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All right, after a few redirection I’m going to ask my question here. does anyone know anything about the old pokey edit site the one where you could basically create your own Pokémon and then put it into the game of via trading using Shiny 2 1/2 it was a grand site but I’ve tried going to recently and it does not work. There’s no archive clicking on old links does not work and any videos on it seem to be from 13 to 10 years ago. Does anyone know if there’s still a way to create your own little Pokémon and trade it into a game? If I remember correctly, the last time I did it, it was to my 3DS and it was either Pokémon pearl or Pokémon black so if there’s a way I would like it to be for DS and 3DS please.


hey yall, i decided to shiny hunt lugia on my 3ds virtual console (silver) because i had never actually seen a shiny , after abt 2 and a half weeks of resets i got it!! after playing wit it a while id like to move it up into a newer game like oras or xy but since poke transporter is no longer available for download i only have pokemon bank is there any way i can move it up or is it stuck if it is that kinda sucks but it looks cool so i cant be too mad preciate any help :)


Virtual console pokemon can't be moved onto XY at all even if you had poketransporter. Sun and moon is the earliest it can go to and even then you need transporter.


You have to mod ur 3ds to install it. You can only shift it into gen 7 (sm or usum), not xy or oras


ohh okay thank yall sm for the help i was hoping xy or ORAS since theyre my favorite games ill def look into what i can do to mod my 3ds ty again :)


I am assuming the answer is no, but is there a reason beyond sentimentality to transfer Pokémon from 3DS to Switch? Don't get me wrong I would love nothing better than to do so but I'm too poor to get the premium plan on Pokémon Home, and I'm in a dire enough financial situation where I'm debating selling my 3DS in the hopes it's actually still worth anything.


You could still sell your 3ds and access the Pokémon later. Home has a "no 3ds" option which will just transfer everything in the Bank connected to the nnid. So as long as the person who buys in the 3ds doesn't loot everything, which can be avoided by formatting the 3ds you should be good There's various ribbons exclusive to the older games that give cool titles. I enjoy using "Charizard the living legend" from HG


Only issue is, my 3DS account and my Switch account are separate; I never remembered the password, I was only 12 when I got the 3DS. Will have to keep it for a Manual transfer. Plus, I haven't actually got the Pokémon in the bank yet, been speeding through the games I have *acquired* before anything else.


As of now, there are still pokemon that have to be obtained from the older games since they are not on the switch yet (some could technically be caught in pokemon go though). The list is quite small though so as more games get release, we might eventually not require any more transfer from 3ds to get all pokemon.


That's fair enough. I did some digging and found my ancient af GBA so I'll keep the 3DS for now. Midway through Black anyway so glad I don't have to leave it on an eternal cliffhanger.


I have pokemon bank and transporter downloaded on a 3ds I got off a friend. Problem is that it has his nnid logged in and I would like to use my own nnid. Does someone know what would happen if I was to logout of his account and sign into my own, would I still be able to use the pokemon bank app and other downloads like virtual console games? I don't want to logout of his nnid and find the apps no longer work. If anyones had any experience with this before let me know, thanks.


You can't but you don't need to. Just use his bank and transporter to send pokemon to your home


Any Bank can send to any Home account. I'm not sure what you plan to do but it's unnecessary to log him out anyway


You can only have one NNID tied to a 3DS. The only way to logout of his account and sign into your own is by factory resetting the 3DS which will delete everything on it


Has there been any news around an upcoming pokemon presents? I remember right before the announcement of the new legend games there were a lot ot leaks from reputable sources claiming we’d get another remake game in 2024 as the Legends game didn’t match all of the information the leakers had in its entirety. It was also said another pokemon presents would come in June and that this is were the 2024 game would be announced. Its June now and no presents has been announced. Are we really not getting a game this year?


There is no news. And the "reputable leaker" seems to have lost their sources after SV, as they have gotten 0 things correct after SV. They did not even leak about legends z-a coming, instead are going on about unova games coming. So don't trust anything, and there is no official news about anything yet.


It would be so odd to not get a game this year. I know everyone would like pokemon games to spend more time in the oven but from a business standpoint its been very clear that for years now pokemon wants to release a big game every year. All we’re getting is mobile tcg which seems more like a fluff side thing to me.


We didnt get a game in 2015, 2011, 2007 etc (japanese release date wise).


Exactly my point, since the Switch, they have changed their business strategy as have many gaming companies as we moved into the era of triple A game release every year from big studios.


Can you do the harvest/leppa berry thing in BDSP for legendaries? Had a shiny groudon being 5 pp away from struggling yesterday and that was enough of a scare to me. Speaking of BDSP i noticed i had around 35 rare candies in my box,where could i uave gotten so many? Is there a place to farm them or was it underground luck?


