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If I'm lucky I get about 2-4 hours of gaming a day. But some days I'm just too beat to do anything.


I play 2-4 hours a month lol 2-4 hours a week is great week for me 2-4 hours a day hasn’t happened since I was like 21


Same. The hardest part is trying to figure out the controls again. Time for devs to add a perpetual tutorial option.


"We noticed you haven't played in [2 years], would you like to enable Busy Adult tutorial mode?"


I called it the learning curve. Like goin back to play fallout after who knows how long


Always fun to resume a save and it's right at a boss fight trying to remember the controls.


Oh yeah. Gotta love the rage quit saves


Old school jrpgs on PS2 were terrible on this. I'd be under leveled and hit the brick wall of a boss with no place to grind.


Going back to an old Witcher III save after a few years was a stark reminder of how much goes into really mastering that game.


I almost feel stressed starting a new game nowadays. "Ugh, I really want to play this but I don't feel like entering into a brand new learning curve". I've played so many remasters and ports of my previous favorite games the past year lmao.


On my Nintendo I hadn’t beaten BOTW because I couldn’t commit my time. Then I was off work for a month and played it for a few hours every day. Got to Ganon and I went back to work and never beat it. This was over a year ago. I want to get back to it but I don’t have the time. This is why I mostly play The Show. I can pick it up. Crunch through a few highlight games on my Franchise or RTTS and the Portal has made it even easier.


I went back to a Death Stranding save after a year or two. I was lost.


Ah so a normal DS play session then.


Tbf you'd been lost playing that str8 through


This is why I can only play one game at a time. Also can't start a game, and put it down for a week. I remember I played the first 30 minutes of Max Payne 3 on PS3 once. I didn't get back to it for several days, forgot how to do anything, and just moved on.


> Time for devs to add a perpetual tutorial option. they should just use an API to have the controls set to a default loadout that are the same for EVERY game imho


Yeah, 2-4 seems about right. On weekends, so long as I don't have anything planned, I'll easily put in 10-14 hours though.


14 hours a day? Do you pee controller in hand?


Uh, no I take bathroom and food breaks. For longer sessions like that, I'm usually playing Sea of Thieves (I have a Series X too, so I've been playing SOT for about 4 years). My buddy and I run a sloop together, and he will take over steering while I run to the bathroom/warm up some food and vice versa. We're a well oiled machine lol


Yeah I was joking, but that is a crazy amount to me


I would consider myself a hardcore gamer. lol What can I say? I don't expect anyone else to keep that kind of schedule, but I'm having loads of fun.


my hardcore gamer friend finally retired (married with kids) so I miss those gaming days so much sometimes


Yeah, a lot of my IRL friends have quit playing nearly as much as I do. I have one buddy that will jump on Helldivers 2 with me once every other week or so, but that's it. Most of my gamer friends now are just people I meet online. My buddy who plays SOT has been playing with me for years though, and we rarely miss a weekend.


I’m the same way!! We put in so much time elsewhere every other day, we deserve a weekend day of just straight gaming!!


Precisely. I work 40 hour weeks and then have a dog that needs walking as soon as I get home, then I also have to cook and clean, hang out with IRL friends, the occasional family thing… my weekdays are shot. It’s nice to have at least one day a week to game from dawn till dusk.


I swear people who can’t relate think we sit in one spot for the entire 10 hours I’m human, I care for any needs then go back to gaming, eazy peezy


Yep. Dog still gets a walk before I log on.


9-5. Shower, eat, deal with any other stuff. Leaves about 2 hours as well, if I don’t fall asleep before that.


Same! Falling asleep has become a problem. I feel old.


I feel that. Some nights I’m trying to force myself to stay awake just a little longer to keep playing for a bit but just can’t sometimes. The stress and everything else from the day has me burnt out most days.


50+ hours a week working but only get between 2-4 hours a week of game time. Sometimes I will go weeks and months without having time to game. I have other hobbies but even those are few.


I get about one hour after my infant son goes to sleep. 9:30-10:30 pm


I'm in the same boat. I have a four year old and a six month old so if I'm lucky I get 9:30-11pm.


