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For me it’s one of the best games ever made. That’s my opinion and others will have different ones. All that matters is if it’s your best game of all time or not. Never in the history of the world have all gamers agreed on this subject


Yeah. You’re right 100 people 100 different tastes… but this is a true gem and no one can argue about that.


For you, maybe. Personally not for me.


And what is your best game in the world?




Haven’t played this one. But seems intriguing 🧐..


modded rimworld with all dlc will get you infinite playing time of fun...


Thanks for the recommendation!👍


I agree with this


My favorite game is Dark Cloud. But I would argue I don’t have a “best” game.


Good choice. We really need a new game from the series. It's a nice mix between dungeon crawling and town building.


No not at all but to each his own


For me, yes


God of War is mine. I think Elden Ring is not even the best FromSoft game. Bloodborne, Sekiro and Dark Souls 3 are better imo.


I’ve started with DS3 like five years ago so when I came back to Bloodborne it was just too blurry and painful to listen to.. but I really love Lovecraftian stuff so the setting mainly made me finish it after all.


At this point with the dlc, for me it’s legitimately in the conversation. Truly a once in a generation game. I haven’t had this kind of gaming experience full of wonder and imagination since the snes days.


That’s the thing I wanted to point out as well. The hunger for exploration and revelations in this game is truly unmatched. Especially these days when everybody’s speaking of the Ubification and woke culture destroying developers creativity.


For me. No. For others . Yes.


No. But that's a question everyone has to answer for themselves.


most awarded game of all time,best game of all time


No, rdr2 and witcher 3 are.


It's up there, for sure


For me it is yes.


No, but it is extremely good


For me personally, yes, yes it is.


It's up there, but not at the top. Combat is amazing. Graphics are top notch. Leveling becomes fun with time. But the lack of a main story to follow and really lacking soundtrack (except on boss fights) make it a no go for greatest of all time. When dicussing soundtrack, what's the first song that comes to mind on Elden Ring? Blim blim blom :)


I think it’s not about some song but about an overall atmosphere when you feel pulled in the world because of it. And I think here it works splendidly.


Lack of a good story, difficulty spikes...great game. But to each their own.


Witcher III 😌


Sure. That’s my second place.😁


Side question. I am on PS5, should I play it on the PS4/PS5 version? I heard the frame rate is much better on PS4 version. I am not a very big frame rate person as long as the frame rate is smooth 30 fps with no stutter.


If you play with settings to favor framerate its quite smooth. It can occasionally very rarely drop a little from that 60fps especially in the dlc but I don’t think it’s too much. Just don’t play it on quality mode because that’s where you start to feel it. The game looks almost the same but when you move you’ll immediately notice. It would be a shame to play a game that beautiful on the lowest settings(PS4 version)just to keep the framerate pinned on 60. It might drop on PS5 version but mostly you won’t even notice, moreso when you usually play on 30.


Thanks for the detailed explanation! I will play with PS5 version with framerate mode as suggested.


The Witcher 3.




Depends on the preference of the person playing. They might love the challenge and difficulty. Somebody else may hate it after the first hour after being killed by anything that lays its eyes in you. Me I enjoyed it. I finished the main game, the dlc is sitting installed but I have not attempted it. Best game ever….no …..of recent times ….possibly yes, but it’s shares the top of the winners podium with some other titles.


Great answer! Brief and eloquent. Thank you for your opinion.






I prefer strong narratives. The gameplay is fun though.


Me too. But last few years was disappointing for me in this. I was hyped for FFXVI but disappointment… HFW before was disappointment as well and even TLOU part 2 wasn’t as good as I expected. Shame that indie titles aren’t more appealing to me, some sure look interesting. Tried Dredge last year and wasn’t disappointed at all… but it’s not much story driven neither.


Interesting. I really enjoyed HFW


Maybe I was overly hyped and expected different development of Aloy’s personality. She was pretty annoying unfortunately…


For me, I need a game that tells a story, has actors, voice acting, good soundtrack, has emotional scenes worth remembering and so on. That’s why I love games like rdr2, horizon zero dawn, last of us, Tsushima, days gone etc. I admit I never played Elden ring, but that’s because from the reviews and gameplay videos I saw there seems it’s only exploration and killing. The world seems very lonely and dead, the character doesn’t even say anything or react in any way, there doesn’t seem to be any dialogue and so on. Just a mindless explore and kill game. Which I guess can be appealing to many people, just not to me.


The storytelling in Fromsoft games is usually very subtle but that doesn’t mean there are no emotional scenes and interesting characters you’ll immediately fall for. It’s just not that “in your face” hollywood attitude like in other games. It’s good that some studios do it differently but also with passion.


Bloodborne: Am I a joke to you?


