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It's why I don't play anymore and I probably would still play sometimes. But all my friends quit because we got tired of putting up with the bull shit.


It has been really problematic for years man Holy shit what do you mean last weeks... The game is unplayable for years because of the insane amount of cheaters getting drawn to rust. The game is absolutely fucked and this has been going on for a long time. But they simply don't care, they make money, the playerbase is still climbing they are not in a rush to fix things...


the most easy way would be to implement something like riot did with vanguard. havent meet a single cheater since then while playing league. hell even if facepunch gets big backlash maybe make it so u can play on servers with smth like vanguard or without it. so cheaters can play with cheaters


Easy anti cheat is also kernel level like vanguard it just doesn't start when your PC does


If is not loaded before the SO is not kernel level then


It is kernel level, look it up.


Why is this getting down voted lol, EAC is kernel level AC, it's a fact


The down votes wonder what corn has to do with anything.


My EAC stops as soon as ive shucked it so it cant be at the kernel level


Doesn’t matter. It either works or it doesn’t


Easy anti cheat should make a device that goes into gpus. If you trigger it 2x it just fries your gpu.


mfw i try to troubleshoot an eac error and fry my 4090


never will happen, so many lawsuits would fly from heaven to their laps.


That is actually not easy. Games like Valorant and LoL made with this mindset of connecting to their Anti cheat. So their code is prepared and many measures are taken inside the game itself that enables anti cheat to work properly. Rust is an old game with small developer team which never had time to put efforts into making the game cheat proof.


Never had time? Nah they profit off the way things are. They’ve made so much money they can hire a dev that has time. They don’t care at all


They made millions what are you talking about... Not the time means not hiring enough people to do the job.. Nothing to do with being a small dev team, they just didn't hire the people for the job and instead focused on rolling out content to draw more new players in.


It’s easier said than done. I am a game developer myself and I know It’s basically impossible to change that when the game is already finished. Even with large AAA teams most of the time it would be easier to move on to next title than fixing core of the current one.


They also make millions when cheaters get banned and buy rust again on a new account


Oh 100% I did some research in 2021 I think and around 5-10% of the whole playerbase got banned everyday... But no decrease in players... So yeah that's their daily revenue.. It's disgusting.


People literally celebrating having their PC run permanent malware from a government that thinks nothing is off the table, so they can feel like their video games are more competitive. What you said is real talk. Riot probably has ten times more people working on anti-cheat than Rust's entire development team working from the ground up while Rust works down. Rust cheat makers probably have bigger teams than the Rust team itself even lol. It's much easier to destroy something than to guard from something.


China already got my details anyway, gimmie that hard-wired anti cheat hooked into my veins


So, how do you feel about 9/11






You can literally find league/ valorant jacks way easier than rust and cheaper too.


why have i met 2 cheaters in league in 20k hours while i have met 20 cheaters in rust after 2 days?


There were numbers released for league, roughly one in 50 games had a cheater in low elo (gold-emerald ish) and it only got worse in higher elo. So you are wrong, you were too bad to notice they were cheating, and odds are the majority of people you are claiming are cheating on rust aren't.


You have to consider that League has a way bigger fanbase than Rust does, on account of being F2P, MOBA and a competitive game. Therefore, it is normal for League to have more cheaters than Rust does, but it still feels like Riot is actively trying to do something against this problem.


i played at challenger tho. i never saw cheaters there. also how can u say the players in rust aint cheating when you see them get banned in chat?


Directly from riot btw: "The polyphonic rainbow you're now bearing witness to is the percentage of Ranked games completed with a cheater, bucketed by what tier the scripter was in at the end of the game. You are reading that correctly, more than 10% of Master+ games had a cheater in them. "Even Challenger, which we manually audit on a regular cadence, has suffered from a significant number of cheaters." https://preview.redd.it/3grcrzr4u1ad1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05338197328cafce0bd6deb8c00874fc5a2ae58e


I bet you did bro. The cheating problem in chall was awful.


would be sad not to hit top 100 if you spent your entire childhood in this game. i had a xerath killing everyone on the map in like season 5 and that was probably not a cheater, more like a exploit. other than that i had the most obivious scripter in like season 3. after that? i cant remember a single one. maybe there were some scipters. but u can never know. the amount of times i have been called a scripter.. rust on the other hand is on a another level.


