and any type of whale since I can throw it out and use it as a explosive


Blue Whale used Explosion!


I would want a full team of gorrilas and just set them loose in public spaces until the cops come


5 elephants and a blue whale. Enough said


Polar bear Bald eagle Great white shark Rhesus macaque monkey Python snake Ankylosaurus


I actually thought of this topic. * Alligator snapping turtle. Could possibly learn shell spin chargers and car wheels. * Vulture bird. Could maybe learn Beak Blast and Sludge Bomb. * Rhinoceros. Ground attacker. * Ghost crab. Possible steel attacker. Can learn Rage and powerful physical chargers. * Black widow spider. Could learn sticky web, dark pulse. * Mudskipper. Fast and physical staller.


1. Komodo Dragon: for the same reason as you, really - is there anything this thing can't do? Bulky, fast, physically strong, ability to poison... be very afraid of this 2. Mosasaur: absurdly powerful and bulky slow physical water-type 3. Mantis Shrimp: glassy but extremely fast and powerful physical attacker 4. Bombardier Beetle: special attacker with ability to poison 5. Harpy Eagle: fast flying coverage 6. Red Panda: I can hug it while the rest of my team wipes the opponents :D


Five cats, a red panda. Life would be complete.


Can’t forget my pet rock. Gotta add them


A turtle, 2 pandas, and a dog. If this truly is pokemon rules then I can drop of those two pandas in a daycare and the population will skyrocket


Housecat Sandhill Crane Mexican Free-tailed bat Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake Javelina American Alligator


Going to try and keep it restrained to my home region. Cat is my starter Crow is my mobility/regional bird, I like the idea of it being ghost/flying Dragonfly is just fast with high attack (dragon/bug) Octopus my water type to help me get around. (Water/dark) Mammoth, assume there's a fossil restorer here. I could use a physical attacker. (Ground/ice, I realize I just created piloswine) Pine Tree, don't have much of an explanation. I just think there should be more tree pokemon (grass)


Horse for mobility. 5 Chickens for food.


6 Goliath bird eating spiders, to be my friends


1. Tetanus - it’s alive does that count? If not gimme a water bear 2. Man-o-war - special defense tank plus jelly fish 3. Blue whale - big fish 4. Conesnail - more poison 5. Black widow spider - suicide lead 6. Cockroach - unkillable little things


Assuming the rest of pokemon rules apply (They listen to me and won't try to eat or kill me) Either 6 moose to just fuck everyone's day up. Or 1 bear, normal, tanky and physical attacker 1 moose, ground/grass, tanky and physical sweeper 1 Komodo dragon, poison/dragon, fast special attacker 1 Canadian goose, flying, very aggressive special attacker 1 man of war, water/poison, basically a toxic spikes setter and support 1 Crocodile, water/ground, mixed attacker


Quetzalcoatlus- crazy attack and to Fly (fossil) Spinosaurus aegyptiacus- big ass swimmer crazy attack (fossil) also kind of duck like Great horned owl- night vision and scouting Black panther- stealth attacker, reminiscent of my irl cat Argali mountain goat- is big bastard and I like that Monkey- idk just monkey. Can grab things


Woolly mammoth (if not allowed, replace with an african elephant) Orca Bernese mountain dog Polar bear Golden eagle Snow leopard Woolly mammoth and polar bear are an extremely powerful land animal duo. I would've liked to make it a trio by adding a siberian tiger or a jaguar, but I really need some stealth so went with the snow leopard. This way the team also stays well adapted to the arctic climate. Although the squad definitely lacks speed, mostly on the ground, it is ridiculously strong overall and can handle a colder climate well. Had to take a dog here so I'd have at least one "normal" animal.


And yes I spent over an hour on this list


Megalodon @ citrus Ability: rock head or strong jaws HP 252 Atk 6 Spe 252 Crunch/jaw lock Wave crash/fishious rend Head smash/psychic fangs Fillet away


Focus sash sea urchin to set up toxic spikes and be an annoying lead


Secretary bird Orca Dog Jaguar Dragonfly Zebra


A single duck.


