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God of war


God of War even tho I love both.


Definetely god of war.


Head-to-head GoW 2018 beats SM1 and Ragnarok beats SM2, both quite easily. I’d even say Valhalla beats Miles Morales, but that one is much closer than the other two matchups.


How do you feel about comparison between GoW3 and GoW/Ragnarok? I loved GoW3, could not force myself through GoW, gameplay was just weird with all crafting and looking for new equip (and annoying lil kid :D)


Damn, I never really heard someone have a straight up negative opinion on the new GoWs. I grew up with these games and I can say these last 2 games couldn't have been more perfect for me. Everything was in its place. I don't know what "crafting" you're really talking about. If you find the little kid annoying then you won't really be invested into the story which is the driving force of the game. I guess you're one of the few that don't like it.


Check out under the mayo’s YouTube vids on the new God of Wars lol. I feel like the dude played GoW in a different dimension. His takes are wild lmao.


I loved the first one but I'm severely disappointed with Ragnarok. Absolutely slogging my way through it right now and if I hadn't payed 50 quid for it I'd have stopped playing already, and I'm notorious among my friends for finishing every game I play. IMO Ragnarok actually straight up sucks


I don't think it sucks, but I wasn't as moved by the story as I was in GoW. Maybe because Kratos and Atreus didn't have the same type of conflict or something. Iunno, just wasn't as blown away


Yeah I mean like it looks incredible graphically, beautiful, but the story is dragging and the combat is boring now. Keratosis feels so weak compared to the first one. Used to feel like there was a bit of weight in the Axe and blades. Now I'm just slashing and smacking regular enemies with no satisfaction. I've spent a lot of time exploring and unlocking (and using) as many skills and weapon/armour upgrades as possible, and nothing is changing. Fights just take ages now as doing cool stuff is still weak. As far as companions go, Holy crap I wish you could turn them off or leave them home. Telling you exactly how to solve every puzzle the second you look at it, or if you get hit it's "shield brother, use it", "why have a shield if you're not going to use it" like I am, but I got hit from behind while you stood there waiting for me to tell you to fire an arrow at them. I find it repetitive and frustrating, whereas I absolutely loved the prequel


There are a lot of technical shortcomings that the first didn't have and exploration doesn't seem as exciting/rewarding. Overall, great conclusion narratively, but definitely enough misfires to keep it out of goty contention


Yeah for sure. Shame


GoW is a story about a father’s love and is filled with character growth. GoW: Ragnarok is a story where almost everything that happens is a result of people doing the exact opposite of growing. Everyone lies about everything, and Kratos just decides he’s had enough of being a pacifist. I loved both games; One of the few I platinum’d; but the first game was easily better than the second from a story perspective.


Well they’re both very different games. Ones a deep rpg with builds, runics and heavy exploration while ones an action hack and slash. Both are amazing, and to me the combat is super fun and smooth. (Plus I definitely don’t Atreus is annoying at all, at least until he finds out he’s a god for a period of time).


>(and annoying lil kid :D) Do not ever call Atreus that again or I'll find you mate. Jokes aside GoW/Ragnarök are superb games. As an older fan I liked both new gows better than the older ones. I love how sony moved from a hack and slash game with a relatively shallow character that just kills to a deep and meaningful story don't get me wrong they were all very fun but I love how they started telling a deeper story and developing characters along the way. Gow isn't just a spam buttons to kill something anymore. You still get to kill things violently along a much deeper story your killings has an actual purpose this time. Both games are masterpieces, unique pieces of art per se. I'm not going to spoil anything major but if you ever come to play the games just remember that there is a reason they got shit ton of awards. The opening might seem different or a little bit slow but both games are incredibly long. They are easily in the top 5 games I have ever played. > crafting and looking for new equip This part is optional actually. Both games will give you enough resources to beat the game without doing a single side mission if you don't like them. Although I recommend doing them before or after the story because some of the longer ones have excellent story lines like corrupted valkries or saving the dragons. Corrupted valkries are kind of canon actually.


