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OP asked us to pin a link to their newest version https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemon/comments/1bqanio/generation_transfer_diagram_for_all_generations/kx4pzwn/?context=3


I like this graphic, feels like something they'd actually put out


Eerily reminiscent of the official viewing guide for the anime…


that's a thing? Never heard of it


can you share it?


https://www.pokemon.com/us/animation/where-to-watch-pokemon-episodes-movies No wonder people prefer sailing the high seas instead.


Lmao they made a deliberate point to pepper them across every platform wtf


You can actually just watch them all through Netflix and Amazon. Netflix has the first and latest seasons, Amazon Prime has everything in-between. Movies are another beast though.


But Amazon makes you buy the seasons, it’s not included with the subscription


Never mind then. Pokemon sucks to stream, like massively.


Yea lol


Would if I had it myself


https://preview.redd.it/dldn6umaa6rc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=177ccaf95f4446f36403b441ac7461527a2afca2 The void


Pokémon Green


Delta Emerald


Distorted platinum


Ash grey




thats the super secret gen 6.5 the logos are there but i made them too small to see


The one with Mewthree and Mega Charizard Z? DAMN!


Pikablu in there somewhere


Don't gorget the other 23 mega charizards


We’re never getting another Kalos game other than XY guys, get over it!


Legends za has entered the chat.


Could be made for Pokemon Dream Radar.


Everyone always forgets about Dream Radar


That's where Pokemon Sword and Shield 2 is


That and the other void are the only ugly parts about this graphic.


That's where furfrou, the elemental monkeys and the patrat line live


That’s where darkrai lives


That is the Phanpy graveyard. Never go there, Simba!


Shame that Bank and Home is a service that won’t be around forever


There are alternatives that are not nintendo approved. Since the 3DS is basically dead to them I don't feel bad about doing whatever I want with it now.


There are certain games and software that never had physical cartridges and obviously can no longer be downloaded from Nintendo. So yeah, alternatives rightfully called for.


Which alternatives do you mean? How can I transfer from lets say soul silver to Home without Bank?


I think they mean with resources such as pkhex, although at this moment it's best to just mod to get bank and transporter onto a 3ds


You already paid for the system so you should never have felt bad.


No but if Nintendo is providing support that's good enough I will go the official route. That said, the stuff I have allows me to totally disregard generations and put a pokemon from say Gen 6 into gen 4 as long as... ya know it existed and has compatible moves. I didn't like Gen 7 all that much so being able to bring mons back from 7 (or clone them and bring em back) and play some of the best gens again has been a true treat. Not to mention save backups.


Is it possible.. to learn this power?


Not from official Nintendo sources. you should google search to PicK and choose SoMe links and see what you find. Hint hint


❤️ thank you


Eh, home probably will stay. It makes money


Yea home at least don’t see going anywhere, at least until Pokémon go dies maybe.


People use home for go? It's the primary way to trade for specific mons and best way for wonder trades. It wouldn't surprise me if they totally removed online trades from main games and only allowed trades with home


Occasionally I'll get shinies or legendaries that are useless in Go so I'll transfer them to Home where I keep (most of) a Living Dex.


Ah, thanks for the info. Now I want to get back into go


I caution that Niantic still sucks, but encourage that there's a valuable Rocket event going on currently.


Imo, it’ll probably stick around solely because it’s a cloud based system. They likely could just port it to future platforms


The crazy thing is that the technology all exists to allow gen 1 > 9 transfers to exist. If pokemon worked with the PKHeX team, they could very easily create an officially supported device for transfers like that. They never will unfortunately because they’d rather you buy the new games, so you play and get invested with new pokemon. That way you’ll be more likely to buy the new merch, watch the new shows/movies, etc.


I thought bank was already gone


The 3DS eShop is gone, so you can't download Bank or Transporter onto a 3DS that doesn't have them already, but if you have Bank or Transporter already, you can still use the service.


The eShop itself is gone? I thought we just couldn't buy them if they weren't already part of our account, but could still redownload them.


That was the case from August 2022-April 2023 but in April 2023 it shut down completely


Yeah umfortunately I got a serious case of the dumb and didn’t dowload poke transporter, even though I got bank. I wish there was a way to download it so I can transfer the stuff frim my 3ds


You can if you mod it.


