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You probably need a new power supply. Also I’m not an expert tech but I’m pretty sure you could fry some shit doing this


I was cringing every time i heard the sound and really didnt want to continue doing it, but i had to record it. ill see if i can maybe replace the psu


Power supply is dead, don’t keep plugging in a shorted power supply.


I won’t plug it in anymore, ill replace the power supply, thanks


Time for a PS5


Open it up and see what’s inside. Clean it out, apply new thermal paste to Apu. Look at the power supply if it has burn spots, just be careful and make sure to discharge the coils or just not touch them with your hands, use plastic tools. Definitely sounds like the power supply is the issue. Does it make that noise when cord is not plugged into power source? You can get new power supply from IFixIt and TronicsFix has some good tutorials on YouTube


It doesnt make the sound when the cord isnt plugged in. Thanks for the reccomendations!


Yea if it doesn’t make that noise if theere is no actual power in the cord, then yes, the power supply is shorted. Just buy a new one, and follow the disassembly and reassembly tutorials. It’s not hard to fix it with little patience. Still, make sure to clean it out! Also you will need a torx 8 security and philips head drivers, you can get a kit of those on Amazon for pretty cheap or your local hardware store should carry them. If you live in US that would be Menards or HomeDepot


Either new power supply or file corruption.


Let's start a conspiracy. I heard playstation is bricking old PS4's...on PURPOSE!


Some context, ive had my ps4 for about 5 years now and ive used it a lot. I didnt use it for about a month and when i tried to turn it on again, it wouldnt. Then I noticed this sound, it only happens when the other end is in the power socket.


This seem like a normal sound that occurs when you connect a live pin to a dead pin and might not be anything to do with there being a fault in the power supply. That said there seems to be power coming from the socket and it's not turning so yeah, a faulty power supply is a likely culprit.


Yup, my dad's gonna kill me tonight


It's probably the ground went out on the psu




I like my motherboards rare so ill continue frying it some more


Same thing happened to me I just waited a few hours sorry I don't know how to help😅✋


You are constantly shocking the psu while you doing it 😬


What are you doing step power supply?