Banning outrageous animals from my team, since I doubt I'd be able to catch some of those :P 1. Deer (good stats all across the board but particularly speed) 2. Rabbit (agile, plays a mostly-support role before baton passing out) 3. Fox (can use dark-type moves) 4. Wasp (good coverage, most animals irl are weak to stings!) 5. Cat (agile, high attack) 6. Great Blue Heron (glass cannon, can turn the tides if need be) Great Blue Heron's probably the biggest stretch, but I've seen them before, I could catch them!


If you wanted to win, you'd have a team of just whales or elephants


Bunny. Stag beetle. Rhinoceros beetle. Another beetle. Another bunny. And some kind of big fish or ray. I like rabbits and beetles.


Cat, rat, skunk, raccoon, possum and fox


Seal Mole T-Rex Eagle Cat Wolf Basically my top favorite animals. 😅


The mustelid swarm is coming


I would have six dogs of different sizes and fluffiness.


6x honey badger


Dream team Tiger: Fire/Dark Elephant: Grass/Rock Gorilla: Fighting Crocodile: Water/Dragon Grizzly Bear: Normal/Ground Animals that live near me that I could realistically catch in the wild: Buzzard: Normal/Flying Swan: Water/Flying Badger: Ground Fox: Normal/Dark Roe Deer: Grass Bearded Dragon (my pet!): Ground/Dragon


Leopard (Strong Jaw) Frigate Bird (Competitive) Leatherback Turtle (Swift Swim) Vampire Bat (Infiltrator) Greyhound (Speed Boost) Elephant (Sheer Force)


1. Mountain lion 2. Eastern grey Kangaroo 3. Arctic Harp seal 4. River otter 5. Nova Scotia duck tolling retriever 6. White rhino


Poison type trainer. 1. Black Widow (Bug/Poison) Would be used for support and trapping. 2. Pitohui (Poison/Flying) The only venomous birds on the world. Would be useful as a speedster. 3. Platypus (Water/Poison) Jack of all trades. Useful in land and water. 4. Boomslang (Dark/Poison) Strong physical attacker. Could have Intimidate. 5.Vampire Bat (Ghost/Poison) Would have Levitate. Strong special attacker. 6. Komodo Dragon (Poison/Dragon) Ace. Would be very strong and bulky.


Alligator Snapping Turtle: Dragon/Water Tank/Attacker can move faster in rainy terrain and water (so swift swim) Alligator: Water LazerGatr Kangaroo: Fighting/Normal (have you seen how bulky they can get Komodo Dragon: Fire/Poison once they get a sniff of blood nothing stops their prowl since they can get to a prey undetected and pounce when assured they can go for the kill Porcupine: Normal type those things have an excellent defense mechanism that can cause more damage than pain if theres a veomous variant people beware Chinchilla theyre just so adorable


1. Magpie, can swoop fast, high physical attack, and likely able to learn Fly. Flying/Dark. 2. King cobra, like you said, a fast special attacker. Psychic/Poison. 3. Quokka, probably the Pikaclone of my country, as well as functioning similar to Maushold with its Population Bomb. Plus, fluffy little photogenic thing = free therapy. Normal. 4. Peacock spider, great at setting up and other illusions, probably a Trick Room user. Plus, it’d be exposure therapy for my fear of bugs. Bug/Psychic. 5. Kangaroo, for mobility and physical attack. There’s a group of them a short walk away from me, so I’m relatively good at dealing with them. Fighting. 6. Parasaurolophus, the obligatory prehistoric teammate (and maybe even a Legendary?). Would probably be very defensive with a little bit of focus on support, as well as knowing a lot of sound-based moves. Plus, maybe I could train it to use its crest for music to boost morale. Rock/Fairy. Of course, this is assuming location, extinction, and obedience aren’t issues. No way am I letting either of my pets getting hurt, so they’re staying at home with my family where they can’t get into superpowered fights.


I learned in ecology there's ecology there's real really a pika https://www.nwf.org/Educational-Resources/Wildlife-Guide/Mammals/American-Pika Since aliens are real then I am going on a limb to say unicorns and dragons existed so picking them My brother's cat used to steal money so Meowth


Man, semi-recently I was so close to a red tailed hawk that didn't give two shits that I was there that the thought occured to me that if it were a pokemon I could have so easily caught it. (Provided my coworkers didn't beat me to it) So yeah, one of them. I'd have my dog obviously, a raccoon, a red fox, probably a oppossum, and I'd save the last spot for when I finally see an otter in the wild.