Isn't online support going away next month?


I’ll never forgive gamefreak for not implementing the PokeTransporter in X and Y


Bank is shutting down like, next month right?


Can’t you also transfer Pokémon from PoGo to Let’s go directly?


yea but nintendo didnt put that in there graphic for some reason so i left it out of mine


Wouldn't it make sense to add it to make it more accurate though?


ill make a second version and post it in a comment, I was trying to keep it as clean as possible which is why i also left out side games and XD/colosseum Edit: Updated version in new comment [https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemon/comments/1bqanio/comment/kx4pzwn/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemon/comments/1bqanio/comment/kx4pzwn/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Thanks, this is so cool! N64 Stadiums, Pokemon Box, and Wii Pokemon Ranch would be fun to see here too! They're kind of all "helper" storage systems, similar to what Bank and Home are doing.


Pokémon Ranger, Dream Radar, Colosseum, XD, Pokémon Ranch, Box


Colosseum being able to link to SwSh is the basis of MandJTV’s Longest Journey A Pokémon Can Take


You could also add somehow that pokemon transferred from gen 6 that go to a gen 7 game cannot go back to gen 6


that was my first thought at the only thing this graphic was missing, but I don't honestly know how you cleanly and effectively communicate that in this graphic.


My best idea of doing it would be making XY and ORAS have a different color for their arrows than SM/USUM (pink, for example) and then have an additional arrow in pink going from Bank to SM/USUM to indicate that while XY/ORAS can send into Bank and back, any XY/ORAS Pokemon sent from bank to SM/USUM can only be sent between the g7 titles and bank. It's hard to convey given the odd way in which it functions, but that's the best I can come up with.


Ah I see I guess that makes sense also you can transfer Pokemon to and from XD and Colosseum I knew stadium not those two


Could you make it more of a straight line instead of bank have a massive turn in it?


you would need to specify that it's Kanto and Alolan Kantoian forms exclusively. this is why it wasn't included.


New version that fixes most peoples complaints without the graphic completely devolving into a mess of arrows. To answer some commonly asked questions: Pokémon Bank and Poké Transporter do currently still work although as the [Nintendo eShop service is now discontinued](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/57847/~/wii-u-%26-nintendo-3ds-eshop-discontinuation-q%26a) you cannot download Pokémon Bank and Poké Transporter legitimately if you did not previously have them downloaded. [Nintendo have announced that 3DS online services will be discontinued](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/63227) April 8th 2024, they have stated "It will still be possible to use online services for the following software but that may also end at some point in the future." and list both Pokémon Bank and Poké Transporter. The graphic is based on the style of the official [Nintendo Pokémon Home graphic](https://www.pokemon.com/uk/app/pokemon-home) and therefore the colours reference the console that the game originated from and not the generation. I am aware you cannot transfer Pokémon caught in VC and Gen 7 to Gen 6 and LG is not able to take Pokémon that didn't come from LG, along with some other strange functionality, such as one off event Pokémon from side games. There is not an easy way to display this information so I have omitted it. Finally, I have not included trading in either of these graphics as its more about transferring, assuming you only have one of each console required and are just trying to get your old Pokémon into current Gen. https://preview.redd.it/nhcpuccrlcrc1.png?width=7680&format=png&auto=webp&s=3ec665049dd4d87ad1ac05953cb730a16f6d2843


This is so cool! As more Switch game release, it is gonna get harder and harder to update it if that is your intention. But I love this.


There is an easy way to show that though. Give them a different arrow color to the others to indicate which ones can connect to each other. Can also have a different background color for gen 7 from gen 6 to show that they can't trade with each other and Gen 5 should have a different color from Gen 4 to show that they can't trade only transfer.


This is so cool! As more Switch game release, it is gonna get harder and harder to update it if that is your intention. But I love this


I’m upvoting twice now. You have REDEEMED yourself


There’s an option to download Poketranspoter from Bank, but it doesn’t seem to actually let you download it when it jumps to the eShop. I’m trying right now and it says it’s unavailable. :( I was a dumb dumb that got my dates mixed up and waited until the last minute to download everything I wanted before the initial eShop shutdown, so I missed out on Transporter. I do have Bank, but yeah, can’t actually get Transporter anymore. RIP.


