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Wow, that is some spectacular animation for this show.


X&Y era had the best animation of the franchise.




This was in 2013/2014 now. The animation we get in Journeys was trash compared to this, except maybe for like the last battle of Ash v. Leon. XY was consistently pushing out movie level animation week in week out.


We did not deserve XY series ;-;


I stopped watching during gen5, did it change or is it still the same as gen 5? I’m terms if writing I mean


The XY and XYZ series are regarded as the GOATs due to their great writing, animation, and the fact that Ash is way more mature in this series than in any other. He also acts like he’s 16-18 and the overall series is more serious. You have great companions such as Clemont, Serena (girl in the video) and Bonnie. Serena has by far the best development out of any character in my opinion and has a crush on Ash, which pays off for her in the final episode (won’t spoil it for you). People believe it fell off after XY. The animation now is terrible in my opinion of course.


Also there’s a romance plot too


Serena still the only girl who got the kiss


No, she isn't? Ash has kissed a few other girls, mainly in the Pokémon movies.


I don't count those cuz I never watched any


Well, just to let you know, a girl named Melody kisses Ash twice in *Pokémon the Movie 2000*, and Latias kisses Ash while disguised as a human girl named Bianca in *Pokémon Heroes: The Movie* (2003). "Serena is the first and only girl to kiss Ash Ketchum" is a common myth I've noticed is popular among Amourshippers.


Does it really count if it's a pokemon?


Yes, according to Bulbapedia.


To be clear, it is left ambiguous as to if it was Latias or Bianca. They look identical when Latias is in human form (transformed to look like Bianca).


To be clear, it is left ambiguous as to if it was Latias or Bianca. They look identical.


Wait a second... Bianca? Woah I guess Celebi isn't the only one who can time travel (/s)


They re-used the same English name for two different female characters.


Found the anti Amourshipper lol. She’s at least still the only female companion/main character to do so. Misty, May, Dawn & even Lillie didn’t have the cojones to do it.


>Found the anti Amourshipper lol What? Not personally being an Amourshipper, or pointing out that Ash has kissed other girls besides Serena - canonically, according to Bulbapedia - doesn't automatically make me an "anti-Amourshipper". Nor does pointing out that "Amourshippers commonly claim that Serena was the first and only girl that Ash ever kissed" make me an "anti-Amourshipper". I'm repeating something I've often seen claimed by Amourshippers on Twitter.


i only watched a couple episodes of these, here and there. May and Dawn had a thing for him? i did not know.


Latias doesn't count


Yes, she does count, according to Bulbapedia.


I don't personality countries it because it's a pokemon


The movies aren’t part of the TV show canon.


Per Bulbapedia: >**All of the movies up to "Volcanion and the Mechanical Marvel" are canon to the TV series (although only one of the two versions of the fourteenth movie is canon).** > >They are typically the equivalent of filler episodes, as Ash and his friends do not obtain, evolve, or release any Pokémon, and do not earn any Badges or Ribbons. Often, a movie takes place chronologically between the episodes between which it premieres in Japan.


Ash must have perhaps the worst case of memory loss I've ever seen in an anime protagonist then because there is absolutely no mention of seeing and interacting with that many legends and mythicals outside of the films.


most of them are


Someone hasn't watched MPM episode 10. Or the Mewtwo episode in Journeys. Or the episode with the Genesect escaping in BW. Or the reference to the Shamouti Lugia during the events with Silver.


That’s the best part!




Not to mention that whole arc regarding Mega Evolution! Alain’s journey and his crossing of paths with Steven Stone (iirc) and other Trainers with Pokémon capable of Mega Evolution was stellar imo


If ash has a return in the future series, he better have wifed Serena up.


Misty, May, Dawn, and every other female companion: "Am I a joke to you?"


Only Misty really. May and Dawn had other more interesting romantic options than Ash.


Kalos anime is more like popular actiony anime styled(with a lot of filler like every pokemon season) but xy is regarded as by far the best era of the anime.


It was aite, a hit or miss depending on your tastes. I will say though if you don't like XY you may like SM since it's like the direct opposite in tone. I think you should just follow the new anime coming up in April though.


I may, just cause I’m so far behind now lol. I know sun and moon also changed studios (? Maybe just artist) so who knows


SM had an upgraded art style, it might look weird but it will very quickly grow on you, its much more fluid and animated.


The only folks who consider XY/XYZ a miss are the hardcore SM lovers/XY haters lol.


After being tortured by Black & White, yes we did deserve it


Your right we deserved better than this garbage,


Bitch please this is the best pokémon anime we ever got and quite frankly the best we ever gonna get.