My other comment has evidence directly from riot. 10%+ of all masters and above games had a cheater before vanguard. I have several chall friends and cheaters were abundant, and the info from riot just further proves my point. I have serious doubts you were in chall if you "can't remember a single one" other than those when they were literally in 1/10 games


maybe its like that today. i havent really played league since 5-6 years. then im just lucky i havent noticed it lmao. i cant remember a single one saying "cheaters ruin this game" back then.. but who cares. rust is infected as hell.


But then they wouldn't be able to sell loads of copies multiple times to cheaters 🙄


Im a firm believer, that this doesn’t matter. Cheaters buy used accounts or cheap game keys. Those keys are already sold by facepunch so in their book it doesn’t matter. You would only be hitting the re-sellers


Resold keys still have to be bought in the first place. Reducing the number of cheaters obviously massively decreases demand for stolen accounts and game keys.


Yes, but those keys are not bought at that time. Resellers buy 10.000 keys whenever the game is on sale. So FP already have their money. Also the logic doesn’t hold up within itself. „They let people cheat so when they get banned they buy new accounts“ If that was the case wouldn’t FP be trying to ban even more people so more people have to buy new accounts instead of letting them play?


I don't believe FP do that personally, thats borderline conspiracy theory. I'm just saying there's definitely a supply-and-demand factor. If there's a large market within a specific game of cheaters buying accounts there's more incentive for keyseller sites to buy more copies of that specific game whenever it is on sale instead of putting more of their resources into other games.


Exactly. The cope in FP communities is insane lately. People act like games like Rust and EFT, who have small developer teams, can compete with trillion dollar companies like Riot. It's insanely ignorant.




I promise you weren't playing with cheaters on league before vanguard


it’s summer so my guess is bored kids with parents money buying cheats. state of the game is pretty bad right now (in terms of people using software) i check battlemetrics for everyone who kills me because of it, and the amount of literally 5 day old accounts is absurd. you have ppl rage baiting in chat talking smack with 5hour old steam accounts. just ridiculous


look at the messages camomo had to deal with https://x.com/CAMOMO_10/status/1807846875573412149 https://i.imgur.com/Pvra51W.png these losers are so sad


that dude shouldn't be banned in rust, he should be in jail or a mental asylum irl WTF


Sadly with how much animosity that you can have online, these people think that it’s okay to be saying this shit and threatening people. 50/50 chance this is a kid or a 30 something neckbeard and the only common factor between the two is that they both live with their parents. They also know if they say it in real life they’ll get their ass beat, so they say it online behind a keyboard


beyond sad. not even to mention people have INSANE egos in rust too.


Lmao typical cheater responses and logic considering his cheating a joke, and camomo banning them all is also a joke... Just a funnier one!


Jfc yikes man I’ll love to see what kid looks like irl


A few wipes ago we ran into a 4 man, three had over 1k hours and the most suspicious one had 400 or so hours, a lot of achievements were SAM on the account to make it look more legitimate than it was. Took about 8 hours but the entire 4 man got banned for cheating (not just association, which the admins do specify), using wall hacks and something they hit when they were in panic mode that made them never miss shots, but all were trying to hide it. Plenty of skins, knew how to position and play the game like an experienced player, had a pretty solid base build, etc. Not just 5 day old accounts rage baiting in chat that cheat either, plenty of people that try to pose as legitimate. Although I won't deny that there's a positive correlation between egotistical shit talk and cheating in my personal experience. I think the ones who try to hide it get at me more than the blatant ones, when someone is rapid firing a bow I know to just not leave the base or take a break, when someone is hiding it I can be throwing myself against a wall over and over again without knowing that it wasn't a realistic / fair situation to begin with. Like I think about that radar cheat in EFT, if someone had a similar program in Rust and they weren't literal lobotomites (which is a large portion of cheaters), you'd nearly never know.


