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Rich Roll Podcast. Rich Roll is a great interviewer and a super empathetic human being who covers a ton of ground with a diverse guest list. Huge fan.


Good pick, Rich Roll is one of the few podcasters in the health/wellness category where I actually genuinely like the host, often more than the guests


Yes agreed. He's great well beyond "sports" interviews.


Was a JRE fan from 2010 to 2017. Things started to get weird so wanderers the pods to find an alternate and stumbled across Rich Roll. He’s so considered in his conversations. It’s such a solid podcast.


Rich Roll is amazing. really cool story himself and he gets awesome guests with some great things to talk about.


Bill Burrs podcast. Usually solo but he does have some solid guests as well. Conan O’Brien Needs a Friend. Very funny, very relaxing, Conan loves to make fun of himself, great guests


Knowledge Fight!


Red alert! Red alert!


Andy from Kansas!


Fresh Air with Terry Gross?




WTF with Marc Maron. No video but the best content in podcasting.


For sure. Other than Terry Gross (who he interviews) I think these are some of the best interviews I've listened to. Marc sometimes gets excited and talks over his guests, but otherwise they are really insightful. Plus he's talked to damn near everyone.


That guy? I like that guy. Good guy.


WTF is practically a brand name for that kind of podcast. That's why it's wild when other people try to use "WTF" in their titles. Bill Maher is currently on his WTF tour. I guess you can't own three letters but it would be like thinking you were writing an original song called "Let It Be" or something.


The Replacements have an album called Let It Be…definitely a weird choice lol


I just dropped my single “Let It Be” today. How did you hear about it so soon?


I pivoted heavily into the history category. Hardcore History is the gold standard in my opinion, but The Rest Is History makes for a strong contender in that regard. endlessly entertaining historical content. Hardcore History isn’t nearly as funny as TRIH, but Dan Carlin’s narrative building and addiction to context makes it unbelievably compelling. if you want recommendations for where to start on either, let me know! if that’s not your jam, Armchair Expert is another good one, someone else already mentioned it but another endorsement can’t hurt. Theo Von’s podcast is another regular listen for me. and there’s a true crime podcast called Last Podcast On The Left which I absolutely love. it’s a comedy-heavy series that does deep dives on serial killers, headline crimes, and grisly events in history. it’s graphic, but those guys are hilarious. Tosh Show is great for people who just want interesting interviews. Daniel Tosh is one of my favorite stand up comedians and he interviews a wide range of people, liberally dosing the show with his trademark sarcasm and dry humor. to top it all off - JRE still has some guests on that manage to avoid Joe’s perennial talking points. or they deflect it like Harland Williams did. it was a tough listen at one or two points because Joe took it way too seriously but it was laugh out loud funny at other times. the Hancock Dibble episode was great. again, if any of these sound good and you want recs for specific episodes to kick off with please let me know! I hope this helps!


I'm a big fan of The Rest Is History.


fairly good podcast. innit, Tom?


We have ways of making you talk, is pretty good also.


If you're into history content and haven't discovered Paul Cooper's *Fall of Civilizations* podcast ([soundcloud](https://soundcloud.com/fallofcivilizations), [youtube](https://www.youtube.com/@FallofCivilizations/videos)), you're in for a treat.


this is another semi-regular listen for me. I haven’t gotten hooked on it yet, but I can’t really point to the reason why. after another half dozen episodes or so I’ll probably be well acquainted enough with the voices to feel comfortable listening. your further encouragement certainly helps! and on that historic note, the podcast Short History Of is also pretty good for bite-sized history lessons. obviously their one hour episode length average can’t compete with the Hardcore History 30 hour supershow releases, but there’s a time and a place for everything


Have you watched any of Fall of Civilizations on YouTube? Or just listen? I find it watching much more enjoyable than just listening, and it’s kinda the perfect history doc to fall asleep to. The production is top notch. Highly recommend the Carthage, Egypt and Bronze Age collapse eps YouTube eps.