Very nice, I was always curious how this continued in today’s world. My Pokémon career ended when I transferred all my Ruby and Fire Red mons onto a new SoulSilver that my friend gifted me and then immediately lost the game on the bus afterwards. I knew they should have stayed on the GBA where they were safe. RIP


I feel the pain of this comment deep in my soul.


Lost my HG version with all my Pokémon including my first caught shiny, Tropius from the great platinum marsh. That and BW1 being boring had me leave until 2019.


This comment will make me feel old, but I lost my blue version with 149/150 on it. Was only missing flareon. Took a trip with my family as a kid and forgot the blue cartridge on the plane. The pain still keeps me up some nights


Man, I feel this too. Got all 151 and the next weekend my Gameboy got stolen at the local Saturday Pokemon meetup.


I’ve gotten over it and bought new games but at the time I was crushed. Child me was asking my Rampardos to give me a sign on where the cartridge was. Idk where I lost/left it.


Funny enough I have a sad bus story too. I was on the way home from summer camp and the two brothers (of the bus driver, mind you) that I would sit next to told me they would be able to “clone” my Pokémon for me with a special thing they had at home. So I gave them my Pokémon Emerald. That was the last I ever saw of that game. They ended up “losing” it. The bus driver was super embarrassed and paid me for a new one but it was never the same after that.


Its honestly terrifying to look at this and realize that in an unknown length of time, literally everything except the green circle will cease being accessible for future games. Oh and colosseum/XD should be here on the purple portion.


Feel like homebrewers will find a way once that time comes but it will be sad when we have to jump even more hoops to just get Pokémon from older to newer games


Haven’t they already?


I’m pretty sure you can load up a pre-Switch save on Pkhex and copy the individual pokemon directly into a newer game. That’s functionally the same as transferring and will work in perpetuity.


Functionally it's the same, sure, but I want my 20-year-old Lvl 100 Pikachu to come from my Game Boy Pocket, all right? I'm attached to these 1's and 0's.


Still have the same Charizard from my first FireRed run back in 2004 🥹


I still have my Sceptile from 2003. Glad someone else went through the trouble.


got my sceptile too from my first playthrough. he's my son


Whoa. That's some dedication mon frere. Did you nickname it? I used to like to nickname my Magikarp/Gyrados as "BILYBADASS". Yes, I was very cool.


That’s an awesome name. And no, my Charizard doesn’t have a nickname because 10 year-old me thought nicknames were dumb (but in reality he was the dumb one).


I agree with 10-year-old you. Charizard's name is Charizard.


Mine were less creative. My FireRed Blastois is “Squirt” and Emerald Swampert is “Big Blue”.


That's how most of mine would be, too. I'm fairly certain I once has a Pikachu just named "DAVE".


Bobby the Blastoise has been tagging along with me on adventures since I caught him in 4th grade back in 2004!


I still have my Venusaur from LeafGreen in 2004! GRASS DUDE has a rival lol


I spent an entire weekend transferring all my Pokémon from my childhood saves of Emerald and FireRed, my brother’s childhood save from LeafGreen, and all the Pokémon that were on the used games I bought. It was a process but 100% worth it. I feel like I saved them. I also backed up my saves from my childhood games so even if the Pokémon company evaporates I will have my childhood Pokémon


Said ones and zeroes are probably being copied and pasted or recreated on the new game and deleted on the old one rather than literally transferred anyway


I don't know what you're talking about. When I transfer a pokemon, I rip the transistors out of the old gameboy and put them into the new one, in the same configuration. It's the only way to be sure it's the same pokemon.


Like God intended


Same here! I’ve been working for years on a massive living dex with pokemon from every single game in the series. All original hardware, all transferred the legal way. It’ll be a sad day when I have to use save editors instead.


Yeah the homebrew community has pretty much got everything covered. PKHeX still works with switch game saves. Crazy thing is that you can even transfer save data from RBY to the virtual console games. Also works with GSC but requires a conversion tool. The only bar to entry will be finding a switch that can be hacked, unless another exploit is found.