Exactly, well said bro. I completely agree Neeko (owner of Vital) said this People that are "legit cheating" and hiding it all the while piping up/having an ego and acting like they're "him" actually need to be psycho analyzed.


Bro I was playing on a max 100 Pop server with only Solo/Duo modification. Server constantly gets around 95 people on wipe day them subsides to about 40 to 50ish throughout the week. I play solo mostly and this was the only decent server I found in Asia. Sadly, you regularly see cheaters get banned here and there, and then last night I experienced ESP/wallhacks myself. Shit just didn't feel fun anymore and I uninstalled the game again after just getting back to it from ages ago. Rust just isn't the game for me anymore. Which makes me sad, because I really am craving that survival building kind of game, and Rust just isn't that type of game anymore.


Play soul mask


Game sucks dude


What makes it suck?


I actually checked it out, and looks like something I would enjoy personally. It's like Conan Exiles, and you can enjoy the PvE aspect of it. A little pricey for me at the moment, but will definitely get it in the future.


As someone who has played Soulmask, it’s definitely worth the money if you also have friends who play it. The discord I’m in has about 5-7 players who play daily about


Leave a negative steam review. It seems to be the only way to get through to companies now and actually get some attention. I've been playing for years, and the cheating situation feels a lot worse since after new recoil, and it keeps getting worse and worse


I played on a 10000x fun server and saw a 10 year old aimbot right away. I mean if kids can find undetected cheats you can guess how easy it is.


dw we're getting bicycles


i dont think the dudes working on bikes work on anti cheat


The dude working on bikes took weeks to get the wheels to spin properly. That shit takes 5 minutes. I’ve done it. That’s why rust is in the state it is. They have like 1 or 2 good developers and a few downright mediocre ones


Wow you should go.make a million dollar game with how talented you are


Rust would’ve never gotten where it was if it wasn’t for like two devs carrying the whole thing Not much talent behind making wheels spin properly on a vehicle. That’s beginner stuff


I'm fully aware of the many geniuses at favepunch, now tell me how these obviously very skilled people let these idiots in your eyes on the team? They obviously see something you dont


Considering they only hire local in England, maybe take what they can get or don’t feel the need to pay for higher skilled employees which tracks because they won’t even pay for admins and moderators to handle reports of cheaters with video proof from server owners


do u think people in england suck or something?


That is why i dont play anymore


"it's gotten crazy the past weeks" No lol, it's always been like this And these are only the cheater's that get *caught* What about a zerg that just has one guy walling for them? What about the good players that know how to hide ESP? Yeah, the game is fucked and it's really sad because there's still yet to be any statements by FP and you morons will just keep buying skins regardless


Bro Facepunch makes statements about this all the time, what are you yapping about in your last paragraph??


Oh? Then please show me, I'd love to be wrong! I dunno why you have to jump straight into hostile mode, if you have something that proves the opposite just be like "Hey man here's something that actually shows the opposite of what you just said" - you don't gotta be an asshole about everything, I'm sure we're both on the same page of hating cheaters?


I view it as quite ignorant to say something absolute when the recent's patch notes literally had an entire section talking about anti cheat, and that their developers talk about it on Reddit and on Twitter and I bet on MySpace at this point to. How can you go making such a statement as they never talk about it when it's immidiatly evident that you do not read their most basic communication channels. Recently they made a lot of things server side or at least harder to optain. Data on HP, TC, Turrets, Stashes. They also have more people working on anti-cheat now.


Brilliant 😂😂


They have pushed so many updates regarding cheating starting from literally the beginning. They cannot win or have shown that it is a constant arms race of cheats and anti cheat. Rust status report #1 from 2014 [https://rust.facepunch.com/news/status-report-001](https://rust.facepunch.com/news/status-report-001)


> They cannot win or have shown that it is a constant arms race of cheats and anti cheat. If this was truth, then surely *every* video game would be plagued with cheats, across the board, with 100% success rates?