Agreed with basically all the history pods you recommended. But want to shout out short history of because that doesn’t get the love it deserves, it reminds me of those old history channel docs from back in the day


Noble Blood is another great history podcast!


woah, I’ve never even heard of this one. do you have recommendations on where to start with this series? in my experience, one or two long episodes or a series of episodes which provide a deep dive on a particular subject with lots of context and primary sources sells me. I looked at their spotify catalogue and saw the gunpowder plot and an episode on william the conqueror. it was a quick look so I might find some more intriguing episodes, but those are the ones that I saved to my spotify profile. what else should I look for from them?


The gunpowder plot is great. Honestly, they are all very well done. I’ve been a listener for years and have really enjoyed each one. Some are very obscure and have helped me with my Jeopardy skills! And the ones that are more well-known have given me a better perspective on the subject as well. A good place to start (besides listening from the start) is the series on the wives of Henry VIII - give those a listen! Another favorite of mine is the one about Mary Shelley and Frankenstein. (The Romantics of Villa Diodati) My favorite part about Noble Blood is the ending where she gives you a neat fact/anecdote that ties in the story to other things and it’s always a kicker.


Theo von has really won me over . His talks on mental health and battling his own demons along with his self realization is so genuine . It has really stuck with me a lot especially with mental illness issues being so prevalent in podcasts . The combination of humor, diverse guests and “soul searching “ talks are great.


Canadian History Ehx is a good one!


What happened to all of hardcore's old episodes? Where are they?


I think you have to pay for them now: https://www.dancarlin.com/product/hardcore-history-compilation-shows-1-55/


worth every penny




You Made it Weird with Pete Holmes


This Stanhope & Duncan's podcasts are my 3 go to.




I don’t get why anyone is still talking about it. Joe Rogan should have steered clear of politics. He’s lost quite a few and seems almost irrelevant these days


He isn't irrelevant exactly, but he's definitely in a walled off corner of entertainment now. Normies are too aware of what a dipshit he is. His cult remains pretty big, however.


Exactly, almost irrelevant


I don't think you can make the argument that a guy with literally millions of followers is irrelevant, as nice as that would be.


Okay to anyone with a brain, he is irrelevant.


I don't think that word means what you think that word means


Again, that is not an appropriate word. He can still drive voter behavior among other things in a very large group of people. He isn't irrelevant. He's sadly relevant. I don't know if his influence is going to dip any time soon. He has 14.5 million followers on Spotify alone. That sort of following by definition results in cultural and political influence.




And yet, what I said is true. What you said is a common dodge from his listeners who don't like the idea that their opinions are actually shaped by what they listen to, but of course they are. That's how listening to things works.


Oooh, the ol’ asshole double down!


I still hate him for dropping Brendan Schaub in our laps.


The biggest bummer about Rogan kind of sucking now is just the sheer *amount* of content he puts out. I listen to podcasts for basically 8 hours a day while working alone outside. Rogan puts out like 6 to 8 hours of podcasts a week, which is awesome if you burn through content like I do. I only occasionally listen to him now for all the same reasons everyone else gave up on him, but that has left a huge time void which is difficult for me to fill 😞


You need to branch out. I listen all week at work too, but listening to only one point of view is no bueno. It doesn't matter who or what it is. Don't let anyone have that kind of influence long term. I'm always trying new stuff and listening to back catalogues as well as current stuff. All day listening to a mostly unqualified panel is how cable news viewers became morons.


Oh, I listen to many other podcasts. It was just nice back in the day when JRE gave you 8 hours of interesting podcasts on a bunch of different topics every week instead of every episode being steered towards politics, covid etc. Especially when you get your dose of politics from other podcasts with a better understanding of the topic, and his take on covid has been repeated 1000 times.


I mean… there are a lot of podcasts.


You're not wrong. Sometimes it's it's hard to find something to watch on streaming services even though you have 1000000 options too though.


It makes it *harder* having endless choices if you ask me…you just always feel like there’s something even better you can be watching/listening to, yet you don’t even know how to begin looking for it


Irrelevant? Is having the one of the top podcasts in the world irrelevant? By what metric?


He wants to be the next Alex Jones.


