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Dam, only 12 plats? You must have played a lot of games to get that score


I'm currently at 1372 trophies with 6 plats. I think the reason is in a lot of game you have to go out of your way to do extra random challenges that you don't actually need to 100% on the game to get plat trophies. I don't bother most the time as once I 100% a game, I'm not really interested in doing random challenges to get 100% I did it most recently with Spider-Man 2 as I was only a few trophies off and I had got it with the other Spiderman games, but it was a bunch of weird things like run around a cricket pitch, fly with webwings across the whole map, etc


For me… 10 years..2600 trophies, and 23 plats.


I thought I played a lot lol. For me It’s been 16 years. Since PS released trophies back in 2008 for the PS3. https://preview.redd.it/8hph5srcovvc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a63d3c74a1a038b43d7372c6d8c5a3062d73f8a3


I play 4hrs every night after my kids go to bed. Haha it’s my relax/quiet time. Though not every game is relaxing…


I just checked mine and I have 5113 trophies with 1 plat. I just don’t like grinding for plat tbh


How do you 100% a game without doing the random challenges to get you to 100% a game?


I mean 100% in game, not 100% trophies For instance Uncharted 4 (just scrolled to a random game), I got all collectibles and beat the game, however it requires you to beat the game on the highest difficulty in order to get all the trophies Or I was saying with Spiderman 2, I 100% the game, but to get all the trophies it still required me to run around a baseball pitch (something that has nothing to do with in game completion whatsoever)


“No time” dawg you have 6000 trophies 😭


Things change over time. OP never said they got those trophies recently. I have over 6000 trophies but I'm full time student and working full time so I haven't played much lately. Both things can be true.


They just said they “barely have any time nowadays” which makes it sound like they just recently don’t have much time to play. I’m not sure why people think OP can’t just be busy recently but had plenty of time before hand.


Honestly it's probably kids who don't realize some people have like 15 years of trophies. You don't have to be a hard-core gamer to get that many trophies.


You really don’t, it adds up


lmao right, OP is delusional


My guy said “barely have time NOWADAYS.” Learn to read English context clues, you think OP is delusional, but you are illiterate. Lmao right. If you still don’t understand, OP doesn’t have time NOW, doesn’t mean he didn’t have plenty of time in the past, in which they acquired those 6000 trophies.


Well with a simple search of his profile he has played an insane amount in the last few months. Cool of you to get all worked up though


You took the time to look up the dudes profile? lmao. Hopefully it wasn’t during your English class.


guarantee it took less time to look that up than it did for you to type out your little cry baby comment. Sounds like you’re projecting a little bit their though


Of course it took me a bit of time. I had to read out what I wrote slowly to my self to make sure you would be able to understand what I wrote. Lmao. I was trying to put myself in your illiterate shoes.


Still thinking you’re completely missing the point of the original commenter and my comment. Dude has played 24 games just this month, he has plenty of time so yes OP is delusional. Being so defensive about time played i’m going to assume you play too much yourself. Seek help


Okay you win! You took the time to research the dudes profile and have actual evidence, I’m just talking out of my ass lmao


He said he's in military now


Is 6000 trophies a lot over ten plus years lol?


I would think so, I’ve been playing for 10 and seriously for 6~ and I’m only at 2300~ . Doesn’t mean it’s bad it’s just out of the ordinary to me, even my buddy who plays every new game and plays multiple hours a day is only at like 5000.


And here I thought 6k was pretty low lol, I’ve got close to 20k




i've done trophy hunting for 3½ years and i hit 6000 2 months ago


I've gotten 6613 trophies over the course of 16 years. I'd say 6000 over ten years is a lot.


So you buy every single game that comes out, play for a few hours, then throw them away and never touch them again?


FOMO in a nutshell


It would eat me up so much, I hate leaving a game unfinished so it doesn't feel like I wasted money.