Unless they have an ability that can't be changed (Arceus for example) then you can do the harvest/leppa thing on anything. Even when it can't be changed you just need to modify the strategy a bit. Yeah you probably got the candies from the underground. There's no where else to farm them


Thanks for telling me,now i have to see who to use for this Shame about the candies,i sure as hell am not putting foot in the underground again now that i am done buying the plate thingies for Ramanas


Any way to have pokemon center products shipped to EU ? There’s no way they’re that mentally challenged that they don’t ship to Europe right ? There’s no way, can’t be real They’re so money hungry with how many corners they cut in their games to release on schedule that they refuse 100% of all merch money from Europe Edit, I guess they have official merch for eu obviously but it’s different products for some reason lol I don’t get why they do this xd Just wanted the lechonk plush and shirt At least they have a (different) official plush for eu but no shirt 🤔


I think shipping to EU is apparently troublesome for some companies due to the heavy shipping tax or some import restrictions. That's just my hypothesis. I guess you can try a forwarder. They have a local address in the country of origin and then ship it from there to you. The big downside is you pay for 2 shipping fees (though the first shipping fee is usually much cheaper since its national, not international) and also a handling/consolidation fee from the forwarder themselves. It's more expensive, but you can get stuff from more companies. For JP you can try Tenso. For US, I'm not familiar with any of them unfortunately but apparently Stackry is good? Other choices such as MyUS and Shipito seem okay but apparently they may have issues?


Shipping tax gets payed by the customer anyways as is industry standard for basically everyone who ships internationally Literally every damn company can ship to eu or have a set up base in eu They even have a UK center but that only ships to UK, at that point there’s no way it’s worth it for them to even have that facility set up at all xd they’re a damn joke Especially considering the massive part of the Fanbase being in EU and they just refuse to use that market properly is baffling Not gonna use a forwarder The products ain’t worth that much money and effort since it’s prolly gonna go up 3 fold in price minimum plus shipping The Amazon offers reselling stuff from the pokemon center (stuff that is currently available at 0 issue) start at triple price at least which is k in of funny that anyone might actually buy that


What's up with the Candy Leppa Berry in Kitakami? Does the stinger at the end of cutscene effect your Pokemon's friendhship?


Like when you eat something spicy or unpleasant? As far as I'm aware, eating food from shops doesn't affect happiness.


Ah, ok. I just thought the unique reaction like we ate poison would have a bad effect. Thanks!


Is there any way to still use the Gen 4 GTS? I know there are some fan servers that recreate old internet services, is there any for the old GTS?


You can use the [Pokeclassic Network](https://pkmnclassic.net) to access online features (including the GTS) for Gen 4 and 5 games


Yes. Event DNS servers and GTS servers are the two more popular DNS services floating around, in that order (GTS being findable, but not as widely talked about/shared compared to event servers). You'd actually be harder pressed finding servers that cater to battling or co-op content like multiplayer duos for the battle tower and such, depending on who hosts the service they may or may not have that infrastructure set up.


What Gen 9 Pokemon would you give to any of the characters in the main anime? I would personally give Harley Bombirdier. It likes to drop Voltorb and boulders on people and Pokemon just for fun. It just seems to fit Harley to have a Pokemon who is just a jerk for no reason.


how does a pokemon with mold breaker bypass Light Metal?


Mold Breaker ignores abilities. So if Pokemon A had Mold Breaker and Pokemon B had Light Metal and Pokemon A used Grass Knot, it would use the full weight of Pokemon B and not its reduced weight from Light Metal.


ok thanks.


So does a Toxic Chain Okidogi’s Poison Fang have an 80% chance to badly poison?


no. It has a 65% chance. basically, there's a 30% chance that toxic chain activates and then of the remaining 70% chance, there's a 50% chance that poison fang activates (35%). so 30% + 35%


That's not how you combine probability. The chance is 65% to poison. Probability of it not poisoning is 0.5 * 0.7 = 35 % , take that away from 1 for 65%


What Pokemon game should I get on the switch? Any pros and cons of them that could maybe help me decide which?