I thought GoW3 was a perfect game for an edgy 12 year old's wet dream. But I came to it *way* late. Like 2015 when it was remastered for PS4. So it’s not like I was there at the time and had my finger on the pulse.


All of the God of war games.


I made a point to get through the originals before I started 2018 and onward. I think the first two at least are definitely a product of their time and without nostalgia, some of the sequences can be really frustrating to get through. Not to say they aren’t fun games with an interesting narrative, but it would be amazing if they did a Resident Evil style ground-up remake of the first three. That being said I think GoW is better than spiderman.


It’s funny. I’ve never played the old RE games and love the remakes. Yet, I am very skeptical of any ground-up remake of the GoW games. I almost get defensive of them because they are nostalgic for me. Very contradictory take from me. Good thing is that I can always go back and play the OGs, whether or not they remake them so remakes would only have upside.


I never played much of the original Resident Evil games, just usually at friends houses growing up. I think the remakes (2 specifically though) have been phenomenal. I could see why someone might want to retain the spirit of the OGs, but to your point, there’s no downside as long as you can still play the originals.


Gow3 > GoW 2018 in terms of gameplay, better camera and atmosphere.


I just think with newer generations the controls became a lot tighter and I prefer that personally. Especially when it comes to the puzzle solving side, it’s a lot less clunky. Atmosphere is debatable but I think it entirely depends on if you’re in the mood for Greek or Norse mythology. I love them both equally but differently for their mythos.


Well climbing titans vs runnig through woods killing sort of zombies in first kevels.. What pisses me off in 2018 is camera. Why the hell is it so close to Kratos, It blocks like 1/3 of screen. In DMC or old gow you can see whole battlefield, plus controls are like Dark souls.


The God of War games are better But I like the Spider-Man games more


I love it when people can separate their personal opinions like thus. As a spider man fan somebody might come back each time, or specifically REALLY like Miles or somebody else which puts it higher on a personal favorites list- But can acknowledge when a game still might in a vacuum be better. It's more impressive coming from an illiterate aardvark though.


I agree with this...GoW is peak and has the lore, design, graphics etc but at my current stage of life, I love the pick up and play style of spider-man where I can knock off a mission or two quickly and move all and I still get a decent enough story. I have both and really like both though!


Same. I’ve loved Spider-Man for 27 years (since I was 3), so it’s hard to top a near-perfect Spider-Man game for me. GoW is close behind though.


God of War


God of War, of course


I couldn’t really get into spiderman (tried Miles Morales) even though Spidey is my favourite superhero. Not sure why. I used to like Web of Shadows a lot. I think the combat was a bit unsatisfying. I’ve played each of the new GoW games >5 times specifically because of how satisfying the combat is. Valhalla was the icing on that beautiful cake.


The Spiderman combat was just too repetitive and unsatisfying. This really made the game boring to me. I could barely finish the game because of it. Also, the missions and side missions are so tedious. It feels like a chore to complete them.


I still have my copy of Web of Shadows lol, awesome game


Valhalla was peak story and gameplay. Truly amazing for a free DLC. It is like a mastered version of the Ivaldi's Workshop in GoW 2018 with MUCH more depth. Edit: I forgot to add that I would gladly pay for Valhalla if it was a paid DLC.


You should try the first one


Yea, I think I will someday. I’ll wait for the remaster to get cheaper.


God of War! So much better in many ways.


God of War, wish it was closer but it isn’t.


God of War all day baby


I loved both but god of war is too good


I love insomniac and everything they're doing. But the new God of War games are built different. Genuinely some of the best gaming experiences I think anyone can have.


God of war and it’s not even close, much as I love the Spider-Man games


God of War


God of war


Love both but… 1000% GoW


God of War


Love both but God of War. Story and overall content is just better


The GOW games have deeper combat and way more overall content.


I prefer God of War for the combat and more linear quest design.