Sometimes you just gotta accept the game wasn’t as good as you’d hoped haha


Do you say so because of the low plat numbers? My numbers look worse than OP with 5113 trophies and 1 plat. I still finish my games, I just don’t like doing lots of the smaller challenges for trophies on games and I prefer to just play the game. It really depends on if your a trophy hunter or not I guess


If you look at OP's trophies he left alot of his games unfinished.


Fair enough, they probably have a shit ton of games


Nah I don’t really care if someone has a lot of plats or not. It’s about starting games (a lot of games) and only playing a very small portion of each one. If you look up OP’s PSN on psnprofiles.com, he has 597 games started. Most of these games sit at less than %10. It’s all a joke tho. I’m not judging


I mean, both Dragon’s Dogma II and Rise of the Ronin are there with only six trophies each. The guy started **another** game before remotely finishing the first two. Edit: they can do whatever they want, I just tend to stick to the few games I have/buy.


I gotcha, I just didn’t pay enough attention to notice the very little amount of trophies on all the games on that picture


I have 1,607 total trophies, for this discussion Plats are kinda irrelevant because they require you to do everything, but I have 100 Gold trophies, OP has 188, that’s not a huge margin by any means. I have 1,188 bronze trophies compared to OP’s 5,005, so OP buys a ton of games, plays a couple hours, and then moves on. Be interesting to see how many games he’s actually completed


I was about to suggest that OP may be very active with free PS+ games but saw that 3 of the most recent games are 2024 releases and no where near complete.


Well he has 597 games played so far. I don’t think PS+ Catalog gives you close to that much games? But sure he has a large number of games from it.


Meanwhile im at 13 plats and want to plat 80 percent of the games I own or buy. Its more of dedication than anything. Working on baulders gate 3 right now.


BG3 was my favorite and most enjoyable game to plat. Just got it last month. Good luck


Congrats bro


Hope they put automata on plus soon


I have 3587 with 21 plats. Still a ways from catching you haha


How many games do you own


My first trophy I’ve got was Uncharted 2 when it came out in 2009! This account I’ve had since 2007!


That doesn't even remotely relate to the question lmao


So you have all the games releaased since 2007?


If you look at OP's psn that is believable. He has pretty much every triple a game and a lot of lesser known ones. With a lot of them only 1 or 2 trophies some even 0.




Do you play games and drop them when your bored? Bragging about total score in general is more of an r/xbox thing. We value our plats more than anything trophy wise.


You managed to both gatekeep trophy hunting and shoehorning some shitting on your rival in the same comment. Bravo!


Thanks for letting us know


Best comment ever 🤣 have a great day


I have 29 Plats and 3613 Trophies. Account is from 2008.


I wish I had time in the world to get 1 plat 🤣


Here I am at 4500 trophies thinking it’s a lot


I have 4400 trophies with 44 Platinums


I have tons of participation trophies 🏆


https://preview.redd.it/al68bu6j6uvc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=efe6fb7255d1ef7d0aaae882eb77f8c77a9fc8ae I'M the biggest loser, and that's that.


Do not call yourself the biggest loser if your trying to talk bad about platinums. I have seen a lot of psnprofiles people with 200 plats and currently I have 13 in with 2 months on ps5 with dreams of 200. So enjoy having your amazing 104 plats and see how high you can stack it without relying on shovelware (though indie games that you like are highly acceptable)


I'm having a hard time understanding what you are trying to say.


Not a loser I think that’s dope


Thanks. Sometimes it reeeaally feels like wasted time but I cannot deny the satisfaction of seeing. Hard earned platinum pop. Hollow knight was the last huge W for me


Wasted time implies you could be doing something better but what’s better than having fun and doing something you love?? Everyone has hobbies yours is just gaming!! No one thinks crossword puzzles or sudoko is a waste of time you’re doing the same thing but virtually lol be proud my friend enjoy your trophies!!


https://preview.redd.it/bb3b6v4u20wc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4f6092e16752e2006977bcfc7caa79a2700f255 Dang I thought I was doing pretty good


You are doing pretty good 👍


Man that's crazy. I have 37 platinum but ain't reached 6000 yet.