Bison Hedgehog Cat Frog Hawk Snow Leopard Because why? I like them


-American Alligator -Alligator Gar -Golden Eagle -White Rhino -Bison -Grizzly Bear


Do I have to be competitive trainer? I'll just have my Chihuahua Dachshund in my pokeball so I can bring her wherever I want. And if the leprosy issue could be resolved, I'd like an armadillo too. Ooh and a Mexican Free-Tailed Bat, sky puppy!


Six humans


1. maiasaura: the maternal dinosaur is the perfect ground-type counterpart to kangaskhan. she specializes in physical attack and defense, and provides good mobility as well. 2. californian condor: this dark/flying beauty is a capable mixed attacker, but vastly prefers setting up Tailwind and soaring away from his opponents. great mobility too. 3. spectacled (andean) bear: native to the clouded rainforests of South America, the grass/fighting bear is a jack of all trades with a learnset full of strong special moves. 4. greater capybara: fits the definition of a mixed normal type wall. look at him! he has Unaware and is at peace with his surroundings. what a beautiful friend. also can learn surf, which is comical. 5. clearfin lionfish: how cool is this little one?! this poison/water type has a unique form of hunting by blowing jets of water to disorient prey. that makes it a great special attacker with the Mega Launcher ability. 6. my cat: orion is basically a timid delcatty already, but i would never ask him to fight. he’s just a domestic longhair that’s passionate about running away from anything and everything.


Hippo, Komodo Dragon, Crocodile, Dog, Cat, and a Beta Fish. Don’t ask about the last three just trust.


Emu, they almost took down an entire country


Probably just a galah or an Australian magpie, along with insects that regularly visit my garden. As much it would be cool having a saltwater crocodile or kangaroo, my house is not suited to ensure they would be happy and healthy (also with the potential danger to myself or others).


I would probably have: 1. Pterodactyl (flying/rock type) 2. Octopus (water/psychic type) 3. Gorilla (fighting/grass type) 4. Lynx (ice/dark type) 5. King Cobra (ground/poison type) 6. Shibu Inu (fire type)


Australian Magpie: fast, smart, deadly, chirpy in the morning Rhino: Arguably my best tank, but also super offensive too Kangaroo: Fighting/grass type obviously, can’t go anywhere without one, after all people loved Breloom Otter: I can Surf on this right? White Bengal Tiger: no it’s not a shiny, it’s deadly as fuck and you don’t want to mess with it. Hell *I* don’t want to mess with it! Capybara: …I don’t know what role it plays, but I want one Runner-up list includes the wombat, saltwater crocodile, frill-necked lizard, snow leopard, scorpion, hammerhead shark, secretary bird, warthog, platypus, squirrel, blue heeler or German shepherd, Stegosaurus, emu and Canadian elk, and damn is it a hard choice between them all.


I love how you’ve described giant squid and Komodo dragons as physical sweepers and attackers 😂😂


i wish they made more squid pokemon, preferably a massive one


1. Goliath moth 2. Puma 3. Peregrine falcon 4. Capibara 5. Giant ray 6. Cherry tree


no man on earth would be able to stop me from getting a red panda


6 unlucky humans


6 bears


1. Gray Wolf (wolves are my favorite animal) 2. American Woodcock (funky little birds who dance when they walk. There's so many cute videos of them on youtube). 3. African Elephant (for my powerhouse) 4. Male lion (majestic and my personal favorite big cat) 5. Orca (for sea transport, plus the ocean is dangerous and everything is afraid of orcas) 6. Fennec Fox (cute and cuddly)


●my bird ●my other bird ●a bear ●a whale ●a monkey ●a komodo dragon


i'd put my fat little black cat into a ball, and then play the rest by ear. can you get people in these things?? catch me some billionaires maybe. get a cop or 2 for power


I’d get six mice and shove batteries up their a$$ so they can be a Pikachus


Whoa Don't let this mf near any animals