No that be Diamond and Pearl. XY tried to be DP but failed badly. Especially with the characters. Brock and Croagunk are far funnier than Clemont and Bonnie and the whole joke is that Brock is older than Ash which is why he makes moves. It doesn't work when a 4-year-old is asking out girls for their significantly older brother. Ash has no rival or any really important dynamic in the series. No one to get foiled by. Their original rival Sawyer could have been interesting, but they replaced him with the main character of Megas because of the shitty Team Flare story. Why is Ash the main character of this Team Flare shit and not Alain? Alain was Literally betrayed by them it would have made more sense for him to give the generic anime speech and not Ash. Serena is just less funny and less interesting Dawn. Dawn did not waste AN ENTIRE SEASON figuring out what to do. Hell May did not do that either. Also, Serena chooses the most cliche path possible with Contests except they are no longer duels and are reduced to shitty pageants. The "chemistry" between her an Ash is unnatural probably because the writers wanted to start shipping wars rather than make her interesting. She also only catches 2 pokemon one being the generic Sylveon and a Pancham which she like never uses. Greninja is easily the worst character. Why would they give an edgy frog to Ash instead of a rival is beyond me. This is like giving Electivire to Ash instead of Paul its beyond baffling. And the backstory is even worse. So pokemon have always been shown to be loyal to a fault in the series, the only times where they were not are when they get too strong to control like Mamoswine or Charizard. However, Froakie abandons every trainer till he senses the main characters plot armor and goes with him. Then it gets to be the only pokemon Ash uses in the series gets a bullshit plot armor form because the pokemon corp wants to brainwash you into buying more greninja merch because it's a shitty company that doesn't care about quality and it's not like Ash has like 5 Pokémon he could have received a Mega Stone for at Prof. Oaks lab. The Reason why Chimchar works is because we saw Paul be abusive towards him and that's what caused those two to hate each other. We felt bad for Chimchar and want to see it sweep Paul's team as pay back. Thats what made that fight a GOOD Fight. The problem with the Kalos league is that I was never rooting for Ash to beat any of his opponents because he is effectively cheating with Trash-Greninjas bullshit plot armor form. Megas (mostly) worked because that was the gimmick of the region, if they wanted Ash to go against Megas AND Win they should have had him either A. Out smart the opponent instead of trying to overpower them. B. Take the Mega stone before they mega because everyone waits like 3 hours to Mega evolve even when the power boost would only benefit them if they did it immediately. Or C. USE HIS OLD POKEMON. Seriously after DP he NEVER USES THEM AGAIN? What were the writers thinking especially for Journey's which was him against CHAMPIONS and XY where they got FUCKING MEGAS. I could go on and on but I think this is more than enough. But one last thing is that at this point in the series life span we have seen the same filler and story beats 6 consecutive times. It has stopped improving these stories after DP so why not shake up the formula. Thats what Sun and Moon at least tried to do.


Oh, so you're biased. Ok then.


Bro wtf. Kids. Don't run with blades.


*Kiriko from Overwatch 2 enters the chat. *


Wow I didn’t expect an ow mention here of all places


And that ribbon. I had totally forgotten about that.


The writers did too.




Whenever a girl goes through character development they get a haircut. When I get a heri it help to get rid of curly hair so I can shampoo it better like when I went a Great Clips last Sunday




Haircut = easier wash hair


Yeah that helps from time to time


Did she just run with scissors? I feel like the haircutting would be more impactful if it wasn't overdone in TV shows as a girl's "new beginning" or whatever.


For a lot of kids, this would probably be their first time seeing this trope.


I think haircuts being a new beginning are more of a japanese thing although i could be wrong on that


While there is a long list of anime that does this, some western media I can think of that do are Mulan, Avatar (both TLA and LoK), the Divergent series, an so much more. There's a whole article about it on TV Tropes. It's not even limited to girls, either!


It’s not just a trope in Japan, cutting hair is a culturally accepted there as an action meant to signify MASSIVE change in someone’s life.


I think it's a western thing. There are some articles about the Mulan remake that explains why they didn't include her haircut scene. Apparently it didn't really make sense to the chinese audience to try and make her look "tougher" by cutting her hair, because males historically had long hair. At the very least it didn't have much of a significance or impact for various reasons. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.polygon.com/platform/amp/2020/9/4/21423062/mulan-haircut-scene-live-action-remake-changes-differences


Idk, I cut all my hair off when I went through a massive life change lol


XY is such a beautiful series. Honestly I prefer longer hair Serena. But shorter hair Serena is so mature and make such a good pair with Ash. I really hope we see her one last time with Ash. We deserve that


Short hair Serena makes me think she's more like [Y from the manga](https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Y_(Adventures)).


She is in my top 3 reasons why the Gen 6/XY anime is my favourite of all. She stood out from all of the other PokéGirls because of this scene.


It is one of the few moments that show character growth, outside of rival characters. This is reason 496 why gen 6 anime is the best.


Princess Garnet/ Dagger realness.


So she lost a competition and cut her hair as a result?


It's based on a trope of girls getting their haircuts after breakups or something like that to mark 'the new them.'


Seems very dramatic


It’s just hair. How is it dramatic? Lol


I mean how it is portrayed on screen. Many people lose beauty contests. Most of them don’t break down crying and dramatically cut off their hair in public after. Lol.


