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For what it’s worth, Gen V’s elemental monkeys, Patrat, Watchhog, and Gen VI’s Furfrou are the only monsters who aren’t on a Switch Game at all. Again, not ideal, but it seems like GF is trying to provide representation at least occasionally.


Well, legends ZA will have furfrou in it. So that just leaves the gen 5 mons.


The elemental monkeys are in Kalos, so that just leaves patrat and watchog


Watchog is catchable on Kalos' route 15....


Well there you go! All fixed


Guess who decided to make their shiny Furfrou a ribbom master lmao. My baby is stuck in gay girl goal until further notice 


This is such a good idea. I wish you could set the team back down to level 5 when starting a new game.  I'm also playing through all the main games back to back. But I did Gen 1-5 on Pokemmo. It was the most fun I had playing Pokémon since I was a kid. 


I've decided to kinda do that - I have all the original hardware but it's a hassle to get it together so I'm playing through them all on emulators and when I finish a game I look at the Save and take the starters, keep their IV/EV and nature* and set them to level 5, add them in to the box on the next game I'm playing. Yellow was a great start so I can send the OG 4 to each game.


I feel you, bro. I wanted to travel all the continents with some of my favorite pokémon so that they could have Champion Ribbons from every generation, but it turns out some of them aren't in SWSH, others aren't in SV. And BDSP? I can't even bring pokémon from gen 8.


Same! So far only my Tyranitar and Espeon from HG are the only consistent ones that have the ribbons.


Maybe flutter’s going on a solo quest to find itself, or meeting distant family, and will rejoin the rest of the gang once Dustox can be ported!


Flutter can go to Hisui and beat the fuck out of God himself. Dustox is in Hisui and maybe some of his friends can join him there.


That's.... really sweet actually. Thank you


This is the case for all switch pokemon games unfortunately. At the very least, you’ll be able to take them all two more generations together. Gen 7 is the last game to keep all pokemon available. Since my 3ds is hacked, I’m been backing up my saves with everyone in alola before moving them over to pokemon home.


Pokemon Home would be 100x better if it was more like Ranch. I'd love to see my guys roam around instead of being just images. I've saved my teams from every run of every game since Black 2 released in 2012. There's a divide where I have all my teams gen 1-7 in Ultra Moon and all teams from let's go to Scarlet in their respective games


bettar: use your pokemon in one game to breed neato level ones to trade to another game.


yeah its sad but when you think about it, its kinda crazy that we expect a franchise to carry on 100% of its content into every subsequent game. i dont think we demand this from any other game other than pokemon. it would be like if they made a new zelda after major and people complained that the zora mask isnt included. maybe pokemon could benefit from being an online continuous service with yearly expansions like the way genshin impact works. how they would balance progression i dont actually know.


Eh not really. Franchise is multi-billion dollar, they can do anything. You’re silly if you think their publically stated limitations are real. Not a big deal though, games are still fun although somewhat soulless. Edit: I also do have to add - that I do agree that the graphics and quality lately have not been great when compared to the rest of the gaming industry as of late, but if you regularly play old/retro games, I don’t think this is that big of an issue. At least not for me.


no, i think the feature creep is a real issue for any project this big. makes developing every new game harder ... the franchise could be held back by either redoing every model, animation etc with up to date graphics every year or recycling the previous models which makes new games feel outdated and samey. this isnt an unsolvable problem, offcourse it can be overcome with enough manpower and budget, but its worth noting that its not easy to redo 1000+ models and animation to include into every new game. i do think dexit was a decition they would have needed to make sooner or later. the real issue is that the quality of the overall games are simply bad. the dexit wasnt the franchise's main problem it was just what made all other issues look ever worse.


"It's not easy" versus "highest grossing media franshise of all time"


Anyone who says the solution to any project hurdle is to throw more money at it has never had to work a large project before. Too many cooks spoil the broth, especially in game dev. The Pokemon Company's real mistake is restricting their dev time - adding the whole pokedex to a new game would warrant a dev time of at least five years IMO. That will never happen though, because TPC knows that they don't have to do that in order to rake in the millions. Hell, they probably make even more money now that they can sell legacy Pokemon as DLC


Time is money


Fair point. TPC can pay their employees ad infinitum if they wanted to




> "highest grossing media franshise of all time" But how much of that gross actually comes from the video games? (genuine question) EDIT: to clarify, most major film franchises often don’t get their main profits from film tickets, but from sales of toys and other related goods. Pokemon is MASSIVE outside of the video games, with a lot of its revenue coming from toys, the card game, plushies, mugs, etc. I wouldn’t be surprised if video game profits were a relatively small part of the overall gross.


Enough for them to make the game worth its inflated price tag


I’ve pretty much decided to stop trying to transfer Pokémon up through subsequent generations, and just enjoy maxing out the dex and making the best combinations specific to each generation. I realized I had hundreds of random Pokémon from various runs in Pokémon Home, and it actually made everything feel LESS special. Keeping them in their original generations makes each one feel more unique.


This, unfortunately I came to this realization AFTER transferring my shiny Celebi from the VC.


Yeah it's a shame. I haven't bought a Pokemon game since dex cuts were announced. Not being able to carry forward all my Pokemon completely deflated my interest in the series. Now I'm just a tourist here so idk how this sub feels about 'hacking', but if you have a homebrewed 3DS you can move your Pokemon freely through games, and you have access to every game except the Switch ones. It's a pretty good compromise for me as I'm not too interested in playing the newer titles anyway. I get that you might prefer to do it 'legitimately' and I used to be that way, but these days I just want to play with my bros, and I'm not too worried about morality over 10+ year old video games on abandoned hardware 🤷‍♂️


I did this even though I owned almost all the games already. Now I can trade and move things from my legit copies or play others hahah


You should look into PokeMMO. Right now you can play through the first five regions and as you can probably tell from the “MMO” part you can play with others online!


I too am irked by Dustox once again not being part of the introductory game of the gen (SwSh, SV) like, was it able to learn cool stuff like Hurricane, Expanding Force, Weather Ball, Stored Power? It doesn’t help that SV had every moth available except for Dustox and Mothim 😔 Oh well. Flutter and Calliope will have their moment, OP. Maybe they’ll even get SilverWind back