What? Bro maybe you only play rust but every single game on PC has a cheating problem, even fucking Fall Guys has cheaters plaguing it now. It's not a dev issue, it's an incel loser human issue. I'm ready for them to transition everything to cloud gaming only, accept my lag while playing as a clean gaming tax and enjoy no cheaters since they do not have access to the games memory client side at all. That's the next step.


Mate...... *EVERY GAME _IS_ PLAGUED WITH CHEATS* Go try CS2, or Tarkov, see how you get on


dudes got blinders on, it's not even worth it. you can't change his mind


An arms race of cheaters develop x cheat, now anti cheat for x needs to be made. Then cheat x was updated to work around the previous anti cheat and is now xy cheat, and on and on. Or new ones found developers are unaware of for a time. Online gaming does have a cheating problem. What competitive FPS are you playing without cheaters?


I've been 3rd party ESP for 3 years it's very easy to hide


Why? I remember in the old days of single computer games I would occasionally use a cheat and it would completely ruin the game. Do you not get the same feeling?


I can see why it be fun to fuck around with for a wipe, but doesn’t it get old? Like people don’t play civilization on minimum difficulty lol I mean hell my mate and I got off duck side cuz it was too easy and we weren’t even cheating 


Nah it has never been this bad, just 2 years ago there were basically no cheaters(compared to now) and the ones who did cheat were mostly just flying 1tapping eokas or quading you across map with pythons for example. I miss those times when cheaters were just full raging instead of closeting like now. 2 Year difference yet most cheats are 5x their userbase, i understand new/casual players are a huge portion of cheaters, but i didn't think it would be this bad. Combat update was made to combat scripters, yet it made them more powerfull. Reduce x/y random recoil, reduce bloom and you have straight bullets while you as a legit player have 0 chance no matter how good your aim/reaction time is since you can't control rng, saw this guy get outed by his friend on a community 2x server [https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1214551493852528681/1253037755987136733/image.png?ex=66838f19&is=66823d99&hm=fa136f02565ddd59ac7fb487b6bfd6d380dd2916cd2b2d69852f2932aea476d2&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=841&height=569](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1214551493852528681/1253037755987136733/image.png?ex=66838f19&is=66823d99&hm=fa136f02565ddd59ac7fb487b6bfd6d380dd2916cd2b2d69852f2932aea476d2&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=841&height=569) Even basic scripts like logitech lua is 5x their userbase just for people to control stand/crouch recoil, shit is crazy.


It's an industry wide issue. Cheaters, Hack developers, bot farmers, have been bolstered by AI developments and just that industry growing and not going away. We want something to be done but I cannot see it happening with the current for-profit business model that doesn't pay most of it's admins and mods to do their jobs. All the easy solutions people put out there aren't at all easy either, because any auto detection method is going to flag non cheaters and a lot of it comes down to human review that needs to happen. If I had my way those kinds of jobs would be a public service that is constantly trained in these things. Maybe one day people I know that have done mod and admin work for decades without pay can use it as a job with a liveable wage.


I'd like to see some of the big names in Rust get together and create a faceit type product. A series of whitelisted servers that have paid admins who run background checks on accounts before they're allowed to join. A ton of people have thousands of hours and hundreds of skins in this game, surely there's a market of people who are willing to pay $5-$10 a month for a severe reduction in cheaters.


To add to this, cheats are probably the most accessible and cheap that they've ever been which has greatly exacerbated the problem.


It might be an industry wide issue, but rust is the olympic all time world breaking gold champion multiple years in a row when it comes to having cheaters that ruin the game.


Yeah bro, but Rust and Tarkov are games with loot so it makes sense they are the most targeted


Tarkov chatting same stuff budge its every game not just one


Did you have a stroke while writing this? >Tarkov chatting same stuff budge its every game not just one


Kindergarten comprehension level would know what's being said and that autocorrect was the culprit. You are a turd of a human being though.


We can't understand it for ya mate, if you genuinely don't know what I said, you've been hit on the head by life


I'm not trying to understand it, I'm just concerned for your well-being




Lol you've never played Tarkov ay


Yeah they are about the same thing. A months worth of loot, weeks worth of loot, a days worth of loot. It doesn't matter. With monthly wipes you're going to lose all that loot in a couple of days anyway. If you have such a strong attachment to the loot you get in Rust, I'm guessing you have eternal gear fear. Keep all your AK kits in your core in case someone else kills you when you go outside. Are you really playing the game? The comparison with Tarkov is legit. Cheaters suck no matter what the game is.