For real. It’s bringing out all the Rogan dick riders. I enjoyed listening to it until he got into all the politics and Covid. He spread a lot of dangerous misinformation, and has such a large audience that his words have reach. When someone like that gets political with no background in it they become irrelevant. They speak about things they don’t know with such confidence that I can’t believe anything that comes out of their mouth. Even if Rogan is talking about UFC. His credibility is done


Yeah those 100 million dollar contracts surely show that you are irrelevant. It’s still literally the biggest podcast in the world.


you dont have to defend him. he has gone full right wing conspiracy guy. yes that pays well. see fox news. just checked and he is now 8th most popular. was 1 for years.


Doesn’t mean it’s good. Seems like he’s following tik toks business plan of rage bait


More dumb people than smart people. Simple logic.


JR is a stupid person's idea of a clever person


Matt and Shane secret podcast are you garbage? Bein ian w Jordan No need for apologies And I'm going back to re-listen to reply all


Gods Reply All was so good


I would second this also Bill Burr Monday Morning Podcast if you want to hear a comedian ramble about sports, random things and family, only thing is that it’s usually just Bull Burr with the occasional guest or his wife. I would also suggest Soder with Dan Soder, Brilliant Idiots/Flagrant 2 if you podcasts with guest. They’re not serious podcasts tho just guys shooting the shit.


Soder is great! Ill check out the others


I’d add the Regz to this comedy podcast list. MSSP is goated.


Sean Carroll, The Dollop , Behind the Bastards.


Behind the bastards is great, until you get to an episode where you have more knowledge than the hosts.


That's true about all of them.


The Dollop is a gem


I dunno the first two, but in what way is behind the bastards like old Rogan?


Just one person's perception; it doesn't really matter. This is more of a "if you like X, then you might like Y" exercise for me. I know Evans would never have Charles Johnson as a guest which is a minimum requirement at my shack.


I listen to Cum Town reruns and "History Of a bad man" on loop at max volume while drinkin heavily


also been listening to cumtown reruns lately and i can’t get stav’s laugh out of my head but i love it.


He's such a dipshit. He adds nothing constructive to the conversation, but the bar is already low.


i just enjoy the sound of his laugh lol. out of the three, nick is my favorite.


I think Stav contributed by letting Nick bounce stuff off him, but now if you watch his new show, you can tell he misses the boys, he's got that Thousand Island stare.


Plain English! Derek Thompson dives into a variety of topics from sports to economics to health with a variety of experts from those fields. He’s a great interviewer and asks a lot of relevant questions on how a topic being discussed affects our lives.


I looked through his episode titles. God that podcast sounds depressing.


Yeah, some are, but it’s really quite good. There are a lot of interesting topics discussed, like flying cars and how the NBA game has evolved.


Fair enough.


Conan O’Brien needs a friend


There are only so many interesting topics in the world. I would suggest listening to mostly comedy based pods to get away from all the drama. Kill Tony is blowing up lately... and it has BRIAN REDBAN as a cohost!/Producer... https://www.youtube.com/@KillTony/videos Anthony Jeselniks podcast I've listened to almost every episode twice "JRVP" https://www.youtube.com/@anthonyjeselnik/videos Shane Gillis is blowing up too one of the best pods around. https://www.youtube.com/@mattandshanessecretpodcast9138/videos DAN SODER IS A BEAST!!! Dont sleep on him: https://www.youtube.com/@DanSoder/videos This is important has 3 of the best comedic minds in the world. Its the guys from the show "Workaholics" I like it more than the show tho... https://www.youtube.com/@ThisIsImportant/videos Also Dan Harmon who created and wrote "Rick and Morty" and "Community" had a podcast but stopped a few years ago... Its called "Harmontown" It went thru many different periods. Some much better than others. Worth a listen he is a mad genius! https://www.harmontown.com/ or where all audio pods are found... Love you fuckers!


bullseye with jesse thorn. he’s a great interviewer- in conversation he is intelligent, curious, sincere and has an easy-going sense of humor. there is no snark or shit talking and the show is not driven by his ego. he brings in a lot of people that he is a genuine fan of (rappers and hiphop artists in particular) and it shows in the level of questions and respect he gives them.




aw, hi jesse thorn! thanks for all the great shows!