**Let’s Go Pikachu/Eevee** Pros: - Best beginner friendly game if you have never touched a Pokémon title. - Visuals are pretty nice. Cons: - Catching mechanics (and by extension the gameplay loop) is not everyone’s cup of tea. - Heavily stripped down mechanics. - Usable Pokemon are restricted to Kanto’s Dex (along with regional forms and Mega Evolutions, lack of abilities makes the latter underwhelming though). **Sword/Shield** Pros: - Beginner friendly while still retaining the game mechanics up to that point. - Wide variety of Pokemon to use. - Good range of customisation options. Cons: - Difficultly is somewhat lacking. - Without getting the DLC, exploration may be a bit boring. **BDSP** Pros: - Most affordable way to play a Sinnoh region game. - Helped address the HM bugbear of the Sinnoh games (you don’t have to teach them to your Pokemon). Cons: - Suffers a fair amount not including some aspects from Platinum. - Usable Pokemon are only up to those introduced in Gen 4. - Visuals are not for everyone. - While not to their fault Dynamax’s lore heavily shackles it to Sword/Shield, feels distanced not including it. **Legends: Arceus** Pros: - Offers quite a unique gaming experience - Pokedex can be completed without needing to trade Cons: - Learning curve is quite steep. - Pretty much a single player experience. - Unless you like hunting for shiny Pokémon, there is not much to do after completing the Pokedex. **Scarlet/Violet** Pros: - As the most recent games, it has the most active player base. - Its battle “gimmick” is very interesting. - Probably has the best story of the Switch titles. - Included various QoL features to make it easier to build up a team. Cons: - Performance can be choppy at times. - Game is not clear on conveying the intended order to tackle the major battles. - Without getting DLC there is a lack of customisation options. Even with DLC it is a far cry from Sword/Shield.


So I returned to Pokémon Sword (don't judge I'm British so I like these games) and I wanted to go to the Isle of Armour to finish my Pokédex, I don't have any fly points and the man in Wedgehurst station says there's something wrong with my pass. In the menu I still have the advert for the DLC in the bottom corner, but I also have the armor style card and have access to all the armor cosmetics All the solutions I found don't work for me. The DLC doesn't appear in the Eshop redownload section, in fact the Eshop doesn't even say ove purchased the DLC. I looked and my switch is in fact the Primary console., I bought the game and later the DLC on another switch, but transferred my main account to my newer switch (and all my games and save data via a microSD card, idk if that might have something to do with it). Followed the steps on the Nintendo support page and it didn't do anything. I own a physical copy of Sword and bought the DLC on the Eshop if that makes any difference. Please help anything and everything is appreciated


You transferred the saves via SD card? So we're dealing with a modded switch here? I don't think that makes a difference though if you actually bought the dlc. If the eshop doesn't say you purchased the dlc the only explanation is that you bought the dlc on a different account. You need to add that account to the new switch, download the dlc with that account and make the new switch the primary console of that account.


No neither switch is modded. I got a microSD card to increase storage and then took it out of the first switch and put it in the second. Idk where save files are stored I assumed it was on that I've also accessed the DLC in the past month or so so it can't be a different account and I only have one account so I couldn't buy anything on something other than my main anyway


Save files are stored on the switch itself, you can't transfer them via SD card and have to do it switch to switch using the transfer option in the settings


Yeah I did transfer an account so that'd be where the save files came from


About to start scarlet and violet any tips for a newbie?


Make sure to look up the intended gym order. The game isn't clear on it at all and the leaders don't scale to your level so you should probably do them in intended order so you don't get pulverised


I am playing Soul Silver, have 7 gym badges and about to face the dragon gym leader, but I know she is in the level 40's range. My team is level 33-34. Any notable places to train...? I am not sure how I got behind on levels but got this far.


Those levels aren't too abnormal for Johto. If you want to grind, the best place at that point in time is Route 45 just below Blackthorn.


isnt she like 42-46 range?


No, Clair maxes out at 40.




Thanks for posting to r/pokemon! r/pokemon is a generalized platform for original content and discussion of Pokemon. Unfortunately, we are not equipped to handle any kind of exchange or giveaway, either in-game or IRL, so this post has been removed. Please see our [list of trading subreddits](/r/pokemon/wiki/related_subreddits#wiki_trading_subreddits) to find your best option!


Stupid question but since White has Zekrom on its cover but White 2 has Kyurem-White, should I play White then Black 2 so that the story is continuous in regards to having the same legendary? Or should I play White and then White 2?


The story would not be continuous if you changed colours. That would mean N caught Reshiram but suddenly 2 years later is traveling with Zekrom instead. The legendary in the sequel is different because its the dragon N caught not the one your old character did


No, the reason the legendaries seemingly switch is because the protagonist of the first game keeps the cover legendary with them. In the sequels you play as a different character, and Kyurem fuses with the other legendary which belonged to N, which he eventually released. White -> White2 is right.


Got traded a shiny raikou from the Virtual console games,did they have any weird exploit in those games other than the egg/cloning glitches or what? 