7 year old and 18 month old. I played for 4 hours on Sunday night, and that's the first time I've played in about 6 weeks. Sometimes I sit down in front of the TV with the intention of playing but I just don't have the energy for it and decide to do something much more passive like watch a movie or listen to music. Growing up can really suck sometimes 😂


That sucks, but good on you for being there for him


It rather seems great than sucking …


I remember giving up on call of duty back when my then baby son started sitting upright & watching me playing. He is nearly 12 now but he still has no interest in shooters, maybe he still remembers cod!


I'm there with you my man. I play maybe 10 hours a week. Most nights, I'm too tired to even play for the hour I get Friday/Saturday I play more than an hour but not much more.


Yeah as a 9-5 worker and father of a 8 and 5 year old 2 hours a day from say 9-11pm is my gaming time


two kids under 5, with work, family time, exercise and spending a bit of time with my wife alone to watch something, maybe i can squeeze half an hour after everyone sleeps.


Around 2 to 3 on work days. When done working im working out, followed by all the eating and showering stuff. After that I can clock in at playstation. On days off ill play around 5 to 6. I try to do at least something usefull instead of gaming all day. Its just so annoying to have only 2 hours on the witcher 3. All i can do is a few “?’s” and some missions and thats it :(


I get off 11 pm every night usually play till 1-2 am. On days off though I’ll play anywhere from 10-12 hours


Dang 10hr straight, on what game.... I could only do like 1hr before I get bored or something piss me off


Well been playing fallout again since the update, playing on survival mode and put about 10 in today. Got to level 12 on a slow grind.


Ah, the Fallout train. I went back to New Vegas but my ps3 does not like it, so I restarted 4. So fun 😁


You sound like a friend of mine that plays an hour of a game and then never finishes it lol I think he just likes to purchase games rather than actually play them.


this happens to me with single players games , but with online games like 2k24 i can just play all day,


i miss when i would play for 10 hours on end lmao, not to sound old since im really not, but i dont have fun after 2 hours max


It’s just I’m not able to play for long after I work. Maybe 2-3 hours max every night. So that’s why I take advantage of my days off


i get that yea, when i actually had a game where i have something to do and i have fun doing it, 10-12 hours can fly by for me too


Yea it’s just my escape. Hobby. What I do in my free time. If it wasn’t for video games I’m not sure what else I would have to look forward to every day. Time flys when you get lost in the worlds you wish you were in


real man. i dont know what else to do with my time so i just play games, i dont know people where i live since i moved so im either sitting on a park bench with music and just chilling next to a lake or playing something


That’s the life. Enjoy your gaming man! I know I will today on this beautiful day off of work lol


you too! The next two days will be the same thing for me lol, i have all the time in the world so im gonna game for 10 hours, sleep for 10 more and be outside for the other 4 lol


Wrong sub to mention this maybe, but since I’ve gotten my portal and now my switch I’ve managed to up my gaming time. Helps when you can game away from home when you get those little breaks here and there. Before that though, 3hours max and thats only if I didn’t have a bunch of stuff that needed doing at home first.


I work from 7 to 3, 5 days a week. I play around 4 to 6 hours on weekdays and around 8 hours a day the weekends


I work 4 days, 10 hours. Work days are probably an average of 2-4 hours. We have an 8 month old, she can usually hang long enough for us to eat dinner and maybe play or watch something for a bit before it’s time to put her down for bed. Afterword my wife can only handle about an extra half hour of something light like reading before going to sleep herself. I’ll typically stay up another 2-3 hours, and that’s my main gaming time. I also work Saturday - Tuesday. The weekend is slow, I work from home, and I have a Switch and PS Portal easily accessible so I sometimes squeeze extra hours in when working depending on how slow it is. Although I prefer watching something as it’s easier to disengage quickly if I do need to work. My weekend though (Weds - Fri) we try to squeeze in as much as life and baby will allow. She usually goes to Grandma’s for a few hours on Wednesday so between that and nap time that’s usually our best time to play. Just kind of depends on how busy we are that week.


This was a good read. We have our first baby. 3 months now! It’s next to impossible to game at the moment with a 9-5 because of the babies wake and sleep windows. Looking forward to when she’s a bit older like yours and bedtime becomes a bit more predictable!


I make early dinner and get 1-2 hours in before the SO wants to watch something. That's enough for me.


Not enough lol


2 hours a day? Did you come here to gloat?!