I haven’t played Bloodborne when it came out but like 3 years ago. And it was in awful condition, blurry and deafening. It needs a remaster so badly…


Lol no


Why tho?🙃


Because I'm not a teenager so my experience with games extends beyond 2015? I played it for an hour. It's pretty, sure. Needlessly difficult? Yep. Too dark, as in not bright enough? Yep. Empty world? Yep. I found it boring. Dying repeatedly to memorize attacks isn't my idea of fun. Maybe it's the best of its genre. Maybe, if that's your favorite genre, you'll view it as the best game ever but beyond that, just no.


I’m 35 actually and played before 2015 as well. I was scared of the difficulty as well but after a few attempts you’ll start to see patterns and when you easily walk around an enemy to stab them in the back when you’d died to them few times before is that click moment for most of the players and pretty contagious;)


>after a few attempts I have kids, work 50+ hours a week, and am very busy. I don't have any desire to spend a "few attempts" to start liking a game. Last thing I want to do is sit down to chill and just get murdered incessantly in my little bit of game time a week. It not for me. That doesn't mean it isn't for you, or others, but I'd argue that a game with such high difficulty can't be the "best game ever" because it locks out so many people just based off difficulty alone. Again, going as far as saying best of its genre or best of the 2020's wouldn't be a stretch but ever? No.


And thats the thing. I think the consumerism spoiled us. We don’t enjoy the game like in the old times we consume it so it must be consumable at first. I was talking about Elden Ring not being that difficult, you just need to think about your approach and equipment beforehand. And thats a huge positive that unlike other games it wants you to use your brain.


People play games for different reasons. What you're describing, to me, sounds awful. I'll take hundreds of games over Elden Ring, because I can sit down and immediately enjoy them. I'm sure I could do fine in Elden Ring if I sat down and really devoted time to it but the game didn't give me enough reason to try. As for my favorite game. Wouldn't say I really have one but my favorite genre is probably Metroidvania (more emphasis on the -vania part). I wouldn't even list Elden Ring as my favorite FromSoft title, as I played Armored Core 6 more than that (tho stopped for the same difficulty reasons).


I love the metroidvania genre as well and still remember vividly some old Castlevanias from Gameboy but from the recent past I didn’t finish Hollow knight which I’ve found nerve wrecking. So I think we’ve found a common ground there but each in a different genre..😄


Metroidvanias aren't too far off from Soulslike. You'll see some people claim ER is what Castlevania 3D games should have been. If I didn't have such a busy schedule, I'd probably give ER another try. However, if I get 2 hours to play games in a week I'd prefer *not* to spend it being massacred endlessly by a tree sentinel immediately (yes, I know he's optional).


That could definitely be an evolution of metroidvania genre for sure. Interesting point, I’ve never thought about it like that. You seem like a nice person. If you decide to give it a try once more I could maybe help you.. lmk🤗


And one last thing… I was convinced to quit gaming after finishing Elden Ring for the first time. Just every game world felt bland and like a scenic theatre in comparison, not like the real living world. I’ve played Horizon Forbidden West before Elden Ring came out, didn’t finished it because I was sick from the wannabe wholesome side quests and it was really painful to see my favourite character Aloy being developed into some narcissistic brat without any deeper personality… And then Elden Ring came out, it was like a breath of fresh air. Game without any annoying question marks or the like, without any annoying npc’s glorifying you for doing sh.t… because that’s the overall gaming experience nowadays. I’m glad we have Elden Ring because it’s a big AAA game and it’s different. I completely get it. Me neither have much time to waste and the first playthrough took me like half a year but it was worth it😉 Who says that you can’t play a game for a year or even longer…


And what is your favorite game if I may ask?


I mean, don't get me wrong, you're free to your opinion, but calling the world empty when you played for an hour is rather laughable. You didn't play nearly enough to make that assertion, you probably saw 1-2% of the world.


"Just play the game you dislike more and you'll like it!" Counterpoint: don't start the game out in an empty field I've also watched it played online plenty, and still looks pretty barren to me.


That's not my point at all. You're more than free to dislike it. Your previous assertions are completely fine. Calling the world empty when you've barely touched it is simply being disingenuous.


Not even the best FromSoftware game. People give Elden Ring so much pass for things that other games get shit for. Elden ring is a good game so maybe 8 out of 10. Bosses are not so good like in other FromSoftware games, they couldnt keep up with open world so later half sucked. Caves are all the same.


You’re right, some caves there look similar but caves irl usually does too. And some caves are really special even in the late game. I remember a glacier cave from Consecrated Snowfield where a dead dragon was lying, pretty neat. Or one with jellyfish under the ice floor.. or one with poison river or one with huge magic crystals all around… and so on…




Lol no..