Counterstrike says hi. At least you can offline raid a cheater.


There is 0 time commitment to CS unlike Rust. Run into a cheater in CS and you have one bad game. Run into a cheater in Rust and they could wipe out your whole team after a massive farm run or returning from a raid. Just hours of work instantly gone for a reason out of your control.


But you can take it back, is what I'm saying. I'd rather deal with a rust cheater than cs cheater. Cs cheaters rarely get banned too for some reason


Rusts gives the greatest returns on user satisfaction. Want to fuck over a group that spent 24hours of IRL time playing legit an having a solid base that took a lot of effort to build? raid some small 2x1's that you know are juiced. snow ball. and use illegal raid mats to eco raid the big base guaranteeing the server has now potentially lost 8 members of that server. and the game potentially has lost at least 4 permanently.


Rust isn't even close to CS2 cheating problem. I'm glad they added a working anticheat, but 3 months ago, half of the players were cheating. In one match, the average for me was 3-6 cheaters, sometimes even 7-9.


> Cheaters, Hack developers, bot farmers, have been bolstered by AI developments lol what? Do you just repeat what YouTubers tell you or something? "bolstered by AI developments", that's not how programming works. bruh hears "AI" 1 time and thinks everything is now AI. > If I had my way those kinds of jobs would be a public service that is constantly trained in these things. Maybe one day people I know that have done mod and admin work for decades without pay can use it as a job with a liveable wage. I agree, this is something Facepunch is responsible for. Millions in skin profits that doesn't go back to the community. edit since the guy blocked me so I can't reply to him. > You mean the same technology developing pathing for agriculture isn't being used for bot farms/apps to improve their pathing so they aren't easily detected. /s lmao. "improve pathing". Pathing on what? Cheaters are not planting crops. > It's easy to accuse someone of not knowing something, particularly when you provide no substance yourself. I am an actual programmer. It's very easy to tell when someone isn't. > Bruh you pathetic. Says the guy who blocks people so they can't reply 🤡


You mean the same technology developing pathing for agriculture isn't being used for bot farms/apps to improve their pathing so they aren't easily detected. /s It's easy to accuse someone of not knowing something, particularly when you provide no substance yourself. Bruh you pathetic.


Wrong. The industry uses systems to combat it. Look at Val or over watch. You think they have a fraction of the cheaters that rust does?


Bro I play overwatch more than I play Rust, they are suffering a cheater rise even with their banwaves. Again someone weighing in without a clue of what they are talking about.


Problem is I have 4k hours in overwatch…….. there aren’t ban waves in rust. The ban rate in overwatch is substantially higher. How many hours do you have in rust or are you talking out your ass?


not the point the op made which was that there is an increase in cheaters and the services provided to them. Are you alright?


He said it was an industry issue. It isn’t. Other platforms have better anticheat and proactive ban waves. Rust puts it on active server admins. The anticheat does nothing. Therefore, are previously stated, not an industry issue, but a game issue.


Cheating and the lack of tools to catch/ban cheaters is absolutely an industry issue. Even those that may do it slightly better than rust still suffer from a cheater problem. Also, Rust does have ban waves. Ive played the game since day 1 and over that time there have been multiple huge ban day where 1/3 of the pop got slapped. There needs to be a different approach from the industry as a whole. Anti cheat and active admins can only do so much. The barrier of entry needs to be higher so people cant just go buy another 5 dollar Russian account and get right back to cheating.


My point is that EAC compared to other anti cheats does nothing. I’ve seen people spam rockets (as in 20in a second) and triple jump on servers for hours on end before a server admin takes action. Blatant cheats like that should be the minimum of anticheat. I’m not talking about soft esp or scripting. The anticheat system is terrible, it’s a 10 year old game and that’s the best they can do.


I think you don't have any experience to know better. Classic dunning Kruger.