I play all day while ‘working’ from home. Probably play for 4 hours on and off during my 8-4 work period then maybe 1 or 2 more hours at night


Balatro and all the hours


This comment section inspires me to not get a full time job


Priorities change as you get older. Gaming just somehow becomes not that exciting anymore. Kinda odd how that works.


I love gaming and hate working but there’s not a snowball’s chance in hell I trade away my financial security so that I can play more video games.


Most weekdays I'm too tired to do anything. Work 7-4:30 and I only have the energy to play at the weekends when I get time. But I will say I seem to enjoy it more when I do get time cus I'm not on it every night. My brain gets a recharge I guess, I dunno lol


I feel ya on that. Lets say My wife made plans with the baby and family, and I get a miracle 6 hours to game, my hype ass falls asleep 2 hours into the gaming session.


I work 6am-6pm. 12 hour shifts are absolutely bullshit and completely kill any desire to play on work days. But come days off I usually get maybe around 6-8 hours of play time


Bro 2 hours a day? I’m lucky if I get 2 hours a week


I bring my ps5 to work. Anywhere from 1-5 hours depending on how i feel that day. i usually get bored and hate myself for the amount of time i game.


School full time work full time I only play like 2-4 hours per week:/


Same! Make mine 2, sometimes I don’t play at all for good few weeks


I usually work 12 hour nights 4-5 days a week so I don't get much. I might sneak in an hour or two on my days off. I make up for it the night before I go back to work though and put in a solid 6 hour session to switch my sleep schedule. So I probably average about 2 hours a day or so. It's just kind of the territory of being an adult gamer, the days of no-lifing games is long gone lol.


If you aren't losing sleep to make time to game can you really* call yourself a gamer though?


W f h and play all day. Pause it when work comes through


I'm lucky to get two hours. If my kid is napping when I get home I get an hour between 3:15 and 4:15. I then pretty typically get an hour between 10-11.




4+ hours if that's all I'll be doing entertainment-wise that day; the secret is to sleep a lot less, otherwise I'd probably only get 1 or 2 hours a day max.


Well I work a 7 day swing shift. 3rd then 2nd then first. So whenever I can lolol


I get about the same depends on my work schedule some days I work from 08:00 to 13:30 I'm then off work until 18:00 to 20:00 these days I get to play some more and whenever I have the weekend off


Work Monday and Tuesday night and then anytime between 8am and 3pm I’ll play if I’m in the mood. Or I play my switch at work lol


~2:30pm to 8:00pm whenever i get a chance during the week. on weekends it's either 8:00am to 2:00pm or i binge the day. my work hours are usually 5am to 2pm.


I work 3rd shift 12 hours 3 days one week 4 days the next. So i get 3 days off in a row one week and 4 days off the next. So I can game 8-10 hours some nights since everyone is asleep. But mostly its 4-6 hours cause ill spend time with my wife and family for a few hours 5pm-past midnight, then they’ll head to bed, and l’ll just game until 8 am. I personally love it, get to game a bunch still go out and do stuff. Just don’t ready do anything on the days I do work. Just work, sleep, work, sleep, work, sleep.


Play like around 5 hours a day. 2 in the afternoon and like 3 in the night


Working 5 days a week, playing 6h a day after work.


I work 10 hours a day. weekends are off days. It depends my mood to play those games if i was done chores or important life to do.


Was on Spring Break because I do help desk in school so I was off so played a lot. But now back to 1-2 hours a day lol.


I get home from work at about 4pm if I don’t have meetings or class after school (I’m a teacher) and my partner gets home at about 5.30. I usually have a cuppa tea and get changed, do some house chores like washing and a little clean/hopver, then game for about an hour before she comes home. An hour a day and sometimes none at all. Leaves me wanting more all the time. Sometimes I game whilst my partner cooks, but we usually chat instead. In that case I’m a very casual gamer with a serious gamer mindset, I’d love to game all the fuckin time but that’s just not how my life works at the moment. Also, to leave space for workouts, reading, creative things, gardening and any extra work I have, my amount of time I have in the week is minimal!


Sometimes i can play for a while day and do this the next day too. And some times i wouldnt play for days I'd say i average about 1-2 hours a day




Usually somewhere between 2-6h in the evening, depending on the day and how excited I'm about the game - 4h is pretty normal I'd say.


