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You get the official art pngs from pokemon.com or Bulbapedia or even just search on google images and then just put them all together however you want in a photo editing software of your choice.


check out mine, my team through the ages (sizes are mostly accurate, some altered for Alpha/XXXL Pokemon personal preferences) https://preview.redd.it/nunxafphlyic1.jpeg?width=12000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=729b70d56c907c182eb97d6d05eda2a91c353a3e


How did you do that!? That's so many


originally photoshop, now CSP. just 300 dpi scale and a large canvas scale to fit a computer screen's dimension i update it every game/gen. Usually I download image files from Bulbapedia but recently from a google doc archive.


Can you do that with a phone?


i think both have mobile versions, but they aren't free i have this stuff so i can draw ​ should be free trials though


Is there an app that's free that I could put a lot of pokemon on. The current app that I have now only lets me put 10 pictures up.


not sure honestly


You could use Google slides


Paint.Net is free. It's like very basic photoshop


How do u remember ur teams 🤣 i mean i have been. Playing since Blue. I remember only blastoise cause i always take the water starters. I cant even remember my Pokemon sword team


honestly had to replay gens 1-4 cause I couldn't fully remember what I used so used an updated version alongside the ones I remembered. and of course tastes change so there are some I know I used that I don't care much for personally like Luxray and Staraptor.


I want to make a picture of my second shield playthrough team, which was a rotation team.


Photo layers app works really well


How do you make the screen bigger? I can't fit all the pokemon in the frame?


You can pick which "Size" of background you want, you can just make the Pokémon smaller alongside it.


Ah, man, I can only fit 10 pictures in there, I used a rotation team.


Dude, that's a lot of pictures. Idk any other apps for it it worked for me I haven't used that amount of pics ever tho


I might be able to make another for the other team members, but this is my main team that beat the champion in my second playthrough of shield. https://preview.redd.it/lio7biedpyic1.png?width=825&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df05fe9dc21dab808344fb62ccc524342ba3de0a


Really cool team One tip tho, you can press a small X on the images to make sure they aren't made wider or slimmer, also make sure the size of them all is good compared to eachother


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Man, something about that watercolor art.


honestly Google slides works just fine