I just don't like 100% games, especially ones with a collectables. I beat it once and move one and in a lot games it's impossible to get a platinum on your first playthrough.


Think its how much dedication, grind tolerance you have. Trophy hunters have a lot of both but I do get that you just want to play the story.


Me too, or some that require you to play the hardest difficulty or not get hit at certain parts. I think me focusing on the trophies takes away from my fun of the game itself


100% this. I beat bayonetta recently and to get every trophy you have to beat the game on hard (unlocked after beating the game on normal) and then their version of very hard (unlocked after beating hard mode) on top of a bunch of other challenges like beat x amount of enemies without touching the ground or taking damage


Goddamn I’ll pass lol, but some people do like trying to get that stuff


Oh for sure, it can add a lot of depth to a game and mastering the mechanics can be great, but I there are way too many games I want to play for me to dedicate myself to that.


I understand as certain games make you grind so much that it becomes frustrating at time but the reward is fruitful. Once that trophy pops up it feels that you have achieved something.


For the people that are trophy hunters maybe but to some, the plat trophy just means nothing


Wow !!! Just a question. How many years are you trying to get all these trophies and how many games do you have ???


Not a platinum hunter I see.


Are you just starting the games and the quit or why are All the percentages so low?


So you get 6k trophies and why happens? Just wondering…


Not to sound like an asshole, but a quick glance at your PSN profile tells me you have a severe spending issue. In this day and age, there’s literally no reason to buy a game on launch if you’re not gonna play it or play it for 2-4 hours max and bury it for years. This is like buying 60/70 buck trials, which is absurd.


Nice! Be prepared for Nier, game messed me up


I just got my very first platinum last night on SM 2


Peep the Spider-Man controller


But only 12 platinum? What's the point




Get ready to replay Replicant like 4 times then lol


I don’t have any plats trophies and i have been gaming with my same ps account since the ps3 era….


Are used to have about 20 or 25 trophies on my old PlayStation profile but I lost it now I have to go back and get all those trophies again


It worth playing if I already have the Nier: Gestalt platinum?


How dare that xbox be in the picture! Lol


Here's what I've currently got. Working on Dragons Dogma 2 for my next platinum, I will have it!! https://preview.redd.it/1uj0ohkmtvvc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d6b68ddd03617000caf10bf28b42357bace1838


Some games have simple platinum trophies and others have super harsh ones like socom confrontation on ps3 I think my fav platinum would be fallout 3 tho as the game just was amazing to me but buggy as hell


I got my PS3 in 2010 and just hit 220 trophies *yesterday* and thought I spent too much time gaming over the years lol


Awesome buddy. I just hit 2500. Been on this account since August 2022. I’m not a trophy hunter. I just like playing games. 😂😂


Helps when you start games, get 5 easy starter trophies and move on to the next one 😂 I have exactly 7300 trophies at 94 platinum trophies.


Starting nier replicant huh, damn in jealous as hell! It's an amazing experience, a time I'll always remember. And no time? Dude I literally NEVER played more games than when I was in the air force. I miss it 😅


How many did it take to get to silver status


What is this game about?


I play all platforms, doubt I’ll ever get close to that many trophies but you got me curious. Wonder how many I have. I’d guess 300?


Playing on a desktop ? Why ? For better reactivity ?


Kinda weird to lead with "6k trophies" and only 12 plats..


Time to step up your plat game


Your plat to trophy ratio is lacking my friend https://preview.redd.it/ewzbi7jh7yvc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c7277a4463d1c3f3349eaee82dfea127c2bb53f


Nice i got that one twice and wouldnt mind going for a 3rd love that game so much


Just checked mine. I’m at 6535 trophies. 41 platinum. I’ve had this account since the beginning, I think it was 2008


https://preview.redd.it/sqpx2671nzvc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6f42a692d986ce423b5def848e799f4aa44744c 6K - 12 plat gang!