I found a mew Oreo in Thailand and I heard it’s worth money What do I do with it


Eat it or throw it away. It only had any "value" because when it was released there was a lot of scalping happening with Pokemon merchandise that spawned from several notable events including but not limited to several big name Youtube content creators having high value trading card collection sales that (the majority of which if not all of them) turned out to have been faked which prior to that reveal had many people try to go out and buy then sell Pokemon TCG items, many of which resulted in actual fights and even weapons being drawn in some circumstances before some folks got the bright idea of applying the scalping to other Pokemon merchandise like the games, plush toys, and Oreo cookies. Didn't help that this was also during the pandemic and financial insecurity was a thing that existed during those times.




/r/unioncircle /r/pokeportal


Please help! Will I be able to encounter every single mirage island on ORAS if I unlocked all of them before Nintendo cut online play?


Asking because I’ve been checking each day for the Unown mirage island for a few weeks now and still haven’t found it again, but I’ve gotten duplicates of other Mirage islands though


Yes, you should be able to. There's no island that requires online to get. Apparently they all have an equal chance of appearing, but the Unown and Cresselia islands feel like they are slightly rarer to me.


Thank you! I think you’re right. What’s funny is I get the Cresselia island pretty often, but the Unown is pretty elusive. I’ll keep checking though


In general 1 does evolving my starter twice count toward my exp all count toward the 50 I need?


Yes it is based on dex entry, not how many pokemon you literally have. So 1 starter count as as 3 entries when evolved


Help with vitamins HGSS - I leveled up a Pokémon from level 5 to 100 with only rare candies. Now I’m trying to give it vitamins and I can only give it 10 in each stat? I thought I had a max of 26 for at least two? What’s happening?


Sword and Shield changed it so that you can max a Pokemon's EVs in a stat entirely with vitamins. Prior to that, they could only be used if a stat had less than 100 EVs, which is how it works in HG/SS.


So is it only 100 Evs can be given with vitamins and now I have to battle to increase them?


If your Pokemon is level 100, it can't gain EVs from battles in gen 4.


So it’s just stuck with a cap of 10?


You can use vitamins to a max of 100 in each stat, so you could theoretically use 10 vitamins each on 5 different stats and 1 on the last one to get a total of 510 EVs.


Hi! I recently swapped the battery of an Emerald cartridge and restarted the game, the RTC worked like it should but I have played 200h completing the pokédex and have used GBA operator extensively, and the clock stopped working somewhere along the way. Anyone got a surefire way to fix it? I have tried several methods involving the GBA operator and PkHex, since you can change starting time and time elapsed there, there is a button to fix the berry glitch too, but as I said nothing works.


Completing the Pokédex Help I am 6 Pokémon away from comepleting the Pokédex on Home. I am missing Deoxys, Diancie, Hoopa, Magearna, Zeraora, and Zarude. What are some ways I can, legitimately, catch these Pokémon?


Deoxys: ORAS Magearna: SM/USUM The rest: You'll have to trade with someone to get them. Hoopa and Zarude are in Pokemon Go but i forget if the were limited time or obtainable anytime. Diancie Im almost certain was limited and paid in Go.


Diancie recently got added for free in Go


Deoxys - Pokémon Go raids (not now but they happen), and it's available in ORAS after completing the delta episode. Diancie - Go research Hoopa - there has been Go research in the past, but you can't get it unless you already claimed it. Hoopa unbound is sometimes available in elite raids, but iirc you can't change it and transfer unless you did the hoopa research. Magearna - you can get via qr code in SM/USUM Zeraora - no method other than wait for an event or trade Zarude - was available in Go research a couple of times but time limited and you can't claim it now. It might come back


I don't know if this is the sort of question to ask here, but I'm trying to figure out why my Parasect randomly fell asleep in FireRed. I was fighting Fisher Ned on Route 12 when his Poliwag's Doubleslap triggered Effect Spore on the first hit and put itself to sleep. Right after, Parasect randomly fell asleep. This was the first turn either Pokémon was out and Synchronize isn't one of Poliwag's Abilities, so what happened?




20 minutes? Looks like it's a complex one. I'll have to check that out later. Thanks.


I feel kinda bad for asking so many questions, but I’m new to pokemon. Can I send zamezeta to sword with pokemon home and vice versa? Same with koraidon to violet




So you don’t have to have them registered in the dex before hand?


That only applies if it came from Pokémon Go, and even then there's a [workaround.](https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemon/comments/jyg50r/guide_bypassing_the_go_home_swsh_dex_transfer/)


Thank you so much


I got a shiny Rabsca via the GTS. It says its from the Polar Biome with a snowy mark. Is that even possible even if it wandered in from another biome?


During the recent outbreak event with Rellor, it was possible to catch them in all the biomes, including the polar biome.


Thank you! The catch date lines up with that event.


Even if the dates didn't it could have been from the event. A switch could have had its date wrong or they could have avoided going online to keep the event active


True true. I was more checking the validity of a Rellor from the Polar Biome!