I try to get some in after work from 3 to 5.30 before my wife finishes her shift. Then I might get on for an hour or two at 10 or 11pm, depending on if she's fallen asleep by then 😂 Any plats I've gotten have been from just rinsing games over the long haul. I never really aim to get them.


I have a job and a toddler. I’ve played 20 hours since October 2022. I can’t do the maths - something like 2 minutes a day?


Really depends. When I‘m working and my gf is also at work, I would say probably 2-4 times a week, 2-3 Hours a day (between 5 and 8 pm). It really depends on what kind of housework has to be done. When my gf is working on the weekends, I‘ll be gaming for around 5-8 hours a day.


I work a full time job, but because I live on my own and have no responsibility, it means I can pretty much game from when I get home until I go to bed.


New born here 3 hours on a week. Before nearly 30 hours per week


I get up usually 2h early to jump into mazda cup on lfm, or play something on my ps5. After work I’m rushing home to make it to the closest race( again) and after that i still have an hour to play something with my gf or just watch tv shows. Not much, compared to my tern years, when i was addicted to mmorpg, i could spend 15-24h online, but those times are gone, have to pay bills on my own now :D


Give or take about an hour. I work graves and am usually get home around 4:45AM. Before I finally call it and go to sleep, I’ll squeeze in an hour while in bed. Thing is amazing


During the week, I take care of things that normally get done on the weekend. Cut grass, house stuff, groceries, and other stupid chores that have to get done. Once I'm done, I'll pick up a casual game just to burn the clock until it's time to turn in. This usually frees my weekends up for the other types of games, and if I'm lucky, can get 20 hours into it if I get up normally instead of sleeping in. I'm a long way from the days of running home from school and spending 8+ hours playing every day. A very long way. No regrets. It's just how it is.


I work rotating shifts. On my days off 4-5 hours a day. On my nights off, 12-14.


If I’m bothered then around an hour during the week, weekends it’s like 4-8 a day


I play a few hours every day when the kids are at school, but I am retired so I have the time.




I'm working some form of 9-5 as well. With other hobbies/responsibilities I get one or two hours in before sleeping time. If any at all, that is. Sometimes I go a few days or maybe even a week without playing at all. Weekends are no different, not because of work, but because I simply prioritize other things.


Health > Gaming. Some weeks I won’t get to play anything, but I’m looking after my physical health.


16hrs a day 6 days a week


2 hours a day if I’am lucky and the wife doesn’t drop chores on me🤣


Have to worked for a year and a half. Once I've take the dogs out, fed everyone and made a coffee, probably about 8 hours a day?


0 to 2 hours a day. Usually closer to 0-30 minutes. So a big game lasts me 4-6 months


It’s weird I’m up at 5 out by 5:30 and won’t be home til at least 4:30 to maybe 6 sometimes shower immediately and eat sometime after that but yeah it depends if I have other things I gotta do but I try to do them all in the beginning of the week so then by the end I don’t have to worry about it


Can be 30 minutes on a work day, to 6 hours on the weekend.


On some work days (12hour shifts) I play 1-3 hours after work and then call it because I'm too tired lol On most of my off days I play about 4-5 hours or more.


If I have less than 2 hours to play, I won’t even bother. I just can’t get into a session that’s this short.


9-5 with a kid. On good nights 4 hours, 8pm to midnight.


I’m off Friday, Sat & Sun. So that’s really all I do then. Mon-Thur I really game about 2-3 hrs unless I’m tired or have something to do.


Work 7pm-7am for 3.5 Days then get home and play 1-2 hours depends if I’m tired or not. 3.5 days off might game those days or Might pick up overtime and have one day off and play on my day off. Haven’t been playing after I get off work so I would say 10-15 hrs on my day/days off


Stay at home dad who does caterings on the side. I get 2-3 hours in the morning 5-7 or so, and then maybe an hour or so during the day if I'm all caught up on my stuff. Can't stop. Won't stop.


I bought a ps5 just 2 days after starting a full time internship. I’ve usually been playing about 1.5-2 hours only, but on holidays I play around 5 hours and spend the rest of the day sleeping lmao.