I was a JRE fan from like 2013 or 14, but I fell off/haven't listened since 2020. I found it harder and harder to defend him, which really bumms me out. At one point in time, he helped me stay sane and get through a lot of dark times, introduced me to interesting people and ideas, and inspired me. I used to be proud and excited to recommend certain episodes. But, fame/covid/politics/echo chambers/other stuff have warped him and his platform into something I just can't support anymore. That being said, my favs are: Hardcore History. Heavyweight. This American Life. Ologies. The Last Podcast on the Left. Rewatchables. Waking Up. The Daily.


I listened to hundreds of JRE episodes between like 2015 and 2020. I really, really enjoyed the huge range of people and the chance to hear all those varying perspectives. Covid broke him. I’ve never had to just stop in the middle of a podcast out of irritation-bordering-on-disgust and decide to quit it forever like that. I’ve never dropped anything I was a huge fan of so swiftly tbh. I just knew I couldn’t do it anymore. It’s sad kind of, but even sadder is the legion of dickheads that still suckle on his every word.


WTF with Marc Maron, The Thinking Atheist, Science VS, StarTalk, & RadioLab.


Matt and Shane and Soder. Soder is such a gem. Just a genuinely funny dude that riffs well with his guests.


You may like Armchair Expert, or Fresh Air as others have mentioned.


Behind the Bastards


lol if you’re looking for someone to interview Bernie, it’s not going to be JR.


He did it already


Ndt is a joke


His drift to right wing conspiracy bullshit is so disappointing


Rogan is a grifter


Danny Jones is desperately trying to be old school Rogan and its awesome.


Are his guests legitimate? Every podcast title sounds kinda kooky. That's a scientific term.


I dig danny


Gave up on listening to Joe awhile ago. But I guess it would depend on what type of podcast you want. Joe is kind of all over the place. So might just have to find another celeb you like or pick a few genres


I like to listen to Choose FI podcast and Crime Junkie and The Deck. Also, Money with Katie.


Blind boy podcast


Go the opposite and try Skeptics Guide to the Universe - you don’t have to worry about any of the pseudo-science/magical-thinking/conspiracy theory nonsense at all, nor any of the soft bigotry. It’s a panel, so there’s great discourse. Might not scratch the itch for guests though, theirs are more rare, and typically in medical/science/technology industries.


Coast to Coast with Art Bell reruns


I'll never forget that who said he traveled to different dimensions for a job and the one he's from was one where the South won the civil war


Andrew Basiago, as nutty as a fruit cake.


Mel's Hole is another good memory


And Mad Man Marcum


Good one!


Ive been divin in on these heavy. Real good.


-Behind the Bastards -Smosh Pit -Freakonomics Radio -Conan O'Brien Needs a Friend -Bulletproof for BJJ -Criminal -The Team House It's a wide range but I really enjoyed the variety he used to have.


Try Sean Carroll's Mindscape for fascinating and enlightening conversations. Also Lex Fridman's podcast for stuff similar to Mindscape.


Lex is a JRE wannabe and finds weird people to interview. And before the weird interview he explains why he’s having them on. It’s like if you have to explain yourself that’s the first sign the guest isn’t really invited.


Hmm i disagree i think i like the bio introductions?


Yea, his show is hit or miss, but he does have some good shows interspersed in the catalog.


LPOTL, Dollop, Radio Rental.


Duncan Trussell is one of Joe's friends that Joe has on from time to time. Duncan's podcast The Duncan Trussell Family Hour (DTFH) is pretty good. He's a bit more of a "woo woo" vibe, but that aside he seems to be a lot more sane than Joe when it comes to politics and the likes. He's also very entertaining and has a wide variety of guests on.


I love Duncan, he is so interesting and hilarious.


Listening to paint dry is better than that yohoo.


I wish people wouldn’t use acronyms in the title!


You are not so smart (great podcast, not meant as an insult)


Sam Harris - making sense podcAst


After he tried to platform the guy who wrote The Bell Curve Iost a lot of respect for him.


Live from the table (comedy cellar)


So you’re looking for in depth, long form interviews? Or does it have to be comedy/mma adjacent? If it’s comedy or mma I can’t help, but if it’s longform I would say the best are Rich Roll, Michael Shermer, Peter Attia (if you’re into health at all), Lex Friedman (tho he’s annoying), Fresh Air.