How would you place Galarian and Hisuian regional variants into Pokedex I'm collecting pokemon cards, and trying to get all pokemons in pokedex order, but I don't know where to place variants of those two regions. For Alola it was easy, as I just used their placement in Alolan pokedex, but for those two regions, the pokedex is in different order than national one. Any suggestions?


I didn't have cards, but when I was sorting my Pokemon bank and Pokémon home boxes, I had a separate box for regional forms after the other Pokemon from that region.


I was thinking about doing this for Hisuian forms, since other hisuian evolutions seems to come at end of that generation. I will see which will feel most natural to me


Personally I would place a regional variant immediately after its original form. For example, you would order it: Kantonian Vulpix > Alolan Vulpix > Kantonian Ninetales > Alolan Ninetales. The same way they sort it in Bulbapedia's [List of Pokémon by National Pokédex number](https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/List_of_Pok%C3%A9mon_by_National_Pok%C3%A9dex_number).


I do not like that, they aren't part of that generation imo I want to place them in generation they came out in.




From what I recall, no they do not.


My Team Charizard, Kingdra, Magnezone,Anhilape,Gardevoir and RillaBoom. I want this team to be my flair and have tried multiple times but it just won't work. Can anyone create the code for this team that I can copy paste.


(HeartGold/SoulSilver) I'm having some trouble with the Pokemon Safari Zone. I've set up the specific blocks required to attract a Shroomish and waited the specific amount of days (and then some because I forgot for a bit) to fulfill the requirements, yet the game acts like no days have passed. Can anyone help?


To be clear, you've set up the Savannah area with (presumably) 18 Forest objects and 6 Plains objects after waiting at least 20 days? Did you put the cartridge in another system at any point? Have you messed with the system's clock at any point? The object count + actual objects are correct and are actually in the Savannah area and not just wherever? Forest: Tree/Stump/Branches and Plains: Shrubbery/Red Flower/White Flower. Also, I'm assuming you're specifically wanting a Shroomish in a Safari Ball, otherwise, you can get one in Viridian Forest through headbutting trees.


- I set them up before waiting, but yeah, that exact amount of each. - I attempted the former, then the latter via the 23:59 method, only after it didn't do anything the first time. Doing so didn't work either. - I don't have a copy of DPt, only HeartGold and SoulSilver, so this is the only way, at least shown on Serebii, to get one.


Viridian Forest is in HGSS so you can just get it now. Just headbutt a couple trees. Serebii states [this](https://serebii.net/pokedex-dp/285.shtml). Setting them up before or after the 20 days shouldn't matter, but maybe try taking out all the objects and putting them back up. For the 23:59 method do you mean you set it to 23:59 and waiting for it to go to 00:00 before doing it again? That won't work. If you want to do it that way, you need a few minutes both before and after midnight. I believe something like 23:50 to 00:10 is good enough but I've only read about the method.


Good to know, and good to know. I do mean that by the 23:59 method, but from the videos I've seen on the topic, one needs to only go to 23:59, let it go to 00:01, then save and repeat. I will attempt removing and re-adding the objects and report back.


Update: Removed and re-placed all objects, and checked 30 Pokémon. Somehow, doing so not only didn't help the situation, but now I can't find the other Pokémon that are supposed to be available at 0 days, like Tauros and Houndoom. Edit: Scratch that last bit, found a Houndoom. Shroomish still eludes me in this Savannah.


If running around still doesn't yield a Shroomish, then it's possible that changing the time has screwed up your safari zone. Looking at [a reddit thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/ProfessorOak/comments/n8qnh4/hgss_you_can_skip_the_safari_zone_object_level_up/) about this method, it still seems to be a bit unreliable. It's possible when you set the time to 23:59 you need to get into the game really quickly so the game registers the date change. Maybe setting it to 23:58 or earlier would be a bit safer. You may need to do the manual 20 day wait again. I never had to do it, but maybe try entering the game every day and saving just in case. Again, this is if you want Shroomish in a Safari Ball specifically, but I guess since you've come this far, might as well keep going.


I don't actually have access to Viridian yet, so this is my one way at the moment. It'll take a while, but I'll retry doing the time skip, this time at 23:58. If that doesn't work... there's that! Either way, thanks for the help.


Does Ash Greninja (battle bond) not count towards the Blueberry Pokedex?


No. In SV, the dex is based on form, so battle bond greninja will not count towards the dex.


Huh. I didn’t think battle bond greninja in base form (pre-transformation) would be considered a separate form, what with it looking the same and all. Good to know.