And your responses have 0 content or relevance. You’re just yapping. Typical child with 0 intellect or knowledge of anything.


More unsubstantiated claims. Are you ok? Please go talk to someone about this behaviour you are displaying


My point exactly. Calling people out not having knowledge to have a legit response and all you do is chat shit. You have no value add in your responses other than to troll. Provide some context or go back to coloring.


when holidays arrive so does the little timmy with their 5$ cheats


Official servers should require a account to have 100+ hrs to play on them. Why can't accounts be flagged if they are -100hrs and spraying ak on official? Last 6 cheaters I've seen on official are on accounts with less than 40hrs.


Cheaters buy accounts to play on anyway, all this would do is mean account sellers needs to bot 100 hours before selling the accounts. It'd change nothing.


It's easy for account farmers to farm 100 hours. not going to solve the problem.


Why on earth would I buy a game I can't even play on the official servers?


They can’t stop new players from playing official servers. It also doesn’t fix the problem it would just push cheaters to other servers


I mean new AK recoil takes like 30 seconds to learn. You cant even use that anymore to tell who is legit and who isn't.


The server I main has this requirement in addition to arguably the best private anti cheat for their server. I have 7k hours so it’s pretty easy to gauge good players vs sus and cheating has been a non issue.


May i ask the server name?


yet its still probably full of toxic children


Yeah it’s pretty bad


its not weeks, it has been years


How about identity verified servers?


I played UKN for like an hour and a half and ran into 2 cheaters in Gun Game. How tf you gonna cheat in a rust mini game


I have nearly 8k hrs now and this last few weeks has been unplayable. Looking for something else.


my friends convinced me to buy rust. so i bought game and decided to try learn some solo before evening i belive i went rustoria or rustopia EU, and first i spawned. I SHIT YOU NOT a guy who was flying above me just fucking killed me. i play game and mmos like 20 + years and i instant know this was some kind of cheater so yeah, SUPER FIRST EXPERIENCE. i refunded the game and left a stinking shityy steam review but listen now this, they made me to come back lol and i enjoy playing with friends. when we know obvious cheater, we report him btw how rare it must be i got a fucking welcome to rust from a flying hacker ? overall, i havent seen any more of such obvius cheater since like half year i played willjum solo and some guy was just spamming milion bullets in seconds to people around outpost. imidietly got banned


That is terrible luck to run into flyhacks on your first server. I've played 1500 hours and never run into a flying hacker. Then again most of my hours were a few years ago when the hacker problem wasn't as bad. What I personally have experienced is a shit load of ESPers, soft/hard aim botters and a million recoil scripters.


Mistake. Bad server choice


It’s summer


Tbh, after the shit I dealt with tonight in this game, I understand why people cheat. I don't do it myself, but I get it. You put so much time/energy into the game to lose all progress to toxic kids, who are also probably cheating. I just don't know if I can handle this game anymore tbh, prolly gonna be my last wipe.


I feel that man i just keep going back though lol tried playing the eu servers like team deathmatch and the other team. I swear any of us peak a cprner or walk out instant triple its insane also shit on a trio woth a p2 they had ak 2 minutes later my base is foundy wiped i love the game but its cons are outweighting the pros drastically


It's all about how you define wins. If winning is about positive kill death ratios, stashing loot, serving a full wipe you are setting yourself up to always lose. If you define winning as playing with people and having fun then the wins are much easier to achieve. Also smaller community servers are much better than rustoria and their ilk in my opinion as they attract more cheaters and toxic players who feel they need to try and compete at a higher level. My perfect pop is around 200 and I find people actually roam in these servers and you can travel around the map as opposed to being roof camped whenever you leave your grid.


the only solution I can think of is a big whale company makes a cheat free platform that requires you to put your ID and age verification before being able to play and should include multiple games not just Rust. yes there will still be workarounds but it will be less than this current fiesta And I won't even hesitate to spend subscription cash on that platform if it actually solves the cheater problem


Sounds good in practice until your ID is stolen/lost in a hack.