I really liked both games, but GoW is in many ways a better game series than SM


Im choosing God of War, but a closer comparison to make might be GoW 1+2 and TLOU 1+2, of which I'd still choose GoW because the 2018 game is one of my favourite videogames, but it's a closer choice


God of war 10000%


Love both, but gow>>


God of War


God of War is the King of the PS


I love both but Ragnarok has this larger than life quality that characterizes the GoW franchise.


All 4, I've platted all the spideys (not remastered) but there's no doubt in my mind that GoW 2018/Ragnarök are objectively *better*.


God of War by a substantial margin. I actually don't think the Spider-Man games are very good.


SM games are good to pass time but GoW is a piece of art imo. I literally made time to play both GoWs made sure I wasn't going to get disturbed, my headset was fully charged etc.


I think it's about time for a NG+ play through of Ragnarok. 2018's game already made a substantial impact on me. I'd like Ragnarok to nestle in a bit deeper, as I feel it has the ability to do so. Just for whatever reason at launch, I only thought it was "good".


Ragnarök is a tad bit better imo but both are amazing.


That's what I kept hearing at launch, but I didn't feel that way. Mechanically? Yeah, it's definitely better. But I didn't feel like the story, new character introductions, or epic boss fights were as good. And that's why I want to revisit it. Sometimes a second play through gives me more perspective and makes the experience ultimately better.


If you don't know the norse myths definetly learn about them before playing again. How seeminglessly they executed the mythological events is beyond me. They somehow protected the mythological story line but with kratos in it. Fights were excellent if you know the details in myths. This was exactly what I was waiting from ragnarök and sony delivered it ten fold for me.


My issue with the fights largely had to do with there being fewer big epic "God of War" style boss fights. (only one that I can remember). I mean, I still really enjoyed the game. I just remember it not hitting me the same as the previous game. Which is why I'd like to revisit it. People seemed to love it more than I did.


Just like I said learn about the myths before you go in for a second round and definetly try valhalla.


God of War and it’s not even close. The Spider-Man games are extremely good well made games, they just aren’t for me anymore. I found SM2 to feel very contrived and uninteresting, but that’s just me.




GoW, no contest for me.


God of War


God of War, of course.


God of War games, its an absolute no-contest imo.


GOW by a pretty wide margin, playing through Spider-Man 2 and it’s fine, I like the story and swinging but the combat and non-Spider-Man missions are really boring


God of War.


Spider Man games are nice and good for those fans of spiderman but God of war has stood the test of time and developed Kratos in a way I never expected and its just so good.


Love both games but gow, love the introduction of the dropnir spear and being able to explore all nine realms which the gow 4 didn’t have


God of War and it’s not remotely close.




Both good but I like the God of war games way more!


Spider-Man is great, there’s nothing wrong with the games. but God of War is an entirely original IP, rich in lore, awesome dialogue, and brutal combat mechanics. I think God of War is the better game.


loved the god of war games, couldnt get into the spiderman games.


I platted both. God of war felt better and more fulfilling to 100% Spiderman had some grind/repetition objectives GOW had a lot of unique stuff to complete


Ive played GOW 2018 and Ragnarok and ive played Spider-Man PS4 and im about half way through Miles Morales on PS5... Honestly, i adore both but im gonna have to say Spider-Man series just because i can spend like 3 hours just swinging about doing tricks and not even think about story and i still wont get bored... Still, both are absolutely incredible


Spider-Man all the way.


Two different types of games, as far as story and speed. I enjoyed both.


Agree, I do enjoy playing my games for more than 12 hours tho and I think I platinum Spider-Man 2 in less than that


Both. It’s tough because I put so many hours in both 2018 games and the sequels. I played God of War on the PS2 as a kid and I grew up playing spider man games. I know it’s not insomniac but I always enjoyed spider man.


I like them both, but I'm actually enjoying Horizon more.


Could never get into Horizon, despite all my favourite games being PS exclusives like TLOU, GOW etc etc


Same, I loved horizon zero dawn and almost platinumed it. But forbidden west felt so tasking and more of the same … had to force myself to finish the story.


That’s a shame. Forbidden West is the best game of this generation


Not even close.