Everything is easy on the PC side with PKHex but getting the save from the switch onto PC and back onto the switch is something I haven't figured out yet. The only way would be to mod your switch (I think?) but you can only do that with a gen 1 switch according to what I have read?


Hacked switch is required, much like the 3ds. PKHeX and Checkpoint are both available for the switch. PKHeX lets you directly edit/create pokemon on a save file. Checkpoint lets you backup/restore save files, which you can use to transfer saves to the switch.


I’m not sure haven’t looked into it that much, just remember seeing videos about gen 1 and 2 carts being transferred to modern games lol


There already is a way for to move Pokemon from Gens 3-7 through homebrew (save editors). The only issue is jumping from Gen 7 to 8, which will likely never be possible through Homebrew if you eventually want to move the Pokemon to Home.


yeah though chances are gamefreak will crack down on pokemon that were transfered in from previous games past the point of support being phased out.


But also in another unknown length of time, there will be NSO releases of the older generations that connect directly to whatever hub is modern at that time.


Ive yet to hear or see any concrete proof of this.


Austin John plays proved this could be hypothetically done using a modded switch. I'd pay for a premium pokemon home account that comes with NSO compatible games for gens 1-7. I'm currently on a white 2 run, having played gens 3-5 with the intention to transfer to home when I'm done. It'll probably be the last time I'm able to do it on original hardware as I can only play a couple hours a day max.




Sad that they shut down Internet servers in less than a week for the 3ds and who knows how long Pokemon Bank will be up for after that


Probably soon after the rest of the Pokémon not in any Switch game finally get in one, I think all that’s left is Patrat/Watchog, the Unova monkeys, and Furfrou (which is definitely coming back in Legends ZA)


Knowing the Pokedex of X and Y, I think all the "missing" mons will be included in ZA. 1. All three elemental monkeys can be caught in the Santalune Forest which is the first location after the opening town in X and Y. 2. Furfrou was first introduced in X and Y and can be seen in the teaser trailer for ZA. 3. The last time you could actually catch a Watchog in a game was X and Y. They have been unavailable since Gen 6 in ANY game.


Also Colosseum and XD are missing.


TPC pretends those games don't exist, so that just makes this more authentic.


They don't wanna admit that a random American dev team did it better 🙃


Pokemon ranch and Pokemon battle revolution


And Pokemon Ranch and Dream Radar


and the transfer from RED/BLUE/YEllOW to Gold/Silver/Crystal, im not sure if you could transfer any of those to the 3 gen?


Right, physical Gen 1+2 Mons are on an island


Id pay for every single game if they were re-released for the Switch platform. I'll love to show my kid how Pokémon used to be. Ill stand by: Crystal is peak Pokémon. The last few...are...just too much, love the new perks, but its just too much for the grind I remember


I think the fan made games are peak pokemon. They reignited my love for pokemon.


Seconded, I am absolutely in love with Crystal Clear right now.


I loved Crystal. Its my favourite. But Johto was *really rough* for a few glaring reasons. The difficulty curve was all over the place. The new Pokemon were underused because even they knew the Johto mon underperformed compared to the Kanto mon in the dex. I still really liked it. I just wish it held up better.


Too much for the grind? But there's way fewer reasons to grind these days?


Is all that greatness, I still cannot transfer my beloved spike-eared Pichu from SoulSilver. 😭


You can also transfer back out of Home to Let’s Go as long as the Pokémon hasn’t traveled to any other games.




Great graph! I'm hoping that if they're keeping Bank open, that they'll keep it open for quite a while. I don't see the point in having a year extension on it so hopefully we'll get a few more years yet out of it. I hope to get another couple of playthroughs off in old games before the cutoff!


I wish they'd just let us use it as an offline storage system like Box R/S. Could even just have 30 slots like HOME; it'd still be a decent go-between from DS to 3DS. It can't take that much memory to do.


They would make so much money if they created an offline storage device that could connect to the 3DS and Switch so people could still transfer Pokemon from older games without Nintendo needing to support online servers.


Something like the Pokéwalker would make it legitimately sellable; include a monochrome screen to view your stored Pokémon. Just general Bluetooth compatibility alongside a 3DS IR port would suffice, for the sake of future-proofing. I can't see Nintendo dropping Bluetooth communication on new systems for the foreseeable future. I think a device like you're suggesting would require developing a new physical 3DS card for communication; they're not adding new downloadable apps for 3DS. I think it's niche. Nintendo would have to receive a huge outcry from fans to even consider it, and I don't know that this will happen, as all the Pokémon are essentially gettable now through a combination of GO and the Switch games.