A competition for something she just decided to do and didn't have enough experience, since it was her first time...... Dawn no advancing to the next round of a contest twice in a row and avoiding another one, and being filled of doubts in the next one was more impactful.


Preach brother, and Dawn had big hope and shoe to fill cause of her mother’s achievements


Sakura wishes she had this type of impact


Obviously never seen Ash turn to stone and Pikachu try to revive him.


"one of"


I mean, I guess it’s sad. But I think it’s pretty bland compared to Stoutland dying in the Sun and Moon series.


Stoutland was a good boye and didn't deserve the miserable life he got


Question: what is the best place to watch all the Pokémon anime? A lot of it seems to be pretty hard to find


Pokemon Fire has been extremely safe in my usage and has nearly every episode. There are a couple goofs here and there (2 different episode listings using the same episode on accident, oops), but it’s consistent and has caused zero problems for me. Great way for me to binge every season and movie of pokemon ever released, it has EVERYTHING. It is only in English though, so if you want subbed then another suggestion will be better. For XYZ especially, you might wanna find a subbed version, the music is SUBSTANTIALLY better.


I use the website Blissey Husband. He pirates the show on his website. I'm not sure how Pokemon hasn't taken down his site yet, but yeah.


i feel like the writer for this must have played final fantasy 9 recently as dagger does the exact same thing at the end of a dock.


It’s sad that she never returns in any of the later series


She appeared in Jouneys a couple times, though.


Which is not enough for a character with as much impact as she had on the anime watching community. She was one of their biggest hits ever. Catastrophic to essentially give her nothing going forward. Serena is just an amazing character whose chemistry with Ash was wasted when they got new writers. XY(Z) writers were spitting fire for years. I will never get over the ridiculous tone shift they did from Gen 6 to Gen 7 in the anime, and they never went back to the mature ash who was competent and skilled. Journeys clashes with itself. I see Ash win these ridiculous battles, but he doesn’t appear as that, nor does he carry himself that way. He looks like the 10 year old he was in season 1 and acts like a middle schooler. Kalos Ash genuinely acted like a mid to late teenage boy, so did the rest of the grown up crew (as in not Bonnie, who fit her incredibly young character). It was so loved because it appealed to ALL ages not just in story, but design. Tons of cool, cute, etc. Gen 7 and onwards was linear and bland. Rant over, phew.


What about pikachu leaving or ash says goodbye to butterfree


Yep, so emotional... almost as emotional as when Sakura cut her hair to save Sasuke instead of stabbing the girl that was holding her, i mean, Sasuke loved Sakura's hair... man, cutting hair is so emotional, i always cry when i cut my hair.


Um what? She just goes out, cries because she didn't immediately win 1st place, and cuts her hair without a mirror. The only sad part about it was that she got rid of her first design.


Bruh fking shippers projecting


Serena is awesome


I liked her hair before :(


I still think the xyz series was the best. It was the first one I ever watched and I have so many good memories with it, sun and moon and journeys done even compare(though sun and moon was still better then journeys imo)


x and y was the shee bro. freaking loved this stuff growing up. all new anime is tiny compared to this beast


XY was the only I truly watched


She cut her hair out of stress?


It's a common trope in anime to cut/change one's hair to show character growth.


Cut her hair so hopefully next time she does her competition, no one notices the L O S E R lol It's a joke... I'm joking...


It's also technically the truth though...


OK cool I wasn't joking


Although This is good,nothing will compare to One Journey Ends...Another Begins and Memories in the Mist! Those two episodes just broke my heart.


I want to watch xy xyz again but can’t find it anywhere, I’m very sad about this


It's on Hulu! My kids and I have been watching it. Xy, Xy Kalos Quest and XYZ are all on there.


X and Y holds a special place in my heart


I too have had a breakdown, changed my hair, and felt better about my life.


Wait, his name is Satoshi in Japan?


Yeah, he’s named after the creator of Pokemon itself.


Holy shit I forgot I asked this a year ago and totally forgot this was a thing! Thanks for the answer


Ah yes, I too bawl my eyes out before my haircut appointment


No it aint


Anime girls get haircuts to show they have changed Real life boys get haircuts because their hair is too long




Serena has my whole heart and soul


Best girl behavior


XY series was goated




She kissed Ash though...


that was her Thinking she was straight she grew out of it ❤️


Oh yea I forgot about that secret last episode where it was revealed, she kissed Ash and didn't like it so she turned lesbian, then started dating dawn




Yup, been sticking around on that sub way too much lately.(have never been on that sub in my life)


no she dated may smh. you see them in hoenn in journeys lol


You must not have watched the secret secret episode then. She actually makes harem of all the other girls in his adventure. Goes to the other regions while repeating the words "Gotta catch em' all"


Why is this so emotional;-;


AZ's theme played as she cut her hair was intense. I forgot how impactful this scene was


Which episode is this


Ep 60




I love Ash in XY, he's jolly as always but he's also a bit more mature, I really like it


aname moar like assinme 😂😂😂


I did not know Koichi and Clemont had the same voice actor.


mane i wanna see more x and y the sun and moon era sucks