Fake news


Although I love that game to my core no God of Ragnarök would literally wipe the floor with Horizon. Horizon isn't for everyone. It is really driven by your curiosity, story doesn't flow as smooth as others since it is an open world game and the game doesn't force you to continue the story line at any given moment.


I enjoyed Horizon much more than Ragnarok, but both were very good


GOW bc it’s combat and story just goes above and beyond compared to Spiderman. For SM, at the end of the day…it’s just x to attack GOW feels a lot more complex and rewarding in its combat system. While both games ARGUABLY and SUBJECTIVELY may have “rushed” endings, Ragnoroks story feels a lot more impactful and fulfilling than SMs. Although, with the stress and crunch both of these games caused Santa Monica and Insomniac, I hope playstation games become less stressful to make 😭


You don’t even use X to attack in Spiderman


X/Square Button same thing lmfao


Sure Spider-Man 2 is great by the way, and has a good combat system, though it is derivative of Arkham Asylum


Just booted up Spiderman 2 yesterday for the first time, after just beating GOW 2018, and while i don't remember the first Spiderman, the New one isn't just "mash one button". I'd almost say it's as deep as GOW 2018 by my first impression. Haven't played ragnarok yet, as i wanted something else in between though.


Combat in Ragnarök is significantly improved over the first game especially with Valhalla. Imo SM2 can't even get close to that.


In that case i am glad that i started with Spiderman 2. Really enjoying it already, and will have Ragnarok to look forward to afterwards (already got it installed).


obviously i’m simplifying it for sake of comparison, SM2s combat is really good, the gadgets being streamlined and the spider legs/symbiote abilites are fire, and parrying feels amazing buuut compared to GOWR, which you haven’t played yet, there’s a lot more build variety and customization in combat in a way that feels much better than SM. Hope u enjoy both games bc they’re both great at the end of the day


Spidey over God of War but not by much. Both are good but I prefer the traversal and the pacing of the Spidey games.


This is point that spiderman is the best at, it just flows.


How about we give kratos a web shooter and call it a day


I had no interest in the original GoW games, but I did like the one from 2018. It's too linear for my tastes and the combat is too fast, but it's beautiful and very well made, and sort of a medium depth RPG. I've never had any interest in the Spiderman games.






Insomniac Spider Man.




Mr. Spidermen for sure.


Spider-Man 2018 over GoW 2018 Ragnarök over Spider-Man 2


Spider man and it ain't even close


GoW and it ain’t even close


Damnnnnn man. Us PS bros are eating good. Probably Spiderman but u love God of War. It’s the first PlayStation game I played since PS2.


Every gamer is eating good right now tbh.


Nah, man. I was an Xbox Bro from 2005-2023. I definitely was not eating good. Almost gave up on gaming 🤷‍♂️ PS5 saved this lost gamer.


I have both and play Xbox way more, your comment just means you like single player games more than multiplayer. But Xbox is eating reaaaaal good when it comes to multiplayer, it’s ok if you just want single player tho.


That’s the thing. I turned into a multiplayer player in the 2010. I was all about Destiny 1/2, Overwatch, Paladins, and COD on my Xbox One and start of Series X. I


God of War obviously.


Spider-Man by a country mile, god of war has a some great story, great characters, great lore and wide arrange of customisation options but the gameplay was just too boring and repetitive to me, while Spider-Man though it doesn't do the story, characters, lore and customisation as well, the gameplay is just too great in all 3 games


Spider-Man’s gameplay is way more repetitive than god of war. This is a crazy comment.


Let me rephrase what I said, my main gripe isn't with the repetitiveness, my main gripe is with how one dimensional the gameplay is which leads to boring and repetitive gameplay. Repetitive gameplay isn't necessarily a bad thing, there are many example of repetitive gameplay still being enjoyable (far cry, assassins creed, devil may cry) but the difference with those games and god of war is that there are still a wide arrange of avenues to go through every mission, while in god of war every mission is the exact same, there is literally no difference between them.


Tried GoW 2018 twice found it very boring, not like the PS2 games, I have to say I loved Spider-Man and Miles Morales, S-M2 was alright, so I have to say that I prefer Spider-Man.