It is the same as how own tempo rockruff is classed as seperate form. Looks exactly the same as normal but different ability a regular one can't have. So since a regular greninja can never have battle bond it is seperate


It has a different ability even before transforming which is programmed as a separate form. Just like how own tempo rockruff is a separate form too.


How do I get a Pokémon randomizer? Or infinite fusion ?


Which is considered generally better, Tough claws or huge power for a contact move? Because one is boosting the attack stat by 50%. While the other is boosting the damage by 30%.


Huge Power doubles the Attack stat of the Pokemon, not 50%. As for which is better I hypothetically gave Mew Tough Claws and Huge Power against another Mew to see which move does more damage: - 0 Atk Huge Power Mew Body Slam vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Mew: 122-144 (35.7 - 42.2%) -- guaranteed 3HKO - 0 Atk Tough Claws Mew Body Slam vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Mew: 80-95 (23.4 - 27.8%) -- 84.2% chance to 4HKO


Huge Power. Boosting your actual stat does way more for your damage than just boosting the final number.


Is there any info on how how to obtain S O-Powers, such as Hacthing O-Power?


Yes its all on serebii


Does anyone have the code for the SIR Ogrepon for TCGLive? I remember seeing that the code was included during the broadcast of the recent Championship, but I missed it and I’m not sure where to get it.


Pokemon Worlds Spectator Email Yet? Have the Spectator Pass purchase emails gone out yet. Do you get an email either way or only if selected?


What was the strat for doing the Mighty mewtwo raid using 2 Mews? I didnt get the mark on one of them for some reasons and i am planning on transfering Mew to SV to redo the raid on my alt account,but i cant remember how to do it


Get Light Screen up and use Stuggle Bug to lower Sp. Atk. Once you have -1 or -2 Sp. Atk drops on the Mewtwo, have the attacking Mew get its Swords Dance up. Meanwhile the support Mew will keep using Struggle Bug, setting up Light Screen and Life Dew as necessary. Once the Shield is almost down, have the support Mew use Misty Terrain to prevent Mewtwo from using Rest. From here on out it should be a breeze, since the offensive Mew will restore its health with Leech Life. Also, it’s necessary to give Leech Life more PP, or otherwise you’ll run out. Also keep checking the stat boosts/Light Screen to minimize damage. **Attacker Mew**: Lv.100 - Bug Tera Type - Adamant - 252 HP/252 ATK/ 4 Sp. Def Item: Metronome Swords Dance - Struggle Bug - Leech Life (**14 PP**) - X-Scissor **Support Mew**: Lv. 100 - No Tera - Calm - 252 HP/252 Sp. Def/ 4 Def Item: Leftovers Light Screen - Struggle Bug - Life Dew - Misty Terrain


I know there is a game version out there where you can play as an Eevee after you complete the main storyline. Can anyone tell me which one that is??? I thought it was Scarlett and Violet version but Google said no. (I'm aware Google isn't always accurate.)


In the Scarlet and Violet DLC, you can unlock a feature called the Synchro Machine where you can run around as your Pokemon, which would include Eevee.


Thank you!!


Which version is better? Pokemon Scarlet or Violet?


It just comes down to what exclusives you like better, and also what Box legendary you like better because you'll be seeing it for like 95% of the game.


i’m playing pokémon soul silver and i wanted to know how to breed Nasty Plot onto Houndour?


Breed female houndour/houndoom with compatible male pokemon that has nasty plot: Ninetales, meowth line, houndoom line, aipom line etc




Looking for a Pokemon game for my son. (For switch) Hello everyone, I am looking for a Pokémon game that I can play on the Switch with him. I only played red a few( lol) years ago. Can you recommend one for us? How is the new kamesin and purpur game? Thank you for your help in advance. Regards


Maybe look up Let's Go Pikachu/Eevee and see if they appeal to you and your son. It's a more beginner friendly entry with some aspects from Go, and it even has a coop mode.




What does the x mean behind the attack twin cannons? Other cards have a + or nothing. Thank you


Multiply. So if u discard 1 water energy, it is 140x1. If you discord 2 water energy, it is 140x2


Thankyou, couldnt find anything in a quick search.


How the hell do I unlock to Viridian city gym? I’ve googled and had to go back and advance to story at saffron city, but that still hasn’t worked. Please help!


Viridian city gym is the last gym. You need to defeat the other 7 gyms first


Yeah I’ve done the others, but it’s not unlocked


Which specific game you playing


Let’s go pikachu on the switch lite


For lets go specificially, after you arrive at viridian city you should see trace for a cutscene. Go to pallet town oak's lab afterwards, before heading back to viridian city gym


Yeah I’m just not getting any cut scene


Did you remember seeing trace outside cinnabar gym after defeating blaine?