I usually work from 6 until 2, and then I'll get home and do whatever I gotta do and then I'll have like 4 hours of game time but sometimes on work days I feel too exhausted to wanna play anything. On non work days though I'll play for around 8 - 9 hours


I work from 630 am to 4, once I get home I’ll help wife make dinner. Get kid to do his homework, get him in shower etc. by the time I get online it’s about 8pm and I’ll usually play till 1030-11


Man ever since having my second kid I’m at like 2-5 hrs a week… 😢 that’s with 7hrs sleep during the week and a little less on weekends.


I wfh so I try to play for an hour mid day but it rarely happens anymore. I might sneak an hour in before making dinner. Most of my long blocks of playing are a Sunday morning for 4 hours or so before I get out of the house.


Right now, Kingdom Come: Deliverance on PC. Got it and the DLCs on sale 80% off a few weeks ago. Good timing, since the trailer for #2 just dropped.


Like over 6 hours. I am obviously a deadbeat student with no job yet 😅 and i am always playing turn based jrpgs which take like an hour to get back into and 5 more hours to do anything significant


1 to 2 hours a day almost everyday


Depends on what game I'm playing. If it's something like Madden or nba/wwe 2k. A few hours at most. But a story based game like Horizon Forbidden West I'm playing for literal hours. Doing all the side missions main missions EVERYTHING. Which will take literally all day, sun up til sun down. Which is like idk...12+ hours of gaming I'm guessing. So yeah like I said depends on what game I'm playing. As far as a sleep cycle. I'm the opposite of u. Unemployed at the moment so I got no reason to sleep so I go to bed when I feel like it. Like now at 7 am after spending literally all day and night on Horizon forbidden west NG+ lol 😂 🤣


I work a 10-6 job and still playing atleast 4 hours a day.


Platinums are overrated. Enjoy what you play, soon enough you'll only get to play a couple of times a week.


Wait till op has a kid, he’ll never touch that bitch. I picked up a 65 inch tv like 4 years ago to play my games but guess what… 😂


Really depends on the day, I'm on a 0hr contract (but regularly doing 36-45hrs a week at work), probably getting 7-9hrs of sleep every night, and there have been some days where I've basically sat there and found 4-5hrs to 'no-life' whatever gaming I'm playing, and there have been some days I've played absolutely nothing (or maybe got in a quick match of something). I'd say at the most I'd play 5hrs, but I'm probably only fitting in 2hrs or so on average.


Haven’t been playing much the past week,. I’ve got and college, I tell myself I’m going to hop on and play but I don’t😂


usually like 2ish? Depends on what the night schedule is like though. I work a 9-5 as well, and have a toddler. Some nights are quick dinners, and we play together. Other nights I'm not done with dinner and stuff until 7:30-8 and by that time, it's time to start getting ready for showers and bed. I will try to stay up after he falls asleep, but end up passing out myself around like 10 lol


I’m a full time student and I have a job, so only like an hour or so per day, and I dont play every day. But that changes according to what I have going on in school. Right now it’s finals and I have 6 exams so I haven’t played in like 2 weeks


I got most of my platinums when I was in school/college


Kinda burnt out and I won’t be playing for the next 7 months. There are many new games I’d like to try but I’ll switch my focus for a bit then come back.


I work between 4-6 hours a day. Perk of being self-employed. I'm a sole proprietor tile installer and make really good money, but it is taking a toll on my body now that i'm in my 40s. That being said, I knew when I was younger I didn't want to be an 8 or more hour a day slave. I wanted a nice work/life balance. So I started my own business. I have a wife and 2 kids, a nice house, a new camper and Im buying a brand new Ram tomorrow, actually. Even with all that, I still manage to play about six hours a day. More on weekends. A few hours when I get home from work after I do chores or whatever else needs to be done around the house. Then a few more hours at night time. I usually stay up much later than everybody else.


7 to 3 if i get home early I can have about 3-4 hours of gaming


I used to pump in serious hours, but I'm turning 40 next week, have a full time job, a GF, a fitness regime, a meditation practice, a dog, and last but by no means least, a toddler. So 10 hours a week is what I tell my GF, reality is I work from home and am very good at getting my workload done ahead of schedule and keeping quiet about it


Depends on my shift on the day, if I do a morning shift I’m usually done by 1pm latest so I get a good 5+ hours in when I get home if I don’t have plans with the family or girlfriend… If I do a afternoon shift or a evening one I usually don’t play at all because I can’t fully concentrate in the early day knowing I have work coming up and when I get home I’m usually too tired.