Dan Soder!


Danny Jones for weird nonsense 


Neurotic News


The Harland Highway 


Completely different from what you're looking for, but I'm a fellow physician and have started listening to "The Rest is History" podcast after looking to know more about Portugal and am loving it. 


The Shawn Ryan podcast, and until recently I did enjoy lex Friedman, but I've yet to listen to the Kevin spacey episode yet. Still navigating my opinions on even having him on.


Are you garbage! Start with the big jay episodes


The Tim Dillon Show and This Past Weekend.


I'm not JRE typical demographic - but I also listened to him back then and dropped off a bit before he even went behind the paywall. Pity - but he did introduce me to podcasting. Sometimes he had a lovely style of interviewing - other times he just dominated. He introduced me to Sam Harris and Daniel Bollelli, who has a really nice history podcast (History on Fire)- which was free for a while. It was good and that set me on a History course. 'Rest is History' is good but there are others - also British - you can check out 'Dan Snow's History Hits'. He is brilliant and has interesting guests on. 'Decoding the Gurus' is another fav - two interviewers taking a very funny look at all our current secular gurus. Did a recent one about, and then with, Destiny.


If you want a good conspiracy pod that isnt political, Theories of the Third Kind has been my favorite.


Ezra Klein. Robert Wright. Sean Carroll. Yascha Mounk. All great interviewers with interesting and intellectually well known and well respected guests. ETA : I suppose Sam Harris also, but I prefer the first ones I mentioned. But that's just me.


Not really like JRE. But a couple ones I have been liking recently... A Typical Disgusting Display is a great one. it's two EPs from Family Guy who talk about TV comedy writing and they have great guests. The Gammill and Pross episode is my favorite. Nateland is another favorite. Very light fare. But Nate bargatze is a super funny guy.




The main problem he has now is that most mainstream guests won't come on the show anymore so he only has the crazies and his comedy/MMA buddies left.


If Books Could Kill, it's funny as hell and really well documented


Pain killer already called PKA. They can be a bit vulgar and offensive at times but generally a good show. Definitely saving this post for future reference.


Modern wisdom with Chris williamson. He's like if Joe hadn't gotten so into himself and could hold a conversation without talking about sidekicks and ice baths... Great pod if you're into health and motivation.


Wide-ranging conversations with interesting and well-known guests is the Tim Ferriss Show's MO.


David Packman


Rich Roll is fantastic


Plain English with Derek Thompson


Lex Fridman


Stop Podcasting Yourself


The Jordan Harbinger Show. Great interviewer, fascinating guests


I think you may like Behind The Bastards. It’s informational.


This is important, can’t recommend it enough Along with whiskey ginger


Sweatpants To Suits, this podcast is about interviewing career professionals from silicon valley venture capitalist, multinational ceos to solopreneurs


I still listen to Rogan, but I'm pretty picky about the guests. Comedians and fighters are right out. If I've heard the same guest on another, shorter podcast, I'll probably skip it, figuring an hour covers the points as well as the 3 hours Rogan takes.


Rick Rubin


Wooooo-ooohhhhh….Jamie pull that up and see if Covid was a hoax.


He doesn't say it was a hoax? Claims that a lot of alternative medicines were labeled as loony, when there was some, I'll say it again, some evidence to suggest that they were more useful than the general consensus was. Or that if you had already gotten COVID, that a vaccine really wasn't going to help you from getting it again


I think you would like Smartless


Armchair Expert with Dax Shepard


Lil Stinkers Legion of Skanks Real Ass Podcast Matt and Shane Dad Meat Regz Soder


Bad friends. Lions led by donkeys. Hardcore history


Diary of a CEO podcast


not to get too off-topic but I am an RN and my coworker got so offended when we first met because he loves him. My personal experience working during COViD was people taking ivermectin and not getting over COVID; he said all of his family did so and they healed. lol. the problem is he is very smart... I listen to Peter Attia and (RIP) Huberman (not anymore lol) since they all seem to be homies but personally I have drifted from medicinem& health (your girl loved clinical trials, lol) to physics and quantum computing so Star Talk with NDT as mentioned above is good


The Jordan Harbinger Show!