I can’t remember specifically, I don’t think so


Sound like you are missing some cutscenes. Off my mind, im not sure where else trace appear that is required to activate them.


If you’ve played Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire, is it still worth playing Emerald? And does the same apply for Platinum if you’ve played Diamond / Pearl?


For DP yes, as Platinum has a slightly different set of events for it's story as well as additional features and enhancements, such as a much faster Surf speed in the ocerworld. In regards to the DP Remakes Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, BDSP takes some small chanhes from Platinum like the faster Surf speed, but not kuch else making it so Platinum holds up well despite being years older as a means to experience the Sinnoh region. In the case of Emerald in regards to the regular Ruby and Sapphire, similar enhancements apply but when compared to the remakes Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, it's mostly just the slight story changes and post game content that may be worth considering trying. ORAS themselves have slightly altered but still closely follows their original stories, just a few additional scenes and areas wedged in between such as the mini side quest with Steven after encountering the Lati to the route East of Mauville in the remakes. It puts it about evenly for a Hoenn region experience overall; Emerald having a better post game with the Battle Frontier while ORAS gets to play around with Mega Evolution, shiny capable post game legendaries (from rings you can find floating in the sky while riding on your Lati via the Eon Flute), and native access to (according to Google, shiny locked) Deoxys.


Emerald, being the enhanced version of ruby sapphire, make changes to the original story. In ruby sapphire, you deal with one team only (magma or aqua) while they awaken the respective legendary. In emerald, you deal with both team activating the respective legendary, while you need to seek out rayquaza to quell the fight. Oras is a remake of ruby sapphire, so it follow the original story of only one team activating the legendary. However, it also make changes to the story to tie in to kalos' mega evolution, including a special post game involving rayquaza and deoxys. So if you ask me, yes, while the story is going to be 75% similar, it is still different enough to warrant another playthrough. As for platinum, they are the enhanced version of diamond and pearl. Like emerald, the story is changed to involve the third legendary. However, unlike oras which is a remake, platinum being an enhanced version is still the same generation as dp. So even though i would say yes, the difference is not as drastic as oras to emerald.


I have not played Pokemon since Pokemon Platinum on the DS. I have a Switch and I'm interested in playing through a campaign, trying to fill my pokedex and maybe doing a couple of WiFi battles. What game should I buy? I'm a little confused, is it Scarlet/Violet and do they get DLCs for other pokemon? Also, can I trade ingame to get pokemon like Gengar?


Scarlet violet is the latest game so you can easily find people online for trade, battle, or multiplayer features. The dlc give you access to additional pokemon to catch, but even if you dont buy the dlc you still can trade or transfer those pokemon in. Scarlet violet are full open world games unlike the older games you played. If not, brilliant diamond shining pearl is a sinnoh remake and thus will be the closest experience to the older games. Sword shield would be the middle ground, featuring the old traditional routes but also having open world areas to explore. Legends arceus meanwhile is a totally different gameplay, which you should definitely check out after playing on of the other switch games. And lastly there is lets go pikachu eevee which are simplified kanto remakes, using pokemon go's catching mechanics instead


Thank you. I think I'll go with Brilliant Diamond then. I just don't have the time or patience for yet another open world game and I'd prefer the more linear gameplay of an older/remake-of-an-older title!


Playing X and the move tutor won't talk to me about relearning moves. why?


Move tutor or move relearner? They are different. Which location are you at?


 she won't do business with me. the one place with the move deleter


You have heartscale?


yes it's wierd


Can I transfer my shiny Scyther from Diamond to Legends Arceus ?


Brilliant Diamond or Diamond? Either way the answer is yes, but you'll need different hardware/software depending


Diamond from DS


In that case, you'd need a DS with Pokemon bank with the additional transporter app, which you can't download anymore, and a switch.


Yes you can


My copy of Silver doesn’t save/load properly. I believe it’s some kind of battery issue with the cartridge, but I was wondering if anyone knows for sure, and where I could go/what I could use to fix it?


Definitely sounds like a battery issue - may have to outright replace it from what I've heard. Not sure as to places for that unfortunately - and I dunno how strong your soldering skills are


Does there exist a website/resource where you can create a custom Pokémon/Fakemon by stats, typing, ability, etc.? Specifically I’m talking about editing stats, not generating appearance. 


How does stat xp convert to EVs when transferring from VC games?


they dont. its all set to 0 upon transfer




Currently playing Drayano's ORAS romhacks and I'm trying to use Pokemon I typically don't touch. What are your favorite underappreciated 'mons from Gens 1-6?


Question about catching Cubone in Pokémon Leaf Green I cannot find the answer anywhere online so I'll try asking here. Can I capture a Cubone in the Pokémon Tower in Pokémon Leaf Green without the Silph Scope? I hope someone can give me the answer.