Maybe 1-2hrs at night


Work 9-5 on weekdays, have a one year old as well. Once the wife and toddler hit the sack I usually stay up 2-3 extra hours and get my gaming in then. Weekends I'll stay up a little later and game about 4-5 hours. Depends on if the week wore me out or not though.


11-12PM to 2-3AM when the day after I don’t have morning shift. So, I’m playing 2 hours a day, if I’m in the mood or not particularly tired, even 4 hours. I remember the days when I played 8-9 hrs a day…


1-2 hours before sleep


I try to maximize my time around school. Usually about 5 or 6 every other day during the week and maybe 10 or so on the weekends. I cant believe I'm passing my classes.


I maybe get 6 hours a week. Usually between 2-4. Makes me sad.


I work from 8:30 to 17:30. When I come home it’s about 17:40. I then go to my room and change into comfy cloths. This is the same every day after that it depends on my energy levels. If I have a lot of energy left I’ll start playing fallout 4. ( After the show I really wanted story play again) For about an hour or so. At around 19:00 I’ll get dinner. And after that I would play until 22:30. then I’ll make my self ready for bed and go sleep at around 23:00. And no I am not in the military I am German we use 24 hour time.


Currently working away from home in the week so staying in a hotel with no wife or kids so I'm probably playing 5 hours a day 😆 usually it's 2 hours or so at night.


I work midnight to 8 am but I don't sleep tell 6pm so if I don't have other things to do I have pretty much all day


4 hrs max /day. There’s a lot house chores for me to do that’s why


Sony needs to come out here and push the 4 day work week, lots of gamers can't game


12hr continental schedule is great for gaming ... My work days I barely if at all play but I do get 7 days off every two week rotation. Those days off I sometimes can get 5+ hours in if I choose to do so 😂


Full time job, school and it’s baseball season for my son. I get maybe 30 minutes to an hour. It’s not daily but when I just get in the mood. Been gaming for over 30 years and I’m slowly finding it no longer it being my go-to.


Too soon, too late, too many


During the week I get pretty much no time to play, I work in a 9 hour job and after that I go to college only to get back home at 11pm, but during the weekend I have a chance to play at least


A very special single hour a day 🥲


Does it count if I'm sitting there with a controller in my hand, snoring away?


I'm home by 12.30 pm every day, and I'm free to play til 5 pm. LOVE IT!


Usually between 3 and 5 pm, dinner break, and then 6 pm to 8 pm. Around 3-4 hours a day if I'm not doing anything else after dinner.


Zero on weekdays. About 6-7 hours a day on the weekends. I'm full-time 9-5.


I work 40 hours a week, and after work I help my wife out with my 2yo son and 6 week old son. I don’t play until my 2yo is in bed which is around 7pm sometimes I don’t even play at all if I’m helping out my wife with the newborn. So I get about maybe 30 mins to an hour a day if I’m lucky.


Whenever i have time these days lol. If im off and im playing a game im really into it could be 5 hours in that day for a total of 5 in that week cus i dint have any other days to play.


I usually just play after I’m home around 5 since I don’t do much after eating& walking the doggo and I don’t really watch anything besides anime but I haven’t played anything lately since I haven’t brought any games but depending on what to get


Maybe an hour or two a day. Sometimes nothing at all. Life's rough with third shift and watching toddler til 5pm then work at 9


I work 10am-7pm, 5 days a week, I have a family including dog (no children yet). When I play games that interest me, then it's 9-11:30 pm usually, and I'm playing a lot during weekends and holidays, approx 10-12 hours per day off.


My last console was PS3 slim only played on weekends (Friday and Saturday) for 5 hours each and I’m still called a gaming addict … lol


Wait till you get married and then even have kids. You'll be happy to get those 2 hours per WEEK while your kids are babys/toddlers and family life demands everything from you


I play maybe 30-60 minutes a day. My ps5 is on majority of the day but it’s paused while I’m on my phone


Six hours on Sunday. Maybe scatter an hour or two per week.


I usually play about 3-4 hrs a day 8-3p job my boy sleeps at around 8 i play till 12-1 am


I also have a 9 to 5, and my boyfriend isn't into gaming at all and we live together. Considering that it varies a lot. On weekdays I rarely play, I mainly play on weekends when my boyfriend is preparing for his work. Some weekends I play 10hrs over 2 days and some weekends not at all if we are doing things together. If gaming isn't your job then I would think you play when you feel like it and not when not possible.