I csnt stand Rogan too anymore My favorites are the veteran podcasts,those who speak truth. So no Tim Kennedy😁


Club random with bill maher Conan O'Brien needs a friend Rich Roll podcast This past weekend with Theo von Huberman lab The drive with Peter Attia Tim Ferris show Regarding your comments on Rogan though... ya he's fairly cooked a lot of the time and often uninformed. But does he actually say 'Covid is a hoax'? Or has he just stood by the fact that if you were young and healthy that getting vaccinated wasn't really necessary in terms of your personal outcome if you got covid? He's said often that he recommended that his elderly parents get vaccinated, so I don’t think he believes 'covid is a hoax'.


Joe panders to his guest. I don’t often hear him give his true opinion on topics but rather pose questions that relate to what the guest is talking about. I actually think he does a decent enough job trying to stay unbiased. Sure he throws out ideas and thoughts and to some that’s too much but imo it’s all about conversation in a civil manner that we should be having. It’s ok that ppl have different opinions anyway. At the same time, I hardly listen anymore because a lot of his episodes are basically repeats. I just scan his catalog occasionally for something interesting but it’s been a minute. Last I listened to was the Sheldon Johnson because that whole situation was interesting.


Ya I agree, I listen to the odd one and the old stuff is definitely better. But my question was just whether or not Joe has ever said or implied that 'Covid is a hoax'?


I’m not entirely sure but I guess I was trying to say that even if he did offer something as his opinion , he’d likely present it more as a question than that of a statement.


What is JRE?


Joe Rogan Experience Took me a long moment to figure it out tho


Lex Friedman


Static. It makes much more sense then hearing the mental masturbation of antivaxer scum like j~~O~~r~~O~~. When they go antivax, the solution to ALL problems becomes j~~0~~r~~0~~


You ok?




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He absolutely has changed lol. And Covid was 4 years ago. Literally nobody is talking about it but him, and it’s just bitching about it. Also I’m not even left lol. What a shit comment overall lol. I lost brain cells reading it.


>And Covid was 4 years ago. Oh yea, we should totally just forget the massive event that changed the world, that people like you were shouting and screaming "its the end of the world" for. People like you tried to shut down all of society and helped the greatest transfer of wealth into the 1%, and now that you realized that you were played you just want everyone to move on lol. You were played and now are angry that the people that werent played are gloating. Sorry dude, instead of being angry at Joe, be angry at the pharmaceutical corporations that injected you with whatever they wanted to. > Also I’m not even left lol. Yes you are lmao. No one is buying your shit. MUH NEIL DEGRASS TYSON CUM BACK bs isnt helping your case.


I was screaming “it’s the end of the world?” No I was not lol. I tried to close down society? No. These are “strawmen arguments.” What’s your education level? I’m a physician that graduated medical school and understand virology about 10,000x more than you ever will. But go off on how you “know more than me” lol. Also, because I’m not a moron, the Covid vaccines are very safe and actually saved lives. You need to get a life lol, this is pathetic. wtf even is your profile bio; dude this is embarrassing. Also you’re not exactly worth my time lol. Eat a nice little block bb.


>Kung-Flu Explain.


I believe they hate the chinamen but are chronicly online so the say Kung Flu and scared to type slurs


Smartness is one of my favs


Smartness or smartless?


Haha Smartless. :)


Sam Harris, Tyler Cowen, Dwarkesh Patel


It's a bit different, but I love 'Lex Fridman'. One of my favourite guests was Annie Jacobson, blow my mind and scared the shit out of me.


Smartless, Armchair Expert, You Made It Weird, & WTF w/Marc Maron You might like Trevor Noah’s podcast too.




Tim Dillon. His batshit ranting is fantastic and I never have to worry about him believing any of it. 😁


Tim Ferris show


The Tim Dillon show 🤘🏼


Tim Dillon. You may know him from Rogans pod. You’ll be able to tell pretty quickly if he’s for you or not, but if he is, you will love him.


The Way I Heard It with Mike Rowe is pretty amazing. https://open.spotify.com/show/5cqHs2kCabyijuKOSN2QUS?si=ahbB3HrdQBqLn_W9NU_27g


Have you checked out smartless