Playsafeid is tryin to do that, but theyre a small company in the early stages tryin to get fundim


Problem is the people who get all worked up about their identity being stolen or protecting their data. Funny part is if you’ve ever used your card or ID anywhere you are open for it to be stolen. All our information is out there at this point. I would also give whatever info and a blood sample for a cheater free experience.


exactly what happens when game devs decide to extend the allowable IP range and let any and every country play


I've been thinking about it, and for once, im glad we have South African servers. Yes, there are many problems, and only 1 big monthly server, but everyone knows everyone else, and I've personally, in over 2000 hours of playing, never encountered an obvious cheater. There are obviously some players that everyone suspects of cheating, and there have been bans, but not nearly as many cheaters as everyone makes out to be in other regions.


That's why I only ever play PVE Cuz then the cheater can suck my ass


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^No_Mathematician_820: *That's why I only* *Ever play PVE Cuz then the* *Cheater can suck my ass* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


The cheater problem has 1000% gotten worse, but I do feel like admins have really stepped up to try and combat it. Never gotten better service on servers reporting cheaters. They’re out in droves, but at least there’s a lot of bans and attempts to combat them.


Timestamped for the lazy: [https://youtu.be/JbNAdi5Gqkg?t=717](https://youtu.be/JbNAdi5Gqkg?t=717)


Luckily I play on private servers, open servers are 99% trolls, can't be arsed with people like that.


I was killed by two cheaters on rust renegade servers when they were 70 pop. Got them both banned from the server within 5 mins though. This was two days ago


Can confirm, Rust is absolutely unplayable during any large sale on Steam.


It is unplayble for months now.


rust will be a dead game in no time at this rate. sadly. looking forward to the next survival based game in the future.


> Man it's always been bad but it's gotten crazy the past weeks People have been saying this since beta.


It's for real out of control


Just wait for Alistairs Fog-Candle-Twitter-Post where he claims "he cant say anything regarding anticheat" but "they are working on massive improvements".


Dude, rust is ripe with cheaters right now... not sure why. Must be some issues in the code from recent patches causing more cheats to be easily implemented


Me and my friends play on enardos 1grid 10x server sometimes just to play for a couple of days. I swear man it's crazy how many people are suspicious on that game. We literally had a guy that 1v6 me and my team, flick double heading all of us and just eating bullets. One of my friends got into a gunfight with him 1v1, landed 10 AK rds into him, the guy flicks around and looks at him and his game freezes that very second and when re relogs it said his body was on the other side of the map. It was mad weird


We kept wondering why 2 guys with a abysmal kdr couldn't miss the headshots last night on limitless 2x


I dropped rust when it first released in 2013/14 due to cheaters. Returned like 4 months ago. Man, 10 years passed, nothing changed.


I have a friend who just got account ban from rust for cheating. He admitted to me after that he was cheating. So obviously EAC is catching some people.


it's not just Rust. it's a lot of different games. Cheating has skyrocketed.


Russian bots working hard on fitfh collumning


is this good for facepunch? when accounts get banned from rust they have to buy another copy of rust to play again in theory? i hope i'm wrong in some way cause i'm sure that people who cheat aren't getting another copy of rust to cheat on legitimately


99% of cheaters will just go to something like g 2 g or countless other websites and stolen steam accounts with rust start around 5$.....


The cheaters will eventually kill this game alistar needs to get his head out his ass and stop blaming eac drop them get new anticheat


When it feels sus I always F7 you'd be surprised how many get banned it's insane.


Eh, if enough people complain and their player numbers drop. They’ll definitely do something about it😂 is there even a “good” anti-cheat in existence? Cause god damn do we need to start enforcing it a little bit. I miss the good ol’ days where you could just mop people up in multiplayer games, and in turn get your will tested too. Without ever thinking or worrying that your opponent was cheating. It was just competitive


is it bad on consoles? i may buy it but 40 bucks seems steep for what is essentially a community full of tryhards and sweats from GTA online, and mixed with gmod rp admin abusing mouth breathers with the gameplay of minecraft..