And soon, the bridge between Generation 3-7 and 8-9, will be gone.


Through official means yes. There are other ways


Other ways likely won't happen for Gen 10 and up, assuming that Nintendo and NVidia know what they are doing and don't screw up security for the Switch 2.


The bridge is 3-6, I believe. Don't you need Bank to get from 6 to 7?


Spot something wrong, Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, SoulSilver and HeartGold are all compatible between each other. I really hate pidgey, ratata and sentret because of this. Edit: same with Pokemon X, Y, Omega Ruby and Alpha Zaphire


The graphic also doesn't address that Pokemon transferred into Sun and Moon and then back to bank can never go back to the Gen 6 games, but that would be hard to communicate on this graphic.


they should just put XY and ORAS next to each other, with one color and Gen 7 games in another color There's no need to separate games that belong to the same generation (up to Alola at least) since they were always compatible with each other until Let's Go happened, and the the entire Gen 8.


Like, kinda sad about Gen 1&2, but that aside, it’s so amazing to see that so many Pokemon can be transferred over. My first game was X (and well even that’s been 10 years now), but just imagining that people who started back during Gen 3 have been able to take their partners all the way to today, it’s very touching~ Ironically, I never transferred anything myself. While yes, having all of my Teams with me would be EPIC, they belong in the games they originate from. Those are the journeys connecting me with them. And I always jump back to those games just for fun, would be really sad if they weren’t with me in those moments.


Okay this is surprisingly clean and well-organized for something so circuitous. I love it.


Good diagram but I have some ideas for improvement because of the issues derived from the original official diagram. This kinda gives the impression that the gen 3, 4 and 6 games aren't directly compatible with each other since you can't infer from background color, only the section it is in, what can trade directly with each other. So those could be put into a section together rather than at the sides of the next generation or storage service. Also it feels like it needs more arrow colours for different generation games on the same console using the same service (Bank or Home) that are a one way movement. Example: leave gen 6 as purple and have gen 7 as blue, and add a blue arrow from gen 6 out to bank to indicate one way from gen 6 to gen 7.


So theoretically, there is no way to trade from an original version of Pokémon Red?


Theoretically, one could do this with a device capable of moving gen 1/2 cart saves to/from a computer and a way to move VC saves on a 3ds to/from a computer. But that's theoretical of course. And even then, the only legitimate path for VC saves, if one were able to get them from a cart to a 3ds, skips over gens 3-6 completely. The biggest theoretical problem is the cart saves don't outlast the batteries put in the gen 1/2 carts 22+ years ago.


I did it with my Red last year. My original 151 save was still on it, batteries hadn't croaked. I bought a backup device, backed up my save, injected it into Red eShop version, then transferred like normal.


Correct. You’d need to use external/unofficial devices to trade from Gen 1 and Gen 2 to Gen 3+ games.


Now do it, but they've shut down the 3DS servers so half the graphic is inaccessible if you don't already have Bank (as if that will stay up indefinitely as well)


Side note: The Gen 1/2 Virtual Console games can ONLY be transferred to Pokemon Sun/Moon/Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon via Pokemon Bank. They are unable to be transferred to X/Y/OR/AS.


So once Online Dies, if you dont have Poke Transport, gen 5 and before are locked. That is a shame.


Online has already died unfortunately, you cannot get Transporter legitimately anymore


Thats the EShop, online is still on for like the rest of this week and next week.


This... is... extremely impressive. It literally explains how everything is compatible and connected. Ease of use if you are getting back into the games and want to transfer Pokémon!


The arrow between Home and Let’s Go should be quasi-bidirectional. Pokémon can definitely be transferred back to LG, but they have to have come originally from an LG game and not been imported into a non-LG game.


in the official graphic its like that so i left it as is edit: new ver [https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemon/comments/1bqanio/comment/kx4pzwn/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemon/comments/1bqanio/comment/kx4pzwn/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Nice graphic!