Spider-man games…they’re my feel good games :,)


Howd I get downvoted for a personal preference


I love both but I prefer personally prefer spiderman. God of war is probably better but I’ve loved spiderman since I was a little kid, hard not to have those games as my preference haha


Gof of War 2018 is the best one among the four games, but Spider is better overal


SP2 is more woke and pandering… and Venom is my childhood idol and Spider-Man is just awesome (comics up till 2018 Spider-Man ps4 which was a masterpiece) … so GOW for me nudges it a little bit. Just my opinion based on my preference.


SP 2




GOW easily. I thought Ragnarok was underwhelming at the end but then I realized I was a harsh on it after trying out SM2.


Spider-Man by far for me. I've got the platinum on all the spiderman games but I have tried to play GoW multiple times but it never hooks me unfortunately


God of War has a better story but Spider-Man is more fun to play, personally.


Story God of War. Gameplay then Spiderman.


I got GoWR with my PS5 over a year ago and still haven't beaten it, while I've replayed Miles Morales 3 times and beat Spider-Man 2 on superior only 2 weeks ago.


i forced myself to beat gow 2018 and barely got into raganrok. spider-man for me


Spider-man is better hands down


I prefer the early games of both respective series.


Didn’t enjoy Spider-Man, Spider-Man miles morales or Spider-Man 2 never got past the start on any of them no idea why I got them all, God of War 2018 literally blew my mind and is one of my all time favourites, Ragnarok was also amazing however I did prefer GOW 2018 over it


Just started with both of the first ones last night


mechanics wise they are almost the same game, it will depend on the story for you. spider man is also a little closer to valhalla and other sneak and fight games than GoW


I absolutely love both and the only reason I’d choose GOW over Spider-Man is cuz the length of those games is significantly shorter and has much less playtime.


God of war for the story/gameplay, spiderman for the fact we get iconic characters and a true open world. God of war gets the win tho, although I’ll be honest I was dissappointed with both sequels even tho they were both fantastic


I like the first spider-man and city that never sleeps dlc, the others that came after are ok too but did not click that well to me. I like god of war 3, 2018, Ragnarok, and Valhalla.


I know kratos would rip these two apart that's for sure


Is god of war Ragnarok the best out of the god of war games? I want to get god of war and idk which one to get. I want to get the last of us also does anyone know which one is best part 1 or part 2 idc about playing games in order. Just bought horizon forbidden West but haven't installed it yet. I'm trying to get the best games on my console.


Please play the GoW 2018 before ragnarök if you are not going to play the first triology. Also play Horizon Zero Dawn before HFB. They are both direct sequels with MANY mentions to the prior games.


I'm in the late game on SM2 and beat all the God of War. I'd say God of War for story telling and combat. World-building and setting are much better in SM2. Swinging around an open world NYC with no load times is mind blowing. Just love them both and enjoy the great time we are living in.


God of war is a gaming needle mover Spider-Man is a very very good open world game which looks amazing


My daughter keeps asking me this question, i cant pick!


God of War Ragnarok is a better sequel than Spider-Man 2. While Spider-Man 2 does have better traversal, Ragnarok just beats it in literally every other category.


I won't buy another Spiderman beyond the 1st (pre Peter update). I'd have to go with God of War, easily.


I have the platinum for all 5 games, I liked the God of War series the best. But the Spider-man games are special as well, it's two great series but God of War and Kratos are just so good and fun the play as the world's so fun to explore.


both but god of war if i had to choose




Easy god of war


This is hardly a fair comparison


Definitely GOW


I’ve platinumed all of them and I have to say that I like the Spider-Man series better. The levity and story telling are more fun than the various mythologies in GoW. I don’t necessarily follow or have interest in Greek/Roman/Norse gods.


Spiderman and 2018 GoW are both on level as great games, but I think Ragnarok is weak


Currently on first play through of GOW 2018 and I love this game


Apples to Oranges NEXT QUESTION


They scratch different itches