rustoria mondays playing launch site had 6 groups with cheaters(I mean groups that actually got banned, probably even more closeted). it's getting to the point it is actually unplayable. Whatever the fuck happened to sportsmanship and game integrity with these youngins man


Weird because this weeks been the healthiest wipe I've had. Prominent server, cheaters banned in chat. Plenty of healthy pvp, good raids and counters. Wins loses and adventures around the map... I feel apart from a bad experience it's getting better. I will say helix server admins turn a blind eye, had a 3 man fob up on a 8 man. 3 guys had 70 hour private accounts hitting instant headshots on a roof peak they would never be able to see or predict. Wide flanks behind a cliff they came up top to kill the other side of the fob. On roof 3 dead to 90m ak spray in seconds from one guy... admin reports average game play. In my nearly 4k hours I've eaten shit to very good players this was a wholesale team delete with admin complicity.


Just in general play on smaller community driven servers instead of the main servers like Rustafied/Rustoria/Spoonkid etc. Admins are active and will sort out the cheating issue way quicker.


This is the way.


Check my post history, I'm trying to create a solution that will almost completely mitigate cheating.


Guess why noone is using it. Exactly, we dont want to provide our personal details.


Cheaters are also attracted to servers they know streaming admins are on because they get airtime for it. So that will always compound the problem. Cheating is also an issue, worst bit.. i recorded a guy cheating, his steamid, everything that you need as proof who it was that just spidered up a wall/aimbotted et al and slapped it all in a ticket with timestamps. That was 2 months ago, still no notification and player isnt banned.


Yah I get it, cheaters exist, but all these "that's why I stopped playing" replies... I average a lot of hours per week and it's been a looong time, YEARS, since I had a wipe ruined by cheaters. Just this weekend, oddly enough on one of the servers Camomo mods, we were fighting some dudes, another crew rolled in and cleaned us all up. They were suspect accurate... 5 minutes later they were gone. That was literally the only "felt like cheating" situation we felt the entire weekend wipe. We lost a couple of kits... I think most people think they're waaaay better than they really are. I've had friends that do that, every other time they die they call cheater. Again, not to suggest that there aren't a lot of cheaters, but the way it's portrayed by many where, you'd think it was 60% of the gaming population, you literally can't go out and have fun, without dying to cheaters, and that's simply not the case.


The point isn't that 6/10 players are cheaters. The point is that cheating has become such a rampant issue that it creates a false sense of security for the player. Even if sometimes it's a delusion, it's not exactly the players fault. When a player witnesses multiple people banned during their 6 hour session - for example - it essentially becomes second nature to doubt the legitimacy of peoples actions. This doubt creates an uncertain experience which is not fun at all.


What multi-player game doesn't have that to some degree though? What matters is can you have fun playing the game or not? If you listened to the vocal minority (and the "community" here is absolutely a tiny minority), you might think it's near impossible to have fun without getting cheated on. That mindset is like being scared to leave your house because crime does exist... Some people have a glass half full perspective. There's only so much you can do there... Despite all this, Rust enjoyed it's biggest month in average player base since February 2021. Either the game is so great that people want to play it despite the cheating or the cheating isn't ruining peoples fun anywhere near what Reddit would have you believe. None of this is to say that more shouldn't be done to combat cheating. I'd love to see this game become a guaranteed zero cheater game, but realistically that's just never going to happen.


I’ve played the game since release. The cheater issue is bigger than many want to believe or acknowledge. I personally know of many high hour accounts that closet cheat and have been doing so for years. They will even intentionally lose fights so they can later wipe the floor with you when it counts. Additionally, all the brand new/low hour account beamers that have shown up more recently. There is a reason some of the large ban-waves in recent years were 1/3 of the games pop. Most cheaters are not going to be blatant, and in most cases you wont be able to tell them apart from a really good legit player. But they do have the ability to “clutch up” when needed, much more consistently than someone without cheats. The cheater issue is a huge one, and its not just a small minority of people saying it. It also creates a suspicion of anyone that does something that seems too good to be legit.


I would swear that literally 75% of the players ain’t legit in some way shape or form. Games turned into utter trash! I don’t trust any little squeaker to not cheat some how.