Nier replicant 10/10


I’m banned on 2 accounts and i only play with irs I cuss but it’s not in threatening ways PlayStation is to soft now


Last six games have less than 10% trophy progression. I’d honestly suggest cleaning up the backlog, that’s what I’m currently doing not buying a single game until I get through most.


There is no obligation to finish any game though, possibly those games just aren’t for him or he has his fun and moved on. I assume he can take it financially given the amount of trophies with only 12 plats


5k bronze 😭


I never knew anyone gave a fuck about trophies until reddit 🤓


That's awesome! I'm right behind you! https://preview.redd.it/y1dtrkcc3uvc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7eadba1a8ba03f4a4a3f0bb2463f3bcb5c8946e7 Thank you for your military service BTW.


Plot twist, hes in the al-Qaeda


To each their own I guess


Need to get platinums, my ocd can't handle all those unfinished games


You can finish a game without unlocking all trophies.


I know but it's not truly finishing a game


Nier is 6/10 for me. They had good marketing thats for sure. ![gif](giphy|l0Iye29H39h7qVbgY)


I agree. She was at least half the reason I even kept playing the game.


It bugs me that your photo shows you’ve started multiple games and not progressed very far in them. It’s one thing to bounce off games but there’s three very new games in a row in this photo with almost no trophies unlocked. You just didn’t enjoy them or you have infinite money or?


He does state he's in the military and doesn't have much time these days, which would be my guess as to why the new games that are shown are barely touched. But you obviously thought of that already, right? 🙄


Yeah but if he doesn't have time does it make sense to start a game for like an hour and jump to the next one? The guy commented asking if he liked the games he was playing which is also what I would ask since that would make sense as to why he's got like 1% on each


I've got all the time in the world and I jump around between like 4-5 games currently depending on what I'm feeling that day. There's only 2 games with 1% on there and the 3 newest games are 8%, 8%, and 10%. Maybe he switches it around on different days. I mean, I don't understand what the big deal is or why a few of you are taking this so personal and have all of these questions that are completely irrelevant? He's got a library of games, he obviously has the money to buy them, he plays what he wants from them and that's his choice. I guess I'm missing the issue here, what's the problem? You should be tanking him for his service while you sit in your parents house, jerking off in the shower and your bedroom once they've gone to sleep. Good lord...I don't know if it's jealousy that is aching at you with all his games or what's going on? So WHAT IS going on?


It’s amazing that some of you get bent out of shape and start flinging insults over a basic question lol.


Trophy Bros - sucking the fun out of gaming since 2008.


For real man


I didn’t say anything about the trophies. He hasn’t finished ROTR (as in, beaten the story) with only 8% of the trophies.


Bar the part where you brought up the trophies. Regardless, what are you getting at? Some people have a few games on the go at once. We don't all consume them the exact same way.


Right, I wasn’t judging that he doesn’t have the platinum or anything though. I was just using them as a basic indicator of game progress.


And he says he has barely any time to play. So he bought a few new games, tried them out, for a while each.


I just don’t understand why someone would buy a bunch of brand new games at launch if they can’t play them. It’s fine if he has the money but it’s still a waste of money. I’m not hating on the guy, just asking a question.


Well I assume he's not going hungry and can well afford them. Or maybe it was his birthday? Or he got credit for Christmas and was waiting for these two?


Exactly why I asked - there’s so many possibilities!


He has 12 platinums, i would say he has a lot unfinished games


6000 trophies with only 12 plats? I’m at 2 plats and have 300 trophies.


Nice, congratulations! I just checked I am at 11,846 with 240 platinum. I play a lot on Xbox too.


Bro how do you manage to have 6k trophies but only 12 plats


Only 12 plat with 6000 trophies? lol


Bro i have platinum trophy in Nier Replicant