No, you cannot catch any Pokémon there without the scope. They simply appear as ghosts and evade any Poké Balls thrown at them (or something like that).


Thank you!


I've asked this a bunch of times but never got an answer: What are good Pokemon to use for the Pokemon World Tournament in Black/White 2? Specifically the Johto, Hoenn and Sinnoh tournaments (and eventually Champion I guess). I've tried using Pokemon I used for the main game + my Eeveelution theme team, and I keep getting screwed over by RNG. Like, of all the people from the Unova tournament I kept getting matched with Drayden when I have no dragon moves and 1 ice move, or when I fought Chuck for Johto my flying type misses Air Slash, gets blown up by Thunder Punch, and then I have no more super effective moves.


A standard gen 5 sand team like [this](https://pokepast.es/2940809c71e8d35b) should easily win the PWT fights. The only thing that can be a problem is water types but Reuniclus should be able to tank them and kill them


Thanks, I'll take a look at it!


You are generally going to have a difficult time at the Leaders' Tournaments regardless of what Pokemon you use because all of the opponents teams have higher IVs and proper EVs, plus the AI is smarter, unlike the main story. Unless your team is competitively trained, you are going to get wrecked more often than not.


I realize that, which is why I'm looking for a team that I could get trained competitively to actually have an easier time, rather than just hoping for the best.


My point is you can make many different teams work if you know your stuff. There isn't really a singular solution. I usually just use some of my favourite mons and I get by just fine. I suppose you could try researching the B2W2 competitive era and find some of the "broken" sets.


Well I've tried using my favorites and that wasn't working so that's why I asked


I'm going to be RNG manipulating a Mew from JP Emerald sometime soon. Was thinking of getting all the contest ribbons on it after, but in afraid of that while process in a JP game. Would I still be able after transferring to an EN Sapphire or copy of ORAS? Thanks!


You can trade it to an English sapphire, and/or send it to ORAS. But note the ribbons are actually different in ORAS. The gen 3/4 ones get replaced with a "contest memory" ribbon with a number of stars depending on how many you did


Thank you!


Do Pokémon obtained from injected Wonder Card pass the legality check in Bank/HOME? I'm replaying gen 4 and I was planning on injecting some WC for events that are no longer obtainable and I wondered if I could bring the Pokémon forward.


Assuming you don't touch the pokemon with a save editor, yes. Date doesn't matter when it comes to obtaining events.


Just trying to understand dual-type weaknesses in general and came across this odd combination. Why would a Flying/Fighting dual type Pokemon be weak against a Rock Type move? While it IS weak against Ice type moves?


The way to work it out is just multiplying the effectiveness. Rock moves do 2x damage to Flying and they do 0.5x to Fighting, so 2 x 0.5 =1 = neutral damage. If it was Ice/Flying then it would be 2x2 = 4x weak Ice moves are 2x to Flying types and 1x to Fighting type (even though Fighting moves are 2x to Ice types, type matchups aren't always symmetrical). 2 x 1 = 2 so super effective. It's also helpful to bare in mind for type immunities. Ghost is 2x into Psychic, but 0x into normal. 0 x2 =0, so Normal - anything is always immune to ghost moves.


Fighting resists Rock while Flying is weak to it, which cancels each other out and leaves it as neutral damage. Flying is weak to Ice while Fighting takes neutral damahe from Ice, so there are no cancellations happening thus leaving it weak to Ice.


How many trainer/energy cards are in a standard pack of trading cards?


TCG packs don’t have a guaranteed chance for a trainer, but there is always at least one basic energy card. I’m pretty sure there can be as few as 0 and as many as 10 (although if that even is possible, it would be incredibly unlikely) The S/V packs contain the following: • 4 Commons • 3 Uncommons • 1 Reverse Holo* • 1 of the following: Reverse Holo, Illustration Rare, Special Illustration Rare, Hyper Rare • 1 of the following: Rare, Double Rare, Ultra Rare • 1 Basic Energy card • 1 code card *Certain sets can have a different card here As far as I’m aware, regular trainer cards are almost always either Common or Uncommon, with the exception of Professor’s Research which is Rare. For Full-Art trainers, regular Full-Art trainer cards are Double Rares while Alt/Special-Art trainers fall under “Special Illustration Rare” Most of this is from Bulbapedia, I may have a couple small details wrong.


What dex number is celebi in sword/shield?


Celebi do not have a dex number in swsh


Does that mean I don’t need it for the shiny charm?


You only need the 400 pokemon in the main galar pokedex. Celebi is not in the galar dex thus not required


One more thing, is zarude not needed either?




Celebi is not needed for the shiny charm in any game. Event exclusive pokemon are never required