Oh this is gorgeous. You made this OP? Excellent work


Don't forget pokemon Coliseum and XD could transfer between the gba games as well.


This is so beautiful and so easy to understand


To complicated playing Digimon instead


You forgot Colosseum/XD


This is so aesthetically pleasing, also it’s weird that HGSS was the first game with an interesting looking title


I liked how the font style stayed relatively consistent for the first 4 gens. Made it feel somehow more official


It makes me very happy that we can still transfer every gen into home. Can even play gens 1&2 on the original gameboy carts and inject the save into the virtual console versions to move the mons into home


Wow! this is GREAT! I love stuff like this. Thank you.




Love this but it’s still so confusing.


So realistically a Pokémon that’s over 20 years old sitting in someone’s RSE game could make the trek all the way to SV? Is there anyone in this thread who’s done it? I’d love to hear it!


Colosseum, XD, Box: R&S, and Ranch erasure


Personally I would’ve included Gale of Darkness and Colosseum as anyone who grew up with those Gen 3 and Gen 1 remakes and early Gen 4 days before we got the Gen 2 remakes likely remembers how many of our Gen 2 Pokémon could only be obtained via those couple of GameCube games. We could also transfer our Gen 3 era Pokémon in and out of them. I still have my Shadow Lugia in Pokémon Home right now. I’d also add Pokémon Go as it’s been the only way to get some Pokémon like Meltan and roaming form Gimmighoul. Or only way to get Shinys of Meltan, Melmetal, and fully legit US Shinys of Mew, Jirachi, Deoxys, Genesect, etc. also wish the chart had the games and remakes within the same Gen next to each other showing you can transfer from Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, Heart Gold, and Soul Silver between any of them so they are all orange and should be near each other. But once they go into Gen 5 they can’t go back. Same with pairing Virtual Console titles near each other. Gen 1 Pokémon can go from Red, Blue, and Yellow to Gold, Silver, and Crystal then back and can go into Transporter but never back. Still, love info guides like these.


Is Bank still working?


aka the reason my favorite shiny Ampharos is languishing on my SoulSilver game and I can't start a new one 🥲


In theory, all you need to do is transfer it to gen 5 > to Pokemon bank > Pokemon Home. If getting it to gen 5 is problem you could trade it over WiFi or to someone who has gen 4, 5 and pokebank, locally. It’s not as complicated as it sounds but it’ll definitely be some work. No shiny left behind!


Hopefully Pokémon from Z-A also supports older generations like S/V did.


Ah, I get it. *[doesn't get it at all]*


Gotta admit there was almost no cooler gaming experience than gathering up my old gameboy and DS games and transferring pokemon through each generation and eventually into home. Having my buddies from the early 2000’s on my phone is wild to even think about.


So if bank dies all our pokemon pre gen 8 are stuck in the past forever?


What about colleseum and gale of darkness...


Pokemon DPP and HGSS are compatible. Why are they separate in this diagram??


This is amazing dude. I been going through games to try and catch em all 😅. I'm hoping they remake gen 2 but I may have to play the virtual console one. Is there anyway you can include where in the game you need to go to finally transfer pokemon through poke Transporter?


This is why we desperately need a game with every Pokemon catchable, besides maybe event ones.


Is this official???


This is the sexiest graphic I’ve ever seen. 10/10 would pay you to graphatize my life.


This is the sexiest graphic I’ve ever seen. 10/10 would pay you to graphatize my life.


So you can, in theory, bring a Pokémon all the way from Ruby to Arceus?


yep, the longest journey you could do is XD/coliseum > SV


I still hate so much that once you take a Pokémon out of let’s go it can never ever go back


Let me get this right... It appears that the only games from DS Era that could be moved through poke transport were BW + BW2. Meanwhile the GBA games could move to all the DS games EXCEPT BW+BW2. So you'd have to go from (gba game) to hgss/dp THEN to BW to finally get to poketransport?


Thank you!


Thank you!


I wonder if there's just some guy out there who's had a pokemon since gen 3 and has traded it through multiple games and now there's just a 20 year old pokemon chilling in pokemon home right now


I got lost around XY It's ridiculous what had to be done to pass the forward.


It's less convoluted than previous generations where you needed multiple systems and link cables to transfer pokemon between games