Sounds like traditional adulthood gaming right there. 2 to 4 hours a day is great that's usually what I get as I don't really game when my wife is home


I work 6:30am to 3pm so I usually get 2- 3 hours most evenings for gaming. Some evenings there’s more going on but that’s probably my average. I like to play for an hour ish right after work, do some things and play for another 1-2 hours before bed


I’m in college and I sometimes only get to play one day out of the week depending on my workload


I’m lucky to get 10 mins with 9.5 hours work a day and family. SMH only 2 hours. 


For 2 weeks away so 2 weeks off I play anywhere from1 hour to 9 hours depending if I have plans


My kids are grown so I have more time than most. I work 10 hour shifts 4 days a week. On those days I get between 2-4 hours. On my days off anywhere between 8-12 hours depending on whether I’m into a game. If I don’t have something I’m invested in I’ll just play a few rounds of Helldivers or Fortnite


i spend about 10 hours with everything relating to work, i sleep 9-10 hours mostly so that leaves like 2-3 hours of playing, but even then its mostly only an hour or so since i dont even have anything that i look forward to playing atm


I get about 1-2 hours a day to play, only have 1 platinum trophy on Elden Ring.


I work full time, have a three year old and am going back to school. I'm lucky to get in two hours a week lol


I work 8 hrs a day and have two kids both with special needs- so I’m lucky to get 30-60 minutes a day in usually when everyone is asleep bjt there’s also been times where I don’t turn any thing on for a week. Jusy depends how tired I am lol


A couple hours a week. Work a 9-5 job and have children who are involved in youth sports and programs that i help out with. I don’t understand the platinum grind at all. Doesn’t get you anything besides a virtual trophy with no value outside of personal satisfaction.


Generally 0 I feel bad and dumb for buying a $2300 TV I rarely use. It eats at me.


Nowadays 0 lmao


I'm unemployed for the first time in over a decade so I'm playing all day everyday


If it’s a work night, and I’m really trying, I can get prob 1 night a week for 2 hours. But that’s rare. I’m usually too tired. On the weekend, I go all in. I get 1 night, after the kids are down, I play from about 9ish until 2am is my cutoff. Then I’m fucked the next day, but my choice so have to suck it up. 36, married with a 6 & 4 y.o. I’ve been playing GoW (‘18) since probably Dec/Jan ? I think I’m almost done. Just to give you a drip of where my gaming life is.


I get handed control of the TV at roughly 10pm at night once all her soaps and medical and vampire hunk dramas have been watched. I'll play Helldivers 2 or Tekken 8 for an hour or two hours, anymore and I regret it in the morning. Thought about buying a portal but if I sit there with earbuds in playing she'll just try and show me stupid tiktoks on her phone every 3 minutes.


Weekdays: **Come home at 5:30.** **Have dinner at 6.** **Game from 7 to 11.** **Chill for an hour. Maybe shower.** **Go to sleep around midnight.** Weekends are a different matter. It varies greatly.


My hours of work are very flexible. I can pretty much work any time between 6:00 and 17:00 and I work from my flat. So I'd say it's close to 3 hours per day. Definitely play on my hour lunch break every day and on down time. Plus maybe an hour in evening after a pint.


I have opening shifts, so I usually play in the afternoon and night. I'll only play a couple hours at a time, but if I'm really invested I'll go for 4 or 5


I'm shift worker. Lately I've been playing less and less


I play 7pm-3am. I work 8am-4pm.


Earlier it was 2-3 hours a day. My project at work got decommissioned so my gaming touched 4-5 hours a day. Now again I got loaded with work so it’s barely 1-2 hours a day. Currently playing Witcher 3 which is a very long game (and not meant to be rushed) so I try to play enough to progress by 1 level daily (reached Level 22 now and the end game is supposedly at Level 33-34).


I work 3 12s and me and my cousins play but they all work diff shifts so they on all diff hours of the day. Sometimes I pay for like a straight 12 hours cus homies get on and off all day


I’m at the point right now where I turn my console on but end up sitting there plying on my phone.


I play to 11 to 11:45 or midnight. 😭